The Rock! The Rock! The Rock! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!

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lmfao that made me laugh, anyways yeah.. whatever,, we can believe what we want. its sad to see people are complaining about the rock returning of all the other bullshit we see on here.
well hey if bret hart returned and is fucking wrestling now, whos to say the rock wont, bret hart had a seizure and is putting his life on the line n a match, even though he dont do shit,, my point is anything can happen in wwe
The Rock is not coming back. Get over it. We all want him to come back, but he's not coming back. He's gone forever, the most we'll ever get is a crappy hall of fame appearance here and there and that shit we saw a few months ago where he teased coming back. But once again, in case you missed the message, he's not coming back.

Here's a list of reasons why he's not coming back.

1) He's busy

He's an actor who's in demand. Sure, he's made a bunch of shitty movies like The Tooth Fairy, but all his movies have one thing in common: he makes a healthy payday. According to imdb, Dwayne Johnson has 6 projects he's working on. And let's not forget that his job doesn't begin and end on the set. He has to do promotional stuff, meetings, all that good stuff. He doesn't have time to go back to the WWE.

2) He has an image to maintain

Whether you like it or not, the WWE will never again be classified as family entertainment like it was during the heydays of Hulk Hogan, and it was Mr. Johnson himself who helped the WWE get that attitude image we all loved so much. Now, the WWE is nowhere near as edgy, violent, crude, or perverse as it was while The Rock was still wrestling regularly, but that's an image the WWE has been trying to shake for years. The PG rating has helped a little, but it still hasn't stopped Linda McMahon's political enemies from criticizing her and her involvement in the WWE. The Rock doesn't need any negative PR that would come from rejoining the WWE.

3) He doesn't care about you

Go ahead and think he cares about wrestling fans. The only wrestling fans Dwayne Johnson cares about are the ones that buy tickets to his movies. If he really cared about wrestling fans, he would have never left, or would have at least made more appearances than he has. The only reason he maintains any sort of relationship with the WWE is so that they'll promote his movies hoping that maybe one day he'll return the favor. But he won't. He'll come to the Hall of Fame every five years, he'll do a little video message once every blue moon, but he's not going to be back in a wrestling ring until he stops making movies, which will probably be never.

4) Every rumor about him coming back is not a WWE rumor, it's an internet speculation rumor

Not much to say here, just don't believe everything you read on the internet. This may be troublesome for many of you, so I'll do a step by step explanation of how to accomplish this.

First- Read something on the internet: It could be anything, but for our purposes, let's say it's, "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson may be returning to RAW this Monday night!"

Second- Question it: This may be the most important part. Instead of just accepting it as a fact, which is probably what your joke of a brain is used to doing, you instead consider the possibility it's not true. Look at it objectively and weigh out the possibilities... Why would The Rock be coming to the WWE now? What does The Rock have to gain from coming to the WWE? How many times have similar rumors been started only to be nothing more than total bullshit?

Third- Don't believe it: You realize that what you read is crap, and instead of believing it anyway, you just don't believe it. Erase it from your mind and move on with your life.

Congratulations, you now pass as a semi-intelligent human being.

In conclusion, The Rock is not coming back anytime soon, so give up. Your energy is better spent other places, such as trying not to be an idiot. Good luck with all your future Rockless existence.

:icon_cool: You couldn't be more right on.
This guy I work with, This guy is thirty years old and is the most easily convinced of anything kind of person I's sad
But every week he's been coming in after raw...OH STONE COLDS THE GM, THE ROCKS THE GM, RODDY PIPER IS THE GM oh guess who's coming back
all the time just cause he reads stupid 'rumers' on the internet.

I agree the rock DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ANY OF US. He' is a selfish jerk off who used wrestling to get famous then ditched everything to make horrible, dreadful movies. I have seen most of them so I'm not just being a 'hater'

He's not just going to come back because the millions of insignificant people to him want him to come back.

This is the best post I read all day cause it's the most truest I've seen...and I do like the absolute bluntness of the message ;)
So...I guess the world will end, and WWE will end if The Rock/Dwayne Johnson doesn't come back to WWE for one night? I mean, WWE existed before him, and will continue to exist without him. I'm not discrediting his talent, sure he did many great things for the business, but after their time, people will want to do something else. I can't hate them for that. Just like when Lita left, wrestling was probably one of the last things she really wanted to do, sure she made an appearance or two on WWE again with Trish, but wrestling wasn't going to be her full time thing. If it was THAT important for The Rock to come back, I'm sure Vince would probably have pushed all these Nexus plans to the side since that seems to be one of the biggest things right now, right up there with the mystery GM. When it happens, it happens. As for the Rock/Dwayne Johnson not caring about fans, I can't speculate on that since I've never met him personally, he maybe does/maybe doesn't, who knows, and who cares right now. He's sacrificed a lot with his body, and I think he does deserve to take it easy for a while, and granted he's already been away from the ring for a while, time is precious, and only he can decide when he wants to make that step back to the 4 sided ring. Because once he does, then its a whole new level, and more expectations will be thrown on him again, which I'm sure he'd rather not deal with just yet. So let's just sit back and enjoy what we have.
He aint coming back to wrestling. Rock doesn't need to come back even though i want him to come back to WWE he aint gonna. He is an actor now and people probably look down on him for going back to that damned wrestling thing again. He probably doesn't care about wrestling no more thats why he doesn't come back
I actually can't agree with you more, nothing I can add also

In response to your inane rant: Speculate all you want, but never say never.

Yeh, never say never, the Rock will only come back to WWE for an appearance or "one more match" if three conditions are met:

1) He gets poor, or money gets abit tight at that moment

2) Can't find an acting job.

3) Feels after training he can still wrestle and cut promos as good.

What are those chances? :wtf: :banghead:
All you "Rock is a jerk" folks need to come back to reality for a minute. The guy is 38 years old. He played high school, Division I college, and semi-pro football until he was 25. He might have actually remained in football if not for the injury he suffered while at Miami. He wrestled full-time for another 3-4 years until he started doing movies and then continued the off/on wrestling work for about three more years.

The guy didn't set out to be a pro wrestler. He turned to it once another dream was lost. And lucky for us, he was as entertaining and memorable as just about anything else that's come down the line. Now he's left to pursue another dream, and I think it's pretty sad that so many people hold that against him.

He's 38 years old. We've talked so much crap through the years about guys who are "too old." Well, he may not look it, but The Rock is OLD from an athletic standpoint. He's got 6-7 years of football wear & tear plus about 7-8 years of wrestling. And unlike so many other guys, he actually has an opportunity to continue to be a celebrity and bring in big money (way more, actually) while not abusing his body on a routine basis.
The Rock will eventually be back. For anything long term? No. But it's a given that sometime in the next 2-3 years the Rock WILL BE INDUCTED into the E's HOF. When he does get inducted he'll probably be around for a few weeks before Mania because that's what big stars do. Will he wrestle? Perhaps one last time at a Mania, but he's made it clear that he's done wrestling.

And for those who say he's a "trader" and that he doesn't care about wrestling fans. That sounds as ******ed as someone saying he's a "trader." The Rock gives props to wrestling fans often. He knows how he got his start and no one can say otherwise. For all you internet tough guys who think you're funny "hurting people's feelings" and posting a picture of a box of kleenex, grow a set. You wanna debate, debate. But don't act like you'll ever come out of your parents basement. Either way, the Rock WILL again be in an E ring someday. In what capacity, that's to be seen.
LMAO! It's kinda funny looking back at these "Rock won't be back" threads. They said he'll never be back, and he did. They said he's not gonna show up after WM 27, but he did. They said he won't wrestle a match, but he will. hehe, what more can I say?

The poster above said it all.
Ha.... ha ha.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! This is a friggen riot. All the OP did was spark a massive conversation involving the Rock, which seems to defeat his original purpose.

ANYWAYS: The Rock wouldn't BS the fans because then he'd lose money on his movies and lose movie roles and have to crawl back to the WWE, which ain't right. He's smart enough to know that he needs the fans in order to get money on his films. He loves acting, but he'll go to the WWE if it means getting fans to watch his movies. Chances are, he'll swing by on off periods where he's not filming some blockbuster to keep fans interested in him and promote upcoming films. It gives him a good chance of high movie-going influx (grammer nazi's, sorry if that sentence seemed off, lol.) So yeah, quit bashin those talkin bout the Rock cause he's always gonna be talked about.
I'd completely forgotten about this thread. And I'm glad that Rock did return, admittedly later than I thought he would. JGlass, I've grown to enjoy reading your posts and respect your opinions, but this was one occasion where you were just wrong.
I think the Rock will come back now and then. I think he respects the business, he knows it helped him at where he is now. But he could have stayed away, but then again ii is profitable for him. He has to be relevant in any single way and WWE has a big fanbase so going back to WWE is not only for them, it's certrainly good for Dwayne. Anyway I respect Dwayne and I think he has done it all and if he decides to come back for a few apearances or one match I am entertained by it.


I remember reading this and thinking "who in the hell does this guy think he is that he can give us a guaran-damn-tee that the Rock isn't coming back, and make all these stupid claims?"

BUT, as much fun as it is to laugh hysterically at JGlass, I do want to point out something and save him the time. Yes, the Rock did come back. I actually just got off the phone with him, and he came back specifically to prove JGlass wrong... But then he made the "I'm not leaving ever again" statement, and deuced out of the WWE quicker than he came in.

It's hard to believe he didn't make his grand return for anything but the WrestleMania paycheck, but at the same time I don't really care. I loved the moments we have had with him while he's been around, and I'll love the few we get leading into WrestleMania 28 as well! Nobody gives Steve Austin crap for coming in, collecting a paycheck, and leaving for 8 months at a time. I think a lot of people need to get over this idea that the WWE superstars live for their entertainment. TRUE, there are a lot of guys passionate about the industry and their fans, but at the end of the day it's a job, and the Rock is going to do whatever the Rock wants to do.

I for one am glad we don't have the Rock every single week. How many of the awesome pushes and angles of the past 3-4 months would have been put on hold to accommodate for the Rock being back full time in the WWE? Would we have had John Cena and CM Punk? Would Triple H have needed to make his return? Who knows...

Am I a little annoyed that the Rock said a bunch of crowd-pleasing statements and then seemingly went back on his word? No, because the Rock is an entertainer, and not my best friend. When a pro wrestler makes me a promise, it's not the same as my great aunt Gladys promising to buy me a tricycle for my birthday! I love wrestling, but I can separate reality from my entertainment. The Rock is going to be back for some one-off thing at Survivor Series, and he'll be back again a few months later for the Rumble. He'll show up, say what he needs to say to get the crowd going, and do his job the way only he can. Sit back and enjoy the Great One when we have him, and don't be butt hurt that he's not on the full time roster. Because you have no idea the implications that would mean for the current roster of WWE superstars.
You know, i've never wanted a persons computer to blow up so badly in my life. I am SO sick and tired of all of these pre pubescent rants about how the Rock sold out....He's a traitor...he's a this he's a that...
for the good of the IWC, SHUT THE FREAK UP!!!!

Let me ask a question to all of you who CONTINUOUSLY post about the Rock being a "traitor" (which is the correct spelling of that word, not "trader") and him not giving a crap about the fans.
What would YOU have done?
The Rock was a multi time, WWE/WHC, Intercontinental Champion and Tag Team Champion. He has done everything there is to do in wrestling PERIOD. He was a pillar of the attitude era, and became so popular they named a BRAND after one of HIS catch phrases. He did it all and then faced Hulk Hogan, by far one of the greatest names in the history of the sport in an Icon vs. Icon match when Hogan was nearing (arguably) the end of his relevancy.
He was then offered a chance to do movies and he went at it full fledged. Sure some of his movies haven't been great, but some of them have been pretty well done. But that's not the argument. The argument that you KEEP posting is that he "left us". OK, well my question is after having done all that he did...while he was still young, why stay? He didn't desert the wwe. He left having done it all. With his body still in tact. You think the Undertaker can leave now and have a successful acting career? No. How about Triple H? No...he doesn't have the chops. How about Shawn Michaels? No. How about Stone Cold? No. But the Rock did. The Rock was able to step away and do something else while he was still able to.
When people post that he is a traitor or that he left YOU specifically, you're doing more to tell us that you have invested a BIT too much into his character.
First things first.
Wrestling ISN'T REAL.
Are we all clear on that?
are we clear on that?
Professional wrestling is a genre of entertainment catered to sports enthusiasts where athletes "compete" in scripted matches to entertain fans. It is what some people call SportsOpera.
make sense? Ok.
A lot of people get into the wrestling business because they love the business, but in today's world, a lot of people get into the wrestling business because they love to entertain and want to use it as a stepping stone to do other things. (if you think for ONE minute that John Cena wouldn't have left wrestling YEARS ago if he had gotten the right opportunity you're insane. and you're even more ******ed if you don't think that the MIZ is going to do the EXACT same thing just as soon as the opportunity arises.)
The Rock said over and over again, he was the most electrifying man in SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT.
and has more recently said that he is the most electrifying man in ALL of entertainment. Did he always want to be a wrestler? Yes. and he excelled to the highest of heights in wrestling. But, what if he ALSO always wanted to be an actor as well? Now he is soaring to unbelievable heights in that too, but YOU want to make it seem as if he ditched you PERSONALLY to do it? Really?
The Rock did his thing and put his body on the line for wrestling fans all over the world for years but that doesn't mean that Dwayne Johnson was fully fulfilled? But now he is doing everything he loves and excelling at it and YOU want to penalize him for it? I'm gonna say this one last time. Screw you and the horse you rode in on. The Rock don't have to explain nothing to you or anyone else. He didn't "leave us". He isn't a traitor. He doesn't crap on the fans and he's not a sellout. In my opinion, he is one of the smartest men in wrestling. He got out with his body in tact and conquered another dream and is making MILLIONS doing it. If that ain't genius than i don't know what is.
I ALSO agree with the poster that said why aren't you pissed off at Brock Lesnar? WWE MADE him who he is and left and became a big dog over in the UFC and NOOOOOOBODY said NOTHIN!!! Nobodies posting about how Brock left us......? Nobodies pissed off at Rick Flair for "retiring" and coming back...Nobody said nothing about Stone Cold doing his movies and TV shows, yet when the Rock does it everybody's period starts.
Get OVER It.
He said he wasn't ever leaving again. But did he sign a WWE contract? No.
Maybe he should have said he will be making more appearances in WWE events from time to time. Maybe it was a bad choice of words, BUT for all of you to keep jumping down his throat...its ridiculous.
I can't wait for Survivor Series with The Rock being there in MSG. Should be an interesting reaction from the NYC Fans but he should get a good ovation when he comes out that night. Im glad he has been able to come back this year,helping out with Wrestlemania and Survivor Series. Making a couple appereances on RAW has been fun too and looking forward to seeing what else he may do.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3403878 said:
....... Sit back and enjoy the Great One when we have him, and don't be butt hurt that he's not on the full time roster. Because you have no idea the implications that would mean for the current roster of WWE superstars.

Couldn't possibly agree more!
Do you have any idea what would happen to the current WWE roster and the Youth Movement Push if the Rock was back on a fulltime basis? Much less what would happen to your beloved John Cena. Good bye Cena as the face of the company. So sure, some of these young guys are WWWAAAYYY better wrestlers than the Rock. But, does that matter? Nope. Why? Cause the WWE is about entertainment. They're about that dollar. and The Rock Draws money. The Rock is an entertainer and no one, (AND THE ROCK MEANS NO ONE) on the WWE roster can stand in the ring flat footed and command the attention of the WWE like the Rock.
I could keep talking but the reality is...
its like talking to a brick wall in here sometimes.
:icon_cool: You couldn't be more right on.
This guy I work with, This guy is thirty years old and is the most easily convinced of anything kind of person I's sad
But every week he's been coming in after raw...OH STONE COLDS THE GM, THE ROCKS THE GM, RODDY PIPER IS THE GM oh guess who's coming back
all the time just cause he reads stupid 'rumers' on the internet.

I agree the rock DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ANY OF US. He' is a selfish jerk off who used wrestling to get famous then ditched everything to make horrible, dreadful movies. I have seen most of them so I'm not just being a 'hater'

He's not just going to come back because the millions of insignificant people to him want him to come back.

This is the best post I read all day cause it's the most truest I've seen...and I do like the absolute bluntness of the message ;)

you...the initial poster and all of you who took him leaving personally need to get the heck over it.
Answer me this. What if the Rock came back full time? Then what? Is that proof that he cares about the fans? Is that what you need? Does he need to be at RAW events every week putting over younger new talent to prove to the WWE universe that he loves them?
How come none of you are pissed at the Undertaker? Stone Cold? Shawn Michaels?
Because you're waaaayy to personally invested into a persons character and you can't seperate it from reality.
Maybe you need to stop watching wrestling for a while.
FUCK Dwayne Johnson ...

He's a sell out prick. And that's coming from the true Rock mark in me. God knows id love to hear that music, and see that $500 silk shirt walk down to the ring and deliver the most devistating rock bottom anyone has ever seen but its just NEVER going to happen .... now will everyone just SHUT UP about Rock .... stop breaking my heart ...

Being personally invested into a character will cause a person to get mad at the actor portraying the character. This dude said talking about The Rock is breaking his heart.
Nothing helps a broken heart like diamonds.
I hear they're a girls best friend.
There are those of us who do not give a shit about the Rock.

1) He's busy
Yes busy being a complete fucking pussy making shitty movies. Id rather him be in Hollywood than the WWE

2) He has an image to maintain
Being a complete fucking pussy is a hard image to maintain, but what he's really maintaining is his homosexuality.

3) He doesn't care about you
Awesome, because if you haven't been able to figure it out I don't give a shit about the Rock, and I could care less if he cares about me

4) Every rumor about him coming back is not a WWE rumor, it's an internet speculation rumor
Don't care because I don't want to see him back, ever.
Speaking of Rock only coming back to promote movies...
Anyone...anyone at ALL notice that Triple H is back on TV regularly (as C.O.O. no less) at the approximate same time that his new movie is coming out? Coincidence?
Someone say something. I DARE you.
[cL];3404404 said:
Speaking of Rock only coming back to promote movies...
Anyone...anyone at ALL notice that Triple H is back on TV regularly (as C.O.O. no less) at the approximate same time that his new movie is coming out? Coincidence?
Someone say something. I DARE you.

Notice how as COO Triple H has managed to high jack more time on Raw and Smackdown to make up for all the time he missed when he was off TV? Yeah This is Triple H were talking about
The point i'm making with that, is that NO ONE seems to care that Triple H hadn't been on Television since Wrestlemania and all of a sudden he's back on TV when he has a movie to promote. No one is saying anything about that, but let the Rock have a movie to promote and come back....people in these forums would scream bloody murder.
The Rock is doing what he needs to do. He's done everything there is to do in WWE and stepped away to accomplish other goals. What is everyones Freaking problem with that????
AGAIN, their problem is, the can not separate fact from fiction; actor from character. But I promise they'll be able to once they leave their parents basement and get some fresh air.
they may even be able to find (fingers crossed) a WOMAN!
that what happens when you live in REALITY.

try it.
Alright all the massive butthurt on this thread warrented a long-winded response from me, so without further to do.

As JGlass put, The Rock is not coming back. Ever since he left the WWE in 2002 he made it very clear he was done with Professional Wrestling. But he had good reason, he had done everything there was to do for him in the WWE. And a higher calling into acting begging dor Dwayne to do movies. The guy is making more money on a easier job than he would have ever made working for the WWE. That is not a reason to put down or rag on a very important person in Professional Wrestling. However, what has jaded so many Professional Wrestling fans is how he blatently disregarded the WWE as a whole when he wanted to be known more as the actor, Dwayne Johnson. Not as "The Rock." This is a guy we know as perhaps the greatest draw of all time, a guy who we could say "He's our guy, he could kick a baby and the fans will always stay behind his back." But when he demanded they stopped creditting him in movies as "The Rock." That is when a lot of die hard fans lost faith in him. And some people have the nerve to post "Well how come no one gets upset when Stone Cold, pops out of nowhere every 7-9 months and leaves" Well unlike The Rock, Stone Cold still likes to be known for what he did in Wrestling. Because if I had to pick between "Stone Cold" Austin, or "The Actor" Steve Austin, I would pick Stone Cold everytime. Steve Austin has shown time and time again that he loves the WWE and its fans by staying The Rattle Snake, Stone Cold Stunning anyone in the ring. While The Rock did everything in his power to seperate himself from his image in Professional Wrestling, Stone Cold to this day admires the reaction he gets from the fans. He simply couldn't give a fuck if anyone thought otherwise.

Now The Rock doesn't need the WWE to promote any movie he is in to sell in the box office. Fast 5 was already predicited to make plenty of money. The title alone was going to draw and The Rock "Returning" to the WWE wouldn't have helped, but it defintely didn't hurt their box office scores. The Rock came back to the WWE for one reason only, he wanted to make money. Their is a ton of money for a Wrestlemania with The Rock's name in the card. Can anyone tell me that the Miz can draw any money? Or the fact that Edge's final match was the first on the card at Wrestlemania have any faith in their main-event power at their biggest PPV of the year? The hype alone in next years Wrestlemania is going to blow the lid off the PPV sales for Wrestlemania 28. And it is only one match and perhaps 10, at most appereances by The Rock.(Which he did most of it by pre-recordings)
Who knows, he could be doing next years Mania for the love of the fans. He might have that fire burning at him to return to the ring at least one more time. But that doesn't mean he will return to the WWE full time anytime soon.

Now all you Rocky marks can ask yourselfs this. Why would The Rock come back? To become the WWE Champion(again) to dominate the main-event scene(Again) and bury any future of any rising star the company may hope for by having him squash everything in his path if he were to come back? The Rock is The Rock, you can't have him get beat by guys like The Miz, or R-Truth, or even Alberto Del Rio to help get them over in the WWE. No one could believe that the Rock would lose to anybody. So what would he do exactly if he were to come back full time? If you answered "Nothing but tarnish his wrestling career" then you answerd right. Also, some of the post in this thread don't really provide any real debate to JGlass's post. But I did enjoy reading highlights of Rocky's career, his families history, what he did before wrestling, and how many championships he won. But in the end, that doesn't matter to The Rock's return to the WWE at all. Roddy Piper never one the World Title, but he is still working for the WWE because he loves the business and he is doing his share from behind the ropes.

Geez, I feel if JGlass made a thread "Jesus Had it Coming" he would have gotten less flak than he did with this Rock thread. You laid it down plain and simple JGlass, like I said in the green rep I gave you, I have no idea what people were thinking when they responded to this thread.
The Rock is repeating the same catchphrases over and over again and the "millions" are still buying it. But me, I'm tired with it. Isn't there something new?

So much for the "know your role" "it doesn't matter what you think" "and the millions" "finally the rock has come back to (insert city here)" "if you smell what the rock is cooking" and many other crappy shits.

And so much for the gurandamtee that he will never leave again :lmao:
JGlass. If you have common sense you shouldn't judge someone on if they're lying or not without even knowing them personally. You think it's easy what The Rock is doing? You think it's just a piece of cake to come back to wrestling after "7 long years" of not being in a ring, address millions of fans every now and then, and finally wrestle at the main event of Wrestlemania or even possibly a best of 3 series with the face of the company? I doubt the would do all that JUST to make some of his wrestling fans watch his movies. The only thing that I'm pissed off about is how The Rock literally said "I promise I am never going away" and now he rarely makes appearances. Even Cena had to knock him for it in a promo. But other than that I don't even know The Rock personally for me to judge him. So I'm still a big mark for him and I always have been.
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