The Saddest Day In Wrestling History

Saddest day, there are just so many. First ones that come to mind for me, Kane unmasking. He was my idol growing up lol, he was always the guy that stood out for obvious reasons and had good in ring work, and of course always wanting to see him kick ass was a highlight. But when he unmasked it just wasent the same. Uh storyline wise, Hogan vs. Warrior in WCW, seriously who book that crap? Along with the terrible match between Goldberg and Lesnar at WM20. Orton getting kicked out of Evolution made me mark out and cry, even though he beat one of my favs for the belt it was still a shocker. All of Shane o Mac's jumps scared the hell out of me. Austin turning on the WWF made me cry lol. Austin getting hit by the car. KOTR 98 made kids cry everywhere including me. Shawn's match at WM 14 scared the hell out of me seeing one of my idols practically in tears in the ring really made me think. Hawk falling off the stage in 98. Eddie turning on Rey in 05. NWO almost killing the rock in 02. Flairs last WWE Match. along with dagoldstandard, when pac and kane deformed as a tag. And of course when like Benoit, Eddie, Test, Owen, and more died I cried for days. And just so many more, its amazing to me how much wrestling use to make me cry lol. But anyway great thread. All these posts have really made me reflect.
When Vince McMahon bought WCW.

I was so pissed because no longer would I see Rey Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon... And then, they appear years later in WWE. And although Rey is still here, Ultimo Dragon is gone :(
When Brock Lesnar debuted. I was at military school, and so couldn'twatch every week, but I'd always tune in when I came home. I went back after easter, and I return in the summer to find my all time least favourite wrestler on top of the world. It was almost 6 years before I started to watch WWE television regularly again. That's sad, because until that point, it had been one of the few things that I looked forward to in the school holidays, and it was ruined.
I'd have to say that mine came when I was 9 years old. I went to a Road to Wrestlemania show in Fayetteville NC and one of the matches on the card was Yokozuna vs Macho Man. After the finish, Yoko continuously decided to do his Bonzai Drop on ol Mach. Now, being 9 years old and a huge Macho Man fan, this brought me to tears.... To this day I still catch hell from my best friend who was also in attendance. Every time we have any discussion of wrestling with anyone he has to point out the fact that the opinion is coming from "The pussy who cried when Yoko kept sittin on Macho Man".....
Good topic. I thought about it for a few minutes and oddly enough, both of them involved X-PAC. I remember being at Wrestlemania 15 in Philly at the peak of the attitude era, 14 years old, in complete shock that Triple H had just turned on X-Pac and broke up my favorite stable of all time. I couldn't get over that for weeks.

The second was a couple years later when X-Pac and Kane (who had turned into my fav team by that point) broke up and Tori went with X-pac. God damn you strike at the core of me. hahaha.
There are many sad moments for me...

When Davey Boy landed on Warrior's trapdoor... the injury put him in hospital for 6 months and hastened his death without doubt.

Hearing of Brian Pillman's passing on a PPV, right when his match was supposed to be on.

Hearing of Rick Rude's death, knowing he was due to return for WWE soon after and get a run with Austin for the belt...

Owen letting a stricken Austin roll him up to complete the planned finish, even though the right thing to do was pin Austin.

Storyline wise it was the Rockers Split... probably the first real "holy shit" moment... I'd been watching them since the AWA days (I was really little) and loved that team...
WrestleMania X-7 is the saddest day in wrestling for me. The Rock getting the royal screw job honestly ruined my life at the time (I was 12). Then the next day The Rock left! Horrible time in my life
1) WM17 when Austin & Vince screwed The Rock - The Rock had never defeated Austin up to this point (as far as I can remember anyway) and I thought that this night was gonna belong to The Rock. But Vince came down and helped Austin and The Rock got screwed out of the WWF Title, it wasn't fair :-(

2) Announcing the start of the brand extension - I am always hoping that one day the titles will be unified and all stars can appear on both Raw and SmackDown as I hate the fact that you can only appear on one show a week - feuds seen too rushed at times as a result of this.

3) Kane unmasking - Seriously, it's sad to see at times how one of the best wrestlers from the Attitude Era has fallen so far. Kane used to be unstoppable, now he seems like just another big man.
Mine was when I heard Bret was being released from his WWF contract and was going to WCW

First it meant he was dropping the title (yeah we know what happened next) and second I couldn't imagine the WWF without the Hitman.

I still think Austin vs Bret would have become one of the top 3 feuds of all time in everyone's eyes (and not just mine) given another few years
WrestleMania X-7 is the saddest day in wrestling for me. The Rock getting the royal screw job honestly ruined my life at the time (I was 12). Then the next day The Rock left! Horrible time in my life

Wow, that must have been tough. I mean, gosh, the Rock left? Did you cry? It ruined your life at the time? Perspective, party of one; I'm sorry sir we don't have room for you at this time...

If you're placing Austin over The Rock ahead of moments like Owen's death, the 9/11 special, Flair's farewell, even the Benoit special before the details of his final hours were made public, then you sorely lack any sort of respectable perspective.
The saddest day in wrestling history. To pick one single day is way too difficult since there have been so many. So I'll name a few significant ones in no particular order.

Chris Benoits Death-As the events unfolded it cast wrestling in a very dark light and could very well have been its death knell.

Owen Harts Death- One of the most talked about events in modern wrestling and probably one of the most horrific. A truly defining and heart wrenching moment for any wrestling fan.

The End of WCW and The Monday Night War- When WCW was bought and folded it was a dark dark day. Although towards the end WCW had become a pathetic pile of poo,when Shane showed up it signalled the end of an era that many of us will remember fondly.

WWE's ECW -We all tuned in with high high hopes which soon turned to bitter tears of agony. could it be....this pile of drek can't be our beloved ECW. One by One the jobbers formerly known as the "originals" left and it became a mockery of Paul Heymans dream.

The advent of the "PG" era- Its not really PG, its more like the "G'' era. Where's the gratuitous violence and sexual innuendo we know and love???, where have all the good gimmicks gone??? Why are all the divas so wholesome??? Linda,Linda,Linda your political ambitions are ruining my wrestling......
For me, it was the day WCW was purchased by Vince.

It was the end of the greatest period of wrestling and the emptiness continues till this day because there is no major player to go head to head (TNA are weekend warriors).
What does everybody consider to be the saddest day in wrestling? I don't mean real life sad like Owen or Eddie dying sad. I mean storyline sad. For me personally it was the day Hulk Hogan turned bad and joined the NWO. I remember sitting in my living room and watching Nitro in utter shock and disbeleif. I didn't watch the ppv so i didn't know until monday night. Hogan was every little kids hero. He was always going to save the day and make it right. Almost a super hero(Cena should take notes). After the shock of what happened wore off i was angry they a few i was truly sad for about 3 or 4 days. My hero was the ultimate bad guy who spit in the faces or the kids who worshiped him.

Im interested to hear what everybody thinks of my saddest day in wrestling as well as your saddest days in wrestling.

I completely agree. I think that was about the time I stopped watching wrestling. Now my boy is into it and I am spending more time watching it again...
my personal saddest was the pipers pit when piper beat jimmy snuka with the coconut then proceeded to beat him around the backstage area--that was an awesome feud for me and i was tore up when snuka didnt give piper the beating he had coming to him.
The Raw when Eddie passed away and his video tribute.
When he smiles right at the end of it....
To this day it's tough to look at because all I see is a superstar who went away when he had everything he had worked for for years. How he had reconciled with his family.. man I gotta move onto the next part...

HBK alone in the ring after WM26 loss.
Just so much pure emotion from the fans here to the legend.
I can never forget his long walk back and the ovation he got during.
Saddest storyline has got to be Wrestlemania 7 when Macho Man and Elizabeth got back together. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. People were happy to see them get back together but sad that they were leaving wwf (although it was only for a year. lol) They should have ended that Wrestlemania on that note unfortunately Hogan always had to have the last match even if it meant killing the mood. lol
For me it was the day we all said goodbye to Shawn Michaels. I was sat in tears, so heartbroken because he left, but now i hear he is really enjoying retirement so im now very happy :'D
Mine would have to be when I saw Randy "Macho Man" Savage jump off the top rope with the ring bell onto Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. I really thought he was suffocating on live television with the grasping of his neck and all. He was a hero of mine and I literally thought he was going to die.
for me it was seeing stone cold turn his back on the WWE/F and joining the alliance i grew up a stone cold fan and that hurt to see that happen it was all anybody talked bout the day after at school
I remember when Earthquake squashed Jake's snake, Damian. I remember being so sad.

Jake couldn't do anything about it and Earthquake did his Earthquake butt-bomb/ass buster, lol, finisher on Damian numerous times.

They kept flashing in studio to Sean Mooney and it was right before Earthquake would make contact each time. Mooney kept cringing each time, making it seem worse. That was one from when I was a kid that made me sad.

A moment that has made me sad since I have been an adult is at this passed Wrestlemania. Shawn Michaels retiring was pretty sad. The following night on Raw his moment with the fans and Triple H was sad too.
for me it was seeing stone cold turn his back on the WWE/F and joining the alliance i grew up a stone cold fan and that hurt to see that happen it was all anybody talked bout the day after at school

That is mine too.

But beyond in ring gimmicks, I would say Ric Flair's return to the ring after his WM match AND the tribute on Raw. You just can't come back from that. Mebbe as a manager or something but not as a wrestler.
My “saddest day” in Wrestling history, at the time of the event taking place, was Vengeance 2001. How in the he!!, at the time, can Chris Jericho, regardless of how, beat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night?? At the time, and I must stress this point, at the time, Austin and Rock were my two favorites. I even went as far as to blurt out, “Kurt Angle should have won, if Austin or the Rock were going to lose anyway.” I told everyone and their mothers (and fathers for that matter) that I would never ever watch Pro Wrestling again. Then of course on the next night, on Raw, I just had to take a peak and couldn’t stop. I thought the Rock would beat Jericho in January. No, didn’t happen. I thought Stone Cold would be Jericho in February. No, didn’t happen. Then I started to get into Jericho’s character. It got to the point where I was more p!$$ed that HHH beat Jericho at Mania, thus I became a Jerichoholic…after he lost the Undisputed Titles.
Actually My sadest day was when Austin Joined Vince and turned heel. I was a kid, knew nothing about backstage stuff, loved Austin. It actually was Austin=wrestling. And when he joined vince I froze for at least 10 minutes thinking What? Why? Now while I'm writing it im laughing about how naive I was. I feel like I missed alot not enjoying heel austin (yeh I saw it again years later and enjoyed it)
Bill Lesnar shed a tear once the year of 2004 had ended. Bill Lesnar was also very upset when Goldberg and Brock retired as they were the best in the business. Bill Lesnar didnt enjoy Eddie and benoit dropping their titles either
Bill Lesnar shed a tear once the year of 2004 had ended. Bill Lesnar was also very upset when Goldberg and Brock retired as they were the best in the business. Bill Goldberg didnt enjoy Eddie and benoit dropping their titles either
:lol: First of wow , MR. BILL LESNAR

But on to the subject mine was when I HBK lost at wrestlemania 26 and was forced to retire earlier this year (in the story line ). As a kid HBK was my hero and I just look back on it feeling so shocking , but sad that I will probably never see my favorite wrestler in the ring ever again.

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