The Original Nexus Members

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
We are now almost a full year away from the epic match between Nexus (the REAL Nexus, not this New Nexus garbage) and Team WWE. A lot has happened between then and now. I have seen a lot of threads asking what will happen to the New Nexus or who should be pushed if/when they disband. Why not discuss the original members? In this thread we will do just that.

Where do you see the careers of each of the 8 original Nexus members going, now that a full year has passed since they main evented Summerslam together? Please be sure to discuss your thoughts on all 8 of them in your response. Do NOT mention CM Punk, Mason Ryan, Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, or even John Cena, because they were not part of the original Nexus. I want this to just be about the founders of the group.


Wade Barrett
Barrett has had the best career so far out of any of them. He main evented PPV's, led two stables, and held the Intercontinental Championship. Surely WWE still has big plans for him down the line. I see him becoming a world champion someday, fingers are crossed.

Justin Gabriel
He is a 3 time WWE Tag Team Champion with Slater. I see them keeping him around as a midcard face, to get fans excited in matches lower on the card, but nothing beyond that really.

Heath Slater
Why he is so unpopular on this forum is beyond me. He's a 3 time WWE Tag Team Champion with Gabriel and I think that he would make a great heel midcard champion, perhaps more if he is booked properly. I've always seen a bright future for him and I hope he becomes the star he is capable of being.

David Otunga
The only one to remain a member of The Nexus in every single lineup it has seen. He won the WWE Tag Team Championships twice, and I can see him getting a push given his connections in the celebrity world and he is great at doing promos too. If only he could improve in the ring a bit, then he could potentially get moved up the card further....

Skip Sheffield
What happened to him!? I heard he was supposed to come back from his injury as a potential upper card face. He could always go to Smackdown instead of Raw and be an enforcer. I would rather he be a heel monster though, he was really annoying on NXT. He has been missing for a VERY long time now, and I don't see him lasting if he does not return soon.

Michael Tarver
He is already gone. I see him ending up in TNA or ROH as soon as his 90 days are up. He has the potential to make it in TNA to at least the Television Championship and perhaps more, but then there's the issue of how strange their booking can be....

Darren Young
They must see something in him, or else he would not have been chosen to return to NXT. I am unsure what his future looks like, I don't see him doing much more than a random push upon his return to the main roster, jobbing, and then future endeavoured.

Daniel Bryan
He may not have been part of the group for very long, but Bryan was an original member of Nexus. He has had the second best career so far after Barrett, and now that he has the blue briefcase others might argue that his has now become the most successful. I see him becoming the first of the bunch to win a world title, unless Barrett happens to sneak in one before Wrestlemania or whenever Bryan cashes in. I see Bryan sticking around for years to come because he is the best submissions guy WWE has had in a long time.

So what are your thoughts on the original Nexus guys a year after the angle that might be the climactic moment for many of their careers?
I can see him as a multi-time IC champ. He'll be a world champ someday, but I just don't see all the hype. He's good on the stick, but decent at best in the ring. I can see him winning the big one once or twice, but that's about it.

Good future for this guy. I can see him being a top babyface on Smackdown. He's almost the opposite of Barrett; good in the ring, not great (yet) on the mic. His size could be his biggest downfall when it comes to WHC reigns. But I could definitely see him getting one or two before his career is done.

Sort of reminds me of Chavo. Someone you would enjoy watching getting his face destroyed. That gives him a pretty good future IMO. I think his finisher could use some work. If he fixed it, he could be an IC champ in the future.

Bland. Boring. Other bad adjectives I can't think of right now. I really hope backstage politics don't push him to the top, because as of now, he is not great.

Skip has a future. He could start as an enforcer and move on from there. I can't see him as a good face, but I've been wrong before. With the right build, he could be a holder of one of the major championships.

He was ok. Can't see him coming back after what he said about Cena.

He didn't look that great to me at the beginning, but his finisher was unique. I haven't watched NXT to see how he's improved, so not sure I can really answer this one.

Ah, the internet darling. Money in the Bank holder. I like the wrestling aspect he brings. I hope they'll let him loosen up and show some sort of personality. I also hope he can hold on to the briefcase. This will answer the question about his future. If they have him drop it to someone else, I can't see him main eventing very often. If he cashes in and wins, the sky's the limit.
With regards to the original Nexus, here's how I see things:

Wade Barrett
I see this guy sticking around for a prolonged period of time, however I don't see him ever becoming a truly major player. I don't ever see him holding the major hardware, but he will be a solid upper mid carder, teetering on the edge of the main event, but never breaking through.

Justin Gabriel
Here is a guy who I think has a bright future. Due to his lack of size and the flippy nature of his move set, I again don't see him holding either of the two main belts. But he will be a fan favorite and a solid mid carder, much along the lines of Evan Bourne.

Heath Slater
My knee jerk reaction to this guy was that he'd be future endeavored, however the more I see him, I realize one thing. He will stick around for a while, but as a lower card guy, possibly flirting with the mid card, but likely mostly as enhancement talent. The reason for this is simple: he's got a face that you simply want to see get punched in. He has this look about him, this facial expression, that makes you want to punch him in the face yourself, but because you can't, you want to see someone else do it. He'll fill this niche, but nothing more.

David Otunga
Even though he's the only remaining original Nexus member who is still Nexus affiliated, I don't see a bright future here. Even though he's a current tag team champion, I see him future endeavored within six months.

Skip Sheffield
Has been gone a long time, and I don't expect him back. There's no shortage of big guys with minimal talent, making him redundant and unlikely to return successfully, if at all.

Michael Tarver
Idiot. Gone and forgotten, won't be back in any capacity.

Darren Young
Future endeavored in less than a year. As silly as it sounds to say, I see a short term story here where he foolishly tries to exploit his odd facial similarities to John Cena. Obviously this will fail, and he'll be gone, this time for good.

Daniel Bryan
The shortest tenure as a member of the original Nexus, but will have the longest tenure and most successful WWE career of the group. Very talented guy who is better on the mic than he gets credit for. He will become the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 28, killing the notion that Vince will only push guys that he developed himself, and will bury anyone who has a significant pre-WWE history.
I can see this guy being a top dog in the wwe in about 1 or 2 years. He has some of the best mic skills in WWE, and even though he has a thick accent, he seems so comfortable talking on the mic. His wrestling skills are pretty solid, but I'm sure he will improve within the next year or so. I see him winning the IC title 1-2 more times within the next year, and then finally win the big one. He's here to stay.

Justin Gabriel
My favorite nexus member. Fans love to see high flyers, and even though WWE is not really the place for cruiserweights, they will use him to a great extent. He's very easy to like, and he can sell if given the opportunity. I can't see him winning a tag title unless it's with Slater, but I do see him winning a mid-card title. By the looks of it, he's going to be a face for the rest of his career, unless he is to re-unite with a nexus member to make a heel tag team, presumably with Slater.

My favorite rookie from NXT. I see him being a very good heel; maybe not main event level, but definitely within the mid card level. Don't see him winning any mid card title unless he's a face, but for some odd reason he looks more like a heel than a face. Much like Miz with Alex Riley, I have a feeling that Slater and Gabriel will always be cemented together, whether if WWE decided to make them feud or pair up again. Man, I feel like I'm the only person that likes him.

Not much to say about him. He has pretty good mic skills but he really needs to work on his ring skills. Not sure where he'll be in 1 or 2 years.

I miss this guy, I really do. I was really anticipating his return from injury because Nexus was dying and Sheffield was a very intimidating member. Apparently Vince really likes the guy, but I'm not sure if he'll return as Skip Sheffield, or will re-debut as an entirely different person. Either way, I see him being greatly used.

Always had a soft spot for this guy. IMO he was really underrated and it sucks that he got injured and "kicked off" nexus. They really could have just had Cena injure him and have him come back at a later time, idk what the point of what really happened was. I do see him coming back, but not for another 2 or 3 years, and will be used mainly on superstars sadly.

Well if WWE put him on NXT redemption, I guess they have something planned for him, unless they eliminate him and get rid of him afterwards. I see him winning NXT, but not really going anywhere after, WWE drops the ball with people a lot.

Daniel Bryan
One of my favorite guys in WWE. Half of me says that the WWE has a lot of faith in this guy, and the other half is worried that he'll be the first person to cash in the MITB brief case and lose. WWE will piss off a lot of people if they make him drop the MITB brief case, and they don't want to make a mistake with him again after what happened last year. Then again, he's making it seem as if he's not going to do a sneak attack, and will do a legit match like RVD did at Extreme Rules in 2006. If he loses, well he has the honor of being in a main event match at wrestlemania, and losing will be acceptable. If he wins, that's even better. Going down his career, I see him holding a handful of mid card titles. Despite his 4 day heel run, I'm 100% sure he'll be a face for the rest of his career. He's way too likable, and that's never a bad thing unless you are trying to be that ultimate heel that everyone hates, but DBD is far from that .He's exciting and is the best technical wrestler that they have right now. As far as his mic skills and personality are concerned, he needs to improve a bit more, and he has until WM to do so.Sometimes I wonder how different Nexus would be if he was never fired.

Great thread btw. But man, I really miss the original Nexus. That was a perfect group of people, any other group of NXT rookies wouldnt have pulled it off.

He'll get his World title someday. TBH I feel he's kinda overrated, but he has the skills, and once he gets some more experience he'll be a big player in WWE


Will be the most successful member of Nexus by far unless he does something to someone backstage. He was the most technically sound wrestler in NXT, and I'm glad he's making it in WWE. I'm still pissed about how they did him dirty at WM though


Gabriel to me is going to be a lifetime midcarder, and there's nothing wrong with that. He just needs to get some mic skills and he'll be alright. I'm still hoping for the Gabriel/Bourne Tag team


At first I couldn't stand him, but he's growing on me. I like his charisma and how loose he is able to be in his role, and he's certainly gotten better over the months, but he still needs some work. I he can't improve then he's gotta go.


When the kcuf is he coming back anyway? A broken ankle doesn't take this long to rehab. Besides, it's not like it's a timing issue, as Smackdown would benefit from his arrival


Tarver was my favorite Nexus member honestly. He had good mic skills, a dangerous persona, and was actually a good in-ring worker, yet WWE jobbed him out for God-knows-why. He kinda shot himself in the foot with the anti-Cena Twitter post, but then again anyone who read it could tell you it was barely legible, so he has a chance at returning. If not I'd say go to TNA


Release him please. Dude got like 1 move he can do without botching and whenever he hits that spinebuster I always check the referee to see if he'll throw up the X. Get rid of him. If you want his wife's name value that badly, why not just sign Ms. Hudson herself?

Darren Young:

Someone fire this John Cena/Goku/Denzel hybrid fast.
Wade Barrett - I see big things for him in the future. Though he's currently being wasted on Smackdown I think he'll get his big breakthrough soon.

Justin Gabriel - He's a great in ring talent no doubt about that. He's not just another spot monkey. He can actually wrestle and has some sick submission moves I'm not really sure if he used anyone of them in his short WWE run so far. But maybe if he can get himself over by letting his actions speak for him then I see a big future for him. Cause let's face it he's god awful on the mic.

Heath Slater - He's an ok talent. Not a big fan of his mic work though. Just because he has an accent it doesn't mean his mic work is actually good. And his voice is just so annoying. His one man rockband gimmick is meh.. kinda dull. I don't see anything in him other than career mid card to be honest but I'm hoping he can improve on alot of categories.

David Otunga - Here's a guy that has really improved over the year. He's really beginning to impress the hell out of me. It's almost like he was studying Punk or something. One year ago I never thought he would actually make a believer out of me but he did. He's good in the ring not that good but still good. His gimmick is kinda out dated but let's hope he can make it work. His mic skills are decent. If he continues to improve then I actually see him as a main eventer in the future. Let's just hope he keeps up the good work and make it big.

Skip Sheffield - I actually see him as a modern day Goldberg in 3 years time. That is if he actually comes back and continues to impress WWE officials. I remember reading something on the internet that WWE officials have actually discussed making him a top face along side Cena. Sheffield is a beast honestly what else can I say about him. I like a big man who can actually wrestle. Sheffield's Clothesline from hell or Lariat whatever the hell they were calling it is extremely impressive. He delivers it with great speed and impact. I see him having a bright future if he ever returns from injury.

Matt Tarver - Future endeavored already. Sounds like a troubled man who needs help with his personal life. And he actually believed Cena was intimidated by hid talents. Man that idiot has a high opinion of himself.

Darren Young - Crappy mic skills. Crappy gimmick. Haven't seen enough from his ring skills to judge him. I predict future endeavored after the never ending NXT season ends. Man that sounded weird.

Daniel Bryan - I read that WWE officials think of Bryan as a guy who can really carry a match so I'm happy they're finally pushing someone because of their talent. Plus all the love from the IWC helps him really. The WWE wouldn't dare to fuck up his push. People might actually riot. Now that's why I predict the WWE will actually push him to the world heavyweight title. And he's gonna have a short reign with the title like Punk did when he first won it 3 years ago. Daniel Bryan I think will go on to being a great main eventer putting on amazing classics with guys like Punk and even The Miz considering their past feud and past matches I can't see why a feud with both of them as top main eventers wouldn't be good. They both have great in ring chemistry and can put on one hell of a show. I think Bryan will be a future star in the WWE and I think we all know how much he deserves to be a one.
Wade Barrett

A very good leader. Able to carry an audiences attention with just his mic work. Faded into obscurity on Smackdown. Desperately needs this feud with Daniel Bryan to take off and if Sheamus stays busy with Henry, Barrett might be a prime candidate to challenge Orton or Christian for the belt after SummerSlam.

Justin Gabriel

Entertaining, but in the way that Evan Bourne is entertaining. Could become a crowd favorite but I don't see many championships of any kind for him.

Heath Slater

The "One Man Rock Band" was forever buried when John Cena showed the eerie similarities between him and Wendy. Since then, he has won a couple of tag titles mainly because the Nexus was the only tag team in WWE for the last year. He looked like garbage when he tells Daniel Bryan he sucks and then taps 30 seconds later. Future endeavored right after the Rumble at the latest.

Skip Sheffield

Single handedly, the reason Nexus took the terrible direction it did. If he had've stayed healthy, I think Nexus could've lasted a few months more. Barrett working towards his one on one feud with Cena, while Sheffield lead the rest of the troops running roughshod on Raw and/or SmackDown. Now he is pushing 30, has competed on tough enough and nxt. He may be too old to be a rookie again. Unless they fast track him like Brock Lesnar, I dont think he will get the push he deserves.

David Otunga

Please Alberto Del Rio, hit the "A-List" with your car. Mark Henry, please break Mr. Jennifer Hudson's ankle. I can't believe someone who is this piss poor at every aspect of wrestling has been on air, on the A show for more than a year. Please, WWE, future endeavor this hack, and put us out of our misery.

Darren Young

Destined to be a dark match/squash match competitor until he is fired. Sooner rather than later.

Michael Tarver

WWE had me intrigued when I saw him backstage in a suit. Then they never pulled the trigger with whatever they were going to do. One incoherent text bashing creative and Cena leads to the door, never to be seen again. Sorry Michael, who did you think you were, CM Punk?

Daniel Bryan

The best submission wrestler in WWE today. Too bad he came to the WWE after Benoit, Jericho, Hart, Flair, Angle. He has the brightest future out of the 8 if only for the fact that he is former ROHer and it lookes like Punk has more creative control than we know. I hope he does cash in his MITB and wins. I think he will become the first of the Nexus 8 to win a heavyweight title.
Wade Barrett
A man who, in my opinion, should have a world title reign under his belt by now, he's crimanally underused, I hope he doesn't end up like mcintyre, but if he gets a solid push, he can really go places

Justin Gabriel
I see him sticking around in the midcard, winning the IC title every now and then, that 450 splash can really help him get over with the crowd, they're suckers for moves like that

Heath Slater
I don't understand the hate for Slater. he's great at selling moves, he's great at dishing moves, his accent makes his rare promos very enjoyable, I see a very bright future for him given the right opportunities

David Otunga
He's improved, I'll give him that, he's slowly getting more and more comfortable in the ring, something to keep your eye on

Skip Sheffield
This a future world champion, simple. The way he went from his cowboy gimmick to his "i'm gonna beat your ass" gimmick is just amazing, he's scary on the mic, impressive in the ring, and he's got the look, he's the total package

Michael Tarver
He's done, and good riddance. Cena was scared of him? Please, get a life, although I did like his "bandanna over the mouth" thing

Darren Young
He won't make it through the year, plain and simple, even though he had that good match with cena, it still wasn't enough

Daniel Bryan
Future world champion, he's got the briefcase after all, he'll get there, he's the best bell to bell worker in the wwe today, and i'm glad they're finally recognizing that
Wade Barrett
Most definitely a future World Heavyweight Champion, usually when someone goes from SD to RAW they get lost in the shuffle, was complete opposite for Wade Barrett. Hes great on the mic, and really good in the ring, i see nothing but greatness in the future for him, as long as he doesn't screw up backstage.

Justin Gabriel
i dont see much going for him, maybe a US title reign, or IC title reign, but nothing more than that, he'll most likely be in the mid-card for the rest of his career.

Heath Slater
Just like Justin Gabriel, i dont see much going for him, a US title reign, and a IC title reign, unless he gets over as a heel, i dont see him doing much, as a good heel gimmick can do wonders for careers, look at JBL and R-Truth for example.

Michael Tarver
Gone and good riddance.... His latest blog or w/e was laughable... Cena scared of him lol... i literally spit out my drink when reading that.

Skip Sheffield
My favorite from NXT Season 1, and i think he'll go far in the WWE, and can very well be the top face next to John Cena. I do remember reading something about him being the 2nd face to John Cena, I really liked his Running Lariat, and possibly the spear could be added to his move set, i watched him do it to Edge once, and wasn't half bad.

David Otunga
Why is this guy still on WWE TV?... Hes awful, his mic skills are terrible, his voice just, irritates me, similar to when Evan Bourne gets on the mic. His in ring ability is pretty awful, and im sure the only reason hes even in WWE is because of his wife.

Darren Young
I cant see him doing anything more than Dark Matches, i dont see anything in him, Ill be surprised if he makes it a full year before hes future endeavored.

Daniel Bryan
My favorite submission wrestler in not just WWE, but all of wrestling today, ive liked him since i watched one of his matches a couple years ago, if WWE is smart, they'll give this guy some more personality and he'll be good, I can see him either sinking or swimming for now, but I hope he actually cashes and wins MITB, hes not someone i want to see be the 1st to lose, but out of all these guys, I only see Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield winning any major championship in WWE.
Wade Barrett -
Has already had a good career with main eventing with Cena and an I.C title reign - would like to see him somehow involved in the title picture before wrestlemania. Great promo skills - knows how to react with the crowd well to generate heat. Has a good moveset and ring work is always improving.

Daniel Bryan -
The first to win a singles title and now a MITB winner. Firmly believe he is a future world champ,wouldnt mind a short I.C run first

Health Slater - man did I hate this guy something wicked! But now I love to hate him! 3 time tag champ already so could see him eventually have a run at the mid card title and see how he goes. He has a very different style in ring work but needs a decent finisher.

Justin Gabriel - i preferred his heel role but has the right moveset for a face with his epic 450 splash. Definitely see him as a mid card champ one day and could have some main event matches - I see him taking the road Kofi is down at the moment.

David Otunga - man oh man do people hate this guy! I don't think his ring work is thaaaaat bad..and everyone gets better in time right? He has that star power and I like the A-list gimmick - I see it as an enhanced MVP - If this guy could wrestle a whole lot better then he would defenitly climb the ladder in wwe.

Darren Young - he's improved incredibly since his nxt season1 days. He's good and convincing in the mic and is good in the ring all he needs is some kind of gimmick..oh and bring back the goku hair :) it stood out!

Micheal Tarver - I actually had high hopes for this guy! He had a great look and sold the "bad man" "I'm a caged pitbull" kinda gimmick and was decent on the mic. Ring work was nothing fantastic but he only had a short time to showcase it. Pretty ufortunate he's a tool :) would have made a great tag-team with R-Truth.

Skip Sheffield - my favorite part of Nexus! Was glad he dropped the hillbilly/cowboy gimmick he had! Loved his mic time on raw with the nexus - so intense!! Can this guy come back already!! Book him like an unstoppable monster and you got a future world champ right there.
Wade Barrett
By far the most talented man from Nexus. The man has impeccable mic skills, a good look, in the ring he is very solid all around and more important can tell a story. He was on fire with the Nexus angle, but has been criminally misused since being moved to Smackdown. He easily could have been a world champion by this point. In my opinion, he should have won MITB, and I'd like to see him take the briefcase off Daniel Bryan now. If he doesn't end up a future world champion and a solid main event competitor, someone has seriously dropped the ball.

Justin Gabriel
Good flyer, really solid in the ring all around, but very bland otherwise. I see him as another Evan Bourne, but not as likeable. I can see him possible holding a midcard title here and there, nothing more. He should have a fair degree of job security, though.

Heath Slater
He's decent but not great at everything. He'll probably keep his job, but I don't see him amounting to much unless he shows some serious improvement. Perpetual midcarder, but nothing wrong with that.

Michael Tarver
I really enjoyed Michael Tarver, he showed a lot of talent on the mic and in the ring. It's a shame he didn't get more of a shot, and a shame he torpedoed himself with his comments. Hopefully he'll end up in TNA and do well there.

Skip Sheffield
Um, he's big and strong? Otherwise, I don't see the appeal. I suppose he could have a spot on the roster if they decide to bring him back, but I wouldn't mind in the least if I never saw him again.

David Otunga
Showed charisma and promise early on, but has really floundered. He needs to improve significantly in the ring, and get back on the mic more regularly to develop there as well, or he really isn't worth a spot on the roster.

Darren Young
Very mediocre. I can take him or leave him. I haven't been watching NXT, so maybe he's improving, and if so, great, but otherwise, he can be released and I'll be fine with it.

Daniel Bryan
I cannot for the life of me see why so many people on the internet love Daniel Bryan so much. Yes, he's very good in the ring, but in every other facet of being a professional wrestler, he is just plain abysmal. He's small, which doesn't really matter if you have the look to pull small stature off, but he most definitely does not, his mic skills are atrocious, his charisma is nonexistent. Every time he appears on my TV, I reach for the fast forward button. I cannot believe he won MITB. He should drop the briefcase to Wade Barrett long before it's ever cashed in, but if he does cash in, I sincerely hope he becomes the first person to cash in and lose. His ring skills are enough to warrant a spot on the roster, but he should never be a main event talent. Midcard for life, let him have periodic US/IC titles when you don't have someone on his way up who could benefit from the belt. Otherwise, keep him out of the title seen, never have him speak, and just have him work good matches that he loses more often than he wins.
Wade Barrett
I'm not sure what to really think about him. He seems to have that "it" factor, but feel he's missing something. I do think that with some more time, he could find what he's missing and be a world champion

Justin Gabriel
Really exciting guy. High flyer. Lots of moves...BUT so does Kofi and Evan Borune. He will have to find something to make himself stand out from the Kofi/Evan type of guys or he'll be mid-card forever. I do think he has the ability to pull away from thoses guys and could be thrown in some World title hunts

Heath Slater
I just don't see it. "The one man rock band", doesn't make me think he's a superstar, but makes me think of guitar hero. I've seen some moments of greatness in his matches, but I don't see him making a major push for any world titles

Michael Tarver
BAD and worse. The only credit I give him is his attempt to change his character and repackage himself after he was kicked out of Nexus.

Skip Sheffield
He's a tough one. I liked his personality better when the Nexus formed compared to his personality while on NXT. On NXT, to me, it seemed like he was trying to channel too much Steve Austin. How he's booked is going to be the key to this guys future. I've heard stories of really high praises from the upper brass, but with bad booking he could end up being another Big Zeke. Big Zeke is being booked bad..showing his as this big strong guy with the personality of cardboard

David Otunga
He should be in FCW, not on the main roster. I could see him with a good future, but unless your name is John Cena, the 3-4 moves you can do, just wont cut it

Darren Young
I don't know what the WWE sees in this guy.

Daniel Bryan
He has the best future in this business. Best all around wrestler of the bunch. I think alot of his long term success will depend on the direction that the WWE is going. If they continue with this CM Punk (exposing the business - telling the truth), it could help the WWE enter a new "era" & DB will fit in smoothly plus benefit from it. Having a few more "wrestlers" and a few less "entertainers" would help this change in the business. AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE WHOLE TNA-WRESTLING MATTERS CRAP. The WWE must think highly of him, because they allow him to use the "Crippler Crossface". They banned that move for a long time due to Chris Benoit.
Barrett: Vladamir Koslov the 2nd. Sadly, talent that is being wasted. I really hope they repackage him. Barrett/Shameus/McIntire as a heel faction led by Regal? Now that might be something.

Gabriel: Will wollow in mediocrity unless they restart the CRUISERWEIGHT division push.

Bryan: Who is this fuckin guy blowing? BORRRRRRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGG!

Everyone Else: NEXT!
Wade Barrett
Wade Barret is one of my favourite wrestlers in the WWE today, a good, natural heel however his run as Intercontinental Champion was certainly underwhelming. I'm disappointed to see his position on SmackDown where I thought he could improve and excel, but he's floundered. I do think he's got a bright future though and he is main event material.

Justin Gabriel
I'm glad he's turned face. It suits him better, he's got a lot potential but I don't think he'll ever reach the main event. His mic skills may let him down but I'm sure he could get over with the 450 Splash alone just like Evan Bourne with Air Bourne.

Heath Slater
Hate this guy so, so much. He's extremely annoying and when he gets on the mic it feels like I'm listening to a child with special needs read from a script during a school play. He's average in the ring but sells pretty well. How this guy is a 3 time Tag Champion is beyond me, he doesn't deserve it, however his tag team with Gabriel was decent and should have stuck together for longer.

David Otunga
I too see this man having a long future with the WWE. He's OK on the mic I suppose but nothing special and he's the worst wrestler in the ring (excluding the Divas and maybe Khali and Hornswoggle) today, easily. His tag team with Hennig is gradually growing on me but they won those tag titles way too soon.

Skip Sheffield
Sheffield shows great intensity and is going to go places in the WWE based on his size alone. He's got a good look and would make a great monster heel (imagine this guy face to face with Big Zeke). Based on what I've seen from him, he isn't main event material.

Michael Tarver
Never took this guy seriously during his time in Nexus. Doesn't look like he has anything that stands out from the average wrestler.

Darren Young
This guy might actually be worse than Otunga in terms of overall ability. I can't take him seriously as a threat to anyone but himself and he should just be released already.

Daniel Bryan
Got to love Bryan. He's magnificent in the ring and his mic skill may let him down but I still think it's passable for an upper mid-carder. I'm curious as to what this man could achieve as a heel in WWE. He does however need something tweaked if he's to actually to elevate to the main event if he wins the World Heavyweight Championship from his Money In The Bank cash-in.
He's being underutilized, but, now feuding with Daniel Bryan for the last 2 weeks, that could be good for him to regain his position in the WWE.

Justin Gabriel
For me, it's going to be the next talent to be put on WWE Superstars, and the WWE will, probably, forget him, just like Hawkins or Masters.

Slater can have a roll in WWE Superstars, competing with guys like Tatsu or JTG, to try to have a place in the future of the WWE.

His ring skills are not enough for WWE, for me, the door of getting out is waiting for him. Mic skills not bad.

I don't like him, but he has enough ring skills to make good in WWE, at midcarder.

Where is him now? He's such good and the most underrated from the group.

Another guy I don't like, but, in this case, I don't see future.

Daniel Bryan
One of my favorite guys. He has the best ring skills in the world, the mic skills are slighty improving, he has the charisma, now he has the surprising Money in the Bank(surprising, because he was not the favorite), and has everything to win the World Heavyweight Championship. With that win, Bryan has saved a spot for him in the WWE future, and in the Main-Event.
Wade Barrett, the leader, hasn't really lived up to what he promised in his feud with Cena. He couldn't keep his heat. I had him down as world champion by now. I'm sure he'll get there one day, but not anytime soon. Still, I'm not fussed. He's not very interesting.

His fellow former Corre members, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater did pretty well after the Nexus. Justin Gabriel will be quite rightly the breakout star of the tag team. He's got everything excepth the mic skills and charisma. I absolutely love his ring work, and his look is ridiculously marketable. His successes will hinge on whether he can improve on his weaknesses. Heath Slater on the other, looks closer to being future endeavoured. He's got no redeeming features. If he's anything more than a Superstars wrestler I will be surprised.

Michael Tarver is already gone.I thought he had something. He was awful on NXT, but then he surprised me in the Nexus. He actually developed a good character. I liked the whole badass thing he had going on. I have no doubt he could be in TNA. Hell, he's a damn sight better than Gunner, who Tarver reminds me of.

I think it's only a matter of time until David Otunga loses the Tag Team Championship with Michael McGillicutty. Now that The Nexus is over, any scrap of interest I had in him or what he does has gone. Maybe he'll go back to be "A-List". Maybe he'll continue teaming with McGillicutty. Either way, I won't care. He bores me.

Skip Sheffield's situation is the one which is most up in the air. Apparently Vince wanted him to be the #2 face. But with a name and a face gimmick like his, I struggle to believe that. I found myself impressed by his brief time in The Nexus. He showed a bit of character. I can see him being a bodyguard for someone and move on from there when he returns from injury.

Darren Young was without doubt, the worst member of the Nexus. In a promo, John Cena called him the "weak link". And holy crap was he right. In-ring skills? Meh. Mic skills? Meh. Charisma? NOOOOOOOO! He used to team with Percy Watson in FCW and he showed some personality. No, I'm not kidding. But I've never seen someone as dull as he is at the moment. Even his attire is as boring as fuck.

And finally, we have Daniel Bryan. The second most successful original member. A high profile return at SummerSlam, a great program with one of WWE's brightest stars where he humiliated him several times, a lengthy midcard reign and Mr. Money In The Bank. Successful. Where does he go fro here? I'm hoping he goes to Miami next year to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Will he? That's the big question. The pessimist inside me says that he'll lose the contract to a Wade Barrett.
Wade Barrett- Possible WC in a few years but certainly no sooner. Mic skills are dec, but over hyped along with most of him. His ring work was sub par on Raw and looks mediocore on the more technical blue brand. Maybe some day, but he needs a lot of work. See him going the Drew route paying his respects and improving on superstars. After all between the two I prefer DRew who acctually had some charisma. Wade has some mic skill, but don`t confuse that with personality.

Justin Gabriel- the opposite of wade. Very good in the ring, not so great on the mic. probobly become the blue version of bourne, possibly some more tag titles and a ic or us title down the road. He MIGHT become a ME if he can perfect his mic skills, but he needs time. Wade took a year off from the ring due to injury and got to do commentary, which I imagined if he hadn`t he would be just terrible on the mic as well, though possibly dec in the ring.

DB- I really don`t count him. He is on another level from the rest. Not even a rookie in terms of career unlike the rest(minus justin).

Heath- jobber. reminds me of ryder without the charisma and cult following.

the rest are honestly faceless.
Wade Barrett is World Heavyweight Championship material definitely. Right now, I think he's lost in the shuffle. Barrett has lost a significant amount of steam since his Nexus days, hell even since The Corre ended. I remember Wade Barrett before he became Wade Barrett and I saw something in him. He plays a very good heel and I'm hoping he becomes relevant on Smackdown once again.

Daniel Bryan is my favorite from the original Nexus. People may not see much in him but I'm praying we see a little more agression before he becomes a contender for the World Championship. I say give him a Chris Benoit gimmick and let him go with it.

Justin Gabriel is my second favorite. Has anyone seen this guy put on a full match? He's fucking gifted. A World Title may be a bit out of the question but one can hope.

David Otunga can go fuck himself.

Next is Michael Tarver. He's already gone but damn I loved his character in the Nexus. There was no reason he couldn't have played some type of psychotic heel.

Darren Young can go fuck himself even harder than Otunga.

Skip Sheffield has a promising future. Let's say we kill off the Mason Ryan character and Skip becomes the new Batista.

Many posters don't like Heath Slater. I actually don't mind him as much as I used to. Turn him face and have him go after the Intercontinental Championship.
Barrett- This guy as top heel written all over him but is always depushed. Last year he was one of the top heels in WWE, now he´s just a randow guy in the Midcard of Smackdown, the midcard of Smackdown! He´s has good mic skills is okay in the ring. He should be at least a Upper Midcarder, and considering that he is on Smackdown, he should be a Main Eventer.

Gabriel- In the ring he´s good, but mic skills wise is not anything that shines. He has a place in WWE, at the most as a Midcarder, a US Title Rein is not out of his reach.

Slater- Why is this guy still in the WWE?

Otunga-Mic skills are not bad, so for now that would be enough for him to be in the WWE. But if in the near future his ring skills don´t improve, i think he will get fired.

Sheffield- When i heard that Vince wanted this guy to be a Top Face, i laughed. He is not bad in the ring, but mic skills wise he sucks. Saying that, since WWE always has a decent amount of Big Men in the Midcard, i think he will stay with the WWE for the near future.

Tarver- I kinda liked this guy, he is good in the ring, and mic skills wise not bad, it´s a shame he got released from the WWE.

Young- Thank god he isn´t in the WWE anymore.

Bryan- The next guy heading into the Main Event. One of the best, if not, the best in the ring in the WWE. Mic Skills wise improving, has a fan base, charisma, knows how to do shoot promos, kinda knew he was going to win the MITB of Smackdown. But i highly doubt he will cash in at Wrestlemania, he doesn´t deserve for now to headline Wrestlemania.
Barrett - According to a recent report I read (not from WZ, but from as credible a source as you get in Internet wrestling news), the plan at MITB was for Barrett to win the SD case and cash it in. They decided against this, because the feeling was that Barrett could legitimately challenge for the title on his own. I'll discuss the second part of this story later. The important thing is that the WWE machine (HHH in particular) feels that Barrett is good enough to challenge for a world title on his own merit, which should tell you a lot about what he's going to be doing in the WWE. Barrett is a good wrestler, definitely capable of a good match, but his ability to draw heat is a little worrisome. If you watch Capitol Punishment, you'll see his promo before his match with Zeke totally bomb. So, he'll have to work on that, but I think he can do it. A manager might help him out a lot - kind of like Ziggler. He can work the mic well enough on his own, but adding someone on to do dickish things helps his stock. I have confidence that he can succeed on his own merits, nevertheless, it's just a matter of time and building that heat base. His feud with Bryan should be very good, and I have little doubt that if he keeps up the good work he'll be en route for a world title run eventually. Then again, I would have also said that about Drew McIntyre, so...time shall tell.

Justin Gabriel - I like Gabriel a lot. He's a good wrestler, not so good on the mic, but he can work on that. He reminds me a lot of Evan Bourne, just with a different look. Standard cruiserweight style, awesome finisher, struggles on the mic. Bourne has steadily improved on the mic as his time has gone by in the WWE, so I don't see why Gabriel couldn't. Without something extraordinary happening, I don't see him rising above the Intercontinental or United States Championship level, but he should be a midcard staple for some time to come.

Heath Slater - Watch his work in the last month and you'll find out something interesting about Heath Slater - this man can work a match. Seriously, he's really good. As good as any other midcarder right now. Slater ought to stick around for this reason alone. His promo work is iffy, but so is most midcarders, so what are you going to do. Let him work on that while working some kickass midcard matches. He's got IC Champion written all over him.

David Otunga - Otunga's never really been able to show us his stuff in the ring. It's always been jilted Raw matches or tag stuff from him, so it's hard to get a read on what he can do. No doubt he has a great look and solid promo skills, but his work that's been shown so far isn't as good as some of his fellow Nexus members. I think what he's doing now is something that should continue - just let him continue his tag team with McGillicutty to keep someone relatively established in the tag division. Like most of his comrades I don't see him rising above the midcard, but he's good enough to keep around, especially in the tag ranks.

Skip Sheffield - I sure miss this guy. He showed some really impressive stuff in the brief time he was on the main roster, and I want to see more. My feeling is that the WWE decided to just keep him away for a while, let him redebut on his own when the right time comes. When that times is anyone's guess, but a man with the build of Sheffield who is also reasonably talented should definitely have a future in the WWE.

Michael Tarver - Well. Tarver was never very impressive and I don't see much of a future in the WWE for him. He got released and burnt his bridges with some Internet rants, so. TNA's mood seems to have gone against signing and pushing nobody rejects from the WWE these days, so his luck's out there. I don't see ROH being particularly interested, since he's never really proved he can work very well. I foresee a career in his old indy haunts before he went to FCW and not much more.

Darren Young - Well, his career is basically in reset mode, but he appears to have a good deal of faith from the WWE behind him and he's kind of a nice all around guy. While some Nexus members are good in the ring, not so good on the mic (Slater, Gabriel) or vice versa (Otunga), Young is kind of average at both. He does some good work on NXT and I think he has a future ahead of him, but his time probably isn't coming for a while. O'Neil and Bateman are both much better than him, and that's only on NXT. The WWE tends to grab a few of the top NXT guys from each season to move up, so maybe he'll see upward motion after this season, but we'll see. Some more time in FCW might be good for him. It's a lot like minor league baseball - just keep the prospects hanging out until you need them. Young's a nice prospect, but he'll never stand out in the current crowd. Give it a few years and maybe he'll be somebody.

Daniel Bryan - The one night member of the Nexus has the most promising future of any of them. Getting fired was probably the best move he ever made, since returning as a face did more for him than being a face in the Nexus ever would have. Bryan's got a MITB case and, as a continuation of the story above, the faith of the WWE machine, HHH included, to be made into a star. I have absolutely no doubt that he will cash in that case, become a world champion at WrestleMania. He'll be a staple of the WWE for years to come - a new generation's Angle or Benoit. Definitely going to be a somebody in the WWE, with the best chance for success out of any of the Nexus.
Wade Barrett - Definitely going to be the most successful of the eight. He has good mic skills and is okay in the ring. He's definitely been the most successful so far his main evented a few PPVs and has won the IC title.

Justin Gabriel - I think he'll be a solid mid-card guy maybe upper mid-card but we'll see. It'll be easy to get him over as a face if they want to as he is smaller and it's easy to get smaller guys over as a face because they're the 'underdogs'. So I can see him getting numerous runs with the IC or US title and then maybe one World Title depending on how over he is.

Heath Slater - I actually like this guy. He's one of those guys I love to hate. I think he's solid in the ring and okay on the mic. He's got a unique look and to me that could be a key into his future. I think he'll be another solid mid-card.

David Otounga - I hope and think he'll stay in his tag team with Hennig. They're doing great and are getting better every week. So I think he'll be in his current tag team for a long time.

Skip Sheffield - When he's ready to come back if he isn't already I honestly see him as a main event player. I heard Vince was very high on him before his injury which you would expect with Vince and his love for the big guys and if Vince likes you, you definitely have a bright future ahead of you.

Michael Tarver - He was released by WWE so I think TNA will sign him.

Daniel Bryan - He's had the second most successful from the eight so far. He's held the US Title and is the current holder of the SD MITB Briefcase, but I can see him being the first to lose when he cashes in. I think Vince had him win to stir things up but I think they'll have him lose the match just to show that Vince has power over us.

Darren Young - Don't really know what to say. He was in the biggest storyline of the year last year and now is in the never ending NXT. He's an okay wrestler but he bores me so I don't really care what happens with him.
Wade Barrett
I dont really see him breaking through the upper midcard...maybe a WHC someday but i cant see him ever getting the WWE title. Great look, decent in the ring and on the stick but i dunno i just cant see the powers that be ever giving him the chance to run with the ball.

Justin Gabriel
Same as barrett, cant see him ever getting past the upper midcard. Will carve a niche as the crowd pleaser and will most likely be competing and losing in mitb matches till he leaves ala shelton benjamin.

Heath Slater
Will get one good push to the upper midcard if he is lucky then released after falling into obscurity. Sorry heath.

David Otunga
Call me crazy but for some reason i can see the E pushing this guy. He has a great look, His mic skills aint terrible, His 'A-List' gimmick is not the worst gimmick ever and his ring work is well...improving? but i dunno what it is i can just see them pushing him to upper midcard maybe main event if his in ring work improves all mainly on his look.

Michael Tarver
TNA...that is all

Darren Young
Good on the mic, good in the ring and has a passion for the biz. Should he be given a chance to shine? yes...will he be given a chance to shine? i seriously doubt it.

Skip Sheffield
meh...big guy, average in the ring, average on the stick...wouldnt be suprised if he gets a decent push but i wouldnt be suprised to see him released either. Guys like him are not rare in the wrestling world so i think he will have to do something really special to break out of the mould.

Daniel Bryan
Couple of world title runs here and there, many mid card titles and a lengthy healthy career ala jericho. Possibly gonna be the most successfull but i dont ever see him being the face of the company.
Wade Barrett
If someone had asked me where Wade was headed in 2010, I would have replied with World Champion in a year's time. Now, I am just not sure. Yes, he hasn't been booked in pristine perfect manner but I somehow get the feeling that his stock is falling by the day. I do feel that this is a very important time in Wade's career. One great performance or one shoddy booking decision could end up determining his future. He seems to have all the tools to succeed but I guess that could have been said about a lot of guys who have failed to make a mark in pro wrestling.

Justin Gabriel
I think he will have a safe career as a lower midcard face much like Evan Bourne. He may end up winning an Intercontinental or a US title along the way. Maybe Evan and Gabriel will form a tag team down the road. But I'd be very suprised to see Gabriel become anything more than an exciting lower midcard underdog face.

Heath Slater
I see nothing special in him but maybe I cannot look past the fact that he looks like a waitress at Wendy's. WWE must have seen something in him or maybe they are confusing his X-Pac heat as legit heat. Dunno. Either way I do not see him becoming anything more than a midcarder.

David Otunga
His celebrity connection will keep him in the WWE. Pathetic wrestler, decent on the mic, maybe he'll become a midcard champ one day.

Skip Sheffield
I need to see more of him before I can decide about him but the last I heard, Vince was impressed with him. He appears to be someone like Ezekiel Jackson but just better in the ring, on the mic and more intense overall. Definately deserves a run in the midcard and then it remains to be seen where he goes from there.

Michael Tarver
Great look but shoddy in every other department. Then, if you have kept Ezekiel Jackson around, maybe you could have kept him around as well. He's gone from what I hear but I think he could do well as a bodyguard or an enforcer.

Darren Young
He has always looked Superstars material. Actually he looks like Cena. Maybe, that means Cena is Superstars material. Nah, just kidding. Young's a mediocre talent who will either get released or flounder on Superstars. He does not stand out in any department.

Daniel Bryan
I think that he would have a Chris Jericho-Chris Benoit like career wherein he stays in the midcard most of the while but rises upto the main event at the time of need. Actually I think that due to his lack of mic skills his career would be more like that of Benoit rather than like that of Jericho. Which means that his main event stints will be few and far between.
Wade Barrett- I can see this guy becoming a main event player in the future. There's a reason why he won NXT Season 1. WWE has already tested the waters for him to main event, so I don't see why he shouldn't. All he needs is to be relevant again. The reason why I'm saying this because after he got kicked out by CM Punk and went to SmackDown, Barrett slowly became irrelevant (most notably the night after WM27 when Rock and Cena nailed The Corre in less than 1 minute).

Justin Gabriel- I can see this guy as a future IC Champ since they are building him up as a face. Also, he seems to be very natural as a face.

Heath Slater- Not sure, but he definitely looks like the Jannetty between him and Gabriel.

David Otunga- Needs to improve over time, otherwise he is not going anywhere. It doesn't matter that he's married to Jennifer Hudson, he needs to make a name for himself.

Michael Tarver- He's already gone and also I was never a big fan of him

Darren Young- Well, they sent him back to NXT so they must have some reason to keep him.

Skip Sheffield- This guy needs to come back ASAP and become a monster heel.

Daniel Bryan- I know he wasn't with the Nexus for long, but he has potential as long as WWE doesn't mess things up. Bryan winning the SmackDown MiTB was definitely the crowning moment of awesome. Hopefully, they can build Bryan up to be a potential threat to the World Heavyweight Champion whoever is holding it by the time he cashes it in.
Wade Barrett - Clearly the best in the group, he has everything to be a multi-time world champion and main-eventer. However I too feel that after he was drafted to SmackDown he lost a lot of momentum.
His mic skills are very solid, one of the best currently. His ring skills are good, he does what they need him to do, however I feel that he should change his "finisher" to some sort of powerbomb or anything better than the pathetic "Wasteland"

Justin Gabriel - Much like Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston, he is going to be a mid-carder for life and I don't see the reason for some people like him, for me he is pretty average, good in the ring, atrocious in the mic.

Heath Slater - He impressed me, specially the way he sells moves. But he is pretty average both in the ring and in the mic, but I can see him staying with the WWE much like Barreta, jobber for life.

David Otunga - Geez, so much hate for the guy. Have you even seen his last matches? He improved a lot since his first days, he has the looks, the connections, a solid gimmick and he has pretty decent mic skills. I like him, and I can easily see a push for him. If he improves just a little bit in the ring and if they gave him promo time, he can easily be a upper-midcard.

Darren Young and Michael Tarver - Released and a TNA run as the Anti-WWE.

Skip Sheffield - No way I want to see this guy overpowering Randy Orton has 2# face of the WWE. He has an incredible look and an audible mic skills, his spear for instance was pretty awesome so down in the line he can make one ala Goldberg or Lesnar, maybe he wons some World Titles, and asks for his release to make money in UFC.

Daniel Bryan - So much love for Daniel Bryan, sure he has very good in ring skills, but thats not good enough. Tyson Kidd also has good in-ring skills, much like Masters and Barreta, but this isn't enough. He has 0 charisma, awful mic skills and the worst theme song in the WWE.
His In-ring skills are enough to give him a job and maybe a world title run, but one like Benoit, if they do it and he impresses me, then I'm fine, but if they do one like Swagger I riot, at least Swagger had mic skills and charisma.

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