Happiest Moment in Wrestling

I think my happiest moment in wrestling is probably watching WrestleMania X-7

To my mind, there is simply no better PPV that has ever happened in recent history. It is an absolutely solid card and the Main Event is one of the best turns I have ever seen in my life. At this point, I knew I was a wrestling fan for life and this PPV really solidified that fact to me. The matches were just amazing. You look at the card and I must admit that the Main Event is not my favourite. No, that honour goes to two matches. The first match was Kane vs Big Show vs Raven in the Hardcore Championship match. Sure it was a spot-fest and sure it was clumsy looking at times. However, I loved it. There has never been a match where I had more fun watching what unfolds and at this time, I really bought into Kane being a legitimate wrestling superstar. His win over Raven and more to the point, the way he won was simply brilliant.

The other match that I loved was Triple H and The Undertaker. This match is just the dream and whenever these two guys get put together you know that their is going to be a great match for everyone. That night, I will never forget thinking that his streak was legitimately in doubt and they built that match so well. The way it unfolded was amazing too and it still stands as one of my favourite matches ever.
My happiest moment in wrestling is Wrestlemania 7.

Macho man just lost to the ultimate Warrior, and Scary Sherri turned on Macho. Elizabeth rushed to the ring to save him, and Macho and Elizabeth were together again. He hoisted her up on his shoulders and it just made you feel good

That was a great moment. I always feel that Wrestle Mania VII - and even the entire year coupled with Summer Slam '91 - was of the most underappreciated years in wrestling.

Chris Jericho's E debut was one of my happiest moments... the countdown, the anticipation, the pyros, the drawn out moments of darkness until the name JERICHO light up the TitanTron. Still makes me smile.

I was at Jericho's WWE debut back in '99, sitting right next to the ramp at the All Star Arena. It was the loudest crowd reaction I'd ever heard up to that point - even though EVERYONE in the building knew it was Jericho.

However, the happiest moment in my recent wrestling memory is the WWE return of Hulk Hogan. I was lucky enough to be at that event as well, and that reaction topped Jericho's.

Funny story. I remember telling myself for about a month that I wasn't going to spend money to attend Raw that night, even though it had all but been announced that the NWO would re-debut with the WWE the night before in Milwaukee and would be at the Raw taping in Chicago. Yet, there I was, the day of the event, calling every ticket outlet and everyone I knew to see if I could get a ticket. $100 later, I was sitting about 10 rows up, center-row from the ring with my brothers.

It was chilling to see one of the WWE's biggest name return to the company for the first time in nearly 10 years. There was something about it that seemed to close the door on the Monday Night Wars era, allowing the wrestling world to start a new chapter.
for me here are some of my happiest moments in wrestling:

1. Every WM match Undertaker wins, each one seems to be better than the the last one. I don't think that any other one can top the one he had with HBK though

2. Seeing both HHH and HBK return in 2002 from injuries to feud.

3. Seeing Paul Bearer and the Undertaker reunite
My list is:

Benoit beating HHH at Wrestlemania; say what you want, but it was an emotional win and the fact that two of the "smaller, former WCW" guys won the two most prestigious belts with Eddie and Chris as title holders. It was one of those "little guy wins big" moments.

Bittersweet on this one...the Eddie Guerrero tribute Raw show; his loss was tremendous, but the heart felt, no kayfabe tribute from everyone was astonishing. It just happened, real reactions, and the highlights of his wonderful career brought back so many good memories. It was real, no bullshit.

ECW's One Night Stand; it was said prior, but it was the last of the real ECW...not WWE's watered down version of ECW. For those who saw it live (NOT seen on DVD) got a real earful of how ECW fans HATED Cena. The live chants could never be funnier and raunchier than that night. It was awesome.

Roddy Piper finally coming back from injury to be on "the Flower Shop" with Adrian Adonis; he never looked better and tearing down the set that replaced his Piper's Pit was a classic. It was his face turn and boy was it a long time coming. I'm telling you, before Austin made it cool to be the cheered heel; there was Piper. He never changed his tactics, just opponents.
There's a couple. One was the Hart vs. Austin match. I loved Hart and I completly marked out when he left Austin lying in a pool of his own blood. The other was when Jericho went toe to toe verbally with the rock in his debut. I was a jerichoholic since his days as the lionheart and was just in awe if this historic encounter
my happiest moment as a fan of wrestling was a tie between two things...

1) Lex Luger beating Hollywood Hogan on Nitro in July 1997 for the title. If i remember right this is one of the first times the belt had been back to a WCW superstar in over a year. It was great to see the good guys finally get back at the bad guys.... and my favorite moment ever....

Sting wins the title at Starcade 1997 from Hogan with help from Bret Hart. The following Thunder the title was vacated and Sting spoke for the very first time in over a year. He told JJ Dillion he had no guts, and that he then told Hogan he was a dead man. This brought awesome chills to me and it made me say HERE WE GO.

There are a couple other favorites... watching Hogan turn heel, as he had been a hero for almost 10+ years.
And a tie is between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Beniot winning the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship a month apart.
It HAS to the be return of Bret Hart. WWE has given me so many happy memories, especially growing up, but to see the Hitman step into a WWE ring again after what this legend has gone through put a smile on my face. I was not only happy to see the Hitman again, but i was also equally happy FOR Bret Hart the person. He went through so much, and you could tell it was a very emotional night for him.

I've been watching wrestling since 1995, and when Bret's music hit on January 4th, 2010.... I literally had goosebumps.

What a great day to be a wrestling fan.
One moment that comes to mind was the Hollywood Hogan/Rock match at Wrestlemania 18. It was just mindblowing that Hogan (who was supposed to be heel) was getting cheered louder than ever and a helluva lot more than the Rock. That was one of those matches where you are on the edge of your seat the whole time, and is still one of my faves.

Speaking of edge of my seat, another one of the happiest/best matches I have ever seen was Taker Shawn from alst year's WM. Crazy crazy match, where I thought that Undertaker would win, but was questioning it legitly throughout.
This one is way too simple for me! For as long as i can remember i have been a fan of wrestling, perhaps even obsessively. During all my fandom i was always a great fan of the Hart Foundation and was always just so enamored at the way Bret Hart worked the ring. I can honestly say he was one of my first and definitely my favorite heroes as a child. I remember watching WWF superstars in 1992, i was 12 years old, and Mean Gene Okerlund pops up on screen during one of those news segments they used to do and with a picture of Bret Hart holding the WWF championship high in the air next to him he exclaimed "...Ladies and Gentlemen! There is a NEW WWF champion!..." I completely lost my mind, running and screaming, hootin' and hollerin' all over the apartment complex where we lived in Houston Texas. It was absolutely such a great moment for me as my hero had finally reached the top of the mountain! I will never ever forget that moment. It wasn't until many, many, many years later on the internet that i would actually get to see the match, and it was like it happened all over again. However the vision in my head of Mean Gene with the first picture i ever saw of Bret Hart holding the WWF championship still makes me smile to this day!
Happiest moment... Edge cashing in the MITB-briefcase and beat Cena for the WWE title. I was so fed up with Superman Cena. And Edge deserved it. I was like... yessssssssss he's going to lose the belt in the chamber, but then he retained, I was like :wtf: :disappointed: :banghead:

But when McMahon made the appearance and Edge followed... man I was really happy :)

Although I don't like Cena, I respect him for his working ethics :worship:
It was the end of WM 20 but that got somewhat ruined...No Way Out 2003 was special to me cause atm I was just getting back into Wrestling and it was my 1st PPV I ordered in a long while. And especially for the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin after all that "dropping the ball shit" Then again I would also say WM 7 as it was my 1st PPV ever. Yeah I was a Hulkamaniac and even had a mini flag lol.
After being am unregistered stalker for years, I finally join tonight to comment on this topic. Why nobody has mentioned my #1 happiest moment yet is beyond me, and a few of my other happy moments have been mentioned already so I will get straight to it.

My all time favorite moment in pro wrestling history is Mick Foley beating The Rock for the WWE championship on Raw. I was tense during the entire match because I was a huge Foley fan and an avid Rock hater. I screamed out loud and jumped up for joy at the outcome, and felt as if I were actually there in the ring celebrating with Foley as DX came down to congratulate him.

Another good one, which is one that has been mentioned, is Goldberg beating Hollywood Hogan on Nitro to become the WCW champ after first beating Scott Hall the hour before.

For some reason, I don't know why, I ws extremely happy to see Randy Orton win the battle royal back in June 2004 to become the number 1 contender. I liked Orton as a mid carder in Evolution, but I didn't really think he was ready to win the title, especially winning it in a match against a dominant champ like Benoit was. Regardless to say, I am not a fan of the Age of Orton.

Another honorable mention is my first official "live" PPV experience. WCW Uncensored '99. Not a totally awesome event, but man was I hyped for it! Rey Mysterio lost his mask that night in a match with Kevin Nash, Saturn came to the ring to Marylin Manson music wearing his dress, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko became Tag champs, and Ric Flair makes history by beating Hogan in a First Blood match where Flair himself is the first one to bleed. Damn Lil' Naitch!

My first real 'Hulkamania' expirience deserves mention too. It comes terribly late in the game, and I have to set it up by saying that while I respected Hogan, the contributions he's made to pro wrestling and ultimately understand the whole of Hulkimania, I never actually got into it. Until Wrestlemania 18. The crowd was incredibly HOT for Hogan, and I was surprised that he made The Rock's fans turn against him lol.
Ive been watching wrestling since the days of Hogan and JYD battling Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff. Lots of happy memories, however, the happiest moment for me was when edge showed up in the motorcycle helmet and speared cena, allowing my favorite, rvd, to win the wwe title. The whole atmosphere of that match, the crowd going crazy for rvd, and the sign reading, if cena wins we riot, were some of the best memories i have of a wrestling ppv.
A close second would be the night Hall showed up on Nitro and cut his promo about if you want a war, you got a war...still gives me chills watching it. And back then i had no idea it would spark the monday night wars, but at the time i marked out for sure.
Another one would have to be HHH returning at MSG. The crowd was so into his return. We tend to forget what a great worker the game was back in those days.
One more, when jericho won the title on raw. Only to have the decision overturned a few seconds later...i was so happy when y2j got that 3 count.
happiest moment also is when undertaker faced hbk at wrestlemania25... it kept me on the edge the whole time... i have to say i witnessed one of the greatest matches... i personally dont want them to face off again...ever. at least at wrestlemania. damm its a lot of happy moments... edge winning his 1st world title... another personal favorite... when paul heyman put vince mcmahon in his place on smackdown before survivor series...
"wwe needs paul heyman"
My moment...Watching the first Eddie/Dean match in ECW!!
It was wrestling at its finest,you knew that these two were just scratching the surface of what they could do!
I'm sure I won't be the last person to say this, but I think my happiest moment in wrestling was this past monday when Bret Hart made his return and became friends again with HBK. That was a really special moment because they had many issues in real life before the screwjob even happened and were able to be friends again. Being able to put differences aside and forgive one another is a difficult thing to do, but they were able to and it was great. This moment was over 12 years in the making and so many people thought they would never see it happen.
No brainer for me. Of all the great moments in pro wrestling it was Benoit winning the Royal Rumble. I literally jumped off the couch & yelled in excitement w/ my buddies. For we KNEW after all the years of hard work he WOULD win the title at mania.
my happiest moment was every time ric flair lost, i respect the man but i never liked him.

the day the NWO formed, just to see hogan be a bad guy was something fresh and new.

when eddie guerrero won his first title

any time rock and austin got on the mic that was just magical
I agree with ashe draven. When Benoit won the Royal Rumble and got the title shot he really deserved at WrestleMania 20. I'd like to add after he won the Heavyweight belt, Eddie Guerrero coming out with his WWE Champion belt and celebrating with him made it the best WrestleMania moment EVER!!!
I gotta admit, I got really sucked into the feud between Andre the Giant and the then existing Heenan Family; Ken Patera and Big John Studd. Lord knows I was pissed as hell when Patera and Studd knocked the big guy out and cut his hair and then pranced around bragging and boasting.(yeah, those two guys knew how to draw heat!). I guess that's why I was never happier than when Andre the Giant bodyslammed Big John Studd at WM1 to preserve his career and continue wrestling(the storyline was that ATG would have to retire if he would be unable to slam Studd). I know that it seems laughable now that it wouldn't happen, but at that point, Studd was being pushed as a monster heel, and Andre was no longer the performer he had once been, so I know I remember thinking at the time that ATG might be ready to go down.All in all it was a great culmination to a feud that was well portrayed and carried out. Thanks for the opportunity to post.
Mine would have to be Steve Austin winning his first WWF championship at Mania 14. Unfortunately, the match was a bit underwhelming with Shawn being hurt, and for some terrible, unknown reason, Mike Tyson was involved. I had watched Austin since his days in WCW with Brian Pillman, and had hoped that his singles career would have gone further. Then with him and DiBiase, I was once again hoping he would take off.

I watched him chase the belt for quite a while, having to win two royal rumbles to finally get the belt. It was amazing, and it was a long time coming if you ask me.

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