Who Is The WWE's Most Useless Person

I would have to say the most useless in WWE right now would have to be Charlie Hass. He is so useless he hardly gets airtime. Hell I dont even remember the last time he had a title of anykind....except maybe world champion impersonater.
I'm torn between two.

There's Jimmy Wang Yang. He's done nothing interesting this year except get suspended. He beat Kendrick, but that was when Kendrick was getting buried to hell. So basically, Wang Yang is on the same level, in-ring wise, as Jerry Lawler. Wow.

Then there's Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Who I genuinely think they keep around cause they feel a tiny bit sorry for him. The most use he's had in 15 years is pissing off the Canadian crowd. But that was more cause of Slaughter and Bret Hart's music, it was hardly cause of Duggan. He's not even useful as a jobber since his age stops him from selling really well or even taking proper bumps.
TLc fan r u kidding me???
first off santino is an absolute terrible wrestler. his mat skills are terrible, his gimmick is tired, hell even his unibrow is trash. He is a complete waste of time. He is a solo bushwacker act.wheneva he is in the ring against a real wrestler he gets beat extra fast ( look when he wrestled regal or finlay). he doesnt even look good wrestling the divas so what r u talking bout??

second yea Jeff is popular because HE IS A CIRCUS PERFORMER NOT A WRESTLER. Matt is betta on the mat, betta with the mic ( his accent is a lil strong but hell so is finlays). and yea matts out of shape right now cause hes comin off an injury. he doesnt have to jump off cages or titantrons or balconies to win a match. to prove he is a betta wrestler who has jeff had a betta feud with than the one matt and edge had? jeff and cm punk? jeff and HHH? did u see that match. u had a wrestler against a gimmick. Matt hardy vs jack swagger was always a good match. Matt hardy vs MVP always were good matches. Matt has always been a betta pure wrestler but Jeff has always been a fan favorite because any given night you can see his death and that is the only reason.

(not digging at you or anything, but the "er" are right next to each other and very near the "a", is it so hard to type better, instead of betta?)

To the post though, gotta say I agree and disagree, well the other way round.

Santino is great, well he is very entertaining any. I have to admit I'm not a big ECW fan, and have only been back with WWE while Santino was on that brand and Raw, so as off yet I haven't seem him wrestle....ever (which says something in and of itself...how long has he been on RAW, and I'm yet to see him wrestle...as Santino). Yet I still honestly think he has his place on RAW.

If he really is that bad in the ring maybe give him a mouth of the south kinda gig, where he can align himself with a wrestler, and lie cheat steal, Eddie style, to help them win. Have a guest host team him up with (I wanna say Swagger, but it would derail any push he was getting, Benjamin would be good, or any kind of angry heal, with a guest host putting said heels job on the line if he didn't tag with him). Santino always causes said heel to get a beat down, but then does something to steal a win, set it up like the Chavo/Swaggle program,j just a bit of light relief for raw, eventually earning the grudging respect of said heel, you could even give them a comedy title chase, never getting of course, but a small PPV match to sweeten the deal for them both. I guess the one problem being, who would they fight....stupid WWE with no tag teams :mad:

Anyway my brain ran away with itself their. I do however very much agree with you about Matt Hardy......although I don't think I would go so far to say Matt > Jeff. I would Def Say Matt = Jeff :icon_neutral:

In closing from a jumbled post.

Santino = Good

Matt hardy = Good :lol:
As of now, I really feel the most useless is Jamie Noble. He hasnt been used or since his feud with Regal and Layla. He is a jobber that isnt even used on Superstars, the crappiest show. I see why people think Chavo and Hornswoggle are most useless, but theres a reason why they arent.

Chavo is being used to put over new talent, Thats why Evan Bourne was inserted into the Hornswoggle/Chavo thing. The WWE feels that Evan can learn alot from Chavo. So Chavo IS being used in a good way. Therefore, he is not useless

Hornswoggle isnt usless either. He is used to boost the audience of kids. Vince thinks that if Hornswoggle is put into these silly matches and comes wout the winner, It will help get more kids to watch RAW, and ultimately it may help the WWE boost ratings.

As I said, Jamie Noble is completely and utterly useless at this point. He is not used on TV, or at house shows. He should just be released that way the WWE can save some money.
cm punk...nahh J/K

I really don't feel that most of these people are useless, most of these guys are put on tv for a reason. Hornie for the kids, Mark Henry for the push, Khali for the indian fans (i can relate, i'm latino and i loved eddie guerrero, but at least he had a lot of talent, nevertheless, popularity matters ALOT in prowrestling), i guess that most of the non-utilized veterans, like Jim Duggan, are there for more backstage crap than to actually wrestle. My definition of useless would have to be someone that doesn't have any kind of purpose neither backstage, as a jobber, to put over other wrestlers, or any kind of popularity, or that hurt the product, etc. My pick are...Teddy long. He's a horrible GM and bad at any kind of promo, he's hurting the product. Smackdown could have a badass GM or at least someone that makes things interesting. Abe Washington, horrible show and only uses up the little time that ECW has. The only purpose i could think of for this crappy segment is to set up feuds when he invites two wrestlers.

there you have it!

tnasuxs, i think dj gabriel went back to FCW for more training.
After a short hiatus, guess whose back in the WWE section? Mwuahahaha...

In all seriousness now, some people have listed superstars that aren't even on the main rosters anymore such as Curt Hawkins & DJ Gabriel. These two have been sent back down into the FCW territory for more training & haven't even been used there yet. So, this can only assume two things that they are going to become useful or the E is going to fire them, so they don't count.

The person that I find completely useless on the entire roster is Layla. Yep, the women's division supporter just said a female was useless... this girl has been in the WWE for a few years now & has done absolutely nothing to promote anything, expect for being a member of Kelly's Expose on ECW which most of the fans tuned in for Kelly anyway. All she can do is basically dance for a pop, even then the crowd doesn't really care about her & there are others on the roster who can give a good dancing session. She can't wrestle, she isn't making any effort to do anything in her role as a Diva & has been given as many chances as Shelton Benjamin to get over & nothing is working. As for being a manager, she does not bring anything to the table. With her role with William Regal as valet, nothing was added to him as being a more legitimate competitor. She acted as basically dead weight for Regal to carry around.

As of now, everyone else on the roster has some sort of purpose & can be useful in fulfilling that.
Khali- How the WWE has let him wrestle in their ring after he had already killed someone in the ring Pre-WWE is beyond me. He also can't wrestle his way out of a paper bag, and after seeing a dismal match with Kane at Summerslam, It perplexes me why he still has a WWE contract. At one point, he apparently kicked out of a pin, but his shoulders never left the mat. I don't get that and the point that he is a big wrestler shouldn't matter. Big Show, Kane and Undertaker all are pretty big and they have talent as well as they are more dynamic in the ring.

Hornswoggle- Why he has a WWE contract is also beyond me. I remember back when Smackdown had that Network Advisor who suggested that there be Midgets wrestling in the show, that is when he should have had a contract. Now he has a ridiculous storyline with Chavo Guerrero. This is doing some serious harm to Chavo's credibility in the ring and it is like they are taking a dump on the Guerrero name. If Eddie were still alive and wrestling in the WWE, this would not be happening.

Shad and JTG- Word up is very very lame. I don't care for that kiddie crap because I am 19( I pretty much never cared for that kiddie crap in the first place anyways) and they should have just been released without being rehired.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan- It is just sad to see someone who is well past his prime in the WWE. We get it, You love America. He just doesn't belong in the WWE anymore. And if they are going to have a legend in the WWE why not try to give a contract to Ricky "the dragon" Steamboat? He is TONS better than Jim Duggan. He had a stellar performance in WM25 and is more deserving of that spot.
the midget known as hornswoggle, ruined the cruiserweight title (one of my favs to watch) and can somehow beat a fully grown man by jumping on him, its not logical
the midget known as hornswoggle, ruined the cruiserweight title (one of my favs to watch) and can somehow beat a fully grown man by jumping on him, its not logical

What's illogical is you not reading the point of this thread. The original poster said Hornswoggle is excluded so you're going to have to find somebody else.
While no one seems to like hornswoggle, he isn't useless. I can't stand him, but he serves a purpose with the kids and all. Jamie noble isn't useless either as he is an agent and helps the regular wrestlers with matches and normal agent business. Khali is a draw for them in india, and little kids probably get a kick out of seeing that dude as he is a big dude. Charlie Haas even has a purpose kind of. Just because certain wrestlers are given shitty gimmicks, or one doesn't care for them doesn't make them useless. To answer the question though, i'd have to say pick one of the backstage interview girls that show up on ecw. They serve no purpose other than to ask stupid questions. It'd be better to just let the wrestler they are interviewing cut a promo instead.
It comes as a surprise to me to see so many people come to Khali's defense as to why he isn't useless in the WWE. I say he is completely useless talent wise. His wrestling ability is no where to be seen in any of his matches He is way too stiff and way to slow in the ring. Big Show weighs more than him and he is much faster than Khali. I get one aspect of why he isn't completely useless, its because he has draw in India, but here is the thing, Why can't that go to a more deserving wrestler? Like someone who has wrestling ability, is Indian, and is somewhere in the weight / height range between Matt Hardy and HHH? The only other reason as to why he is still in the WWE is because Vince still has that monster fetish of his and he still hasn't learned that Big =/= TALENT!!!
Another useless person within the WWE has got to be Shawn Michaels. Now I know I am gonna get a ton of heat for this, but I am so tired of seeing him come back after a 5 month hiatus (which is his contract) after Wrestlemania only to come back in DX. I get that he has a lot of injuries and his back never actually fully healed from when he first injured it, and he is a future HOF wrestler, but still, is anyone as tired of seeing him come back like that? And this time around, his ring rust was very apparent. I think its about time he retires.

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