The Pokemon Syndrome.

I'll answer your last question first: not really. All the games are essentially the same.

Now onto buying a DS just for Pokemon. That's why I bought mine. And mine is a DSiXL- special Mario LE. It's a little more expensive than the XL. Anyways. There's a special edition pokemon black and white dsi. Check into that. But it's totally worth it.
OK so I have to ask a deadly seriously question now. I've basically been waiting for this game since last September when it was announced and as of now I don't have a DS. So I'm basically contemplating paying, I think it's around £110 to play just this game, I'll probably never use the DS again. What do you say?

Oh on a side note, the only generation of games I haven't played is 3, missing anything?

I'm in the same boat, but like most video game systems, you'll buy it for one game, and over time there will be more games you'll want, so as long as you got the cash, go for it. If I wasn't saving up for a damn morgage I'd already be playing Black as we speak.
Well it's official. I am getting it. Don't know what sort yet, DSi standard or XL or other but I've separated myself from the money. Now.........Black or White? This is going to take a while.
Well it's official. I am getting it. Don't know what sort yet, DSi standard or XL or other but I've separated myself from the money. Now.........Black or White? This is going to take a while.

Here's every difference between the two games.

Exclusive Pokémon
With each generation of Pokémon, there are a few specific Pokémon you can only catch within a certain cart. Both Pokémon Black and White have 20 exclusive Pokémon (This number includes evolutions) to each cart, so you’ll have to trade with friends or buy both carts and trade with yourself to “catch ‘em all.” In addition, Pokémon White also has the White Forest which a whopping 33 Pokémon that are exclusive to that cart as well. This means if you’re a Pokedex completionist or just want a larger selection of Pokémon, Pokémon White is definitely the way to go. Here now is a list of what is exclusive to each game:

Pokémon Black

#13. Weedle
#14. Kakuna
#15. Beedrill
#198. Murkrow
#228. Houndour
#229. Houndoom
#285. Shroomish
#286. Breloom
#311. Plusle
#313. Volbeat
#430. Honchkrow
#546. Mommen
#547. Elfuun
#574. Gothimu
#575. Gochimiru
#576. Gothitelle
#629. Baruchai
#630. Barujiina
#641. Tornelos
#643. Reshiram

Pokémon White

#10. Caterpie
#11. Metapod
#12. Butterfree
#46. Paras
#47. Parasect
#200. Misdreavus
#261. Poochyena
#262. Mightyena
#312. Minun
#314. Illumise
#429. Mismagius
#548. Churine
#549. Doredia
#577. Yuniran
#578. Daburan
#579. Reuniclus
#627. Washibon
#628. Braviary
#642. Voltolos
#644. Zekrom

Pokémon White – White Forest

#16. Pidgey
#29. Nidoran♀
#32. Nidoran♂
#43. Oddish
#63. Abra
#66. Machop
#69. Bellsprout
#81. Magnemite
#92. Gastly
#111. Rhyhorn
#137. Porygon
#175. Togepi
#179. Mareep
#187. Hoppip
#194. Wooper
#239. Elekid
#240. Magby
#265. Wurmple
#270. Lotad
#273. Seedot
#280. Ralts
#283. Surskit
#287. Slakoth
#293. Whismur
#298. Azurill
#304. Aron
#328. Trapinch
#341. Corphish
#371. Bagon
#396. Starly
#403. Shinx
#406. Budew
#440. Happiny

As you can see, Pokémon White clearly has the advantage in terms of the Pokémon you can get.

Battle Differences:
This isn’t a very long section. Basically both games have a few Trainers that will do Rotation Triple Battles in one game and regular Triple Battles in the next. There are only three of these guys though. You’ll get two rotations and one regular in Black and one rotation and two regular in White. As well, both games have two exclusive battles on their unique areas. Black offers two extra rotation battles and White offers two extra triple battles. Again, it depends which you like better. Most people I know that have the Japanese version of the game prefer triple battles to rotational battles so that would be a point in White’s favour.

Boss Battle Differences:
Opelucid City is where you’ll find the 8th and final Gym so you can get the elusive Legend Badge. Depending on which version of the game you are playing, you’ll face a different Gym Leader Black gives you Drayden and White gives you Iris. Both Gym leaders have the same exact Pokémon lineup and the same movesets for each Pokémon, so it’s merely a sprite swap. I like Iris better as Drayden looks hideously deformed and like he has a shark’s jaw for a beard, but that’s just me.

As well, your fifth and final battle with N will have a single lineup change based on which version of the game you have. In White, N will be packing a level 52 Reshiram and in Black he’ll have a level 52 Zekrom. The rest of his lineup and their movesets will stay the same in either game.

Location Differences:
There are a few differences in locations based on which game you pick up as well. Pokémon Black and its cities tend to have a more modern feel to them, while Pokémon White‘s visuals are more rural or rustic in appearance.

There are two specific regions that are unique to each cart. Black gets Black City and White gets White Forest. Now what exactly is in each region will be determined by your actions, use of the Entralink. Your goal is basically to build both regions up. As Black City gets bigger, you’ll have more items that you can buy there while in White Forest, you’ll have more Pokémon that you can catch. There are also the exclusive battles to each game within the area that I mentioned above, but be careful as the Pokémon in each are all level 65.
I bought both, but White has the cutest Pokemon. I'll toss Black down the hall to my brother :shrug:

I'm picking Snivy. Hoping for a girl.
I'm picking Snivy. Hoping for a girl.

I think your starter Pokemon is the same gender as your character.

Btw, LOVE the game! Picked up Black, started with Oshawott.

I also how they give you a complimentary "starter" Pokemon, one of the monkeys. If you picked water as a starter, you get the fire monkey, Pansear. And so forth. It really helps defeat your friend throughout the game.
I think your starter Pokemon is the same gender as your character.

Btw, LOVE the game! Picked up Black, started with Oshawott.

I also how they give you a complimentary "starter" Pokemon, one of the monkeys. If you picked water as a starter, you get the fire monkey, Pansear. And so forth. It really helps defeat your friend throughout the game.

Tell me how Oshawott goes.his the one I want to use but not if his crap.not pointing any fingers but a certain 4th gen water starter left me disapointed.
Tell me how Oshawott goes.his the one I want to use but not if his crap.not pointing any fingers but a certain 4th gen water starter left me disapointed.

He's actually really good. Nothing special, all the starters seem to be on par with each other this time.

And I liked Piplup. Seeing as how it could easily take the first two gyms (Rock and Bug).
Got my 8th badge...currently levelling up and stop being annoyed at the legendary pokemon.

Also my PC has broken hence why I didn't get round to making the thread.

It's everything I want as a fan of the series, some new shit, some old shit, improved graphics that you actually notice and that classic formula that everyone fell in love with.

THIS everything about it so far has been brilliant
(save for wasting a bazillion ultra balls on the legendary Pokemon!)
but yeah it's definitely got the magic. Probably because I have actively avoided which Pokemon's good, which one's not.

I've clocked 35 hours on it which is not bad for a game that came out on Friday!

When I get it I hope the clerks dont give me a judging look.I'll just say its a bday present for my little cousin.Saying that I have to give him my GBA and my Ruby and teach him about pokemon.

When I boug it Friday lunch time there were 7 people all wanting White and me wanting Black. All were my age and 3 were buying a DS with it too. I'd be interested to see the sales figures.
Got my 8th badge...currently levelling up and stop being annoyed at the legendary pokemon.

Also my PC has broken hence why I didn't get round to making the thread.

THIS everything about it so far has been brilliant
(save for wasting a bazillion ultra balls on the legendary Pokemon!)
but yeah it's definitely got the magic. Probably because I have actively avoided which Pokemon's good, which one's not.

I've clocked 35 hours on it which is not bad for a game that came out on Friday!

When I boug it Friday lunch time there were 7 people all wanting White and me wanting Black. All were my age and 3 were buying a DS with it too. I'd be interested to see the sales figures.

I'll buy it around the afternoon on my break at work.Around 3 since i finish at 5.Then i'll get home and do my HW and spend all sunday playing it.

And to the person who said Piplup was all right because he could destroy the first two gyms well his basically useless after.Im up to pastoria and my Luxio,Staravia,Ponyta combo beats anything.
I once trained a Primeape to level 100, and it and my level 60+ Syther could destroy the entire Elite 4 themselves in Fire Red, with the exp share on the rest of my team. I ruled a buttload.

BTW, in Black/White, do the starters follow you? I thought I heard that somewhere.
When I boug it Friday lunch time there were 7 people all wanting White and me wanting Black. All were my age and 3 were buying a DS with it too. I'd be interested to see the sales figures.

I work at GameStop, and I've never seen a game sale that fast. We ran out of copies that weren't pre-ordered before the sun went down on launch date. We sold all the pro-ordered copies before we closed that night. We did run out of Black first though. I've never seen any game do that. Not Black Ops, not Halo Reach. However, Dragon Age 2 was like that on PS3 yesterday.
usa sales figures are 1.1ish million on opening day.

Also i think i've found a glitch.

If you use zebstriker when you throw an ultraball it catches decently damaged pokemon first shot. this has worked with every legendary i've encountered so far
I'm finally getting this game around Friday or Saturday-ish, and I'm going to have the difficult task or trying to pace myself because if I don't I know full well I'll be playing every available hour.

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