The *Official* John Cena Thread

What are your feelings on John Cena?

  • CZENA SUX!!!

  • I dislike Cena on my TV.

  • I don't like or dislike him.

  • I like John Cena.

  • I am a Cena fanatic.

  • I don't like Cena, but think he's a good wrestler.

  • I like Cena, but don't think he's a good wrestler.

  • I dislike the John Cena character, but respect John Cena the man.

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It will take a lot of work for him and creative to be liked by the masses again. Right now, he gets more boos than cheers he is failing as a babyface and certainly failing as the top babyface in the E by the definition.

For me he needs to cut out the obnoxious Cena promos he does when he degrades younger talent like Legacy. Raw last Monday, what he did was unnecessary and I don't see why Cena or creative would agree to go through with it.

He needs a gimmick change this whole ultimate underdog overcoming the odds sucking up to the "WWE Universe" got old in 2006. Now it's 2009 where is the originality the freshness the desire to succeed in portraying your character I don't see it.

I don't really care if he has a heel turn I just want something different more edginess instead of this clean cut "role model" it honestly frustrates me and it's a overall weak character.

He could stand to lose a match or two every now and then I know Orton went over him clean at HIAC but Cena won three weeks later rendering the HIAC loss inconsequential.

Even Superman had a weakness so it was acceptable what is John Cena's kryptonite ? I think a storyline involving a young upcoming heel, seeming to have Cena's number and beating him at a few PPV's clean would go a long way into making the crowd root for ""The Champ" again.
I voted for the last one. I don't like Cena's character but like Cena as a man. Cause I hate how WWE really makes him look like superman. He gets his ass handed to him and then what? He comes out on top and wins that drives me CRAZY. Other than that he is actually cool.
With the old one being nearly two years old at this point, I figured it was time to begin a new one of these. And who better than me to start it?

Allow me to just put it like this. If you don't think John Cena is a good wrestler, then you obviously don't know what it means to be a good wrestler. You are probably one of them indy/ROH fanboys, who seems to think that doing bunches of flippys and cursing is what makes a good wrestler, not someone who understands match psychology.

Basically what I am saying, is either you think John Cena is a good wrestler, or you don't know what good wrestling is. Thanks.

Look i am going to have to EXTREMELY and respectfully disagree with this. John Cena is a great worker probably the best worker in the business. He may have a great passion for Wrestling, his mic skills aren't that bad( other than the fact that he gets very cheesy lines"JBL is poopy!") But im going to have to stop there. He kisses up to the fans so much but thats his character. He can put on good matches at best 1 out of every 6 matches are descent. But all he does is get beat up for 8 minutes and does 5 moves that take 30 seconds and he miraculously makes a superman-like comeback with those 5 moves and wins. The only time he puts on good matches are like, here are examples of his matches that were great. The last Raw before bragging rights 09, the one with hhh it was very good although its been seen 100 times but that was a great match. Another example is the match he had with edge and bigshow at wrestlemania 25. But the all time greatest match Cena has had is probably the one with shawn micheals last year that lasted like 35 - 40 minutes that was a great match. But back on your topic, John cena cannot wrestle well on a normal basis, he just sells moves well and does those 5 moves ( shoulder block thing, that one spin powerbomb thing followed by a 5 knuckle shuffle, the attitude adjustment, that leg drop on the back of the opponents neck off the top rope, and the STF.) Other than those moves what have you really seen him do other than body slams and stuff like even when hes on the top rope fighting most people would go for a superplex yet he HAS TO DO his attitude adjustment all the time from the top rope. :banghead:
Look i am going to have to EXTREMELY and respectfully disagree with this. John Cena is a great worker probably the best worker in the business. He may have a great passion for Wrestling, his mic skills aren't that bad( other than the fact that he gets very cheesy lines"JBL is poopy!") But im going to have to stop there. He kisses up to the fans so much but thats his character. He can put on good matches at best 1 out of every 6 matches are descent. But all he does is get beat up for 8 minutes and does 5 moves that take 30 seconds and he miraculously makes a superman-like comeback with those 5 moves and wins. The only time he puts on good matches are like, here are examples of his matches that were great. The last Raw before bragging rights 09, the one with hhh it was very good although its been seen 100 times but that was a great match. Another example is the match he had with edge and bigshow at wrestlemania 25. But the all time greatest match Cena has had is probably the one with shawn micheals last year that lasted like 35 - 40 minutes that was a great match. But back on your topic, John cena cannot wrestle well on a normal basis, he just sells moves well and does those 5 moves ( shoulder block thing, that one spin powerbomb thing followed by a 5 knuckle shuffle, the attitude adjustment, that leg drop on the back of the opponents neck off the top rope, and the STF.) Other than those moves what have you really seen him do other than body slams and stuff like even when hes on the top rope fighting most people would go for a superplex yet he HAS TO DO his attitude adjustment all the time from the top rope. :banghead:

John Cena performs well on a regular basis. He has had great matches with JBL, Lashley, Khali, HBK, Orton, Edge, etc. I see you're another one of those who thinks that the number of moves you perform actually means something when it doesn't. I can't believe you have a beef about when he goes to the top rope. I guess he doesn't want to win a match when he goes to the top rope because most finishers can be done from anywhere. Angle used to do the Angle Slam sometimes from the top rope. I don't care what Cena does when he goes to the top rope just as long as it is effective.
Personally, I like John Cena. Myabe his character is in need of a change, and turning him heel would be just the thing to do it, but I respect the hell out of him. I think he has more moves than his on screen persona lets him use, but at the same time, he doesn't need to use many moves. His persona is a street fighter, therefore he only needs to use simple, but effective, moves. Which is why those 5 moves are so often used by him, the corwd knows whats coming.
John Cena is a great wrestler love him or hate him. I don't know why do ppl bash this guy for doing the "5 moves of doom", and they get tired of it cause it is the same thing. Well I know evervbody is tired of randy's rko and HHH pedigree. "oh" and Undertaker and HBK been around for years, so we must be all getting tired of the tombstone and SCM. right! Well why don't they change these moves ? "oh wait i know' Its there own moveset. Its always been apart of them. Its what they are comfortable with.

John Cena is a brawler type wrestler. He is much like Rock and Austin was back then.
John Cena? Well firstly he has had good matches but his wrestling ability has a lot to be desired. The FU and and the STFU gets performed in every match he is in and we all know that that situation would rarely happen. Sure there are other superstars who use their finishers in every match but they do give other moves first and make their matches more fluid and less chance of the fans knowing whats coming next. And by the way, whats the deal with the rapper persona? its crap and it does not suit Cena. Sort his persona out and give him something people will believe. Sure, he is a talented wrestler and can hold his own against almost any wrestler he is in the ring with, but does not excite the fans like HBK or HHH can do.
John Cena? Well firstly he has had good matches but his wrestling ability has a lot to be desired. The FU and and the STFU gets performed in every match he is in and we all know that that situation would rarely happen. Sure there are other superstars who use their finishers in every match but they do give other moves first and make their matches more fluid and less chance of the fans knowing whats coming next. And by the way, whats the deal with the rapper persona? its crap and it does not suit Cena. Sort his persona out and give him something people will believe. Sure, he is a talented wrestler and can hold his own against almost any wrestler he is in the ring with, but does not excite the fans like HBK or HHH can do.

You do know that Cena hasn't used the rapper persona in about four years now so that is irrelevant. Doesn't HHH do the Pedigree every match? Does HBK do Sweet Chin Music every match? That's why the Attitude Adjustment and STF are called "finishing moves". They are used to finish every match. The WWE wrestlers are so predictable that fans know what is going to happen each and every time. HBK hasn't excited the fans in a long time or maybe once every year and HHH hasn't been entertaining since 2002.
The FU and and the STFU gets performed in every match he is in

That is his finisher, I bet you would be complaining if he hit the tombstone, so what difference does it make.

Sure there are other superstars who use their finishers in every match but they do give other moves first and make their matches more fluid and less chance of the fans knowing whats coming next.

5 knuckle shuffle, hip toss, bulldog, leg drop. If someone were to read this first they would think that as soon as Cena stepped into the ring he hits his finisher and the match is over.

Lot's of wrestlers matches are predictable, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, but yet they still put on great matches would you not agree? Cena although he can be repetitive, can both put people over and make himself look good in the process. Is that what it is not about? HE has a great ring presence, a good wrestling ability and has got tons of charisma, what more do you want?

And by the way, whats the deal with the rapper persona? its crap and it does not suit Cena.

Originally posted by Little Jerry Lawler
You do know that Cena hasn't used the rapper persona in about four years now so that is irrelevant.

Cena has not used the rapper gimmick since around his first WWE title run. I thought it suited him. He sold half a million(I think) rap albums and made it on to the Billboard top 100 ( if that is what its called). So perhaps, you were in the minority when you said it did not suit him, because clearly all the people who bout this record thought it did, and thought he was good at it. Which he was.

Sort his persona out and give him something people will believe. Sure, he is a talented wrestler and can hold his own against almost any wrestler he is in the ring
with, but does not excite the fans like HBK or HHH can do.

Just to clarify and you can tell form my name, I am a huge Shawn Michaels fan and I have always been a great admirer of Triple H. But you would rather see two forty year old guys coming out and cutting a promo about cocks than Cena. It gives he fans something different form that. This also goes back to saying that Cena is predictable, are you saying you cannot predict the same DX promo/match on RAW every Monday.

I feel that Cena is a great asset to the company and will continue to be. I posted a couple of mouths earlier commenting on his charity work and his work ethic also, so I am not going to go into much detail with that. Cena is the definition of what a great pro wrestler should. He does not have to come out and do lot's and lot's of flips to catch peoples attention. Weather you love him or hate him, hes having us discuss him, so he must be doing something right. He is generating a reaction.
I never understand Cena haters. He works his ass off both in and out of the ring for the company and the fans. He's one of the genuine good guys and treats his fans nicer than anybody. And he's the one guy I've never heard a bad thing about when it comes to abusing backstage power, burying or keeping anyone from getting pushed.

And the "5 moves of doom" arguement is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. He proved he had alot more moves back during his SD days. He does what the writers put in the script and what fits his CHARACTER. Austin never did anything but punch, stomp and 2 or 3 actual technical moves. Rock was booked like your typical babyface. He always got his ass kicked then hit the same moves to come back and magicially win.

I can understand people being ored with his current character cause I am too but that's no reason to hate the guy. He's doing his job and I got more respect for him than most wrestlers past or present.
I never understand Cena haters. He works his ass off both in and out of the ring for the company and the fans. He's one of the genuine good guys and treats his fans nicer than anybody. And he's the one guy I've never heard a bad thing about when it comes to abusing backstage power, burying or keeping anyone from getting pushed.

And the "5 moves of doom" arguement is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. He proved he had alot more moves back during his SD days. He does what the writers put in the script and what fits his CHARACTER. Austin never did anything but punch, stomp and 2 or 3 actual technical moves. Rock was booked like your typical babyface. He always got his ass kicked then hit the same moves to come back and magicially win.

I can understand people being ored with his current character cause I am too but that's no reason to hate the guy. He's doing his job and I got more respect for him than most wrestlers past or present.

This just sums it up. Nobody has anything bad to say about him, hes clean cut, he is nice, friendly, intelligent and is the WWE's most active superstar outside of the ring. Why would you not want this man to be your poster boy? It has nothing to do with wrestling ability, I think some people just hate him for the sake of it.

He is a hard worker and he does work his ass of. I liked the Austin/Rock/Cena comparison you made. Although Cena is not on any of their levels(yet), it was exactly the same for a lot of these guys during their tenure with the WWE.

Like you too, although I have become a little bored with the Cena, it does not make me hate him, it just makes me wish that creative would do something a little bit different. But that's not up to him.
Am I the only one that thinks this has been a rather mediocre year for Cena? I'll put away my distaste for the man's in-ring work for a second here and look at this objectively, but most of this year he's been embroiled in midcard feuds with the likes of the Big Show and the Miz. Frankly I think his feud with Big Show could very well have been the worst feud this year if the whole Chavo-Hornswoggle thing hadn't happened.

Sure he won the World title, but was it really that impressive? It just seems to me like this has been one hell of a mediocre year in Cena's career.
Am I the only one that thinks this has been a rather mediocre year for Cena? I'll put away my distaste for the man's in-ring work for a second here and look at this objectively, but most of this year he's been embroiled in midcard feuds with the likes of the Big Show and the Miz. Frankly I think his feud with Big Show could very well have been the worst feud this year if the whole Chavo-Hornswoggle thing hadn't happened.

Sure he won the World title, but was it really that impressive? It just seems to me like this has been one hell of a mediocre year in Cena's career.

I've been saying this for months now, MONTHS!

I will also put away my subjective feelings for Cena and be objective about this whole thing. This year, compared to years past, has been a really shitty year for the, "top face" of the company. Like X said, he was involved in midcard feuds for much of the year and when he finally got back up to the main event level, he had shit match after shit match with Orton. The only bright spot of this year, for Cena, has been the Iron Man Match. Let us hope that we see more of the same from him at Survivor Series.
I will definately agree with X on this one. Cena's 2008 and 2009 have been a huge step down from his 2005-2007 work. A huge part of it is his booking. He's had to go for long periods working with JBL, Show, and Miz. In the last couple years, he has had a couple (forgotten at this point) matches with Big Show that he just hit out of the park. But for the most part, him being in these feuds for long periods of time hinders his ability to work at his very best. Sorta like pairing Undertaker with Heidenreich and Khali. Even the toppest :)suspic:) of top faces can't churn out gold night in and night out when the company isn't throwing them a bone. When you see Cena against Jericho or Edge, it's clear almost immediately that he's still got the goods (say "carry job" and I'll lose my shit).

Here's hoping The Champ has a good night in your nation's capital.
I like John Cena he is a pretty good wrestler and he really entertaining for me anyway. I love the guy back in 2004 during his feuds with like of Carlito Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle.

Nowadays he is good I hope at wrestlemania 26 we can get Undertaker/Cena these two have pretty good chemistry when ever there in the ring together. Also it looks like they planted the seeds for it on this past raw.
When John Cena just entered minutes ago for his Triple Threat Survivor series macth, he entered with, once again, a new look. He had an orange shirt. On the back it has "You Cant see me", like the Cenation one. And On the front, it says "Never give up", and Cenation on it. Never give up.....Now there trying to shove life lessons into little 12 year olds faces. Just when I though they were slowly moving away from the PG program, they do this. Never give up...well Vince, I think i'm about to give up, about to give up hoping you'd make your show hardcore, blood, weapons. What's next, is Edge gonna come back as the "Rated G" superstar?

What do you guys think about this?
When John Cena just entered minutes ago for his Triple Threat Survivor series macth, he entered with once again, A new little look. He had a now orange shirt. On the back it has You Cant see me, like the Cenation one. And On the front, it says Never give up, and Cenation on it. Never give up.....Now there trying to shove life lessons into little 12 year olds faces. Just when I though they were slowly moving away from the PG program, they do this. Never give up...well Vince, I think i'm about to give up, about to give up hoping you'd make your show hardcore, blood, weapons. What's next, is Edge gonna come back as the "Rated G" superstar?

What do you guys think about this?

So what? It wouldn't make sense for one of his shirts to have large skulls, blood, sex, alcohol or any other adult references on there because everyone knows Cena's character is targeted towards kids. .

I don't know why everyone complains about his T-Shirts. Do you really want them to make a Cena with "adult gestures" that bad, so you can wear one?

Please note that I am growing tired of the Cena/Good guy character, and hopes he will turn heel one day. But I do like John Cena.
When John Cena just entered minutes ago for his Triple Threat Survivor series macth, he entered with once again, A new little look. He had a now orange shirt. On the back it has You Cant see me, like the Cenation one. And On the front, it says Never give up, and Cenation on it. Never give up.....Now there trying to shove life lessons into little 12 year olds faces. Just when I though they were slowly moving away from the PG program, they do this. Never give up...well Vince, I think i'm about to give up, about to give up hoping you'd make your show hardcore, blood, weapons. What's next, is Edge gonna come back as the "Rated G" superstar?

What do you guys think about this?

What do I think? I think this is just another sad, pathetic attempt at finding yet another reason to hate Cena. Look, I understand people don’t like him because of his character or because of his in-ring ability and that’s fine with me. But are you seriously going to start hating on him even more just because his shirt says “Never give up.” That’s just sad and pathetic.

I don’t see what is wrong with that message. It’s telling people to never give up. How is that wrong? How is it not PG?

Please tell me. I really want to know.
Merchandise aside, tonight marked the fifth consecutive PPV match in which John Cena was met with more boos than cheers. Seriously, I've been keeping count since Summerslam, and at every single PPV he's been booed to hell, no more so than ever at Survivor Series tonight. Atleast two lengthy and loud chants of "Cena Sucks" came roaring out, he was met with boos at his entrance. What I want to know is how people can justify putting Cena onto the same level as an Austin or a Hogan when he's getting these boos at every show. Your top babyface should not be getting any fucking boos whatsoever.
Merchandise aside, tonight marked the fifth consecutive PPV match in which John Cena was met with more boos than cheers. Seriously, I've been keeping count since Summerslam, and at every single PPV he's been booed to hell, no more so than ever at Survivor Series tonight. Atleast two lengthy and loud chants of "Cena Sucks" came roaring out, he was met with boos at his entrance. What I want to know is how people can justify putting Cena onto the same level as an Austin or a Hogan when he's getting these boos at every show. Your top babyface should not be getting any fucking boos whatsoever.

DC is a VERY tough crowd to Cena. I think even worse than New York, to be honest. And I've been in both arenas for many WWE events.

I was at DC when they started the "Let's go Cena" and "Let's go Jericho" chants simultaneously for SummerSlam several years ago, and I think that was really when things started going downhill for Cena in the crowd reaction department.

People saw the DC crowd give him a negative reaction and it was like giving the Green light signal to all the other arenas to go ahead and do the same thing and "if you do, you can be cool like us in DC".
Merchandise aside, tonight marked the fifth consecutive PPV match in which John Cena was met with more boos than cheers. Seriously, I've been keeping count since Summerslam, and at every single PPV he's been booed to hell, no more so than ever at Survivor Series tonight. Atleast two lengthy and loud chants of "Cena Sucks" came roaring out, he was met with boos at his entrance. What I want to know is how people can justify putting Cena onto the same level as an Austin or a Hogan when he's getting these boos at every show. Your top babyface should not be getting any fucking boos whatsoever.

The people boo Cena for the same reason they cheered Austin: They see it as a way to be rebels. Austin's gimmick, for the most part, was being anti-establishment. He took it to his boss and caused utter mayhem.

But the WWE is now in a different era, and the top guy is now a perfect role model. So now we have all of those fans of the Attitude Era who want the crazy, over-the-top shit see Cena has the poster boy for this new era and react as such.

In addition, there are now the smarks who like the more technical and/or high-flying style that also use Cena as their whipping boy for not using that style. Now, I like that style a lot, but I definitely appreciate what Cena can do.

I really do think that Cena is this era's Austin or Hogan. But I really think that the fact is that we will never see people reach that level again. With the rise of us, the IWC, and so many more wrestling companies reaching huge audiences with the help of both the internet and dvds, the age of the man who dominates wrestling is over.
The people boo Cena for the same reason they cheered Austin: They see it as a way to be rebels. Austin's gimmick, for the most part, was being anti-establishment. He took it to his boss and caused utter mayhem.

True, but I don't think that makes it okay to put Cena up there with your Hogans and Austins. I wouldn't even put him up there with Sting.

But the WWE is now in a different era, and the top guy is now a perfect role model. So now we have all of those fans of the Attitude Era who want the crazy, over-the-top shit see Cena has the poster boy for this new era and react as such.

That's really not at all why most people dislike John Cena. It has to do with his in-ring work, which while perfectly fine, is a style more accustomed to your 1980s brawler than to your modern wrestling fan who has been spoiled by guys like Jeff Hardy destroying their bodies to entertain us. I recognize that Cena is a damn fine wrestler, it's just not a style of wrestling I'm a big fan of. Call me a smark, but yes, I do prefer lucha and technical wrestling. It's nothing against Cena, I'm not big on big strong brawlers to begin with.

In addition, there are now the smarks who like the more technical and/or high-flying style that also use Cena as their whipping boy for not using that style. Now, I like that style a lot, but I definitely appreciate what Cena can do.

Wow you said the same thing I just did basically. Awesome.

I really do think that Cena is this era's Austin or Hogan. But I really think that the fact is that we will never see people reach that level again. With the rise of us, the IWC, and so many more wrestling companies reaching huge audiences with the help of both the internet and dvds, the age of the man who dominates wrestling is over.

I have no doubt we'll see a new wrestling star just as big if not bigger than Austin and Hogan. The wrestling business isn't dying anytime soon, the rnight person just needs to come around. As much as Cena brings in for the WWE, he's just not that megastar on that level as those two guys yet. I have no doubts he'll be in the WWE HOF as soon as possible and he'll be reconigzed as a legend in the company at the upper echelon, but I feel his work doesn't stand up to the guys like Hogan and Austin. Not in drawing or match quality.
Merchandise aside, tonight marked the fifth consecutive PPV match in which John Cena was met with more boos than cheers. Seriously, I've been keeping count since Summerslam, and at every single PPV he's been booed to hell, no more so than ever at Survivor Series tonight. Atleast two lengthy and loud chants of "Cena Sucks" came roaring out, he was met with boos at his entrance. What I want to know is how people can justify putting Cena onto the same level as an Austin or a Hogan when he's getting these boos at every show. Your top babyface should not be getting any fucking boos whatsoever.

Well X, crowd reaction aside, how about we give the man some credit? He had an out-fucking-standing match tonight and it was one of the better matches of the year, IMO. Now we can say that he was in the ring with the greatest in ring performer ever (HBK) and one of the greatest in ring performers (HHH) but he held his own with the two of them. Cena sold the shit out the SCM to HHH at the beginning and he provided a lot of good back and forth action with both HHH and HBK. IDK if I am starting to defect or not, but Cena is definitely looking better to me now than he has all year.
Well X, crowd reaction aside, how about we give the man some credit? He had an out-fucking-standing match tonight and it was one of the better matches of the year, IMO. Now we can say that he was in the ring with the greatest in ring performer ever (HBK) and one of the greatest in ring performers (HHH) but he held his own with the two of them. Cena sold the shit out the SCM to HHH at the beginning and he provided a lot of good back and forth action with both HHH and HBK. IDK if I am starting to defect or not, but Cena is definitely looking better to me now than he has all year.

The triple threat match tonight was good, but it was nothing overly special. I'd give it about 3 and a half stars out of a possible 5. Nothing near MOTY candidate though, it wasn't even so much a triple threat match as a Triple H vs. John Cena and HBK vs. John Cena match. The ending was good though. Nothing about the show really stood out though.
You killed your own thread with that statement. I voted that I liked John Cena, because he's a great entertainer. When it comes down to wrestling, he only knows 3 or 4 good movies, that cheesy crap move You Cant See Me 5-Knuckle Shuffle, the FU, and the STFU. Now look at good wrestlers like Shawn Michaels or Rey Mysterio. Many moves, and they dont do their signature moves all the time like Cena. and they're very athletic. There's no doubt Cena's athletic, but every second I see Cena I hear Jim Ross shout "The FU!" or "you Cant See Me" and it drives me insane. WE CAN SEE YOU, JOHN, WE CAN SEE YOU!

The 5 Knuckle Shuffle is a great move. It's no more cheesy than the People's Elbow or the Worm. The F-U and the STFU are both great as well. But what about the Guillotine Top Rope Leg Drop,Blockbuster,Spin Out Powerbomb,Flying Shoulder Tackle,Various Clotheslines,Belly to Back Suplex,etc. You obviously have no idea what your talking about. I love John Cena he is my favorite wrestler of all time. He has the perfect combination of charisma,wrestling ability,and mic skills. He's intense and can be funny too during promos. Cena is arguably the greatest of all time.

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