The Saddest Day In Wrestling History

yea that was the moment for me as well, i remember i paced out in my yard for like an hour,i kept hulking up,i think i got to the point i almost convinced myself if i trained hard enough i could go get the title back from andre and give it to hogan,,,ah they were the days
For me the saddest day ever was when Ric Flair stepped into the Impact Zone for the first time. Why? Because everything he said in his RAW farewell was all lies. I remember getting so emotional after that final segment. Then he goes and joins the rival company and starts wrestling again even when he had said "I will never wrestle in this ring again!" I lost all respect for him unfortunately
For me personally, I think the saddest day for me was seeing Ric Flair jump to TNA and soil the perfectly good send-off and retirement match he got. To me it just seemed like he slapped in everyone's face and basically proclaimed "Ha, 16 World Titles and being declared one of the best isn't good enough, I need to stick my nose in a company that's barely taking off if going anywhere at all".
That to me was just sad, and seeing all these 45 year old has beens on TNA just fed off the shame.

EDIT - Sorry Gansher I didn't see your post beforehand, but basically I'm just agreeing with whatever you said
I'm going to say Ric Flair's sendoff was the saddest day in wrestling. While it doesnt exactly mean a whole lot now, when it happened, it was the most emotional angle in wrestling. It was so heart-felt, and you could feel the emotion just pouring out of it. As a fan who has been watching wrestling since 1992, I can easily say that I was a fan of Flair at one point or another. I respected everything that he did for the wrestling business, and to see him leave wrestling was a very sad moment. It brought a tear to my eye.
My saddest day in wrestling was a reverse markout moment as well. I had just turned 10 years old and was still new to professional wrestling. However, the man I came to admire in the sport was the icon, Sting. It was Halloween Havoc Havoc '98. Sting was facing Bret Hart in a match I would now bust a nut to. Sadly, at the time, I only knew Bret Hart as the person who ripped Sting's finisher off. I even had arguments with my friends that Hart was Sting without his face paint. But now, they had built up a decent feud that was culminating to Havoc. Unfortunately, the match never happened. Hart attacked Sting with a bat. Sting had started looking badass, too. I've always loved Sting in the red and black face paint (yes, I shat myself when he returned with it on impact.) Also, I've always thought Sting looked better with a goatee. So to have my newfound hero get destroyed was just devastating. We didn't see him again until April at Spring Stampede '99.
This may sound to lame and odd compared to some of the sad stuff you'v people said. I literaly cried when i saw Brock lesnar do a F5 to matt hardy on the entrance ramp. He just was lying on the floor motionless. i thought he was dead. And i went totally ape S*** when he returned
Wrestlemania X7, Stone Cold's heel turn. I was still a mark, and up until then it had been (and is still now) the greatest PPV I had ever seen. I was amping for The Rock/ Stone Cold II. I was a huge Rock mark, and to see him lose the title like that, to no less than Stone Cold, someone I thought would never turn heel, shocked and gutted me.
*great thread,i read almost every post on every page*

1.announcing chris benoit died and then canceling the raw that night.he was one of my fav guys for a long time and i was very upset.

2.ric flairs last wwe match at mania, a room full of grown men was completely silent when the ref counted the 3.

3.owen harts death

4.annd not nearly as serious as the others but when they turned sting into "the crow" and having him rarely on t.v and just hiding in the rafters really bummed me out and made me tune into wwe more, away from the nwa/wcw and the company i grew up on
Mine would be when Kane had to take his mask off. I loved Masked Kane. He was mysterious, beastly, just a total force. It seemed like when he took his mask off, he was just now a big guy. Really ugly, too. He's still my favorite but I miss Masked Kane.
hello fella's hbk farewell speech on raw after wrestlemania is the saddest moment for me and when he said ladies and gents the heartbreak kid has left the building i was almost in tears he will never be replaced and he was the only superstar that was left that could have had a geniune chance of ending the streak
Shawn Michaels and Ric Flairs farewell. Ric Flairs fairwell was great. It was good seeing all the superstars coming down to the ring to pay their respects to Ric Flair. I was expecting the same thing for Shawn Michaels. Shawn probably had something to say about that though. He probably said he didn't want it. It was great seeing Undertaker and Triple H come out and pay their respects to him.

Stone Cold turning heel at WM17 and aligning himself with Triple H the next night on Raw. On Raw I was expecting Stone Cold to come down and give Vince the stunner but he didn't. Then I remember Triple H coming down to the ring during the cage match between Austin and Rock. Then they aligned. Great Heel Turn but never saw it coming.

Stone Cold farewell at WM 25. Awesome seeing Aiustin get one final moment in the ring.
I'd say a few saddest moments for me....

1. HBK's send off...
How can anyone NOT shed a tear?! He worked his azz off in that match the night before in WM26 with Undertaker and he is and has been the epitome of entertainment to me as long as I've been watching, ever since I was little (and I'm going on 31 now.) The song that played during the video memories...the lyrics "The show is over...say goodbye..." Ahh... :icon_cry: Then he gets to tell his wife and kids that he's coming home and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, HBK has left the building.." and he has his moment with HHH, and leaves his glowstix in the shape of an X as a tribute to DX. I was in tears the first time, and watching any replay of that, I still start bawling my eyes out.

2. Matt Hardy turning on Jeff Hardy...
I was shocked when he cost him his title at the PPV Royal Rumble (08 or 09?..I can't recall.) But then all the little times he kept showing up and calling him out on Smackdown. OMG...:wtf: Right after Jeff's house burned down, and his dog died. When Matt showed up with the dog collar that used to belong to Jeff's dog...I was so like thinking "U $%#%, that was like Jeff's kid..." I was so caught up in the emotion, and then when they built up to the WM 25 match with that Decyfer Down song "Crash" that just really captured the emotion and the deceit...I just could feel the empathy.

3. HBK's first farewell speech...
The Tell Me A gets me weepy. Then you top it off with the classic..."I've lost my smile..." I mean...if that doesn't get you..then you have no heart.
The saddest for me was Flair's last match with HBK. I didn't watch it live but the clips I saw the next night were so filled with emotion you would have to be a stone not to be moved by it. When Shawn mouthed the Words "I'm sorry I love you" right before the end a tear came to my eye. Add that to the fact thatFlair was a huge par of what got me interested in the WWE back in '02 and a little part of me died when he lost to Michaels.
I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet (im not reading 14 pages, sorry) but when Zach Gowen was pushed down the flight of stairs by Brock Lesner. Its was an amazing angle when you look back at it, but it was such a shock that it happened, especially the fact that they are two complete different weight classes, and Gowen had/has a noticable handicap. Gowen, even though not many people can remember him, is an insperation, and was when i was watching him rolled down stairs. One of a few times that i stared blankley at my TV Screen...I'm Just Sayin...
Saddest day was when the undertaker was coffined by the Mob of people at the 94 Royal Rumble and he "Died" sniff sniff still gets me. "Death be not proud."
Mine was when Earthquake "squashed" Damien. I remember watching it and just thinking what the inside of that bag looked like. I dont remember who was doing commentary, but they said something about Damien looking like hamburger meat. Now everytime i see raw ground beef, i think of Damien.
I suppose it had to be the episode of WCW Nitro where Arn Anderson gave essentially a retirement speech, and proceeded to offer Curt Henning his 'spot' on the Four Horsemen roster.

One could easily tell it was a very emotional moment for Ric. Who simply stood silent in the background fighting tears as his long time friend stepped aside as "The Enforcer".
I'm a long time HBK mark, so his retirement speech earlier this year was pretty emotional for me. I think he did a great job with that speech, and it was one of the rare "honest, heartfelt" moments in wrestling.
The saddest day in wrestling history to me was watching Sting and Ric Flair close the last WCW Nitro. WCW was the first major promotion I followed, I didn't start watching WWE until the Attitude Era had picked up alot of steam. I knew Vince wasn't going to keep it around and was probably going to put some crappy WWE spin on it.
I would go with either HBK's retirement after WM 26, seeing Austin for the last time ever at WM 25 as he's my fav wrestler or when the Austin vs. McMahon feud ended at Fully Loaded cause it was the greatest feud ever to me, I grew up with it, the Attitude era was hot because of the feud.
It sort of depends on what you mean by "sad."

I could say, "the day Vince McMahon showed up on the WTBS Saturday show in 1984 when it switched from an NWA in-studio show to a WWF 'highlights' show," or, "The end of WrestleMania IX - just when I thought Vince had done something smart and gotten over shoving Hogan down our throats, he puts the WWF title back on him," but if you mean emotionally sad in a strict sense, I would say, Andre's last match - although it wasn't advertised that way, his exit from the ring after the match (even Bobby Heenan noticed it) made it clear that he was hanging up the boots. (It was especially sad as he never got a WWF title run because of a "clean" win - or one that lasted more than five minutes.)

-- Don

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