The *Official* John Cena Thread

What are your feelings on John Cena?

  • CZENA SUX!!!

  • I dislike Cena on my TV.

  • I don't like or dislike him.

  • I like John Cena.

  • I am a Cena fanatic.

  • I don't like Cena, but think he's a good wrestler.

  • I like Cena, but don't think he's a good wrestler.

  • I dislike the John Cena character, but respect John Cena the man.

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Well...I am not too happy with Cena winning the title the NIGHT he came back, as I think it should have been a two-month feud with Jericho at the Rumble, though the end result would have been the same, as WWE will most likely be setting up Cena-Batista II at WM 25.

Still, I have a bad feeling about this...John Cena's previous title reigns have been nothing but boring and I don't see any signs of change. Oh well, at least we've got some interesting stuff going on over on Smackdown!

I doubt he changes the Big Gold Belt into a spinner- it has too much history behind it. At least we've got that.
Cena is overpushed nobody should comeback their first night get a title match and win the title I don't care who they are especially when their top finishing move is a modified firemans carry which any high school wrestler is capable of pulling off...Cena does not deserve the title at this time.:wtf:
Cena is overpushed nobody should comeback their first night get a title match and win the title I don't care who they are especially when their top finishing move is a modified firemans carry which any high school wrestler is capable of pulling off...Cena does not deserve the title at this time.:wtf:

What my borderline spammy superhero friend "Captain Run-on Sentence" is trying to say is...

Czena Sux!

First of all, the fact is that Cena shouldn't win the biggest title in professional wrestling with merely a video montage as his buildup. With Triple H in 2002, he came back from the quad injury and won the Royal Rumble, and then had 3 months to build towards his WrestleMania match with Jericho, which was also compounded by Jericho beating The Rock and Austin in successive PPV's. In this case, Jericho won the title back from Batista in a great cage match, only to drop the belt to Cena, whom nobody had seen, a few weeks later.

Second of all, Cena hardly wrestled in the match. The entire match was carried by Jericho, who delivered a Canadian Whoppin' that would have made Bret Hart happy, to Cena. If John Cena has that much ring rust to shake off, why put the belt on him so quickly? Jericho's offense was 85% of the match, and the other 15% was still Jericho's offense, but with Cena performing marginal reversals into the same 2 moves.

And third, now we get to contend with Cena's tired post-PPV promo tonight on Raw. Why even watch? I expect ratings to plummet worse than when The Big Show was champ. ECW may beat Raw this week. I can hear it now:

music plays, Cena comes out convulsing like he always does, the 13-year olds go crazy, the real fans boo, he comes to the ring, takes 3 minutes to look around and finally yells "The Champ is HERE!" Fans cheer and boo. Cena discusses the intense pain he went though to come back from his injury early, and how winning his first WHC last night made it all worth it, and that he's going to accept any challenge, so "if you want some, COME GET SOME." He may or may not plug the troops show with his stupid salute. Cue Orton to save the show.

Jericho got screwed. Politics, man.
First of all, the fact is that Cena shouldn't win the biggest title in professional wrestling with merely a video montage as his buildup. With Triple H in 2002, he came back from the quad injury and won the Royal Rumble, and then had 3 months to build towards his WrestleMania match with Jericho, which was also compounded by Jericho beating The Rock and Austin in successive PPV's. In this case, Jericho won the title back from Batista in a great cage match, only to drop the belt to Cena, whom nobody had seen, a few weeks later.

Cena is a bigger draw than Triple H, he brings in more money for the company and draws higher ratings than Jericho, who has been nothing short of boring during his past two title reigns, Cena is the best choice for champion on Raw at this time, with that being said, I didn't think they'd acteully give him the belt last night, I would have bet my house that the match was going to end in a DQ so that they could give Cena a win in his hometown on his return, but keep the belt on Jericho having so that Cena could chase the title over the next few months

Second of all, Cena hardly wrestled in the match. The entire match was carried by Jericho, who delivered a Canadian Whoppin' that would have made Bret Hart happy, to Cena. If John Cena has that much ring rust to shake off, why put the belt on him so quickly? Jericho's offense was 85% of the match, and the other 15% was still Jericho's offense, but with Cena performing marginal reversals into the same 2 moves.

Cena hardly "wrestles" in any match!!, that is nothing new, John Cena has always been that guy who goes in gets his ass kicked and then somehow overcomes the odds and wins the match in the end

And third, now we get to contend with Cena's tired post-PPV promo tonight on Raw. Why even watch? I expect ratings to plummet worse than when The Big Show was champ. ECW may beat Raw this week. I can hear it now:

Personally I won't be watching but it has nothing to do with Cena being champ, it has everything to do with GB/NO on MNF, ratings will not plummet, I don't expect them to go through the roof or anything but they sure as fuck won't plummet, useally when a new champ is crowned at a major PPV people tune in to see what happens next

Jericho got screwed. Politics, man.

Jericho did his job, and that was to hold the title till Cena came back, the guy's gotten more title runs in the past year than Cena so just give it up, he sucked as champion and was completely boring, ratings were in the shitter during his reigns, Cena is the better choice as champion plain and simple, and I'm sure we'll see a rematch at Armegeddon as it looks like we're in store for a Batista/Orton feud over the next few months
I voted I dislike Cena on my TV, Ive disliked him or rather Despised him since 2005 when he first became wwe champion after defeating JBL. too me his character has never impressed me in terms of newness Ive seen all this before and first off i know other wrestlers have had to do rehashed characters but the man we're talking about here is John Cena so yes ive hated his character.

Then the moves I feel he does are oftern overexaggerated much like the rock and somehow are now called signature moves when theyre really not, like his overexaggerated suplexes..

Then the fact that WWE pushes this guy as like the best i mean they make him number 1, probably cus he sells merchandise and has that "Explosion" power he can bring forth reaction from the fans.

And of course the superman epidemic, lets see the never say die stuff, hustle loyalty respect all of this stuff, pretty much fits into the character so that all boils into one ive already mentioned I despise the cena character which is why I dont want to even see him on my screen

I enjoyed Raw during his leave, but now that hes back its all about cena, as it was every commercial, Cena's spoilin for a fight, cmon get real this stuff is just too much, I dont know whats worse WWE pushing Cena down our throats or WWE pushing the old boring Triple H down our throats,

Cena too me hasnt changed even in his comeback only thing that changed was he's more aggressive which too me isnt impressive, and the way they made him own jericho i mean cmon this is not proper build into armageddon, they're pretty much saying cena will just beat jericho to a bloody pulp as he did on monday night raw in like 3 or 4 minutes snap the STFU on him then BANG! its ova..cmon now after y2j defeated the likes of batista and shawn micheals very creatively might i add.

Too me cena's just too origional, he reminds me alot of hogan, just a product, I cant put my faith in cena as I would Kurt Angle or Edge or even Randy Orton, theres never anything new to expect cus we see the same old thing which can be said for a lot of wretlers but the man of the hour here is Cena, so to be honest I'd rather not see Caena at all, I'd rather him go to TNA or pick up acting.

Theres just something about WWE pushing ppl down our throats and practiacally begging us to cheer for them...

But anyways i guess anyone can debate my post but its all mainly opinion which it being my personal opinion shouldnt be debated over cus thats how i feel and will continue to feel until something drastically happens to the cena character, perhaps wwe should make him go heel. Alot of new tactics and characteristics come from a wrestler being heel, just look at edge, i thought he was boring until he went heel and pulled all of these new faces we've never seen before from him, I think its possible for cena.

Thats all, thanks for reading my post.
This was purely a business move as Cena is clearly the best draw on WWE tv. He is what the ppl want seemingly. I am actually happy to see Cena back. I have not watched Raw in a while just keeping up with storyline via internet and now with Cena, the McMahons and Batista-Orton, I may tune in. I really believe that John Cena with the improved writing and better storyline can be a great character, greater character. He needs another long solid feud like the one he had with Edge and Randy Orton. Hell, even the feud with JBL was decent. He needs to be booked evenly though. If he does have to win, let it be even on Raw and PPV. But I believe Cena is a better product this time and more ppl such as myself repsect him and believe he is what is best for the company.
The best draw or not, Survivor Series was already sold out before Cena's unfair victory and that wouldn't have changed whether Cena won or lost. Even if it was his hometown, fuck it; it's a business. In my opinion, the year-long build for Jericho's new heel character was destroyed in the course of two nights by having a rusty, just-returning-from-a-sidelining-injury, body-building, sloppy brawler (and not even a good brawler at that. His punches look awful!) beat the bigget heel of the year after defeating the likes of HBK and Batista, then beat him to a pulp the following evening. What does that say for Jericho's chances at Armageddon in the fan's eyes? There's no reason for anybody to order Armageddon, we all know who will retain and win, compounded by Edge's win on the SmackDown side. There's no reason for any of us to order Armageddon, we all know Edge and Cena will both retain, unless by some miracle either man goes down with another sidelining injury.

Instead of doing the logical way of having Jericho snake his way to retain, giving Cena a month or so to re-build, shake loose the cobwebs and begin a hero's quest back to the top, culminated at Armageddon, Cena gets the title right off the belt and destroys Jericho in the proncess. Seriously, where's the creative logic? Where is the proper story-telling? If the top antagonist is no match for the top protagonist, what is the fucking point in sports entertainment story-telling? If Jericho, who has beaten Michaels, Batista, and even Punk cannot hang evenly with Cena, who is still rusty from his return, who can?

This is beyond liking or disliking Cena; it's about Vince and creative having no fucking idea what good story-telling is. Cena, as much as I hate him (because of his character, I respect the worker he is, he just has been playing the same, stale character since 2005 but it's not his fault), is WWE's protagonist. In order for us to give a shit about him as the protagonist, he can't look invincible. He has to have setbacks, and losses, devastating even, in order for his accomplishments (IE: a title reign now wasted upon his first match back) to mean that much more! Seriously, who is writing all these shows? They have no grasp on good story-telling. Now what? Cena retains against Jericho at Armageddon. Probably retains against Orton at the Rumble. Retains against some other heel at No Way Out, and goes on to retain against Batista at Wrestlemania. Where is the good story-telling if the protagonist easily goes over his obstacles without any losses to show for it? Where is the excitement and unpredictability? There is none left, which is why not even Cena can raise the ratings much.
Sly, Sly, Sly....

I just noticed that this thread has been revamped- yes, I'm extremely observant at times. Although this thread has be revamped, the same argument is posed, just stated in different words.

Whether you like or dislike John Cena, it has nothing to do with the wrestling business in general, Sly. Once again, you bashed the indy/ROH fans drawing the incorrect conclusion those of us who are fans of ROH don't understand professional wrestling and think John Cena is a terrible wrestler. It's not true.

There is a difference between the concept of wrestler and entertainer. Madonna is one of the greatest entertainers in the world. Does that mean she would be a good wrestler? No. Personally, I think John Cena's very good at his job. He is a tremendous entertainer and a fairly decent wrestler. However, I can take him or leave him, therefore I chose your "I don't like him or dislike him" option. But those types of characters never appealed to me. I prefer the actual wrestling aspect of a match over the entertainment factor. For me, indy promotions such as ROH fill that better than the WWE.

You can't put the wrestling business as a whole on John Cena's shoulders. And you can't correlate the two. Just because John Cena isn't my favorite wrestler, doesn't mean I don't understand the business. Cena does a great job appealing to his target audience. I just happen to not fit into that demographic.

I love your passion for John Cena's role in the business, but you have to keep in mind that there never was and never will be a wrestler that appeals to all fans. People watch wrestling for different reasons and you can't make everyone see wrestling or specific wrestlers the same way you do.
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K, I'm going to put my two cents in... I like John Cena, he is a great worker. Even if you don't like the character that he has, you still have to admit that he works his ass off. I agree with a lot of people that say he shouldn't have won his first night back. That was the stupidest move the creative could have made. Really their going to make him superman again. That's all I was thinking watching the ridiculous promos for a month.

If wwe wants to do Cena v. Batista 2 at wrestlemania. Why have Cena carrying the belt. Cena is just like trips he is a great chaser of the belt. It was more logical to have Batista have belt till mania.

My hope is that somehow it will become a fatal four way with orton and Batista, with Batista winning. Then having Cena either win the rumble or one of the chamber matches.(if they do that again.)

And those of you who complain that we have Cena shoved down our throats. What about Edge? Yeah the guy is good. One of the best heel's in the business, (Behind Jericho.) How many times since Cena has been an ME have the put the belt on Edge? Your pissing in your pants because Cena wins his first match back. Yet Edge does the same freaking thing, and Edge god! wtf!
The difference is, Edge did not destroy any character's credibility by snaking his way back to the top. He did his job as a heel and got the job one. One might say Cena did his job as a babyface, but it didn't need to go down that way, for story-line reasons already posted above. Really, who did Edge make look bad? No one. He intervened at the end of the match and picked up the scraps after HHH and Kozlov had already pounded the hell out of eachother. Cena comes back like Superman, faces the biggest heel of his brand and wins. That made Jericho look like shit, I don't care how long he dominated the match for. In the end, he still couldn't get the job done and it made him look lousy. No matter how much he beat up Cena, he couldn't put him away because it doesn't matter if Cena had just come back from injury. According to creative, he's indestructible, unbreakable which is really bad story-telling. Not faulting Cena for it, the guy plays his role well, creative is to blame here.
John Cena didn't destroy the credibility of Chris jericho. What credibility did Jericho have as World Champion. The guy is the definition of a paper champion. He lost the title, what, 3 weeks ago, won it back, and lost it again? The guy has had five title reigns, with only two lasting more then one month, and the other lasting a total of 3 months. Not exactly the role of stunning champion. Both Edge and Cena had roles to play at Survivor Series, and I'm pretty condfident both will be at Mania as champion of their brand.

As far as John Cena and his return, I must say, lackluster on Raw. I tend to agree with Steven Anderson surprisingly enough, John Cena was out there for damage control over the idiotic is it like or entertainment angle the WWE ran the day of Survivor Series with Jeff Hardy. The idiocy of that is beyond me, why add Hardy to the match to begin with, and why play off his real life addictions.

Onto Cena, he's back and the audience seems to be eating him up. The main question though, is that because the older fans have move on and he's stuck with the younger crowd, or has he won everyone over?
Chris Jericho doesn't have any credibility as champion? Are you mad? "Transitional champion or not" argument aside, Jericho is a record-setting eight time Intercontinental Champion, the first-ever Undisputed Champion and a four time World's Champion to boot. He has beaten virtually every single top-tier competitor that tenured in the WWE during his time, from Benoit, Angle, Triple H, Edge, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Austin, Rock (both on the same night, no one has ever done that), then again individually on consecutive PPV's. The man is a grand-slam champion and yet you claim he had no credibility as champion? Did you just start watching WWE this year?

And don't even try to discredit Jericho by saying he "cheated" to win his World titles. He was a heel during his title reigns, so course he did. Did Edge, who is held up on a pedastal do any differently? Hell, two of his reigns were won with MITB briefcases when the champion was already exhausted from wrestling. What does that say for Edge? Are you implying he has no credibility as well? At least Jericho's first three titles were won in lengthly matches with top guys during the most popular time in the WWE.
I understand what your saying. In his long runs as Champ, look at what stars he made look really good in there matches. He had a good feud with Jericho which lead to Jericho being "fired." He made umaga look less boring in the last man Standing match. He had two classic matches with HBK. Who's matches haven't shown much of anything since. Took Khali to a respectable match. Bobby Lashely to one as well.

Remember who put Edge over? Oh that's right John Cena. Like it or not without John Cena's help Edge wouldn't be where he is today. I know, I know someone else could have, but not like Cena did. Cena put Edge over twice. I'm not harping on Edge I love the guy! Though I think we need to calm down about Cena being shoved down our throats. When Edge has been as well. The simple fact is that Cena is hated for playing his role, where Edge is loved.
Cena didn't put Edge over; with the way Edge first became champion, anyone could have been in Cena's place and it would have played out the same way. All Cena had to do was take a spear. What effort was there in that? And Edge had already been over as a face or a heel prior to that for years. Maybe not a main event level, but in my opinion it was his real life taken to screen feud with Matt Hardy that finally put Edge over as a legitimate main event level star, not John Cena. Edge became known as the Rated-R Superstar for stealing his friend's girl, not spearing Cena and winning the title.
Chris Jericho doesn't have any credibility as champion? Are you mad? "Transitional champion or not" argument aside, Jericho is a record-setting eight time Intercontinental Champion, the first-ever Undisputed Champion and a four time World's Champion to boot. He has beaten virtually every single top-tier competitor that tenured in the WWE during his time, from Benoit, Angle, Triple H, Edge, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Austin, Rock (both on the same night, no one has ever done that), then again individually on consecutive PPV's. The man is a grand-slam champion and yet you claim he had no credibility as champion? Did you just start watching WWE this year?

And don't even try to discredit Jericho by saying he "cheated" to win his World titles. He was a heel during his title reigns, so course he did. Did Edge, who is held up on a pedastal do any differently? Hell, two of his reigns were won with MITB briefcases when the champion was already exhausted from wrestling. What does that say for Edge? Are you implying he has no credibility as well? At least Jericho's first three titles were won in lengthly matches with top guys during the most popular time in the WWE.

Let's see. Why exactly does record setting enter into the matter? So he held the title 8 times. All that means was there were 8 times the WWE decided he wasn't good enough for a World title. Given also that the average length of his reigns are about 39 days long? He's had a few good reigns, but most have been lackluster. Especially his last "record setting" one, which was godawful. What kind of champion comes to the ring without his belt, defends it twice, and frequently is not announced as IC Champion? God, that was a horrid reign. And don't tell me that's creative or Vince's fault - Chris Jericho has enough backstage power to say "I want my belt" or "Announce me as IC Champ" or "Hey, how about I defend my title tonight?"

First ever Undisputed Championship? It was a fluke. He won it to drop it to Triple H. Had Triple H been healthy for Vengeance 2001, he would have won it. It's fortunate for Jericho, of course, that he can run around saying that. But the entire angle was for Jericho to job to Triple H. It means very little.

So four more world titles, the average length of which is...36 days? Hoo boy. First, let's clear the facts and make it that Jericho is really only a 4 time WHC, given his "second" WCW Championship was for half an hour in between unification. It doesn't count. He has also graced us with a 15 day WCW Title Reign and a 20 day WHC reign, transitional reigns entirely. His Unforgiven win was legitimate, and his Undisputed Title reign was long enough at 3 months, but never really served Jericho anything much - it was all to job to Triple H.

Jericho does not have any credibility as champion, really. He was a convenient man for the WWE to put the title on to job to Triple H. Right place, right time. The same goes with his latest WHC reign, which excepting Batista's week long interruption, we shall call one reign, the entire thing was buildup to...job to Cena. Jericho's three (two) legit title reigns came out of other, better men being injured. Had Triple H been healthy for Vengeance 2001, he never would have been Undisputed Champion. Had Cena been healthy for Unforgiven, Jericho never would have made his swerve run in, and would never have held the WHC (twice/once).

Every reign Jericho has ever had has been entirely transitional. He is a glorified jobber to the stars. Looks great when he doesn't have a title around him, but that doesn't really matter, does it? He only carries titles when there's some big injury comeback guy to job to.

As for cheating to win, I have absolutely no qualm with that for a heel. Stealing a title is a great way to get heat. Edge did it, and Jericho's surprise at Unforgiven got him good heat. But the point is, all that heat was to job to Cena.
Let's see. Why exactly does record setting enter into the matter?

Uhh, because it's a record? Over the long haul, people will look back and say he set a record no one else had and that's an accolade not even HHH and Cena have. Hell, HHH and Cena will never even be able to call themselves the first Undisputed Champion, circumstances or backstage goings on aside. Looking at it in another light, it's eight times WWE trusted Jericho with the belt over any other mid-carder. What does that say for the hundreds of would-be contenders at the time? None were ready to hold a title that has lost all prestige.

Chris Jericho has enough backstage power to say "I want my belt" or "Announce me as IC Champ" or "Hey, how about I defend my title tonight?"

Do you know that for sure or are you just assuming? Jericho isn't a locker room leader, I'm not sure how out-spoken he is. Last time he was disgrunted with his character being stale, he went to creative and told them about it. Took them six months to turn him heel. Yeah, that's some real backstage stroke, all right.

First ever Undisputed Championship? It was a fluke. He won it to drop it to Triple H. Had Triple H been healthy for Vengeance 2001, he would have won it. It's fortunate for Jericho, of course, that he can run around saying that. But the entire angle was for Jericho to job to Triple H. It means very little.

That is just complete bullshit. Jericho had been majorly over all year-long, he was young, fresh and at the top of his game in the thing, that's why they decided to give give him a run and see where it'd end up. The main event for Wrestlemania 18 had been planned to be Stone Cold Steve Austin defending against HHH, in what was expected to be a year-long feud between the two man power trip to culminate at WM18 like the mega powers collide story from Wrestlemania 5. Then HHH went down with a serious injury and some time during the year, WWE decided to come up with an Undisputed title idea, probably after being unable to secure TV deals to keep WCW running on TNT or whatever station Nitro aired. Throughout it all, Jericho continued to get over with the fans and creative had enough faith in him to give him a chance with the ball. Then HHH returned at Vengeance and was ridiculously over; I bet even WWE didn't expect the fans to be so excited about his return. From that moment on, HHH was destined to win back the title at Wrestlemania and Jericho was seen as a mere holder of the title opposed to a deserving champion in his own right. By no means was it a 'fluke.' They could have easily gone with Kurt Angle instead of Jericho and just had him hold the title til Mania for HHH if that was really the plan back at Vengeance but they didn't. Besides, HHH returned just a few weeks after Vengeance. If they wanted to put the title on him so badly, they would have had him return a few weeks earlier and just done it. The biggest thing that hurt Jericho as well was Stephanie McMahon being interjected into his program with HHH heading into WM. Jericho became more of a prop than a champion to Stephanie, which is bad story-telling, not Jericho's fault. He had heat and plenty of it.

Jericho does not have any credibility as champion, really. He was a convenient man for the WWE to put the title on to job to Triple H. Right place, right time. The same goes with his latest WHC reign, which excepting Batista's week long interruption, we shall call one reign, the entire thing was buildup to...job to Cena.

A "convenient man." I suppose Orton was a convenient man to place the title on last year when Cena went down with a sidelining injury. And I suppose JBL was a convenient man to place the title on back in 2004 when Brock Lesnar left for the NFL. And I guess Edge was a convenient man to place the title on when Undertaker went down with a sidelining injury in 2006. And Kurt Angle was a convenient man after Batista went down with a sidelining injury in 2005. JBL, Edge, Orton and Angle are all considered great WWE champions, even though some of their reigns as you would put it happened per convenience. That "convenient man" crap doesn't fly. As they say, "shit happens", and WWE hands the title on to the next best thing when one of their champions goes down. Four times, that man was Jericho and four times, that was Jericho over a myriad of other would-be world title contenders. So does he have credibility as a champion? Of course, that goes without saying; he has beaten the biggest stars in the company during his reigns, it's not even debatable.

Oh and I forgot to add; the reason WWE put the World title on Jericho to begin with this year was because CM Punk flopped as champion. They had no idea Cena would return ahead of his recovery schedule, they didn't have a crystal ball so how could they have put the title on Jericho with the sole intention in mind of him dropping it to Cena at Survivor Series if they weren't sure when exactly Cena would return?
You smarks make me sick. Seriously. I love Jericho, I really do. But I like John Cena so much more. If Jericho was so great as champion, how come he had two short reigns and the ratings were dropping dramatically? I would love nothing more than if any Jericho mark could answer that question. John Cena returns on Raw, and the rating is up from last weeks 2.9 to 3.3. And on Monday night there was also some important American football match or something like that. So that's a huge bonus.

I fully expect Jericho marks to say something like "oh, but a new champion always draws for the first week. Plus, it was the show after a big pay per view". First off, Survivor Series isn't anywhere as important as Wrestlemania or the Royal Rumble. And secondly, remember when Batista won the title for a week, the ratings didn't go up at all. Cena as the World Heavyweight Champion is great for both Raw and the WWE in general. He is the biggest draw in the company, whether you like him or not you have to admit that. The reaction he gets from the fans on a weekly basis is amazing. It's unmatchable.

On Raw this week, I saw John Cena cut one of the best promos I've ever seen. I really enjoyed it. The way he connected with the fans is something nobody else can do as great as him. He also meant everything he was saying, which made it so much more emotional. John Cena without a doubt in my mind, is the best promo cutter in the WWE, period. Sure, one could make the argument that Edge, Jericho and Shawn Michaels are good promo cutters, and they are. But they just don't connect as well with the audience as John Cena does. He also showed a much more vicious side of him on Raw. The fans loved it too. I can't remember the last time I heard them chant "FU, FU, FU". He hardly got any boos as the World Champion. I hope this is a good sign for things to come.

Hopefully, the smarks and older audience have gotten over their Cena bashing and have opened their eyes to realize that John Cena is the best in the business today, bar none. His new agressive style, is exactly what the fans want to see and I hope the WWE continues with it. He's having a match with Kane next week, that I so proudly predicted before Survivor Series. This fued between Cena and Jericho could really get interesting. I'm already enjoying it more than 95% of other feuds we have seen this year. The two seem to work quite well together too. So thank you John Cena, we are officialy saved.
Wow, is this a John Cena thread or a Chris Jericho thread? I voted that I dislike John Cena's character, but respect the man.

First, I must admit that I'm a little jaded, being that I hated Cena's rapper gimmick. To me he represented all those posers who become "thug" overnight just to look cool. And I know he can rap in real life, but I always hated how he claimed to be "freestyling" when he was really just reciting a short poem.

Then later on John Cena drifted from that character, but I do have to agree with some people that for a while now he's been shoved down our throats. I think that's one thing that's made a lot of people resent his character. I can only remember 3 occasions in fairly recent memory where he lost straight-up, fair and square...those being against Batista at Summerslam, Triple H at Night of Champions, and Shawn Michaels on Raw in London.

And really, it's all just getting old. A wrestler shouldn't have to be portrayed as invincible and perfect to get over. Take The Rock for example, one of the most over wrestlers of all time. He went out of his way quite often to show vulnerability so that the fans could connect with him more. I think a lot more fans would connect with Cena if they showed him having more vulnerability, rather than just doing the whole "I represent the people" routine.

And I really didn't enjoy his promo last night. It was so cliche and goody-two-shoes. We get it, Cena has a stiffy for the fans. And a lot of people are saying his win at Survivor Series destroyed Jericho's credibility...well it certainly didn't help, but how can you say Cena's win destroyed Jericho's credibility compared to the beating Cena gave him on Raw? I really thought that was just excessive. We already know Cena's tough and "means business". What does having him whoop Jericho's ass all over the ring area accomplish? Cena's character has nothing left to prove.

But as I mentioned at the beginning, I do respect Cena as a person and a worker. He plays his role, always gives his all, and loves what he does. My only gripe that is somewhat his fault is his mic work...a lot of people say it's so's pretty good and charismatic, but nothing awe-inspiring in my opinion...especially because he often seems to think he's funnier than he really is.

I never thought I'd see the day where most people on a wrestling forum such as this are raving over John Cena. Is it a case of the "Slyfox bandwagon" perhaps?
I really like John Cena, ever since he came back at the rumble and threw HHH out of the ring. Stroke of genius. Firstly I surprised to see him but didnt care much, I didnt hate him but wasnt a fan either, then as I watched I realised that there really is no one better today than John Cena.

Sometimes he say's corny and cheesy stuff but for the most part his mic work is excellent. No one can hype a match like Cena can, he hyped his match with Batista brilliantly and made me excited about it considering how little build-up it received. I was gutted when he lost. His matches are always good, then again I am a fan of brawlers but Cena just knows what emotions to use, what moves to do, his timing is fantastic as well.

So yeah, John Cena stands alone as the best in WWE today, better than HHH, Batista, Edge, Orton and my personal favourite Chris Jericho.
You smarks make me sick. Seriously.

Because we choose not to comform as the WWE would like us to and cheer for who they want us to cheer? Hypocrisy much?

If Jericho was so great as champion, how come he had two short reigns and the ratings were dropping dramatically? I would love nothing more than if any Jericho mark could answer that question. John Cena returns on Raw, and the rating is up from last weeks 2.9 to 3.3. And on Monday night there was also some important American football match or something like that. So that's a huge bonus. I fully expect Jericho marks to say something like "oh, but a new champion always draws for the first week. Plus, it was the show after a big pay per view". First off, Survivor Series isn't anywhere as important as Wrestlemania or the Royal Rumble. And secondly, remember when Batista won the title for a week, the ratings didn't go up at all.

John Cena is WWE's cash cow; we get it, no one is disputing that. He is over with the children so of course the ratings will go up with his big return and he'll make the WWE a piss load of money. That doesn't mean we all have to jump on the Cena bandwagon, however, no matter how good he is. Besides what Cena has going for him, his character is bland and predictable, which is why he gets cheered by children and jeered by the adults, or older fans. I don't know why I'm even bothering to defend Batista, but to explain why ratings didn't go up when he won the title could be because he wasn't returning from a major injury as Cena. We all know big returns from injuries or extended hiatus produce ratings. Jericho's return itself was considered one of the biggest nights in wrestling for years, then he lost steam because he looked different than what WWE fans remembered him. At least that's why I think Jericho's return flopped over the long haul, I'm not sure but that's beside the point now, anyway. Big returns draw. I don't if RAW will continue drawing in the 3.3's, I guess we'll have to wait and see but if it drops back to 3.0 I can tell you "I told you so" later.

Cena as the World Heavyweight Champion is great for both Raw and the WWE in general. He is the biggest draw in the company, whether you like him or not you have to admit that. The reaction he gets from the fans on a weekly basis is amazing. It's unmatchable.

Cena is great for WWE, he makes money, no doubt about it but you're just reciting what Jim Ross or Michael Cole usually say when people are booing Cena. "Whether you like him or hate the man, you can't undermine his passion, blah blah blah." He gets some great reactions in some places, mixed reactions in others and many cities boo him out of the building entirely. No babyface world champion in history of WWE have been jeered the way Cena has, so obviously there's something wrong with the character and don't say him being a cash cow compensates for lousy character because even though he is the biggest draw now, he is nowhere near as big a draw as guys like Hogan, Rock and Austin were, otherwise RAW would be drawing 6.0, not half.

On Raw this week, I saw John Cena cut one of the best promos I've ever seen. I really enjoyed it. The way he connected with the fans is something nobody else can do as great as him. He also meant everything he was saying, which made it so much more emotional. John Cena without a doubt in my mind, is the best promo cutter in the WWE, period. Sure, one could make the argument that Edge, Jericho and Shawn Michaels are good promo cutters, and they are. But they just don't connect as well with the audience as John Cena does. He also showed a much more vicious side of him on Raw. The fans loved it too. I can't remember the last time I heard them chant "FU, FU, FU". He hardly got any boos as the World Champion. I hope this is a good sign for things to come.

Cena's promos have been steadily the same for years, worded differently. He basically appreciates the fans, say he will go to war with them, fights for them whether they like him or hate him, he wants them to make noise. Then he switches the point around to accomodate whatever superstar he is addressing, whether it's HHH, Jericho or Michaels. He is energetic, sure, but the promos written for him are God-awful and always the same shit. It never changes.

Hopefully, the smarks and older audience have gotten over their Cena bashing and have opened their eyes to realize that John Cena is the best in the business today, bar none.

He's the biggest draw, sure, so one can argue he is indeed the best. Doesn't mean I have to like him. I don't really care if that makes me a 'smark.' I'd rather not jump on the bandwagon just because WWE tells me this is the guy they want me to cheer for. It's not pride, it's not rebellious, it's because Cena's character lacks depth and his storylines, aside from his program with Orton have always been boring and predictable.

His new agressive style, is exactly what the fans want to see and I hope the WWE continues with it.

So he wasn't aggressive before? How did he ever beat guys like HHH, HBK, Edge, Khali, Umaga, Orton, etc without aggression? If that was just non-aggressive Cena all along, the heels have no chance.

He's having a match with Kane next week, that I so proudly predicted before Survivor Series. This fued between Cena and Jericho could really get interesting.

Interesting in what way? If the closing segment of Monday Night RAW is a sign of things to come, it will be the same as his program with everyone else, except Cena is more aggressive, beats the heels on the go home show, then beats them again at the PPV. At least they made Jericho look strong going into Summerslam 2006 and gave us the impression he actually stood a chance to take the title from Cena but after seeing the way he got his ass handled, he doesn't stand a chance.
I voted I don't like him or dislike him. See I have no problem with his wrestling ability, people who say that Cena can't wrestle are just looking for excuses not to like him. His promo on Monday kinda made me want to boo him because it was like ten minutes of just plain sucking up to the fans. His drawing power cannot be debated, look at this Monday's ratings because of his return. He's a hard worker who seems to legitmatly love the business, and he is successful because of it. Sometimes it may look like he's being pushed a bit to hard, and he is at times, but who else has the drawing capabilities like Cena?
Another thing I've read before is that there is no such thing as a good John Cena match. I beg to differ. Edge vs. Cena at Unforgiven was awesome, HBK vs. Cena both at Mania and on RAW were awesome.

In the end, I may not be Cena's biggest fan, but he does his job and he does it good and I respect him for it.
Uhh, because it's a record? Over the long haul, people will look back and say he set a record no one else had and that's an accolade not even HHH and Cena have. Hell, HHH and Cena will never even be able to call themselves the first Undisputed Champion, circumstances or backstage goings on aside. Looking at it in another light, it's eight times WWE trusted Jericho with the belt over any other mid-carder. What does that say for the hundreds of would-be contenders at the time? None were ready to hold a title that has lost all prestige.

In this case, the number of IC titles he's held is meaningless. You see, I respect guys like Team 3D when they say they are 20 time tag champs, which as far as I know is a record. That's the top title in their division. I respect Ric Flair for 16 WHC, or potentially more, depending on the way you want to count them, because that means 16 times it was decided "We want this man to carry our show/company" whatever. But Jericho's 8 reigns on a midcard title? The greatest thing he can say is that he's a fantastic midcarder.

Do you know that for sure or are you just assuming? Jericho isn't a locker room leader, I'm not sure how out-spoken he is. Last time he was disgrunted with his character being stale, he went to creative and told them about it. Took them six months to turn him heel. Yeah, that's some real backstage stroke, all right.

I'll give you that it's an assumption, but let's be realistic. Unless creative had an active, hating vendetta against the title, Jericho could have easily walked out with his belt, and made sure he was announced as IC Champion. Perhaps asking for a title match would have been pushing it, but what if he had said "When I fight Shawn at Judgment Day, how about we make it for the IC Title, create some more buzz?" I guarantee you, unless there was an active vendetta against it, that match could easily have been for the title.

That is just complete bullshit.

There's really no need to dissect this paragraph, because it's wrong. Do you really believe Triple H wouldn't love to say "I wish the first Undisputed champion"? He would, but he was hurt. So, there needed to be someone who could job to him, but not a major player, because that would make them look bad. Hence, Stone Cold and the Rock were out, so they call upon Jericho to carry the title for Triple H. He was nothing more than a belt warmer.

A "convenient man." I suppose Orton was a convenient man to place the title on last year when Cena went down with a sidelining injury.

Orton was probably going to win the title that night anyway, but instead he got two reigns out of it. One of which is nonsense, so.

And I suppose JBL was a convenient man to place the title on back in 2004 when Brock Lesnar left for the NFL.

I'd really like to find a person who considered JBL a great champion.

And I guess Edge was a convenient man to place the title on when Undertaker went down with a sidelining injury in 2006.

Um. Edge and 'Taker were on separate brands in '06, not even close to each other.

And Kurt Angle was a convenient man after Batista went down with a sidelining injury in 2005.

Maybe he was, but the two month reign which ended in a drop to Rey Mysterio is not why Kurt Angle is considered a great champion.

JBL, Edge, Orton and Angle are all considered great WWE champions, even though some of their reigns as you would put it happened per convenience. That "convenient man" crap doesn't fly. As they say, "shit happens", and WWE hands the title on to the next best thing when one of their champions goes down. Four times, that man was Jericho and four times, that was Jericho over a myriad of other would-be world title contenders. So does he have credibility as a champion? Of course, that goes without saying; he has beaten the biggest stars in the company during his reigns, it's not even debatable.

I've already addressed how great Jericho's title reigns were. His two WCW reigns are ludicrous and invalid in any kind of legacy, his Undisputed title was a warming reign, his first WHC and combined second WHC were warming for Cena.

Oh and I forgot to add; the reason WWE put the World title on Jericho to begin with this year was because CM Punk flopped as champion. They had no idea Cena would return ahead of his recovery schedule, they didn't have a crystal ball so how could they have put the title on Jericho with the sole intention in mind of him dropping it to Cena at Survivor Series if they weren't sure when exactly Cena would return?

Punk pulled better ratings than Jericho did as champion. Punk did a solid job as champion, and considering the WWE placed the MITB case on him, it's clear the considered Punk worth a title reign far before the injuries to Orton and Cena.

As far as not knowing when Cena was coming back, why does that matter? They would have kept the title on Jericho until they knew he was alright, and then sent it off at whichever PPV Cena returned at. Had it been Armageddon or the Rumble or whatever. We'd have seen the same match.
Because we choose not to comform as the WWE would like us to and cheer for who they want us to cheer? Hypocrisy much?

Yes, Cena gets all the hate for winning the title in his first match, while Edge gets off the hook. That is mainly what I was firstly referring to.

John Cena is WWE's cash cow; we get it, no one is disputing that. He is over with the children so of course the ratings will go up with his big return and he'll make the WWE a piss load of money. That doesn't mean we all have to jump on the Cena bandwagon, however, no matter how good he is. Besides what Cena has going for him, his character is bland and predictable, which is why he gets cheered by children and jeered by the adults, or older fans. I don't know why I'm even bothering to defend Batista, but to explain why ratings didn't go up when he won the title could be because he wasn't returning from a major injury as Cena. We all know big returns from injuries or extended hiatus produce ratings. Jericho's return itself was considered one of the biggest nights in wrestling for years, then he lost steam because he looked different than what WWE fans remembered him. At least that's why I think Jericho's return flopped over the long haul, I'm not sure but that's beside the point now, anyway. Big returns draw. I don't if RAW will continue drawing in the 3.3's, I guess we'll have to wait and see but if it drops back to 3.0 I can tell you "I told you so" later.

You don't understand it do you, John Cena is more than a measly cash cow. He is the face of the WWE. And for the record, I've been a Cena fan since 2003 so I am certainly not jumping on any bandwagon. What has he got going for him?? Are you serious dude? The guy is the complete package. Which is why he has become a success. His character is not bland. Did you even watch Raw this week? He seems less "nice" and more determined to kick ass more than ever, and the fans bought it.

Cena is not predictable. How the hell is Cena predictable! Give me examples to back up your points at least. I wasn't expecting him to win the title in his return match, therefore making him unpredictable. So you decide to hate Cena based on the way he's booked? Does Cena book for himself, I think not. Oh, and Jericho's return wasn't as successful as Cena's as his character was "different". Wouldn't that make people more interested in his new character and style? So now "all" big returns draw? That's funny, I can't remember the last big return that drew as good as this.

Cena is great for WWE, he makes money, no doubt about it but you're just reciting what Jim Ross or Michael Cole usually say when people are booing Cena. "Whether you like him or hate the man, you can't undermine his passion, blah blah blah." He gets some great reactions in some places, mixed reactions in others and many cities boo him out of the building entirely. No babyface world champion in history of WWE have been jeered the way Cena has, so obviously there's something wrong with the character and don't say him being a cash cow compensates for lousy character because even though he is the biggest draw now, he is nowhere near as big a draw as guys like Hogan, Rock and Austin were, otherwise RAW would be drawing 6.0, not half.

Once again, Cena is more than a money maker. He is consistant and entertains more than any other WWE superstar at the present moment. Don't you see what the WWE is trying it's best to accomplish? On Raw they made changes to his character in the hope that he does get cheered more, and it worked brilliantly. And I'm not talking like Jim Ross or Michael Cole, I'm just merely pointing out the simple facts that you seemingly can't understand. And how exactly do you know Cena is the most booed face champion in WWE history? Are you over 50 years old? So you're telling me that the ratings aren't up to 6.0 because Cena isn't a big enough draw. You might as well blame Cena for the stock market crash too. It's obviously because those older fans have grown up and have stopped watching a product that isn't as entertaining as what it was before, not because of John Cena.

Cena's promos have been steadily the same for years, worded differently. He basically appreciates the fans, say he will go to war with them, fights for them whether they like him or hate him, he wants them to make noise. Then he switches the point around to accomodate whatever superstar he is addressing, whether it's HHH, Jericho or Michaels. He is energetic, sure, but the promos written for him are God-awful and always the same shit. It never changes.

:lmao: How am I supposed to take you seriously with this comment? I 'suppose' Chris Jericho's promos are completely different from each other. I think not. Cena's promos differ all the time. Which is more than what I can say for Jericho, HBK and Triple H. And why wouldn't he appreciate the fans and suck up to them, he's a babyface, his role is to get cheered and that's what he gets paid for! That's like saying Triple H's promos are the same all the time, in which they are. He tells a few jokes, before getting serious about his opponent. You can't expect a totally different promo from the same superstar every time he's on the mic.

He's the biggest draw, sure, so one can argue he is indeed the best. Doesn't mean I have to like him. I don't really care if that makes me a 'smark.' I'd rather not jump on the bandwagon just because WWE tells me this is the guy they want me to cheer for. It's not pride, it's not rebellious, it's because Cena's character lacks depth and his storylines, aside from his program with Orton have always been boring and predictable.

I never said you have to like him, I just want you to respect him as being the number one entertainer in the company. Cena's character is one the best in WWE, because he doesn't need a fucking lame gimmick to get over. He gets over by being himself. So his storyline with Batista was boring, was it? How about his feud with Edge? Two of the best feuds in the past 3 years, both involving John Cena. Coincidence?

So he wasn't aggressive before? How did he ever beat guys like HHH, HBK, Edge, Khali, Umaga, Orton, etc without aggression? If that was just non-aggressive Cena all along, the heels have no chance.

I don't recall Cena beating the heck out of those superstars at the very start of those feuds. I don't recall Cena getting as fired up as he was on Raw. He wasn't as aggressive as what he was this past week. And the whole superman Cena thing really needs to go because I know you're implying it. How the fuck does Edge, Jericho and Batista get away from being called "superman"? Edge has won 6 world titles in two years, Jericho won 2 titles in a matter of a few months, and Batista is constantly in the title picture. Yet, a guy who was injured for half a year gets the blame. How in the world does this make sense?

Interesting in what way? If the closing segment of Monday Night RAW is a sign of things to come, it will be the same as his program with everyone else, except Cena is more aggressive, beats the heels on the go home show, then beats them again at the PPV. At least they made Jericho look strong going into Summerslam 2006 and gave us the impression he actually stood a chance to take the title from Cena but after seeing the way he got his ass handled, he doesn't stand a chance.

That's why I loved the promo on Raw, because for once the heel didn't get the upper hand. Do you remember last year when HBK superkicked Randy Orton 7 or 8 weeks in a row during their feud? I bet you didn't have a problem with that, because "he's Shawn Michaels". And there's still 3 weeks until the pay per view, so there's time for Jericho to get the upper hand. Heels always get the upper hand, but yet you bitch the one week where the babyface rules supreme. If you're so good at predicting feuds, did you predict Batista winning the world title at Cyber Sunday? I highly doubt that.
In this case, the number of IC titles he's held is meaningless. You see, I respect guys like Team 3D when they say they are 20 time tag champs, which as far as I know is a record. That's the top title in their division. I respect Ric Flair for 16 WHC, or potentially more, depending on the way you want to count them, because that means 16 times it was decided "We want this man to carry our show/company" whatever. But Jericho's 8 reigns on a midcard title? The greatest thing he can say is that he's a fantastic midcarder.

If the title became useless, its due to creative being unable to create midcard stars but we all know the best Jericho IC title reigns happened when the title still meant something; before the brand expansion when he was battling contenders like Benoit, Edge, Christian and Guerrero. So maybe some reigns stunk but that was after the title became worthless.

I'll give you that it's an assumption, but let's be realistic. Unless creative had an active, hating vendetta against the title, Jericho could have easily walked out with his belt, and made sure he was announced as IC Champion. Perhaps asking for a title match would have been pushing it, but what if he had said "When I fight Shawn at Judgment Day, how about we make it for the IC Title, create some more buzz?" I guarantee you, unless there was an active vendetta against it, that match could easily have been for the title.

Good point, I’ll give you that. Not making that match for the IC was just another bad move on the part of creative, because if it seemed like even a season veteran and multiple time world champion would want the IC title, it would appear more valuable.

Triple H wouldn't love to say "I wish the first Undisputed champion"? He would, but he was hurt. So, there needed to be someone who could job to him, but not a major player, because that would make them look bad. Hence, Stone Cold and the Rock were out, so they call upon Jericho to carry the title for Triple H. He was nothing more than a belt warmer

Of course he would and I bet it just eats away at him to know Jericho has that accolade and no one, not now, not ever, not even HHH will ever be able to call himself Undisputed Champion but to say the sole intention they gave Jericho the title reign to begin with just to keep it warm for HHH is still unfound and merely speculated. As we’ve established, Jericho had been embroiled with a major feud with The Rock and was red hot with the crowd until he started his heel turn going into Survivor Series. Why wouldn’t WWE give him a title reign? Whether or not HHH was returning was irrelevant; if they were adamant against giving Jericho such a prestige accolade, as I said, they could have had Kurt Angle keep the title warm until Wrestlemania for HHH. Not like it would have mattered; having Hogan/Rock that year was going to sell tickets anyway and Angle wouldn’t have looked bad losing to HHH. They couldn’t have had Austin drop the belt to HHH because HHH was returning as a baby face. Don’t you think that if he faced somebody like Stone Cold at Wrestlemania, the fans might not cheer him as hard or be divided at best? WWE needed a fresh heel to reign for HHH to dethrone, so Jericho was more than just a belt warmer as you claim; he was the ideal antagonist to face HHH in the storyline Stephanie was involved they had in mind. I’m not saying I liked the program, but sometimes heel title reins appear transitional because they have to drop the belt to the biggest baby face around; it was HHH at the time, and if it hadn’t been HHH, it would have been Hogan who had returned red hot as well. And don’t forget, HHH won the title from Jericho, only to have a shorter title reign than Jericho himself by dropping it to Hogan the following month. ;)

I'd really like to find a person who considered JBL a great champion.

He won’t go down as the greatest WWE champion ever, no doubt, but to say he didn’t have a good title reign would be biased. When you are dominant from The Great American Bash all the way to Wrestlemania, retaining against guys like Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Kurt Angle and Big Show, you know you had a good title reign.

Um. Edge and 'Taker were on separate brands in '06, not even close to each other.

That matters why? Brands haven’t meant much in years. They’ve switched guys around and had wrestlers compete on different brands all the time with little explanation other than “I love the talent deal exchange our [generic RAW GM] made with [generic SmackDown GM.]

As far as not knowing when Cena was coming back, why does that matter? They would have kept the title on Jericho until they knew he was alright, and then sent it off at whichever PPV Cena returned at. Had it been Armageddon or the Rumble or whatever. We'd have seen the same match.

You put so much faith on the creative team; as if they knew what they were doing and brainstorming ahead of times. With an egomaniac unpredictable as Vince McMahon at the helm, plans change all the time and nothing is solid. I still think the reason a Cena title reign was decided was because his recovery just happened to coincide with Unforgiven being in his hometown. How could you not give him the title after hyping his early return for a month? So in my opinion, Jericho was given a title reign this year not just to keep it warm for Cena; as I said, they had no idea when Cena was returning until maybe a few weeks ago. Jericho happened to be the reigning champion at a bad time. If anybody else had the title, they would have had to drop it to Cena as well. WWE creative had no idea he was returning early, so they went with it and the ratings certainly didn’t help Jericho. I’ve never claimed Jericho to be the biggest draw in the WWE; far from it, he has the charisma but he doesn’t have the character or the youth anymore. I still think WWE dropped the ball with him in 2000. Jericho was ridiculously over that year, he could have made a great WWE Champion but again, unfortunately for him so was The Rock, and a newcomer rookie by the name of Kurt Angle.

Yes, Cena gets all the hate for winning the title in his first match, while Edge gets off the hook. That is mainly what I was firstly referring to.

As the heel, it was Edge’s role to steal the title and snake his way back to the top. I went over this in story telling craft. Edge will drop the title to the next, hottest baby face contender.

You don't understand it do you, John Cena is more than a measly cash cow. He is the face of the WWE. And for the record, I've been a Cena fan since 2003 so I am certainly not jumping on any bandwagon. What has he got going for him?? Are you serious dude? The guy is the complete package. Which is why he has become a success. His character is not bland. Did you even watch Raw this week? He seems less "nice" and more determined to kick ass more than ever, and the fans bought it.

Cena is the total package and you are right; he’s the face of the WWE, but at least in my opinion, his character IS bland. I’m not twelve, so the promos he cuts don’t appeal to me. I’ve always been into the anti-hero/villainous type characters, which is why I enjoy Jericho and Orton but detest Cena’s character. Not the man, I’ve already said I respect the man, but he’s a product of a creative team that is trying to adhere to a younger audience. I much preferred him as a baby face on SmackDown he was cutting edgy promos, and embarrassed his adversaries with clever free styling; whether it was scripted or not was beyond the point, he delivered it with swagger. Now all he does is kiss the fan’s asses for ten minutes than brawl with the generic heel. Nobody but kids like ass kissers and it’s a matter of maturity. I don’t go to shows to listen to the baby face tell me he loves me and is going to war for me. I go to shows to watch the baby face establish a want, need and obstacle that clashes with the heel’s ideals and clash with him for a showdown between good and evil. Again, basic story telling craft.

Cena is not predictable. How the hell is Cena predictable! Give me examples to back up your points at least. I wasn't expecting him to win the title in his return match, therefore making him unpredictable. So you decide to hate Cena based on the way he's booked? Does Cena book for himself, I think not. Oh, and Jericho's return wasn't as successful as Cena's as his character was "different". Wouldn't that make people more interested in his new character and style? So now "all" big returns draw? That's funny, I can't remember the last big return that drew as good as this.

What do you want me to do? Link you to different Cena promos on youtube? Everyone but you expected Cena to win the title in his HOMETOWN on his BIG RETURN night. People were hoping against it but most of us who know how the WWE creative team operates knew it was going to happen. You said it yourself; Cena is the face of the WWE and he makes the most money. How could you not have known he was going to win the title? And Cena being more ‘aggressive’ is a piss poor explanation to try and imply he’s different now than four months ago. He always had an aggressive streak; just watch his match with JBL at Judgment Day 2005, or his match with HHH at Wrestlemania 22. If he didn’t have “aggression”, how could he have retained the belt against top tier contenders? This is just WWE putting a bow on Cena and trying to pass off slight difference as a complete revamp but no matter how much you try to dress up a lump of shit, it’s still a lump of shit. Even if it burns a little more on the way out if you have too much jalapenos.

And how exactly do you know Cena is the most booed face champion in WWE history? Are you over 50 years old? So you're telling me that the ratings aren't up to 6.0 because Cena isn't a big enough draw. You might as well blame Cena for the stock market crash too. It's obviously because those older fans have grown up and have stopped watching a product that isn't as entertaining as what it was before, not because of John Cena.

I don’t have to be middle-aged to pick up DVD’s or even subscribe to WWE 24/7. Show me one video during any of Hulk Hogan’s baby face runs (not WCW) when the masses were chanting “FUCK YOU HOGAN, YOU CAN’T WRESTLE.” You won’t find it. WCW doesn’t count because by then Hogan was way past his prime and if the fans turned on him, it was because he was old. Cena is still in his prime, still was prior to injury and the fans had already turned on him. I know fans have turned on The Rock even as recent as after 2000 when he was still on his prime and at the top of his game but that was due to the sting of knowing he was leaving for Hollywood and saw it as him turning his back on the fans and the WWE. Fans can be fickle but I think they got over it and even welcomed him back with open arms when he returned for Wrestlemania 20. I’ve NEVER heard masses chant such demeaning things at a baby face champion the way crowds have for Cena, though.

How am I supposed to take you seriously with this comment? I 'suppose' Chris Jericho's promos are completely different from each other. I think not. Cena's promos differ all the time. Which is more than what I can say for Jericho, HBK and Triple H. And why wouldn't he appreciate the fans and suck up to them, he's a babyface, his role is to get cheered and that's what he gets paid for! That's like saying Triple H's promos are the same all the time, in which they are. He tells a few jokes, before getting serious about his opponent. You can't expect a totally different promo from the same superstar every time he's on the mic.

True, you’re right. Most wrestlers always cut similar promos, so I can’t say that’s one thing Cena has going against him. After all, even the best wrestlers (Hogan, Flair, Triple H, Rock, etc) have cut the same promos for over ten years and they’re still over. The same goes for everyone else.

I don't recall Cena beating the heck out of those superstars at the very start of those feuds. I don't recall Cena getting as fired up as he was on Raw. He wasn't as aggressive as what he was this past week. And the whole superman Cena thing really needs to go because I know you're implying it. How the fuck does Edge, Jericho and Batista get away from being called "superman"? Edge has won 6 world titles in two years, Jericho won 2 titles in a matter of a few months, and Batista is constantly in the title picture. Yet, a guy who was injured for half a year gets the blame. How in the world does this make sense?

So when he kicks somebody’s ass determines whether or not he is aggressive? That’s an interesting way to look at it. And Cena has always been fired up. It’s how he gets the crowd riled up, he always had that ability. Edge and Jericho are anything but Superman; they snake their way to the top and steal titles. Batista is another character I hate by the way.

That's why I loved the promo on Raw, because for once the heel didn't get the upper hand. Do you remember last year when HBK superkicked Randy Orton 7 or 8 weeks in a row during their feud? I bet you didn't have a problem with that, because "he's Shawn Michaels".

I’ve had a problem with Shawn Michaels’ character for years as well, only because he’s forty years old, a self-proclaimed born again Christian and his theme song is still “I’m just a sexy boy.”
Rusty said:
So you're telling me that the ratings aren't up to 6.0 because Cena isn't a big enough draw. You might as well blame Cena for the stock market crash too. It's obviously because those older fans have grown up and have stopped watching a product that isn't as entertaining as what it was before, not because of John Cena.

Well on the whole the attitude era wasn't fantastic television either, Stone Cold is what carried it up to the 6's, The Rock carried on where Austin left off. The ratings dropped after those 2 left, Cena's good but he's not the draw Austin, Hogan and Rocky were, maybe one day.

Harthan said:
I'd really like to find a person who considered JBL a great champion.

Hi, you've found one :)

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