Triple H: "Vince, sorry for killing your dream match every time"

Rock VS Shawn Michaels. Use their real life beef as a "reality era" storyline. Vince would have to throw blank checks at Rock and Shawn but... That would definitely put butts in seats. 100,000 seats right? You're Welcome.
I got no problem with story. One of top 3 greatest of all time and other who thinks he is top 3 greatest of all time clash in a biggest stage of them all. The story basicly writes itself especially if they let Rock to play out on HHH insecurity part. Though dont think so and it will probably be "two greatest of all times" promo from Rock but still would be great promo work. Little worried about match itself because "Twice in a lifetime" wasnt that great but should be fine and they will probably include Reigns and some other intereference like Steph or Ronda or Authority guys if Authority is still there.

About Rock/Bryan: Always pictured that match sice RAW 1000 and that "Rock bottom" and even thought that Bryan could be one facing Rock at Rumble after that "someway, somehow I would be Champion on Rumble day" but they go with different route with Bryan and cant picture Rock vs Bryan unless one of them is heel which is almost imposible to imagine now. Maybe someday on some other Mania we get that. Though I think if Reigns really manage to imerge as huge star bigger possibility is that we probably will get Reigns/Rock.
Rock VS Shawn Michaels. Use their real life beef as a "reality era" storyline. Vince would have to throw blank checks at Rock and Shawn but... That would definitely put butts in seats. 100,000 seats right? You're Welcome.

What real life beef did they had?

I know that Shawn had a problem with Rock.

But can you explain more please?
What real life beef did they had?

I know that Shawn had a problem with Rock.

But can you explain more please?

Apparently when The Rock was a teenager, Shawn Michaels performed at a wrestling show that was being coordinated by Rocky's grandmother, and he was very disrespectful and arrogant towards her. This led to The Rock actually wanting to challenge Michaels to a fight. Later, when The Rock's star began rising in the WWE, Shawn and HHH did everything they could to halt his momentum. They tried to convince Vince and Bret Hart that Rock losing the IC title to Bret was the best route to go. Of course this was only to get Bret out of the title picture and make The Rock look bad.

There's also a rumor that Michaels lobbied to have The Rock replaced with HHH as the main event of Wrestlemania 15.

As for the topic at hand, HHH vs The Rock is a match for the old-school wrestling fan and will basically be a culmination of their legendary feud throughout the years. Brock/Rock would undoubtedly draw more, but strictly speaking as a fan, I couldn't care less about who watches Wrestlemania and it amazes me the way some people OBSESS over the term "draw". You're not making money off the event so why do you care how many people tune in?

Again, as a fan Rock vs HHH or Rock vs Brock both appeal to me. Why wouldn't they; they would both have amazing builds and a great match and that's all I can really ask for. Maybe HHH's ego did play a part in this, but maybe JUST MAYBE, there's another plan in the works for Lesnar?

Plus, everybody always praises HHH for being "in-touch" with the fanbase, so you got to take the good with the bad.
If we do get Rock vs. Triple H I won't be surprised, but I will be annoyed.

Hunter might have done a good thing with NXT, and he might have been the one help put over Bryan at Wrestlemania, but let's be real.

The company had to be dragged kicking and screaming to over Bryan, and beating Randy and Batista meant as much if not more than beating Triple H did. There was also the abortion of a feud with Punk, the two shite matches with the Undertaker with shite feuds to build them (IMO), the utter boredom that has been the Authority, and the bullshit trilogy with Brock Lesnar. And dare I reference Sting?

The guy has been a legendary performer and backbone for the company for more than two decades, but let's not pretend HHH deserves another feather in his cap that a Rock match would be, and let's not pretend anyone has been actually calling for this or naming it a dream rematch. Because it's not, for all it will get a pop. Hunter vs. Sting got a pop, but it certainly wasn't a dream match.

I would rather have Brock vs. Rock any day of the week, but I acknowledge Rock vs. Triple H No. 94330958435 would also be very good.
Apparently when The Rock was a teenager, Shawn Michaels performed at a wrestling show that was being coordinated by Rocky's grandmother, and he was very disrespectful and arrogant towards her. This led to The Rock actually wanting to challenge Michaels to a fight. Later, when The Rock's star began rising in the WWE, Shawn and HHH did everything they could to halt his momentum. They tried to convince Vince and Bret Hart that Rock losing the IC title to Bret was the best route to go. Of course this was only to get Bret out of the title picture and make The Rock look bad.

There's also a rumor that Michaels lobbied to have The Rock replaced with HHH as the main event of Wrestlemania 15.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels are the biggest politican of all times, no one came close. They go beyond kayfabe on being assholes.

Do you know how Shawn was disrespectful against The Rocks mother?
Did The Rock want to challenge for a real fight, or a wrestling fight?
Triple H and Shawn Michaels are the biggest politican of all times, no one came close. They go beyond kayfabe on being assholes.

Do you know how Shawn was disrespectful against The Rocks mother?
Did The Rock want to challenge for a real fight, or a wrestling fight?

Dude Google is your friend here. And everyone given the chance will politic for a better match, opponent or whatever, some are just better at it than others. Personally I don't care to see HHH against the Rock, I don't care to see HHH in the ring again. Nor the Rock for that matter, but it being Mania all the part timers will have to come back.

Shame that the current roster isn't good enough to sell out AT&T Stadium, and probably never will be.
I'd rather have Rock vs. Triple H at Summerslam. I don't get excited about the match enough for it to be a Mania match. Yes, I would still get excited if the match takes place, regardless at which ppv, but I'd rather see a Rock vs. Brock match at Mania. However, as I said, I would not complain if Rock vs. Triple H takes place at Mania next year.
Doesn't matter who I want to see The Rock face. It doesn't matter who Vince or HHH want to see The Rock face. It only matters who The Rock wants to face. He doesn't need the WWE or WM. He holds all of the power in this relationship.

Personally, gun to my head I don't want to see The Rock face HHH or Brock. The Rock/HHH feels insignificant. HHH is too big of a heel for me to want to see an actor take him down. Rock/Brock leaves me not wanting to see either guy lose. That is a bad thing and makes me not care for the match up. I also don't think it is the draw others are making it out to be.

Maybe I could start to care about Rock/Reigns if they just turned Reigns heel. Heel Rock is pretty much impossible in 2016. Rock/Cena is another possibility as a rubber match but again Cena would have to go heel.

I agree completely. I have no real interest in The Rock vs. Triple H nor in seeing The Rock go up against Brock Lesnar.

The Rock's always going to have wrestling as a part of him, but he's ultimately now an actor who only very, very, very wrestles. I'm not saying that to hate on him for leaving wrestling for acting or any of that nonsense, I'm just not crazy about celebrity vs. wrestler match, this one against one of the top heels of the past 25 years, in which the wrestler looks like a chump. The Rock doesn't need WWE and, in all honesty, WWE doesn't need The Rock. I prefer having the majority of the focus for WrestleMania put on wrestles who're there year round rather than special one and done attractions. I might be in the minority, but I just don't have a ton of interest.

As for The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, there's even less interest. This is one of those matches where there's nothing to be gained or lost for either guy. While I wasn't looking forward to Lesnar vs. Reigns, it was a strong match that told a great story and, at the very least, Roman Reigns got something out of it. He may not have won the title, but he looked like a courageous, touch young stud who's stock went up in the eyes of a lot of people.

I like seeing the sort of matches where a wrestler and even fans themselves benefit in the long run from mega names like those two. Cesaro, Rusev, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, etc. are all guys who could get a serious rub just being in a match against these two. I have a very, very difficult time believing that seeing Daniel Bryan take on Brock Lesnar or The Rock, for instance, wouldn't be a very big draw. The most over babyface in the company, arguably of the past decade, who happens to be passionate, dedicated, holds fans in the palms of his hands & plays the underdog role as well as anyone ever has against a legit MMA/wrestling badass or one of the biggest stars in wrestling history who also happens to be the biggest action star in Hollywood won't draw? :rolleyes: As for The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, where's the drama? Why should I care about one over the other when they're both one and done? Lesnar doesn't care if he loses as long as he gets paid while The Rock gets hype for his movie career and gets to relive his glory days for a little while. It just strikes me as a match against a couple of mercenaries who're there only because of a big, fat paycheck and it's just not a compelling story for me.
He's akayfabe legend and people have slurped up what WWE have fed to them. The guy's not in the same league as the real greats, and that's evident when you see people list their dream matches. Hogan, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Bret, Shawn, Angle and other such legendary names pop up, but never Triple H. Nobody wanted him against Sting, and nobody wants him against anybody.

Yet your list of legends, most were only around for a couple years. Hogan never had a match with a lot of the younger guys and he is the biggest name in wrestling. Austin was around for how many years? And again biggest name for a good 4 years. So he never got to wrestle with any outside of his era. Taker's usually only involved in 1 or 2 ideas(Hogan as I already explained and Sting who wasn't in the company with him ever). Bret, Shawn and Angle are IWC favorites for working a match(not badmouthing them but really you throw them with a broom and a decent match shows up).

My point Triple H has been around almost consistently for 20 years now, how many guys has he not wrestled? He even had a Wrestlemania match with Ultimate Warrior, it's hard to come up with a dream match for a guy in Triple H's position. Andre The Giant? No appeal. Maybe Randy Savage? Your options are sparse. With someone like Hogan you have 20 years of not being a full time performer to compete against, give Triple H 20 years of not wrestling and I'm sure there would be a laundry list of ideas.

To the point of the thread, Triple H is a draw at this point. He might not be the biggest draw but he is. Let's look at your attitude era guys who are still around. Undertaker, Rock, Triple H, Big Show, Kane and Mark Henry. That's about all that I can think of. Mark Henry was not a main eventer back then. Big Show and Kane have been overexposed and the audience craps on them. So you have Undertaker, Rock and Triple H as your draws from the attitude era. While I think the match itself would be a waste I could see where fans who have tuned out since the Attitude Era might see this match and go well I'll spend $10 to watch this.

I'd prefer Reigns against either of them, remember before SummerSlam when Reigns and Trips had a staredown and the crowd wanted it bad. If they turn Reigns heel him versus Rock could be great for his career. Hell I'd take Ambrose getting a big shot against either of them. Maybe turn Bray face and have him feud with Triple H. There are better ideas but it only took a couple minutes
Rock/Helmsley matches were awesome ... in 1999. Like, that rivalry was built over a long time. Seeing them now would just be a slower version of that, surely?

I think I actually like Triple H more than most, prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt because he gets a lot of shit for playing the game(lol) and working the system to keep himself on top. Loads of guys have done that. It's not wrestling-specific either, I do it a lot in my life. However the whole deal with Sting at Mania has kind of soured me on him recently. Why must Triple H be the WWF standard bearer who crushes the WCW talent beneath his heel?

Anyway rant over, I like both characters and don't mind if this match happens, but I wouldn't be uber excited for it either. But you know, if it comes to it, Hunter is "fucking going over!"
H's program with Punk in 2011 was an abortion, with Brock was a clusterfuck that did nothing for no one except him. Never deserved to take on Taker twice because the streak draws for Mania. And this year was the worst.

Why is a career upper midcarder being paraded around as a big deal when he really wasn't the man in his era. Its because the guys have left. I don't wanna see Rock Vs Triple H. Thats the waste of what could be a really hot slot

Best heel by a country mile in his era.
The Rock was OKAY as a heel but only because he was so hilarious he was a tweener. HHH stepped in as a suitable heel for a long long time when Wrestling was hamstrung by injuries and departures. He deserves everything he takes AND if he wasn't around the WWE would be unwatchable right now. he is the only voice of reason Vince hears.

Also, he didn't deserve the Taker matches???
HHH vs. Taker I is arguably the greatest match of all time.
One thing no one really has mentioned in this thread while marking out like children about how bad and egotistical Trips Levesque is...when two part timers face off against each other they are afforded time to train together and practice together (for the lack of better term)

When a guy on the roster is earning his spot and trying to build his year towards Mania there is no time to shelf him and let him work a program with a guy who hasn't been in a ring in years. Wyatt and Cena are top notch and deserve plenty of credit for doing just that (with Rock/Taker respectively) but a part timer vs. part timer thing works much better for those purposes.

If you don't think Levesque and Sting trained together extensively during the lead up to Mania you are high.
Dude Google is your friend here. And everyone given the chance will politic for a better match, opponent or whatever, some are just better at it than others. Personally I don't care to see HHH against the Rock, I don't care to see HHH in the ring again. Nor the Rock for that matter, but it being Mania all the part timers will have to come back.

Shame that the current roster isn't good enough to sell out AT&T Stadium, and probably never will be.

That's the WWE's fault that the roster can't sell out a WM without part timers being involved. They've done a poor job building and sustaining new talent. Every time it looks like someone is getting over they railroad their push.

Triple H is a good worker and a legit star in WWE history. He's not on par with a few greats and imo that fuels his insecurities, and no matter how many wins, how many title runs, and big spots you put yourself in you're never gonna be seen as on par with those greats.

Rock/Triple H is a big match and I wouldn't have an issue if that's the direction they go in. I just believe that having these part timers face each other is a waste of resources. If you're going to have these guys at WM then they should be facing active members of the roster that can use the rub. Rock/Reigns would be fine by me or even Rock/Bryan like someone else mentioned. Another matchup that no one has mentioned is Rock/Orton that can easily play into the legend killer monicker.
Best heel by a country mile in his era.
The Rock was OKAY as a heel but only because he was so hilarious he was a tweener. HHH stepped in as a suitable heel for a long long time when Wrestling was hamstrung by injuries and departures. He deserves everything he takes AND if he wasn't around the WWE would be unwatchable right now. he is the only voice of reason Vince hears.

Also, he didn't deserve the Taker matches???
HHH vs. Taker I is arguably the greatest match of all time.

Nope, clearly because Rock doesn't need a heel or a face for Mania. He needs a man, a name that will excite and throw up something new. Rock tackling a Reigns or a Bryan would be faaaaaar more compelling because there is a new fresh story to be told and something the fans havent seen. That Mania card should be the culmination of the best feuds, and dream matchups that you won't see on any other PPV.

Taker/H I was great, good story told, 2 was a waste. It was know after 27 that Taker would only wrestle Manias, in that case give us all the marquee matchups, or never before seen matchups if he has only a few Manias left. Shawn/Taker 2 was Shawn's farewell match that was the blow off. When Taker wrestled H in 2001 even that was great, but Taker going against Wyatt/(Sting next year) is way WAY better. It creates something new.

Sting also has limited time left and instead being wasted on H (although the DX vs nWo stuff kinda redeemed it) it should have gone to a Cena or a Taker or another marquee guy.
I hate to laugh at this Triple H hatefest by the OP.

Rock v Triple H makes sense. They are traditional rivals. They have fought in a ladder match, "I Quit" Match, Ironman Match and even a Casket Match one time. They have fought again and again, so there is a truckload of history.

This time could be "The Rock v Triple H - one more time". They have fought many times, except on the biggest stage of all (in fact, I think they should have fought one-on-one at WM 2000, instead of throwing Foley and Big Show so that they could have a McMahon in every corner). It is an epic match. I got sick of seeing Austin v Rock at WM, but notice that you don't criticise that. It would be their final fight, to decide who is the better man, once and for all.

You say Triple H is selfish, but then want Rock v Brock. Who the hell has Brock Lesnar EVER put over? Who?

So you want to not have Rock v a selfish but loyal prick, and instead have Rock v a selfish and disloyal prick. It was bad enough that the ape-like Brock ended Taker's Streak and spat on the business. If Triple H was SO selfish, then how come he agreed to not end the Streak even after fighting Taker 3 times at WM, yet I bet Brock wouldn't sign a new contract unless he beat the Streak.
I hate to laugh at this Triple H hatefest by the OP.

Rock v Triple H makes sense. They are traditional rivals. They have fought in a ladder match, "I Quit" Match, Ironman Match and even a Casket Match one time. They have fought again and again, so there is a truckload of history.

This time could be "The Rock v Triple H - one more time". They have fought many times, except on the biggest stage of all (in fact, I think they should have fought one-on-one at WM 2000, instead of throwing Foley and Big Show so that they could have a McMahon in every corner). It is an epic match. I got sick of seeing Austin v Rock at WM, but notice that you don't criticise that. It would be their final fight, to decide who is the better man, once and for all.

You say Triple H is selfish, but then want Rock v Brock. Who the hell has Brock Lesnar EVER put over? Who?

So you want to not have Rock v a selfish but loyal prick, and instead have Rock v a selfish and disloyal prick. It was bad enough that the ape-like Brock ended Taker's Streak and spat on the business. If Triple H was SO selfish, then how come he agreed to not end the Streak even after fighting Taker 3 times at WM, yet I bet Brock wouldn't sign a new contract unless he beat the Streak.

Rock/HHH is one of my favorite feuds ever but doing that match now is total waste of the Rock imo. That match has happened a ton of times in the past. How about they give us a fresh matchup that we haven't seen before? Rock/Orton? Rock/Reigns? Rock/Bryan? Even Rock/Rollins. If you're bringing in the Rock use him as a way to elevate your established regular main stars. Rock/HHH is nothing more than an ego boost for Hunter. He just wants to be the guy to beat the Rock one more time. That benefits no one except Hunter's ego.
Rock/HHH is one of my favorite feuds ever but doing that match now is total waste of the Rock imo. That match has happened a ton of times in the past. How about they give us a fresh matchup that we haven't seen before? Rock/Orton? Rock/Reigns? Rock/Bryan? Even Rock/Rollins. If you're bringing in the Rock use him as a way to elevate your established regular main stars. Rock/HHH is nothing more than an ego boost for Hunter. He just wants to be the guy to beat the Rock one more time. That benefits no one except Hunter's ego.

Yet, the OP said that he wanted The Rock v Brock Lesnar. Guess what, that has happened before as well- at Summerslam 2002.

A match for the Rock which would be a great idea would be someone he hasn't fought before- Randy Orton!

Third generation superstar v third generation superstar. Legend v legend Killer. The match has never been done, and is WM worthy.
Yet, the OP said that he wanted The Rock v Brock Lesnar. Guess what, that has happened before as well- at Summerslam 2002.

A match for the Rock which would be a great idea would be someone he hasn't fought before- Randy Orton!

Third generation superstar v third generation superstar. Legend v legend Killer. The match has never been done, and is WM worthy.

I don't want to see Rock/Brock either but at least they only had 1 one on one match.
Yet, the OP said that he wanted The Rock v Brock Lesnar. Guess what, that has happened before as well- at Summerslam 2002.

A match for the Rock which would be a great idea would be someone he hasn't fought before- Randy Orton!

Third generation superstar v third generation superstar. Legend v legend Killer. The match has never been done, and is WM worthy.

The Rock vs Brock is a potentially Huge Draw which will generate huge external interest through both competitors. Personally, I don't think it is a neccessity nor do I think it would be a 5 star match, but it will be a huge draw.

The Rock vs Triple H? Let's be serious, what motivation is there for one more match between the 2? Given Triple H makes regular appearances on WWE TV, he won't be a huge draw, and it will be left to the Rock alone to draw more fans.

I stick to my idea that the Rock/Rousey vs Triple H/Stephanie would be a good way to go and could be a potential draw alongwith the possibility of Sting vs the Undertaker and maybe some other marquee match could go a huge way in drawing that 100,000 number that WWE wants in Dallas next year.
I hate to laugh at this Triple H hatefest by the OP.

Rock v Triple H makes sense. They are traditional rivals. They have fought in a ladder match, "I Quit" Match, Ironman Match and even a Casket Match one time. They have fought again and again, so there is a truckload of history.

This time could be "The Rock v Triple H - one more time". They have fought many times, except on the biggest stage of all (in fact, I think they should have fought one-on-one at WM 2000, instead of throwing Foley and Big Show so that they could have a McMahon in every corner). It is an epic match. I got sick of seeing Austin v Rock at WM, but notice that you don't criticise that. It would be their final fight, to decide who is the better man, once and for all.

You say Triple H is selfish, but then want Rock v Brock. Who the hell has Brock Lesnar EVER put over? Who?

So you want to not have Rock v a selfish but loyal prick, and instead have Rock v a selfish and disloyal prick. It was bad enough that the ape-like Brock ended Taker's Streak and spat on the business. If Triple H was SO selfish, then how come he agreed to not end the Streak even after fighting Taker 3 times at WM, yet I bet Brock wouldn't sign a new contract unless he beat the Streak.

I'm not hating on Triple H. I'm actually one of the few in here, that respects Triple H career and recognize him as a wrestling legend. However Triple H is not THE legend (like The Rock). Also, Triple H doesn't have half the drawing ability Brock has.

I don't want Brock vs Rock either. All I'm saying is that, under the current conditions, I'd prefer Brock vs Rock. Why? Because that's the huge draw the AT&T stadium needs.

Brock vs Rock is a draw just from the names. Brock Lesnar, legit former UFC champ and Rock, one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Major mainstream attention, JUST from these facts. What kind of mainstream power does HHH have, compared to Lesnar and Rock? Minimal. That's my arguement.

Both matches would be awesome, but, Rock vs Brock is huge on its own. If HHH vs Rock wants to reach the level of draw of Rock vs Brock, then stipulations like the one I mentioned im my thread, have to be put into place.
If you want mainstream publicity for WM32, I have an idea.

How about the Rock versus.....wait for it.....BATISTA!

Here's why. The star of Fast & The Furious films, the Scorpion King etc versus a star of Guardians of the Galaxy and the new Bond film.

The mainstream publicity to have two WWE legends who have legitimately transitioned into movies would bring massive press to WWE at WM32.

Sure, the match would suck, but the buzz about the event is sometimes bigger than the match itself.
If you want mainstream publicity for WM32, I have an idea.

How about the Rock versus.....wait for it.....BATISTA!

Here's why. The star of Fast & The Furious films, the Scorpion King etc versus a star of Guardians of the Galaxy and the new Bond film.

The mainstream publicity to have two WWE legends who have legitimately transitioned into movies would bring massive press to WWE at WM32.

Sure, the match would suck, but the buzz about the event is sometimes bigger than the match itself.

If Batista can show himself well in the Bond film, then Batista vs Rock wouldn't be a bad idea at all and hopefully both guys can draw as well.

That said; I still see some form of Rock vs Triple H. I just hope it involves Rousey and Stephanie as well in a Mixed Tag match. That should generate enough buzz for Mania, lMO.... and maybe Batista vs Brock could be an option also, that would also generate a buzz as well,lMO.
If Batista can show himself well in the Bond film, then Batista vs Rock wouldn't be a bad idea at all and hopefully both guys can draw as well.

That said; I still see some form of Rock vs Triple H. I just hope it involves Rousey and Stephanie as well in a Mixed Tag match. That should generate enough buzz for Mania, lMO.... and maybe Batista vs Brock could be an option also, that would also generate a buzz as well,lMO.

I hear that Batista is playing the baddie's bodyguard/henchman, a type of Oddjob role, in the new bond film, so he isn't just tacked onto the film, and may feature in a few fight scenes.

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