I would like to precede this post by letting you all know I appreciate your input as well as your rep, but most of the reppers are too new to have green/red rep yet, so I can't tell if you liked my post or not! Be sure to leave a little comment so I can tell =)
So's your face.
in your somewhat, oh hell extremely biased opinion. Some of his movies have actually been pretty decent, don't know what he was thinking making the Tooth Fairy though.
I didn't say ALL his movies suck, I said he's made some shitty ones. I liked Walking Tall, as well as Get Smart, and I heard Grid Iron gang was a pretty decent flick. But let's not forget The Tooth Fairy, The Game Plan, and DOOM. Oh the horror.
You honestly believe that it would hurt his reputation if he came back for a short stint?
I said it, didn't I?
Wrestling is no longer the white trash redneck entertainment it used to be, guys like Steve Austin, HBK, Brock Lesnar, and yes the Rock have helped change that perception.
Really? You think Stone Cold made it LESS trashy? HE'S A SELF PROCLAIMED RED NECK! Stone Cold was one of the leading contributors to the trashy TV perception that the WWE took on. And while you and I and other avid WWE watches know, it's not as trashy as it once was, but the image stuck with most of the people who don't really know about wrestling. Once again, Linda McMahon's political enemies have used her affiliation to the WWE against her because she helped produce what most Americans deem to be trashy television.
I'm sorry I must have missed the part where you hang out and have beers with the guy. He made his intentions quite clear when he left and did come back for certain events. i think he appreciates what the WWE has done for him.
Name all the events he came back for. He's made like, 3 or 4 appearances, and none of them have been of much consequence... at all. I do think he appreciates what the WWE did for him, but that doesn't mean he's going to give back. He owes the WWE NOTHING. He gave them years and years of his life and his entire body. He doesn't have to come back for anything.
I'm sorry when the guy says yes I have been working with Vince on something that is a little bit more than internet speculation
Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously, is there any proof that there's any truth to this? This is the first I've heard about him actually working with Vince at all.
Its this last comment that makes me believe that you are a complete turd. People have the right to believe whatever the hell they want to believe and who in the blue hell are you to tell them otherwise. Your attitude sucks your post blows and I believe that a moderator should put in in the trash where it belongs.
People have the right to believe whatever they want. I also have the right to tell them their beliefs are stupid. My attitude is just as good as yours, and I'm not breaking any rules, so there's no reason to close this thread. If you don't like it, don't post.
HE as in the ROCK said that it was very likely that he would be coming back to do something. Most people who talk about the Rock coming back realize contrary to your jacked up opinion that he would not be coming back full time.
More on this later.
The summer is not over with yet, I will still say that it is likely that we will still see him. They haven't named the Mystery General Manager yet.
If you think The Rock is going to be the GM, you're high off of your ass. There's no way he's getting involved in a long term role with the WWE. Even if, and that's a HUUUUGE if, he comes back, it will be a one or two time appearance, maximum.
Oh and one more thing I have pretty much given Green rep to everyone who has called you out for this waste of a thread.
Congratulations, that must make you a good person.
Enjoy your Red Rep. I don't like you.
Actually, you green repped me. Thanks I guess, though your comment, "I don't like you," sure did sting. Ouch.
Getting back to that time I said more on this later...
Most of the people who have disagreed with me here all base their argument on the same concept: The Rock said he'd come back.
And we all know, of course, that professional wrestlers never mind. We all know that people never change their mind. We all know that celebrities never make promises that they don't keep.
Use your common sense people, there's a million reasons that Dwayne Johnson should not come back to the WWE and one reason he should. That one reason, is of course, to please his fans. But guess what, pleasing the fans of his movies is much more lucrative for Dwayne Johnson. The fans of The Rock are second class citizens compared to the fans of Dwayne Johnson.
Now I understand some of my posts were kind of harsh. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Truly, I am, and I understand that some of you are upset with me. But who's the real bad guy here? JGlass, or The Rock?
I've never had the knack for breaking bad news to people, and I kind of threw it in your faces all at once here. But I'd rather see you guys mad than upset, crying in your salads, wondering why The Rock stopped calling. So I gave you the answer the hard way. But I'm not the one who broke your heart, The Rock is. The sooner you let go of this cockamamie idea that he's coming back, the sooner you can move on with your life as a wrestling fan. It's better if you just forget about Mr. Johnson and look to the future.