Former WWE Writer Believes Anti-Rock Resentment Is Fueled By Triple H

Because Hunter is not considered a top top Icon of pro wrestling like Rock, Austin, Hogan and perhaps Andre are. Because even working hard like a dog, being best buddies with HBK, being Vince McMahons son in law, even being a 13 time world champion, even having his wife litterally write the show for him, he STILL will never be even close to those guys

Not even close? He literally CARRIED the WWE on his back for YEARS in the early 2000's. He was the leader of one of the greatest groups in wrestling and you say he wasn't even close? He's about to literally OWN the company he helped make. Were talking about a guy that whether he was a face or a heel he was the best at it. Triple H was over while Rock was still being called the Blue Chipper.

So why dosent he hate them? Becuase they all got big before him, while Rock got big (and far bigger than him) during both of their prime.

Far bigger? I think you need to learn some measuring skills. The ock didn't get any bigger than Triple H did the only difference is that their careers went in totally separate directions.

Maybe because HHH is the very definition of a manufactored superstar while the Rock is the real deal

So DX was all imagined? Even though he took over what Shawn started and made it bigger than it ever was. So big in fact that it carried on a little longer after he left and is still looked at today as being the best group ever formed. The DX that most people remember is the one lead by Triple H. He manufactured himself the WWE didn't do it for him.

Or maybe its the fact that once Austin and Rock left, the company pretty much fell to where it has been ever since, no amount of pushes to Hunter, Brock or Cena has turned things around and the fact that Rock left with his head up high and not beaten and destroyed like so many others?

It didn't fall it stayed afloat quite a bit longer after they left. It only fell because of the terrible booking of huge matches like Brock and Goldberg/Triple H and Booker T. Then it rose after Triple H took a little more control of the booking process.

Hunter worked much harder to get where he is than Rocky did, yet Rock achieved so much more, that has to sting in a person who clearly has ego issues.

If Triple H had these ego issues you and so many others talk about would he have put guys like Cena, Orton, Batista, or Undertaker over? I don't think so. He also wouldn't have put Punk over either nor would Johnny Ace still be in charge.

In conclusion Triple H has done a lot more for wrestling than Rock. He doesn't even want a movie career anyway so that argument is out the window. In short he's about to inherit a multi million dollar company and has had a more fruitful career than the rock so what exactly does he have to be jealous about.
Or maybe its the fact that once Austin and Rock left, the company pretty much fell to where it has been ever since, no amount of pushes to Hunter, Brock or Cena has turned things around and the fact that Rock left with his head up high and not beaten and destroyed like so many?

Something BottomLine said reminded me of something I forgot to point out...

Isn't it possible that the decline of the WWF/E had less to do with Triple H, and more to do with the rise of MMA? The UFC took a significant portion of the WWE's natural audience, because they could watch "real" fighting.

And where did it "fall" to, exactly? Monday Night Raw is still the highest rated TV show on cable week after week. How is being a consistent #1 failing? When you consider the increased competition that the WWE faces from the UFC now, the fact that Raw still gets ratings in the 3s is remarkable...and 3s are still incredibly high for a cable program.

Your entire rant is invalidated by reality.
A couple of things I believe to be true:

1) Triple H was jealous of Austin and Rock in the Attitude Era. If he hadn't been jealous of their spot than he would never have gotten to the top himself. Seriously if everyone on the roster isn't looking at Cena and thinking 'I want that spot, I want the limelight, the money, the titles, the prestige' then they may as well retire right now. Being jealous of a guy that is on top of the pile doesn't make you a bad person.

2) Triple H and Rock didn't get along personally during the attitude era. That's pretty well known. So what basically. Taker and HBK weren't best of buds during that time either, doesn't mean they don't respect each other now.

3) Triple H probably has had something negative to Cena about the Rock. Again so what? People will make up their own minds about everyone. Sheamus, who is supposed to be a very good friend of Triple H, has been full of compliments for the Rock and his attitude backstage. If Triple H was bad mouthing the Rock so much than surely Sheamus wouldn't be full of praise?

This is a non-story.
It has been made obvious in both Bret Hart and Rock's own biographies that HHH was jealous of Rock and Austin in the late 90's and even early 00's and during their rise both himself and HBK did their best to keep them down.

Having said that I would say that this is just pure speculation, a decade has passed since then, HHH as the future owner of the business has a lot invested in it and Rock is a trmendous asset to the WWE. It also seems to me that whatever bad feeling the two had they have conquered and out behind them.

In the Rock's biography he says something towards the end long the lines of he and HHH having a good relationship based on mutual respect and even said he considers him a friend. Then stating that they were just not friends to the extent that they socialise much outside work.

This coming out of Rock's own mouth combined with the significant praise which HHH has attributed to Rock on-screen, in radio and tv interviews, video packages etc is enough to convince me that the two have put whatever issues they may have had in the past behind them.
It has been made obvious in both Bret Hart and Rock's own biographies that HHH was jealous of Rock and Austin in the late 90's and even early 00's and during their rise both himself and HBK did their best to keep them down.

Having said that I would say that this is just pure speculation, a decade has passed since then, HHH as the future owner of the business has a lot invested in it and Rock is a trmendous asset to the WWE. It also seems to me that whatever bad feeling the two had they have conquered and out behind them.

In the Rock's biography he says something towards the end long the lines of he and HHH having a good relationship based on mutual respect and even said he considers him a friend. Then stating that they were just not friends to the extent that they socialise much outside work.

This coming out of Rock's own mouth combined with the significant praise which HHH has attributed to Rock on-screen, in radio and tv interviews, video packages etc is enough to convince me that the two have put whatever issues they may have had in the past behind them.

Good points and very well said!

HHH is far beyond being simply a "member of the locker room" who is "stirring the pot" He is the heir to the WWE throne, and The Rock being around is good for business. He sees that, and even if he to this day completely despised Rock, I seriously doubt he would be trying to cause conflict between him and the other wrestlers. It would be "bad for business."

I have always kinda gotten the impression that a lot of the heat the locker room seems to have with Rock is a work. Heck, even Machine Gun Kelly made that comment at the end of his song about the biggest ego vs. the underdog. This is how the WWE wanted this match portrayed, and I think they may have enlisted help of other superstars in getting this across.
Something BottomLine said reminded me of something I forgot to point out...

Isn't it possible that the decline of the WWF/E had less to do with Triple H, and more to do with the rise of MMA? The UFC took a significant portion of the WWE's natural audience, because they could watch "real" fighting.

And where did it "fall" to, exactly? Monday Night Raw is still the highest rated TV show on cable week after week. How is being a consistent #1 failing? When you consider the increased competition that the WWE faces from the UFC now, the fact that Raw still gets ratings in the 3s is remarkable...and 3s are still incredibly high for a cable program.

Your entire rant is invalidated by reality.

I completely forgot about the UFC lol thanks for mentioning that. I remember when UFC jus exploded into this huge thing and all of a sudden WWE wasn't the only popular combat sport and people that had watched WWE for years had REAL fighting to gravitate to which definitely explains the fall in WWE popularity. Triple H did what he could to keep it a float and to draw interest which is why I say it's unfair to blame Triple H for any of that.

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