The Most Useless Championship in WWE History.

ok, first off let's eliminate some. The World Heavyweight title and WWE title are not useless because of history and prestige and same goes with the US and IC titles. I liked the Crusierweight title in WWE and WCW, it lost it's prestige when Hornswoggle had it. So what titles are the most useless. The European title is a contender because it was held by guys who wanted to jumpstart their career to the IC title, BUT if it's a great midcard title why wasnt it brought back?? However, it was a good title for what it's worth so i eliminate that because it had good feuds and good champions. The popular choice is the Hardcore title and i can see why, BUT look at all the matches and guys who had the title, look at the entertainment. The Hardcore title had some good and comedy matches, it made Crash Holly's career, it helped Raven in WWE and others. The Hardcore title wasnt useless. So that leaves two titles in my book, one of them is the Diva's title and the other is the Light-Heavyweight title and i go with the one that wasnt great. As pretty a belt as the Light-Heavyweight title was, it was rarely defended, it was put on a man who mocked Goldberg and always lost, then went to other guys and finally was retired by X-Pac. The Light-Heavyweight title was the most useless title.
The most usless title is the Million dollar title....It shouldn't even be called a title.....It's just a fancy belt........The Hardcore Title is defintley not the most usless...for 2 reasons.....1. It gave us some memorable matches.....2. It gave some other guys the spolight like when RVD fought Taker for the title RVD already wuz a popular wrestler but this feud made him a household name. And plus the Hardcore belt gave Mankind and Taker and guys like tht credibility cuz there wuz no spot for them in the world title picture and with this belt it came them something to hold on to.
The Hardcore title may have been the most useless, but there have been others during the Invasion era that were pretty useless too. The WCW Tag Team titles were useless. I still don't understand why there was a need to have 2 tag teams in WWE, especially later on when the division had died down. Having WCW championship belts in WWE were pretty pointless. They were only made useful when they were unified.

The hardcore title was just a prop that pretty much anyone could win. Even Molly Holly became Hardcore champion. Becoming a Hardcore champion really didn't matter since so many people held it and had so many runs. Being a 10 time hardcore champion did no one any favors since their runs usually only lasted a matter of seconds.

Lay Cool having two diva titles is pretty useless as well. I really don't think the Diva championship has helped to elevate anyone considering how bad off the division is. The original WWE Women's title did more for any diva then the joke that is the Divas championship. Now there are two belts that are held by two of the most annoying women on the planet.

The Million Dollar belt may be useless, but it is pretty prestigious considering that only 3 people have held the title. It has rarely been defended, but it launched Ted Dibiase and Steve Austin's career. It really hasn't helped Dibiase Jr. much, but it hasn't hurt much either.
The Hardcore title or the Light Heavyweight title.

The 24/7 rule is what turned the HC belt into a joke, although there were some good matches. In some cases, Jeff Hardy mainly, it propelled him into bigger things. A woman held the title because she hit someone with a frying pan, am I supposed to take that seriously. The matches weren't even "hardcore" really, they always turned into a big free for all or a skit.

The LHW belt was a huge sham. It was inactive for a fairly large chunk of time with Gillberg and then when it came back it was pointless. Technically it never went away, but it did nothing for a period of Four Hundred and something days, that's why I say that. It could have been a great belt, and it showed flashes of what that division could have been... But in the end it was pointless.
im going to agree with the majority of you. the hard core championship was by far the silliest belt within the WWE. Also im also gonna say the WWE championship belt needs to be changed because its current design is horrid and looks cheap. also they should have a womans tag team championship belt too.
I can't believe there are people that think the ECW title is the most useless title in WWE history. Many people believe it's no longer a World title, but it is. It just became a World title for mid-carders. In the short time that the ECW brand was around, the title served its purpose in legitimately competitive ways. It had its own scramble match. Bobby Lashley was being booked as main event material while he was ECW Champion. Hell, when Matt Hardy held it, he was even included in a triple threat match against the other brand's World Champions (if I recall correctly). Also, when John Morrison was the ECW Champion, it took CM Punk a 'one last chance' match to finally win it. Then, you have Christian's lengthy title reign which just added to the title's relevance.

The Hardcore Championship was the most useless title for obvious reasons. Sure, it provided entertainment, but like Ferbian said, winning that title meant nothing. It started fine, but it was the 24/7 rule that fucked it up. Come on, even Terri Runnels held it. Who can take a title like that seriously? Raven has 27 reigns. It looks good on his resume, but considering how short a lot of those wins were makes it devoid of any value. What's the point of winning it? To lose it to someone else in a matter of seconds? It hasn't done anything to further anyone's career either. This is pro wrestling, not a game of tag.
i thougght the hardcore champion was great cause of the 24/7 thing and it brought a lil bit of hardcore in the aditude era

the worst would be lightheavyweight cause wwf/e didnt need it and some of the matches were so boring they made me go take a leak:p
Folks, the Million Dollar Championship isn't a real belt. It's supposed to be a phony belt. That's the whole gimmick to it, that's how it was started; Ted DiBiase (Sr.) couldn't buy the World Heavyweight Championship, so he bought the Million Dollar Championship instead.

Like Miz not defending the US title, the Million Dollar Championship is used to draw heat from people too dumb to know that it's a prop meant to generate heat.
I'd personally say the European Championship was pretty pointless overall. The only truly significant things to come out of the existance of that belt was that it made HBK the first Grand Slam Champion, and the very first match to crown the champion, and that's about it.

This belt actually went out of contention twice! In 1999 Shane McMahon won the belt from X-Pac, defended it like twice and then hid it. Several months later, Mideon finds it and Shane just makes him the European champion, which he lost immediately to D'Lo Brown.

A belt called the European Championship only ever had 2 Europeans actually win it, those being The British Bulldog (the very first champion) who held it twice, and William Regal who won it 3 or 4 times. Every other guy to ever hold that belt was either Canadian, American or Mexican.

There was a tournament to crown the first champion where the finals were held in Germany, between Owen Hart (again, not a European) and Bulldog. The match itself was a classic, and the fans loved it. After that though, the belt's significance and drawing power declined at a rate of knotts, and was passed around mid-carders as a stepping stone to the IC belt as about 85% of the title winners went on to win the IC belt as well (or in some cases, already had done i.e. J. Hardy).

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