The Rock! The Rock! The Rock! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!

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the likelyhood of him comming back is very slim, but jus for arguement sake sake lets humor one thing...... he said hes got something planned for the fans during the summer right? well it is the end of summer and he has been a ghost thusfar. but what ends the summer for the wwe? summerslam, and if im not mistaken, with khali now out of elimination match, there is now an open spot that rocky could fill. it wont happen, because the e would want to promote the hell out of it jus to boost buy rates. but whatif? it may boost ratings by having a huge surprise like that by saying..hey, u need to watch cause u never know what will happen. once again, this will not happen, but ya cant have a good rumor without considering every possible senerio
What does my comment have to do with wall street? I'm just stating what happened. The Rock came in, raped wrestling for it's benefits and left. There's nothing "wall street" about it. The Rocks wrestling's version on a "goldigger".
I think any fan who has been a fan for atleast 20 yrs should know by now to never say never when it comes to the WWE. I mean honestly, whom among us actually thought we'd see Hulk Hogan back after the whole McMahon/steriods trial & him leaving for WCW? Whom among us thought we'd see HBK come back from his back injury (I held out hope for a good couple yrs but eventually, I gave up hope on that 1 )? Whom among us thought we'd see Bret Hart back in the WWE again? Very few if any of us did so history tells us to never say never. Rock diehards, keep in mind that yes Rock said he'd like to come back but it would have to be an Attitude era type show i.e. no PG. Do you guys think Vince will do that & take the risk of hurtin his old ladies political campiagn? Or turning off advertisers? Pissing off some overly protective parent? Now if Linda ends up losing & ratings start to slump, he that might be the time to see Rocky come back but his movie career is keeping him too busy. I mean what does it say when he doesn't even participate in the pre recorded deal Will Ferrall & Waldberg or wutever his name is did despite being 1 of the big stars in the same movie?

I agree I havent been a fan as long as most I started watching in 2003 but I've watched alot of old tapes so I know the History. Once I know what happened with Bret and all I was really surprized to see him back in WWE. Same with HBK and The back injury. I do have to agree he could of done the pre-recoreded thing but hey I dont know
The Rock is not coming back. Get over it.
Here's a list of reasons why he's not coming back.

your list sucks.

Sure, he's made a bunch of shitty movies like The Tooth Fairy,

in your somewhat, oh hell extremely biased opinion. Some of his movies have actually been pretty decent, don't know what he was thinking making the Tooth Fairy though.

The Rock doesn't need any negative PR that would come from rejoining the WWE.

You honestly believe that it would hurt his reputation if he came back for a short stint? Wrestling is no longer the white trash redneck entertainment it used to be, guys like Steve Austin, HBK, Brock Lesnar, and yes the Rock have helped change that perception.

3) He doesn't care about you

Go ahead and think he cares about wrestling fans.

I'm sorry I must have missed the part where you hang out and have beers with the guy. He made his intentions quite clear when he left and did come back for certain events. i think he appreciates what the WWE has done for him.

4) Every rumor about him coming back is not a WWE rumor, it's an internet speculation rumor

I'm sorry when the guy says yes I have been working with Vince on something that is a little bit more than internet speculation

Second- Question it: This may be the most important part. Instead of just accepting it as a fact, which is probably what your joke of a brain is used to doing, you instead consider the possibility it's not true.
Third- Don't believe it: You realize that what you read is crap, and instead of believing it anyway, you just don't believe it. Erase it from your mind and move on with your life.

Congratulations, you now pass as a semi-intelligent human being.
In conclusion, The Rock is not coming back anytime soon, so give up. Your energy is better spent other places, such as trying not to be an idiot. Good luck with all your future Rockless existence.

Its this last comment that makes me believe that you are a complete turd. People have the right to believe whatever the hell they want to believe and who in the blue hell are you to tell them otherwise. Your attitude sucks your post blows and I believe that a moderator should put in in the trash where it belongs.

HE as in the ROCK said that it was very likely that he would be coming back to do something. Most people who talk about the Rock coming back realize contrary to your jacked up opinion that he would not be coming back full time.

The summer is not over with yet, I will still say that it is likely that we will still see him. They haven't named the Mystery General Manager yet.

Oh and one more thing I have pretty much given Green rep to everyone who has called you out for this waste of a thread.

Enjoy your Red Rep. I don't like you.
DAMN!! WTF!!!! did your wife/girlfriend leave you for another man, what's with the attitude, so what if other fans still hold out hope that he might return, why is that a problem huh? if he returns good if not then it wasn't meant to be........that's not enough reason to talk shit about others for constantly asking about it, like someone said earlier if it bothered that much you shouldn't have read it, now i will say this i don't like it when fans post saying how sucessful he is in hollywood, he ain't that DAMN sucessful!!!!!
Rock is not returning----his age is catching up with him (from a ring standpoint), and he wouldn't be able to compete at a top tier level, and is probably now more prone to injury because of his age, ring rust, etc. Let it go. :icon_neutral:
Rock is not returning----his age is catching up with him (from a ring standpoint), and he wouldn't be able to compete at a top tier level, and is probably now more prone to injury because of his age, ring rust, etc. Let it go. :icon_neutral:

what are you talking about? he's only 38 years old, which is about as old as Chris jericho is, he's in great shape, and is naturally very athletic so he'll be able to work off the ring rust fairly quickly.
Its just one mans opinion of the whole matter. I love Rocky, please don't get that twisted. I would never take any abilities away from the man.

I just feel he's a sell out. Austin gives it up and shows praise to the people that helped make him while Dwayne has just been giving all of us the cold shoulder.

Man, i'd like to see him back as much as the next guy. I'm a Rock mark. Always have been always will be. But Dwayne Johnson and The Rock are 2 totally different ppl. He even wanted to have people stop calling him "The Rock" because he wanted to be credited on screen as his real name.

Rocky will always be dead in the WWE. Maybe not in our minds or hearts but definitly from the Screen. And I can't "assure" that, I should have never said never but I just don't see it happening.

And its so serious that some ppl will negative rep for it. That's just sad. You can't accept someones opinion for what it is? Lol , you need to really grow up and look @ the bigger picture. You can wish and fantasise about your Rocky coming back in all his glory but it is HIGHLY DOUBTFULL if he ever returns. You should just accept it and move on. WWE isint waiting around for The Rock , and We shouldn't wait around for him.

The company is fine without him. Just like the whole Kane's mask thing has gotten beaten to death with a baseball bat, this has become more of the same. Get over it, and enjoy Bret doing his thing.
Jglass14, i am glad to see that your fourm name reflects not only your age, but your IQ.

The Rock owes none of us nothing. if you worked in a bank, would you fell obliged to go to a customer 5 years later, and serve him some bank notes? No, you wouldnt. you do a job,you leave the job, you go back if you want.

WWE Made money from Rock, Rock made money from WWE, its a fact the rock will apper on WWE tv again, its like saying, next superbowl there gonna use an american football. * ya think? * WWE was the begining of his carrer, and a very important steping stone to the man he has become, and with his wealth, the man/woman his children will become, the fact comes from the mans mouth, and in relation to your comment of Wrestlers not being famous for telling the truth, isnt the hole point of your stupid little tread that, infact. Dwayne Johnson is no longer a wrestler, it pains me to read treads from idiots trying to shit on people for reading a rumor on the interwebs and thinking its true, its human nature to make mistakes, and by the looks of it, your father made a few by not beating some mannors in to your tightly clad smart little ass, go post in the TNA section.
I for one am open minded about the issue of The Rock returning. Right now, I would say no....he's an actor, even though the movies he's been in so far have been awful. Still, the man gets paid lots of money to NOT have to wrestle, i.e. no bruises, no torn ligaments, no sprains and no broken bones. If you were in Rock's position, what would you do?

That's not to say that he'll never be back. Dwayne Johnson is still in his 30's and could feasibly make a comeback even if he were in his mid/late 40's. I will never say never, but I refuse to get my hopes up about The Rock making a comeback anytime soon. Besides, that particular era is over (Austin/Rock). We should focus more on hoping that another "super main eventer" comes along, not to copy The Rock, but to be as (or more) successful. Right now though, it's clear that The Rock wants no part of professional wrestling, but in a few years, who knows if his opinion will change.
I would like to precede this post by letting you all know I appreciate your input as well as your rep, but most of the reppers are too new to have green/red rep yet, so I can't tell if you liked my post or not! Be sure to leave a little comment so I can tell =)

your list sucks.

So's your face.

in your somewhat, oh hell extremely biased opinion. Some of his movies have actually been pretty decent, don't know what he was thinking making the Tooth Fairy though.

I didn't say ALL his movies suck, I said he's made some shitty ones. I liked Walking Tall, as well as Get Smart, and I heard Grid Iron gang was a pretty decent flick. But let's not forget The Tooth Fairy, The Game Plan, and DOOM. Oh the horror.

You honestly believe that it would hurt his reputation if he came back for a short stint?

I said it, didn't I?
Wrestling is no longer the white trash redneck entertainment it used to be, guys like Steve Austin, HBK, Brock Lesnar, and yes the Rock have helped change that perception.

Really? You think Stone Cold made it LESS trashy? HE'S A SELF PROCLAIMED RED NECK! Stone Cold was one of the leading contributors to the trashy TV perception that the WWE took on. And while you and I and other avid WWE watches know, it's not as trashy as it once was, but the image stuck with most of the people who don't really know about wrestling. Once again, Linda McMahon's political enemies have used her affiliation to the WWE against her because she helped produce what most Americans deem to be trashy television.

I'm sorry I must have missed the part where you hang out and have beers with the guy. He made his intentions quite clear when he left and did come back for certain events. i think he appreciates what the WWE has done for him.

Name all the events he came back for. He's made like, 3 or 4 appearances, and none of them have been of much consequence... at all. I do think he appreciates what the WWE did for him, but that doesn't mean he's going to give back. He owes the WWE NOTHING. He gave them years and years of his life and his entire body. He doesn't have to come back for anything.

I'm sorry when the guy says yes I have been working with Vince on something that is a little bit more than internet speculation

Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously, is there any proof that there's any truth to this? This is the first I've heard about him actually working with Vince at all.

Its this last comment that makes me believe that you are a complete turd. People have the right to believe whatever the hell they want to believe and who in the blue hell are you to tell them otherwise. Your attitude sucks your post blows and I believe that a moderator should put in in the trash where it belongs.

People have the right to believe whatever they want. I also have the right to tell them their beliefs are stupid. My attitude is just as good as yours, and I'm not breaking any rules, so there's no reason to close this thread. If you don't like it, don't post.

HE as in the ROCK said that it was very likely that he would be coming back to do something. Most people who talk about the Rock coming back realize contrary to your jacked up opinion that he would not be coming back full time.

More on this later.

The summer is not over with yet, I will still say that it is likely that we will still see him. They haven't named the Mystery General Manager yet.

If you think The Rock is going to be the GM, you're high off of your ass. There's no way he's getting involved in a long term role with the WWE. Even if, and that's a HUUUUGE if, he comes back, it will be a one or two time appearance, maximum.

Oh and one more thing I have pretty much given Green rep to everyone who has called you out for this waste of a thread.

Congratulations, that must make you a good person.

Enjoy your Red Rep. I don't like you.

Actually, you green repped me. Thanks I guess, though your comment, "I don't like you," sure did sting. Ouch.

Getting back to that time I said more on this later...

Most of the people who have disagreed with me here all base their argument on the same concept: The Rock said he'd come back.

And we all know, of course, that professional wrestlers never mind. We all know that people never change their mind. We all know that celebrities never make promises that they don't keep.

Use your common sense people, there's a million reasons that Dwayne Johnson should not come back to the WWE and one reason he should. That one reason, is of course, to please his fans. But guess what, pleasing the fans of his movies is much more lucrative for Dwayne Johnson. The fans of The Rock are second class citizens compared to the fans of Dwayne Johnson.

Now I understand some of my posts were kind of harsh. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Truly, I am, and I understand that some of you are upset with me. But who's the real bad guy here? JGlass, or The Rock?

I've never had the knack for breaking bad news to people, and I kind of threw it in your faces all at once here. But I'd rather see you guys mad than upset, crying in your salads, wondering why The Rock stopped calling. So I gave you the answer the hard way. But I'm not the one who broke your heart, The Rock is. The sooner you let go of this cockamamie idea that he's coming back, the sooner you can move on with your life as a wrestling fan. It's better if you just forget about Mr. Johnson and look to the future.
wow JGlass14 you ar now wrestlezone enemy number one :lmao:

and im guessing the reason so many people dont like you and are saying bad things about you isnt because of this thread (well it probably is) but its also because of your fucking attitude, do you know how annoying it is, you need to realise your oppinion isnt alway the right one. why the fuck did you even make this thread if you were just going to dis-regard everyones oppinion.

but there is no actuall proof he is returning. he said he's working with vince, he said he was returning in the summer but he could be lying, i really doubt he would though because all that would do is piss of all the fans that made him the big hollywood star he is today and we all know the rock isnt that kinda guy.

everyone is asking when is he returning, when will he come back because they fucking love the rock. they just want to see one of their fav wwe stars one more time so stop fucking tellin them its not going to happen because anything is poissible i mean if bret the fucking hitman heart can return to the wwe and shake hands with hbk then the rock can make another cameo
wow JGlass14 you ar now wrestlezone enemy number one :lmao:

and im guessing the reason so many people dont like you and are saying bad things about you isnt because of this thread (well it probably is) but its also because of your fucking attitude, do you know how annoying it is, you need to realise your oppinion isnt alway the right one. why the fuck did you even make this thread if you were just going to dis-regard everyones oppinion.

but there is no actuall proof he is returning. he said he's working with vince, he said he was returning in the summer but he could be lying, i really doubt he would though because all that would do is piss of all the fans that made him the big hollywood star he is today and we all know the rock isnt that kinda guy.

everyone is asking when is he returning, when will he come back because they fucking love the rock. they just want to see one of their fav wwe stars one more time so stop fucking tellin them its not going to happen because anything is poissible i mean if bret the fucking hitman heart can return to the wwe and shake hands with hbk then the rock can make another cameo

Rock will most likely never be back in his old capacity. Rock was part of an era, i.e. the Attitude era. He was fucking entertaining and certainly kept me glued to the TV each week. No one else can even hold a candle to the Rock when it comes to cutting promos and being "electrifying". However, that era is over. WWE is a different world now, made up of many potential main eventers, rather than just 2 or 3. Oh, the 'PG' crap also throws a spanner in the works when it comes to what a Rock of 2010 could actually get away with.

Don't get me wrong; I would certainly love to see Rock back, but I don't see it happening, aside from maybe the odd guest appearance. The cold, hard truth that people don't want to hear is that Rock basically used WWE as a platform to launch Dwayne Johnson, the actor. I'm not going to say that he doesn't care about the fans (I don't know the Rock personally, so how could I say that?), but it's obvious that acting (even in shitty movies) is far more appealing than getting battered and bruised in the ring week in, week out as an active and main event wrestler. Rock took the easy option? Nah, Rock just did what most of us would probably do in his position. I don't have any beef with him for that and I'm grateful for the fact that he entertained me for many years in WWE and actually got me into WWE (WWF) in the first place, with his hilarious promos and the piss taking.

If he comes back, I will welcome it, although I wonder how Rock of old will fit into the PG era of WWE (I doubt that he'd even be allowed to say "ass" anymore, for fear of offending the kiddies).
well i imagine it would be something in the style DX did. i mean, telling somone to "SUCK IT" really isnt that PG, but HHH and HBK didnt really sy it, more so threw the mic up and the crowd said it. and we all know that everyone loved to say Rocks catchphrases along with him, so he starts it "i'll whip your roody-poo.." and the fans say "Candy ass!"
just a thought anyway.

but Bret has said Ass 2 or 3 times since being back.
well i imagine it would be something in the style DX did. i mean, telling somone to "SUCK IT" really isnt that PG, but HHH and HBK didnt really sy it, more so threw the mic up and the crowd said it. and we all know that everyone loved to say Rocks catchphrases along with him, so he starts it "i'll whip your roody-poo.." and the fans say "Candy ass!"
just a thought anyway.

but Bret has said Ass 2 or 3 times since being back.

...but the most recent incarnation of DX was fucking lame, admit it. The latest incarnation of DX was all about selling shirts. It was nothing like the DX of the late 90's. If Rock came back, I'd fear a similar fate. He could crack a few jokes, but would it really be worth it? It's not like he would ever come back for the long haul. Like them or not, at least guys like Cena and Miz are there because of their passion for the business, rather than just using WWE to propel themselves into stardom and a Hollywood acting career.
Vash 21 is right 100%; ur just a douche. Don't ask me why im following what he says or why im defending him because everything he said is almost everything I thought when I read you're post.

Linda McMahon's political enemies have used her affiliation to the WWE against her because she helped produce what most Americans deem to be trashy television.

For the record bro...Linda just won Connecticut Republican Senate Primary

Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously, is there any proof that there's any truth to this? This is the first I've heard about him actually working with Vince at all.

Yes there is. Try other wrestling news websites like Lords of or Look at articles going back to around April and you''ll find ur proof. I don't feel like looking for you.

Most of the people who have disagreed with me here all base their argument on the same concept: The Rock said he'd come back.

Well then let us believe. If you are thinking of us as trash or idiots....then let us BE...we all have our own opinions and are entitled to them...YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON THAT TELLS US WHAT TO DO OR THINK!

Now I understand some of my posts were kind of harsh. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Truly, I am, and I understand that some of you are upset with me. But who's the real bad guy here? JGlass, or The Rock?

Bad guy?....we're just all basically saying how much of a douche you are...dude...ur no bad guy...ur SCUM!

I've never had the knack for breaking bad news to people, and I kind of threw it in your faces all at once here. But I'd rather see you guys mad than upset, crying in your salads, wondering why The Rock stopped calling. So I gave you the answer the hard way. But I'm not the one who broke your heart, The Rock is. The sooner you let go of this cockamamie idea that he's coming back, the sooner you can move on with your life as a wrestling fan. It's better if you just forget about Mr. Johnson and look to the future.

Just shut up already...Ur not convincing anyone...all you're saying now is garbage

Oh! and by the way...I was one of the people that made a thread about what ever happened to the Rock's BIG return...And you kno what?...The ppl that said that the Rock was not coming back...I understood why they felt the rock would not be coming back to a PG era.....But you...ur just a douche...plain and simple...
Wow, look I get that you have an opinion, but so does everyone else. Your opinion isn't the only right one.

The Rock will return, and no not as a wrestler but to do something special. How the fuck do you know that he doesn't care about us? Saying "He wouldn't have left if he did care." isn't an excuse. Stone Cold left for movies, does this mean he doesn't care about us? Hell no. I know he's guest hosted already, but he had the time, now he's busy again aswell as The Rock. (I think, I thought he was free for a bit.)

Just because you have an Edge avatar, doesn't mean you have to act like him. Your opinion isn't wrong but it isn't the only one that's right, so accept it and move on with your life.
Oh so many things to say, yet, so many things I cannot say without getting an infraction.

Vash 21 is right 100%; ur just a douche.

Meh, I've been called worse.

Don't ask me why im following what he says or why im defending him

Really wasn't planning on it.

because everything he said is almost everything I thought when I read you're post.

You guys should get together and talk about how The Rock is coming back so soon. Sounds like a good time.

For the record bro...Linda just won Connecticut Republican Senate Primary

And he opponents still used the WWE against her, and those were fellow Republicans. You can bet your ass the Dems will use it twice as hard.

Yes there is. Try other wrestling news websites like Lords of or Look at articles going back to around April and you''ll find ur proof. I don't feel like looking for you.

I already did. Doesn't change the fact that it's most likely total bullshit. First of all, it was reported in January, 7 months ago. There has been no news ever since. That means it probably fell apart, probably because The Rock realized he could make more money doing another movie than doing a couple wrestling shows.

Well then let us believe. If you are thinking of us as trash or idiots....then let us BE...we all have our own opinions and are entitled to them...YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON THAT TELLS US WHAT TO DO OR THINK!

Uhhh... I never said I was? I'm just giving an opinion. Take it or leave it, no need to freak out like I'm trying to control your mind.

Bad guy?....we're just all basically saying how much of a douche you are...dude...ur no bad guy...ur SCUM!

Once again, I've been called worse. Much, much worse.

Just shut up already...Ur not convincing anyone...all you're saying now is garbage

Use proper grammar next time you want to debate someone, it adds some credibility to everything you say. When you say things like, UR GARBAGE, it looks like garbage. Also, there is no reason to attack me personally, just attack my points please.

Oh! and by the way...I was one of the people that made a thread about what ever happened to the Rock's BIG return...And you kno what?...The ppl that said that the Rock was not coming back...I understood why they felt the rock would not be coming back to a PG era.....But you...ur just a douche...plain and simple...

None of this has anything to do with anything I say. Basically, you're admitting to being one of the people that I had in mind when I posted this thread. Congratulations, I still think it's foolish to believe that The Rock is coming back, and you've done absolutely nothing to change my opinion. On the contrary, you've reassured me that I'm correct.

so since you're one of those "he dont care about his fans" people that seem to be runnin around, i do have a question.. do you also say that Ric Flair does not care about his fans or friends within the WWE since they gave him the whole retirment thing, and he said he was happy HBK was his last match and shit, then joins TNA and gets in the ring again.. that mean he dont care about his fans? or his friends? because i dont.

it's him doing what is best for him, and his family. i dont like the fact that Flair is in TNA, not at all. i think it will hurt his legacy a bit, BUT, it is his life, and he can live it how he sees fit. Rock. gave his body to the WWF and its fans. remember all the hardcore style matches he had? those are brutal. look at the shape 'Taker is in these days, mostly due to stuff like that. i dont blame Rock for wanting a better life for his family at all. gives hi m more time with his family, after all, how many relationships have ended due to someone's wrestling career getting in the way? all the missed stuff in their marriage, and their kids lives. Rock gave us some of the most memorable moments/Promos in WWE/F history. why, and i repeat WHY would you think he should have stuck around? and wrestled untill his body was in the shape of someone like Hogan, or Flair? Even in the army they say "Self before Mission"

As far as Rock comin back, i wouldnt want anything more then what we had from Austin. a one time deal, promote his movie, rip into a few stars, maybe a little talk about pie, then he's gone again. anything more is not needed.
Damn JGlass, you've toasted a lot of waffles with this thread. You'd think Lucky Cannon unified the-never mind.

Anyway, I agree with you for the most part. Personally, I've gotten over any notion of The Rock's return LONG ago. It'd be great to see him come back in some capacity, but I can live without it.

The Rock is too busy to be involved in any long term angle with WWE. A guest host appearance is really the best and most realistic thing anyone can hope for. Also, anyone thinking he should be involved in the Summerslam Nexus match or be permanent GM is a moron; both of those ideas are highly unlikely and one makes no sense whatsoever (I'm sure you know which)

And it could have a negative impact on his career. He himself might not think so, but that doesn't mean other people in Hollywood won't. Would it be worth risking his Hollywood status?

As far as him not caring, I don't totally believe it. Sure his appearances are about as frequent as Halley's Comet, but I like to think that he cares about little old me.

In short, anyone hoping for a long term Rock comeback better keep on hoping, because it ain't happening. A guest host gig or some other one night thing is plausible, but anything otherwise is highly unlikely.
LOL! People think he's coming back? Get a fucking grip he's never going to wrestle again, and anyone who believed what a dirt sheet wrote about him being on RAW is an IDIOT.

He will never be on WWE TV as long as they are PG, instead of Pie, we'll be eating potatos, instead of rudy poo candy ass, we'll get candyland. WWE sucks, DWAYNE knows it.
JGLASS14 said:
Uhhh... I never said I was? I'm just giving an opinion. Take it or leave it, no need to freak out like I'm trying to control your mind

Giving You're opinion?...Clearly you don't even read what you write. You're whole thread is based on telling us that we're wrong for believing the Rock is coming back.

Once again, I've been called worse. Much, much worse.

Well, I guess that says it all doesn't it. That sentence alone proves to me what I thought about you. Oh! and I could have called you much much worse, but like you said...

Oh so many things to say, yet, so many things I cannot say without getting an infraction.

The Rock WILL come back....maybe not now...maybe not next year...but he will return. Remember, in the WWE, "You never say never". And I for one would love to see the expression on you're face when he does.

But judging from what I've seen so far, I'm sure you're going to keep talking...

so since you're one of those "he dont care about his fans" people that seem to be runnin around, i do have a question.. do you also say that Ric Flair does not care about his fans or friends within the WWE since they gave him the whole retirment thing, and he said he was happy HBK was his last match and shit, then joins TNA and gets in the ring again.. that mean he dont care about his fans? or his friends? because i dont.

No, but Ric Flair is different. He's just extremely disrespectful. Personally, I'm giving The Rock the benefit of the doubt, saying he just doesn't care rather than caring, but not doing what is right.

it's him doing what is best for him, and his family. i dont like the fact that Flair is in TNA, not at all. i think it will hurt his legacy a bit, BUT, it is his life, and he can live it how he sees fit.

Flair doesn't need any more money, and this does hurt his legacy. Quite a bit in fact. He can do whatever he wants, including making himself look stupid night after night working for TNA. I've already stepped on enough toes in this thread, but I'm afraid I'll have to step on a few more when I say he should have nothing to do with that sinking ship of a company.

Rock. gave his body to the WWF and its fans. remember all the hardcore style matches he had? those are brutal. look at the shape 'Taker is in these days, mostly due to stuff like that. i dont blame Rock for wanting a better life for his family at all.

Neither do I. I applaud him for his upgrade to Hollywood.

gives hi m more time with his family, after all, how many relationships have ended due to someone's wrestling career getting in the way? all the missed stuff in their marriage, and their kids lives.

Isn't he divorced? Just sayin...

Rock gave us some of the most memorable moments/Promos in WWE/F history. why, and i repeat WHY would you think he should have stuck around? and wrestled untill his body was in the shape of someone like Hogan, or Flair?

His body is in much better shape than Hogans or Flairs.

Even in the army they say "Self before Mission"


I don't really understand what you're trying to say here... but I will restate that The Rock does not care about wrestling fans. He cares about a making money and his acting career much more than the opinions of the WWE Universe. And I don't blame him, we're part of his past, and he needs to keep looking towards the future.

Let him come back when he's got nothing better to do, when what little hair he has is gray and he has put on some weight, and he no longer can play the role of a bad ass in his movies. Let him come back when he's no longer The Rock, but a man who resembles our fathers. He can come back then, but he won't be the same guy who gave those awesome promos, terrific matches, or even the same guy who electrified arenas all over the world. He'll be an old, tired man who has nothing better to do than entertain wrestling fans.

In the mean time, live and let live. Let The Rock live his life, make the movies while he's young, and let him enjoy his few good years in show biz. Maybe he'll come back when he's over the hill. Maybe.
But judging from what I've seen so far, I'm sure you're going to keep talking...

Oh boy, I love to fulfill expectations.

Giving You're opinion?...Clearly you don't even read what you write. You're whole thread is based on telling us that we're wrong for believing the Rock is coming back.

That's because he's not coming back. Also, just because my opinion is that your opinion is stupid doesn't stop making it an opinion... opinion.

The Rock WILL come back....maybe not now...maybe not next year...but he will return.

Unless he doesn't.

Remember, in the WWE, "You never say never". And I for one would love to see the expression on you're face when he does.

I would be pleasantly surprised if he came back, but I sincerely doubt he's coming back. If he comes back, and that's a huge if (I'm pretty sure this is the second time I've said it, but I'll say it as much as I have to), he will be a shadow of his former self, unable to wrestle or cut a promo like he used to.
Dude what the fuck do you care what we think.So we belive that the rock will come back.Woopti fuckin dooo.You must be some guy that no gf or wife and beats it off to edge all day.Just because we want the rock to come back dosent mean we are stupid or idiots or ignorrant.We can belive what ever the fuck we want to belive its fuckin america.Just because you think something dosent make it right..Dude i swear if the rock EVER does comeback i will personaly come find you and cock slap the shit out of you.Also i want to know what you fuckin belive in so i can make a fuckin stupid thread like you and put stupid shit just like you.
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