The Saddest Day In WWE

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What was the saddest day in WWE?

  • Owen Hart Tribute Show

  • Eddie Guerrero Tribute Show

  • Other

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eddies death to me cuz when owen died i didnt really watch i was a kid and
owens really g\could have been avoided but eddie was way wurst bcuz it happened out of nowhere where owens was to as it happend during a show so they are tied
those who are picking eddie had to have not watched wrestling when owen died it happened on a sunday at a wrestling event then raw was the next day he was doing his job when he died unlike eddie who may have brought some of it on himself
Both deaths were really tragic but I would have to say Owens was sadder because he died trying to do something great for his fans and he died doing what he loved.
i think eddie guerrero's death was the saddest i didn't even know owen cause i didn't get into wrestling till 2004 and the 1st person i saw when i 1st watched it was eddie guerrero and i saw when he and chavo stoll kurt angle's picture and gold metals and i laughed and said that will be my favorite wrestler and when i saw RAW on that night he died i couldn't even belive it and thought he was doing some lying cheating and stealing again but it was for real and i cried that night i went to bed

its really tough to decide because both died too young, but for myself it was when eddie died because he had escaped his problems with substance abuse..only to have it still play a part in his death...two other people close to me have past away that way..and i really loved eddie because i had had problems with substance abuse myself.. i have never cried that much for someone i didnt kno personally.. RIP Eddie.. i will never forget u.. RIP shall u never be forgotten
Both deaths were sad. I was more shocked when Eddie died because he died just a few days after SmackDown! aired. I still think about that to this day.
Agreed. I remember I was reading something about how Owen Hart always saved his money so he could retire early and spend time with his family- that made my cry. It's sad when any wrestler at such a young age dies.

Flames Out
Watching the Owen tribute had to be one of the most difficult thing to watch. I think that if it wasn't for Brett and Martha, stu, and Helen, Vince would have used Owen's death like he's using Eddie's death. On top of that Vince was sued, so that would have drawn more attention to the lawsuit. But anyways the wrestlers' tributes were so genuine as were Eddie's but it was something about Owen that made it more sad for me. It might have been my age, or the fact it happened to my favorite wrestler at the time during a PPV event. Owen was an awsome athlete and he may have been pushed later in his career if he was around. His matches with Shawn were very good and entertaining. May they both R.I.P
With all do respect to both Eddie and Owen, why didn't Owen get inducted into the Hall of fame after He past'd? Some people say the only reason Eddie was inducted was because he died. which isn't true. But I think that Owen should get inducted because there are many things that He did in his day. I meen yah he never won the WWE/F title but he was a great and well respected man in/out of the ring.

So if someone can shed on my thoughts please do so.:headbanger:
Owen to me still when I see the replays on the Monday night war I still shed a tear I loved owen as a wrestler and eddie was entertaining but loosing owen before he got to be a world champ or taken seriously by many was a sad day in wrestling,
I have to say tha Eddie Tribute man...... Gotta be real thou.... I see tha Tribute show not as one of tha saddest days in Wrestlin' History..... But one of tha Happiest moments in Wrestlin' History..... It's not everyday tha you see Two entire shows changed at tha last minute..... Maybe costin' the Company a bit of money..... With have Best Of Eddie moments.... Matches dedicated in his memory..... Some kinda dream matches at tha..... And most of all it changes tha way tha you think about some of tha Wrestlers..... For example..... In a very Hostile sport where most are only in it for themselves..... Who got no ambition of makin' friends and would stab anybody in tha back jus' to get a break....... Jus changes tha way that you think about Tha Wrestlin' Business..... Cause fans are brain washed into thinkin' these guys are Great Warriors that would stop at nothin' crush anythin' that gets in there way..... Then when you see there reactions to Eddie's death on tha Tribute show's (Benoit, Rey, Big Show, JBL, Stephanie) Jus shows tha they aint all heartless bastards tha they made out to be....... It jus shows you how a single Wrestler can have so much effect on an entire company....
idk its a tie.its sucks how owen died during a goofey stunt. but it also sucks that eddie was suppose to have a title reign soon after and main event wm. i didnt cry for either cause i didnt know them or anything
I still maintain Pillman was to me the saddest day for WWE, in the way they handled it and in the fact that he fathered Attitude... much was made of Eddie overcoming demons, how about overcoming childhood throat cancer twice and still making it to the NFL?, then to WCW?, then to WWE?...then fighting those demons of drink and drugs? and dying just when you were coming into your own...

WWE is now kinda acknowledging that with the DVD...but until Pillman's "booker man" moment with Kevin Sullivan or he threatened to piss in the ECW ring There was no Attitude... only kayfaybe. Even though his wrestling career was ending, Pillman had the kind of mind that could have shaped the business for years... Triple H? pah, if he was alive Pillman would have been one of WWE's top writers/agents... Now people are starting to see his influence and finally WWE will honor the guy in 2007's HOF I think... The sadness is not so much on the death, but the poor showing by WWE in acknowledging such an important figure...maybe even WWE didn't realise what they'd lost at that point... or Russo didn't want to admit he stole Pillman's idea... That is very sad indeed...

Owen was a tragic accident, that it happened to a well loved man backstage...with a young family was bad... it was made more tragic by previous events...but really would it have been as sad if Bret, Davey etc were with him when he died? maybe people would have taken more comfort... was it sadder than the day Droz was crippled on balance? When you really put it in perspective you have A guy who has an accident and dies quickly and relatively painlessly doing what he loved, or drops on the day of a show from a heart attack in an instant... or the guy who's gonna be trapped in a useless body for the rest of his days which with modern medical science will be numerous, snuffing out an extremely promising career and trapping him as a prisoner in his mind forever? Is it not sadder for D 'Lo, who cos of some ass throwing a drink into the ring inadvertantly crippled a man and ended his own stellar career as well as Droz's?

I don't mean to belittle either Owen or Eddie, but they are not the saddest moments... There are tragedies on a daily basis that happen to good people in this business, Kurt Angle's current predicament case in point... It's just easy to focus on death cos for many wrestling fans, especially younger ones... these deaths are the first experiences they have of someone dying...

The best way I than think of to sum it up is Bryan Brown in the movie ****tail"..."Bury the dead...they stink up the joint..."


Anyway Pillman was a great preformer, and it's a shame I never go to really see him wrestle (I didn't watch WCW). He quickly became one of my favorites when he jumped to WWE. I can't wait to watch the DVD.\

As for Droz what do you mean crippled on balance? And a fan threw pop into the ring? I never heard all the details on how he got crippled and what happened to him after. I knew he was writing on but that most have been sometime ago.

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