The Saddest Day In Wrestling History

This should be titled the " maddest day". It was the royal rumble when I was a kid that I looked forward to for weeks only to have VINCE MCMAHON declared the winner. I could not sleep for hours afterward and vowed never to watch wrestling again. That lasted until the next day!!
Ok, First this is a great thread guys.
For me the saddest was watching Bob Backlund lose the title to the Iron Sheik, watching Arnold throw in the towel was a horrible moment for me!!!
Coming in Second was seeing Andre rip off Hogans shirt in the Pit, SHOCKING!!
This is a terrific thread idea, and the responses have been brilliant. A few of my favorites thus far:

stussyman311 said:
The saddest day in wrestling for me was that damn "Tell Me A Lie" video they first played for HBK. I believe the events that led up to this video depressed me as well, Owen Hart giving the enzuigiri to HBK that they played out to be a possibly career ending blow to HBK.

Absolutely. It's not enough that Shawn was one of the best sellers / performers of all time, but the fact that he wasn't really faking entirely? More like embellishing. Tough moment.

When Triple H beat Mick Foley in the career ending Hell in a Cell match was tough. It was just the end of a man who, in the prior 3 years, had gone from mid-card hardcore mainstay to legend. And at the hands of Triple H? Ouch.
It has to be when HHH "retired" Cactus Jack i remember i was only a kid and being the mark i was back then i was nearly in tears seeing Cactus walking to the back with JR saying the line i will never forget ("We have just seen the last match of Cactus Jack") which added to the moment. Near the whole school i was in watched wrestling and lots of people were really upset. (No lie) So upset that when we had to write a newspaper article in one of our classes most of the people in our class covered the retirement of Cactus Jack thats how sad the moment was to me and our school. Powerfull stuff that was.
i would say the worst da in professional wrestling for me, and i dont wanna hear any of you bitch about it either lol, was teh montreal screw job. it still irritates the hell outta me to this day. michaels is a scumbag and knew the whole deal going in but denied it MANY times to bret's face back in the lockerroom.. and vince, nice way to repay a loyal employee of nearly 20 years.

the second saddest was wendi richter getting screwed out of the wwf womens title by moolah/spider lady. that was the ORIGINAL screwjob! wendi was telling vince that she was womens champion and headlined more than a few house shows and that she deserved to be paid either equal to what the other main eventers were getting paid, or at least MORE than he was giving her.. and what did vince do? sent moolah out in a mask and bodysuit to rob wendi out of the title. that was the last day wendi richter ever appeared in a wwf/e ring and i honestly dont beleive she ever will.

the third has to be when madouchebag miceli (alundra blayze) dropped the wwf womens title belt in the trash on monday nitro. that, more than anything, led directly to the montreal screwjob. madusa bitched and whined to vince mcmahon to get better competition for her from japan... and every woman they brought over kicked her ass and took teh belt from her. first bull nakano, then monster ripper/bertha faye, then after survivor series she was supposed to defend (and LOSE) the belt to aja kong at the royal rumble, but vince forgot that her contract had expired, and at that time the wrestlers travelled with their "props".. duggan with his 2x4, etc.. so the champions had the belts with them at all times. madouchebag took her womens championship belt and went to nitro.. and the rest is history.

those are my three worst days in wrestling history.. with an honorable mention to the day andre the giant turned heel on hogan by tearing off his crucifix. i was actually in the arena at the time that happened, but they taped it MONTHS in advnce and i didnt realize what i was seeing at the time but now that i look back, i know i was there for that moment. andre was, and still IS my favorite wrestler of all time and i honest to God cried when he died.
my saddest moment in wrestling...Hornswaggle in PG. Who didnt cry when horny won the title. I didnt cry but thats not to say I wasnt upset. I remember saying "This could be the begining to something horrible, and it was. And now we're living it. God, so sad.
On May 23, 1999, Hart fell to his death in Kansas City, Missouri during the Over the Edge pay-per-view event. I was watching the PPV and they flashed to The king crying then the rest of the PPV was really tough to watch. Everyone was crying.

Next would of been the fall of Eddie Guerrero. On November 13, 2005, Guerrero was found unconscious in his hotel room (The Marriott City Center) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by his nephew, Chavo.

RIP both of you.
On May 23, 1999, Hart fell to his death in Kansas City, Missouri during the Over the Edge pay-per-view event. I was watching the PPV and they flashed to The king crying then the rest of the PPV was really tough to watch. Everyone was crying.

Next would of been the fall of Eddie Guerrero. On November 13, 2005, Guerrero was found unconscious in his hotel room (The Marriott City Center) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by his nephew, Chavo.

RIP both of you.

I was at the Raw show in Minneapolis the day they found Eddie dead. It was still one of my most cherished moments in wrestling. It was amazing how much respect other wrestlers had for Eddie. My favorite part never made it on tv. After his match, Ric Flair pointed to the EG armband he had on and pointed to the crowd and told all of us to get on our feet and give Eddie a standing ovation. It lasted all throughout the commercial break.
I'm going to have to go with Austin siding with McMahon and turning heel. Being 9 at the time, I idolized Austin. And to see him side with Vince Mcmahon was one of the most devastating moments I can remember. I can remember myself just looking at the TV screen in a blank stare, I couldn't comprehend how SCSA could do that to all of his fans, the fans that love him. In front of his hometown crowd. Needless to say, I was broken inside.

In retrospect, it was a brilliant move for Austin, his charachter was getting stale and he needed something to get what he had back. But being a little kid at the time, I didn't notice or care about that. I just wanted Stone Cold to be a good guy again.
i have shed tears 3 times watching wrestling bearing in mind im 34 and have been watching over 20 years

1. savage wm, the return of elizabeth
2. flairs raw send off
3. hbk hugs bret

all 3 are genuine heartfelt human moments

probably no2 is the saddest because you knew it was real
Ric Flair's on-screen send-off would be mine, but that wasn't strictly a storyline so I won't count it.

I wasn't the biggest Hulk Hogan fan when I was a kid, but even I was distraught when King Kong Bundy repeatedly avalanched and splashed Hogan to give him busted-up ribs a few months before their showdown at WrestleMania 2. Bundy and Don Muraco, I thought at the time, were trying to end Hogan's career and that really upset me because I knew how important Hulk was to all the wrestling fans. I was young :-)

As a joke (although I did enjoy the entire storyline), I would like to give an honorable mention to the destruction of Pepe, Chavo Guerrero's toy horse, back in WCW. I always thought the Pepe storyline was Chavo's best work, and I'd love to see a revival of it on Raw. I was sad when Pepe was destroyed, but I was older by then and it wasn't nearly as crushing to me as Hogan being crushed by Bundy (who was one of my favorite wrestlers, by the way..I still hated him for doing it).
The saddest day for me was when I realized TNA detractors were barely exaggerating at all...

Throughout 2007 and 2008, I never really watched TNA beyond look at the screen, occasionally listen to the wacky promos and such, and watch some of the matches.

Now that I recap it full-time... it's just as nonsensical, illogical, and a catastrophe of good taste and common sense as everyone claims it to be.

That was the saddest day for me.

Also, when the WWE started to erase the existance of Chris Benoit from their releases and public memory.
I would say Owen's and numerous other deaths of wrestlers in the past. However, if we are talking storyline wise I would say the Ric Flair sendoff on Raw was nice and heartfelt.
I would also says as far as story lines go, what was the saddest and most embarrassing moment in pro wrestling would be Triple H humping a corpse. Along with ZZ Top hosting Raw was sad to me. Not to mention Hornswoggle putting on a cow's head and beating Chavo Guerrero in their 15th match was pretty sad.

I stopped watching wrestling for a while after those incidents.
im gonna say 1-4-2010...hogans pathetic attempt to ruin wwe..he seemed weak, and now we know "his" boys are def getting a spot over the tna originals..despite the numerous comments made to the opposite of that. what a shame he has become!
Some Sad Moments for Me..
One was death of Chris Benoit and realizing that WWE would erase any existince of him when other wrestlers have done mistakes too.
Ric Flair send off...when all the wrestlers came out to pay homage to him.

Jeff Jarrett's emotional video tribute to his wife right after she passed away...still gets me teary today. :icon_cry: Another real teary moment was the ten bell tribute to Eddie Guerrero I saw on you tube that someone put to Evanescene's "My Immortal." Talk about emotional.

I was kinda ticked and bummed with how they sent out Lita...she was an original daredevil. :wtf: Why send someone out who was a hi-flying risk taking original from the good ol days. That was sad. Then a real emotional thing was Jeff Hardy getting betrayed by Matt at Royal Rumble..the chair shot heard round the world... :wtf: which all led to their WM25 match. Then it was good to see them make up. But it all only led to his dreams being taken away at Extreme Rules 2009 when I heard CM Punk's music after Hardy heart sank. Then to see him win..then the feud took the turn to Hardy being banished from was like.... :wtf: I'm one of those people my list of 'What isn't..." is shorter than the list of what
I would have to say the saddest moment in wrestling for me was the day the Undertaker debuted as the American Bad Ass. That was the lamest thing I've ever seen. Thank god He changed back.
I have a few,
the owen hart and eddie guerrero tribute shows.. just 2 sad days I wish never happened..
ric flairs send off was both good and bad, sad to see him go but a good way to send him off..
the day the wwf changed to the wwe, even all these years later it still doesnt sound right..
WM 14 when Shawn Michaels lost the title, little didd I know that that would be his last match for 4 and a half years..
As a 12 year-old attending my first WWF/WWE event, Bret Hart's defeat of The Undertaker at SummerSlam 1997 was by far the saddest for me.

My younger brother was a Hart fan, and I, Undertaker so of course it only raised the stakes. Shawn Michaels' chair shot completely crushed my young spirit and I not only cried all the way home, but for remainder of the week ... I got my long-awaited revenge though when I attended WrestleMania 25. Haha!

Good times I tell you, good times!
My saddest day? Is when Sting told the fans to 'Stick it.' I was a huge Sting fan and for this to happen was awful. I hated the NWO and didn't want them to take over WCW. So when Sting didn't want to be there anymore, it sucked. It was a huge blow dealt to WCW. But when he returned, even as the Crow, I marked out! I loved Sting and was so glad to see him come back. It was so sad to see him turn like that though. It was the end of an era when Sting done that. It was as if older wrestling turned into something different when that happened.

Some say Austin stunning McMahon changed wrestling, some say it may have been Hogan joining the NWO. I say it was Sting turning on the fans on Nitro.
I cried like a baby when Owen died. He was always one of my favorites, and his death happening on a live show, in the ring, was tragic. I was watchignt he show, and when they went to the crowd, my mom told me to leave the room, because she knew something bad had happened. I wasn't totally sure until the next night when they did the tribute to him, and everyone was in tears.
mine has to be when that piece of shit vince mcmahon allowed owen hart to be killed in the ring something that could have been prevented but money hungry mcmahon didnt want to take time to get a cable strong enough to support owens wheight he used a 50 pound test line useded to lift tools it still makles me sick when i think about it
For me, the saddest day in wrestling was when Paul Bearer brought in Kane and turned on Undertaker...I was always a fan of the Undertaker growing up, after seeing Paul not siding with him, it just didn't feel the same for me
Without a doubt.......having to watch Trips lay down for a 3 count to lose the undisputed title to Hogan. It was in KC, I was there. That was truly sad. That and the Austin/Taker match that night. also very sad, to see 2 awesome workers put on such a shitty match. Come to think of it, that whole Backlash PPV was the saddest night in WWE storyline history.
Saddest days were Lillian singing the National Anthem on the Smackdown after 9/11 and John Cena being shoved down our throats and When Owen Hart died and when WWE went PG and WCW actually beating WWE for awhile with their old stars that Vince created and and when Sgt. Slaughter beat the Ultimate Warrior.

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