Austin and Rock.....AND Triple H era?

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I see a lot of banter in here about drawing power, ability, and who was better in the ring. You can debate HHH as being in the same company as Austin and Rock during the Attitude Era, but it's a moot point. HHH was a supporting member of this era. Despite his title wins, despite his abilities in the ring and despite his run with DX, HHH wouldn't be where he was at if it wasn't for Austin and The Rock.

Stone Cold and Rocky had drawing power. When they're name was on a PPV, the buys would skyrocket, but when HHH was headlining and it wasn't The Rock or Austin in the Main Event, then you can say that he wasn't really the draw on that PPV. Hell, Taker drew more than HHH did at the time. HHH got his push and a well deserved one at that, due to him being in the same matches with Austin and Rock.

Without either of those guys, the WWE wouldn't be as big as it is right now. And neither would HHH. HHH needs someone to carry with him. Just because his name's on the marquee doesn't mean people will buy the PPV or tickets to events. And the numbers don't lie. It's been HHH's WWE for a while now and the WWE can barely manage 3's in the ratings for its flagship show, RAW. So, to call the Attitude Era the Era of Austin, Rock, AND HHH simply is unfounded and not true. The WWE would be fine without HHH, but be a lot worse off without Rock or Austin.
I think it is an insult to say that Hunter isn’t in the same league as The Rock & Austin and then to take it further and say he’s not even close. He put those guys over as legit faces, and with McMahon by his side they really took their feuds to the next level. Without HHH, Rock and Austin wouldn’t have had those defining feuds that you need to solidify your character, and the same goes for HHH. He was the heel to their babyface. It just wouldn’t have been the same, as no other person was that ruthless towards Rock or Austin. Do you remember when Austin blew up the DX truck? If he would’ve blew up Gangrel’s Brood truck would it have been that epic? No. HHH was so hated and such a great heel, that the fans were ecstatic to see him get his. This is just an example I want to use to further support my case.

I do not think that the Attitude Era consisted of a Big 3. To the OP it DID consist of a Big 2, which is Austin and the Rock. Their marks on that era are bigger than the WWE. Over in WCW it was Hogan and Goldberg. HHH had a great character and the Attitude Era wouldn’t have been the same without him and there is no doubt about that, but he was not the quintessential influence of that era. The Rock and Austin were. They were the trend setters, the ticket sellers, the merchandise pushers, and the true stars of the time. It isn’t to take anything away from HHH because the guy in my opinion is the greatest heel of ALL TIME, but he wasn’t a part of the Big 3. The Bulls wouldn’t have won championships without Dennis Rodman but we all know Jordan & Pippen were the main reasons. Same goes for that era. It wouldn’t have been the same without Hunter, but Austin & Rock were the heart & soul and faces of that era.
I absolutly agree that HHH should be up there wit Austin and Rock, ive always said that. It was because of there fueds with HHH, that Austin and Rock got over as much as they did. Who else could they have feuded with that would been able to do that? The only other person u can say wud be Taker, but even austin n rocks feuds with taker were nowhere near as storied as the wuns they had with HHH. HHH has been the constant man and backbone of WWE since 2000 and no he does not get half the credit he deserves.

BUT to say that he is as good on the mic as The Rock is the most absurd thing i think ive ever read. He may be on the same level as Austin, but The Rock is simply in his own league. In the ring, HHH has been VERY good with the execption of the last couple years, but das cuz he's getting old. And for the record, i really dont think any two men worked in the ring better than HHH/Rock. Countless classics between them in just the year 2000 alone.

To answer the thread, HHH is every bit as important as Rock n Austin, its just that (much like HBK) outside the wrestling world, HHH doesnt get that kind of recognition
Let's look at it from a different perspective. Forget about buy rates, ratings, in ring & on the mic skills. If you look at it from a "Heel/Faces" standpoint, HHH did become very valuable to the Attitude Era when he made the transition from Degenerate to "The Cerebral Assassin". When the Undertaker left to have surgery, they needed someone to fill the top heel spot and HHH did just that. He maintained that role when Austin left to have neck surgery. Hunter wasn't the heel you wanted to cheer(Rock/Austin). He was the guy you wanted to see get his ass kicked. When they needed a truly dominate heel who could actually draw heat instead of cheers for the things he said & did, HHH delivered. He wasn't the money maker that the Rock & Austin were, but he wasn't supposed to be. He played his role perfectly. From 1999 to 2001, no other wrestler on the WWF roster was capable of drawing heat the way he did. Here's something to remember, at the time of the first Austin/Rock Wrestlemania match, the Rock was already getting cheered which lead to his face turn shortly after. After they're second Mania match, they turned Austin heel, but the fans didn't really wanna boo him. Austin was never truly hated during his heel runs because the fans loved him too much & wanted to cheer rather than boo him. My point is that, Triple H provided that strong heel presence they needed for the Austins, Rocks, & Undertakers to play off of. The only person who was truly hated was Vince, but he wasn't an everyday wrestler. So, even if Triple H was the fourth most important wrestler behind the Stone Cold, The Rock, & the Undertaker, he was still the most important heel who actually had in ring credibility.
Triple H was good. BUT Austin & Rock were EXCELLENT. I also agree with the person that said Undertaker was the third face of the wwf. In my rankings it's 1)Austin 2)Rock 3)Undertaker 4)Triple H 5)Foley as the top 5 guys in the game. Triple H could never be top draw. When Rock & Austin left they tried to fill the void with Goldberg & Lesnar; Eddie & Benoit; Cena & Batista. Never Triple H. HHH can only get super over with HBK at his side. It was true in the attitude era and it's true now.
QUOTE: Ok, let me attempt to help you. Triple H had a longer career, had MAJOR success both by himself AND in a successful group, he has won more World Titles than both of them by far, and he was able to do something that Rock and Austin couldn't do....remain a heel or face whenever he wanted to.

This particular part of your post caught my eye. I want to say that yes, Triple H's career has had more longevity than both Austin and The Rock. That is solely on two reasons, luck and failure.

Luck: For Triple H to return and still be able to wrestle as well as he does after quad tears in both legs and prior knee injuries is very fortunate for him. Had he received the same injury as Austin, it would have been time to pack up the pieces and the game board and put them in the box on the shelf. The Rock went injury free his entire tenure and bowed out to do other things while still at the top of his health. Rock has had more options than Triple H ever has or ever will. I also agree with the point of HBK carrying Triple H to success.

Failure: Triple H tried his hand in the movie world and ultimately failed!

QUOTE: "he has won more World Titles than both of them by far,"

We all know why Triple H has so many title runs and to be honest, Triple H had to play catch up to The Rock who was the FIRST 9x, count 'em, 9 time World champ in history. SCSA didn't even catch up to him. Another point made is The Rock and Stone Cold WON all of their titles. They weren't given titles like when Bischoff gave Triple H the WHC when it was introduced. Nor, did The Rock and Austin have the McMahon familia ties to the power behind their pushes. That same push goes for Triple H's requests to turn heel and face whenever he wanted to.

Triple H was indeed a great heel, perhaps one of the greatest of all time. He was a vital part to the Attitude Era, but what has been so memorable about Triple H besides his ability to bury talent, hog championships, and be jealous of The Rock. Face it, Triple H wasn't an extravagant draw alone like Austin and The Rock.
why not, these where the 3 biggest things in that era........ the rock,stone cold,and dx,triple h was a member of dx(leader no less)so he is part of it,he also started the cerebral assassin gimmick in the attitude era, he was at his most violent during this time, he also had awesome feuds,vs owen hart,dx vs nation,vs the rock,angle,stephanie triangle,and of course stone cold which was the best feud ever IMO, so yeah triple h does deserve to be a part of it,holla!
Triple H is so undervalued when it comes to his impact this decade. Triple H is AMAZING at capturing the audience and he never fully gets the credit he deserves for that. Whether as a heel or as a face, Triple H has a lot of charisma and IS in the Rock's league and always was. To say otherwise would imply that The Rock was in a league of his own in the year 2000 which is TOTAL BS because we all know that when Austin was out that year, it was the HHH/Rock show. It was NOT just The Rock show. Again, HHH is really forgotten. People always narrow it down to Austin and Rock this and Austin and Rock that, but Triple H was right there with them and does not get the credit he deserves for that.

I don't think that Triple H is undervalued in his impact on the decade, as he IS great.... but he's NOT on the level of Stone Cold or The Rock. Sorry, but he's not. If he was truly as great as those two then he could have kept all those fans from leaving when Stone Cold and The Rock did. That's how I see it anyway.

The point of this thread is...why do we narrow it down to Austin vs. Rock and the Austin and Rock era when Triple H was just as valuable during that stretch? And while we're at it, why are so many people not grateful for Triple H still being around, when Austin and The Rock are not? And do you agree with me that Triple H was just as valuable during this stretch and if not, WHY THE HELL NOT??

We narrow it down to Austin & The Rock because Triple H wasn't as good as them, it's that simple. He was great and still is, but Stone Cold and The Rock were both on a level that only they and Hogan have reached. a little thing called "the top tier". Triple H is great too, just not AS great. As for your other question, I'm grateful Triple H is still around even though neither Rock nor Austin are. He has put on some really good shows during those years. That doesn't mean he was as good as them though.

Your thread asks a question worth looking into, but the fact of the matter is that Triple H wasn't as good as Austin and The Rock. They are remembered more than HHH is when people discuss the attitude era because they were a little better than him.
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