Happiest Moment in Wrestling

The Rock winning the title from HHH at backlash. I was a kid at this time and i remember that everyone wanted the rock to get the title after being screwed over and over by HHH and his crew. Then at backlash he finally won the title and it was great and a happy moment i remember going school the next day and everyone was going crazy about the rock winning the title and also the stone cold return. A great and happy moment. Also a great time to be a wrestling fan.
i actually have a few:
-orton winning at summerslam
dis is wen i first started watching wrestling and it was great as it was in toronto and he wrestled benoit (another great wrestler)

-edge beating cena at new year's rev.
i thought cena would finally lose the title at the elimination chamber but he didnt.. den edge saved the day!

-mysterio winning the world title at wm22 (i was young and a big mysterio fan at the time)

-orton beating hhh in the 3rd wwe title match at no mercy 2007
wen orton lost 2 hhh in the opening match... i was pissed
den he won it bak and ushered in the Age of Orton
My favorite moment had to have been this past Monday when Bret "The Hitman" Hart walked out into a WWE ring for the first time in twelve years. He was always my favorite wrestler. Which sort of ties into my saddest moment which was when he left WWE for WCW. He was and will always be a WWE guy. So for him to come back, his music (slightly modified) playing, the fireworks. I tell you I had goosebumps the size of Texas. And when he and HBK were in the ring. That will probably go down as one of the greatest moments in wrestling history. I'm so glad to see Bret back. If only for a little bit...
For me it was when Lex Luger beat Hollywood Hogan for the title on an eposide of Nitro. WCW finally after such a long fight got the title away from the NWO. I was about 14 at the time n when Hogan gave up in the torture rack i jumped up n freaked out like a little girl.
I am the biggest aj styles mark in the world. i styles clash my cat for fun...so naturally when aj won the title in the 4 way a few months ago was the happiest moment for me. im searching my thoughts for wwe moments and theres a few rock moments in there....but for goodness sakes when sting jumped onto morgan on the outside and aj was just standing on the apron with kurt laying in the middle..i never screamed JUST DO IT so loudly. then Aj hit the 450 splash and when the ref's hand hit for the 3rd count i LITERALLY began screaming and spazzing out. i crawled under my couch and managed to bruise my elbows in the process of spazzing....at the time aj fuckin deserved it. he had been in title matches and just never took it. all those BS fueds and aj with the crown on being kurt and christians bitch....for gods sake when aj switched back to bad ass aj and tossed that crown aside would probably be moment #2 for me but yea when he won that title.....it was THE HAPPIEST MOMENT FOR ME IN WRESTLING HISTORY....period. aj 4 life...if i met him i'd asked to be clashed just to say i was styles clashed once. on the concrete i dont care.....
I have to say when Macho Man got beat by the Ultimate Warrior at WM 7 and was attached by Sherri. You felt awful for the guy, then all of the sudden Elizabeth snapped. There was not a dry eye in the place...and besides there was the dude with the weird yellow hat crying his eyes out. That'll crack anyone up.
Ok, I said that my saddest was when Bob Backlund lost to the Iron Sheik, So its only fitting that the happiest was the Birth of Hulkamania, when Hogan beat the Iron Sheik for the belt, I remember screaming and jumping up and down on the couch for Hogans win. But then as time went by I realized how much of a cancer Hogan was and couldnt wait to see him lose!!!!
Yes Hogan was the biggest name and draw in history but he is also the biggest cancer in history as well!
I have to say that my happiest moment was when the Ultimate Warrior beat Hogan for the belt. That was so awesome at the time. The other great moment was when Goldberg beat Hogan for the belt on WCW. Both of those were so awesome at the time they happened.
The happiest I have been as a wrestling fan was when Triple H returned in 2002. I had been anticipating it for months since he got injured. I watched all of Raw that night and I really didn't care a lick about it. I was just waiting for Triple H to come out. The entire night, I didn't pay attention to Raw, just waited for Triple H.

And when his music hit, it was epic. The biggest pop I can remember since I became a wrestling fan. And I was so pumped that he was finally back, and all the waiting was finally worth it.
Summerslam 2000. Bit weird, but I'd have to say when Jerry Lawler beat Tazz. I couldn't believe that Tazz had the audacity to go and pick on The King! I looked at him like someone's drunken pervy uncle, who was absolutely harmless. I didn't really give him a chance of winning against the Human Wrecking Machine, and sure enough things didn't start to well, suplex after suplex, then the Tazzmission was applied, surely it's over. Then BAM, good ol' JR smashes Tazz over the head with some random glass jar! Amazing, I remember dancing around my living room like a complete idiot (I was only 12).

Then after that it was Shane McMahon vs Steve Blackman. Where Shane leaped from the steel structure. I remember me and my friends saying he jumped from like 100 metres, looking back now it wasn't quite that high... But still it was a great event.
I want my favorite moment to be WrestleMania VII when Randy Savage and Elizabeth reunited, but Savage had just lost a career match to the Ultimate Warrior so I didn't know what was going to happen to Savage, one of my favorites..so I can't go with that one.

My favorite moment involves my all-time favorite wrestler, Bret Hart. It wasn't last Monday, though that was definitely special and high on my list. I'm going back to when Bret was actually a heel (he was still my favorite despite the turn) and he reunited with Owen. I was so excited not only for storyline purposes, but because I knew it had to feel great for the two of them to be in the same stable and work together every week.

The Hart Foundation was my favorite stable of all-time after Bret and Jim Neidhart had been my favorite tag team of all-time, and it felt good that they were all joining forces. I didn't like it that they bashed America every chance they got, but it was their gimmick and sadly there was some truth to the bashing. I wish the Harts had been allowed to run longer in WWE, but unfortunately that was not the case.
The Rock-Mankind wars in 98-99. They beat the absolute hell out of each other and took the attitude era to new heights. I loved the story-telling from KOTR 98 to WM 15 (except for McMahon winning the Rumble and road dogg and billy gunn swapping titles and wrestlemania matches, for it made no sense). From the Rock's surprise corporate turn to the ridiculous 20+ chair shots, to last man standing and a ladder match, that feud was awesome. That was a central feud smack in the middle of wrestling's greatest era.
Mine is defo benoit at mania xx..it was emotional as well as exciting seeing eddie comin out getting in the ring.Benoit word champ eddie wwe champ..they hugged and cried as if to say "we did it,we are at the top together" well thats my happiest moment.
Even though I knew the outcome years later, I was happy to see Hulk Hogan body slam Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3. That was great along with Shawn Michaels finally becoming WWF champion at WM12. Another great moment was seeing Randy Savage win the WWF championship from Ric Flair at Wrestle Mania. Then he let Mrs. Elizabeth come in the ring and hoisted her on his shoulders. Also Stone Cold giving Vince McMahon his first stunner.

This may sound cheesy but last Monday was probably my happiest moment in wrestling in a long time. To finally be excited once again on a Monday night, flipping the channels to watch 2 wrestling shows made me feel happy like old times.
i would have to agree with hulkster for life, wrestlemania 9 was my happiest moment my dad had just passed away and we here huge hogan fans and when he came out and one the strap i marked out big time! my second would have to be when stone cold emerged as scsa and started the attitude era
Where do I begin?? Anytime Cena loses or gets injured I tend to thank the skies above. LOL. But I did bow down when Cage made his early return to the EECEE-DUB and interrupted 'THWAGGER's TH-PEECH' LOL :worship: Another big moment was his first ECW championship title win...that was AMAZING!!! :lol2: I must admit...I was pretty darn happy to see Jericho back and interrupting Orton's speech when he made he re-debut..the greatness of Y2J. The old hilarity of Raw is Jericho. :lmao: Basically I did mark out when Edge appeared as the camera man during Survivor Series and cost Batista vs Taker was pretty dang cool... :wtf:
Sweet topic. I don't really know where to start. Anytime The Rock "returns" is always a happy moment. Also when Angle beat Austin back in 2000 or 2001 in his home town of Pittsburgh and had his whole family in the ring after he won.

But the happiest moment in wrestling history has to be Benoit at Mania. Say what you want about him, you can't deny how happy that moment was.
This is easy. July, 1998 for Fully Loaded. Sable in her "bikini." (I was hardly a teenager).

Otherwise I'd have to say when i watched Stone Cold throw "The Rock's" IC Belt into a river/lake. I hated the Rock (he was a really good heel), and his reaction was priceless. I thought he was so pissed off, that I was happy he got what he deserved.

More recently, CM Punk winning the belt on Raw in 2008. I was happy on two fronts... 1.) Punk won, and 2.) There was an actual title change on Raw (One of the two major titles hadn't changed hands on Raw in several years at that point if memory serves me right).
Wow, I guess Im the old guy here. My early happy moments come back to the 80s, when I was a kid.

1. When the Road Warriors beat The Crusher and Baron Von Raschke for the AWA tag titles in 85. Loved the way, Ironman started and the Road Warriors stormed the ring soon as the music picked up. Awesome to see live.

2. Starcade 86. when the Rock N Roll express beat Tully and Arn in a steel cage.

3. Kerry Von Erich taking the high road against Ric Flair. The Fabulous Freebirds helped Kerry to win the match, but he refused to take their help and said that he didn't want to win by cheating. Terry Gordy slammed the cage door on Kerry's head, which led to Flair winning the match and retaining the title. This culminated in a historic feud between the Von Erichs and the Freebirds that lasted for over five years
So many to choose from so I'll go with the most recent. It has to be this past monday. It was like a wrestling fans dream to have the wars on for at least one night only. Hope it's not the last time!!
The happiest moment for me, and I've probably said this more than enough times, was when Eddie Guerrero beat Brock Lesnar at No Way Out 2004 for the WWE Championship. I watched him ever since he was on WCW and he was always my favorite. To see him get to the top of the mountain was a glorious sight to see.

Also, seeing Benoit win the WHC at WrestleMania XX. The celebration between both Eddie and Benoit was awesome.

Dang, I'm on a roll. Probably the 3rd happiest moment was seeing Rey Mysterio win the WHC at WM22. Not only because I knew he won the Championship in memory of Eddie, but because like Eddie I had also followed Rey's career since WCW as well and to see the little man win the Title was awesome.
where to start where to start..
the happiest moment for me is a tie between WM12 where shawn Michaels finally wins the title. a great match with a great finish. and WM25, I was there, it was my first time attending a wrestlemania and hopefully not my last. the best 4 hours of wrestling I've expierenced ever.
also seeing dx reunite back in '06 was cool too.
also seeing shawn michaels return to the ring at summerslam 2002 and him winning the title at survivor seires a few months later.
the happiest moment in wrestling without a dout would have to be this past monday when the greatest wrestler and entertainer of all time hulkamania returned and showed the world hulkamania would live for ever indeed. it was amazing to see how the hulkster can still make the crowd eat out of his hand and that hulkamnia will never die hogan is still as great as he ever was like the tna fans was chanting who needs brett
I'm very glad many have mentioned Savage and Miss Elizabeth reuniting at WrestleMania. After a fantastic match between the Warrior and Savage the ending was just tear-jerking. So that is one of the all time great moments in history, it played so perfect.

Chris Jericho's E debut was one of my happiest moments... the countdown, the anticipation, the pyros, the drawn out moments of darkness until the name JERICHO light up the TitanTron. Still makes me smile.

Edge defeating Cena at NYR. Even though i dont think it played out as dramatic as it should have been. It was great to still be shocked in this day in time. I still dont like Vince McMahon coming out and spoiling the surprise by saying Edge was turning in Money in the Bank... Then Edge's music and entrance. Wrongly, Vince didnt have faith in the fans, that they would understand what was happening.

Lastly at WCW uncensored 1997, when Sting finally choose sides. Repelling down into the ring after the NWO had just won the Main Event.... and single-handedly took out Hall, Nash, Savage and Hogan. It was 6 months in the making at that point, and i remember losing faith that Sting would show up that night... making it a very happy moment.

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