Who Is The WWE's Most Useless Person

I'm quite surprised no one has pointed in this man's direction... but the dubious distinction of 'Most Useless Person' in WWE is none other than Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself.

He is completely out of touch with current trends when it pertains to the wrestling format itself. He books the shows to please only himself and could quite frankly care less what fans want. Case in point... Hornswoggle and his endless meandering.
I saw alot of people say Chris Masters. I did agree he sucked, but in the main event last night with Orton i thought he looked like a badass. He isnt as big now but his ring work seems to have improved and when he was getting really agressive last night he showed me something. If you could tie him in with Legacy somehow and put him with Orton more I think he could be somebody. Gotta get rid of the stupid Master Lock finish though. Anyway if they do release him he would probably end up in TNA and possibly be another Matt Morgan. I think WWE really dropped the ball on Morgan and I hope they dont do the same to Masters. Also for those that keep asking about Hacksaw he had cancer a few years back and needed help paying doctor bills so he was brought back. He is kept now because Vince has always had a soft spot for certain old stars like Tony Atlas now and do you guys rember Hillbilly Jim working for WWE homevideo for years? My opinion on the most useless person other than Hornswaggle would be #1 Big Dick Johnson I mean seriously where does he fit into the PG theme for guys we see alot of though it would have to be The Great Khali. I am sure he is cool to see live in person and I hear he is popular in his home country, but honestly has anyone ever actually set through one of his entire matches. I no I have not. I mean sure he makes money for them and helps them overseas, but they could put a bodyguard role on him or something I hate seeing him in the ring. I honestly think Giant Gonzalez could outwork him. Anyway in this day and age everyone has a place. When I was young we had random jobbers every week. Some of the people we are talking about in this thread are no more than glorified jobbers, the only diffrence is they are under contract because old time jobbers just got squashed because the top stars never new much about them and didnt want to risk having some bum hurt them. With the jobbers on the payroll the stars work them all the time and no them so they are not afraid to actually work a match with them.
Don't you talk bad about Kelly :lmao: Seriously though, she is the fastest learner in the ring I have ever seen. In all honesty, I think she is one of the top five in the ring now.


You want a top five? I'll do you better. Here's the top 10 divas in the WWE who are wrestling now. (Granted Jillian Hall seldom wrestles, but that doesn't mean she can't) And they are in order with one being the best.

1. Beth Phoenix
2. Natalya
3. Mickie James
4. Melina
5. Michelle McCool
6. Gail Kim
7. Jillian Hall
8. Alicia Fox
9. Layla El
10. Eve Torres (sorry guy, but she is the fastest learner in the ring right now. Her match last week on Smackdown will attest to that. I mean, have you seen her new finisher.)

As you can see there is no Kelly Kelly or Maria in the top 5. Second to the the Triple H and Batista being useless comment (that guy is clearly a wannabe smark) This comment is one of the dumbest i've heard.
I'm quite surprised no one has pointed in this man's direction... but the dubious distinction of 'Most Useless Person' in WWE is none other than Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself.

He is completely out of touch with current trends when it pertains to the wrestling format itself. He books the shows to please only himself and could quite frankly care less what fans want. Case in point... Hornswoggle and his endless meandering.

That is one of the worst posts I've seen from this thread. Without McMahon, the WWE wouldn't be around for people to love or complain about. Hornswoggle is just five minutes out of every show and there is nothing wrong with that. It's not like he's taking somebody's else TV time or anything. McMahon is very very useful.

I know that people in 3rd world countries need somebody to cheer for just like the rest of us, but for the love of God can't somebody at least attempt to train Khali. I guess with the foreign appeal, useless may be the wrong term to describe him... but suck fits him nicely.


Abraham Washington is certainly on my list too. He's just not funny...at all.


I've thought Hacksaw Jim Duggan is a disgrace to humanity everywhere for decades now, so I'm picking him as the most useless member of the Raw Roster.


Kung-Fu Naki (Kaintai was hillarious....8 years ago).

Jesse & Festus (Mediocore talent is always better together. See New Age Outlaws.)

Chris Masters (The sad thing is that this guy could be an asset. He has a look about him and isn't terrible in the ring. I just don't care about him in the least.)

Charlie Hass (I want to like this guy. He's just a constant reminder that it doesn't matter how talented somebody is, if they can't talk they have little to no future. Dear Charlie, you have a future.....in ROH.)
Chris Masters for sure.

I don't have a fucking idea if he is still with WWE. Really has he been any matches since his return ? I don't know if he can last a year in WWE.

He wrestled in the main event of RAW last night teaming with Orton against DX. But I agree to an extent, other than his physique, I never saw what was so great about Chris Masters the first time around. In the long run, he'd be good for putting over smaller guys, and future stars in the upper mid-card, but we'll see.

Carlito is one of my top choices. What can I say that JJYanks didn't say already? Oh, nothing. I used to love Carlito, but he goes about everything he does half-assed, and he's not THAT good to be able to pull that off.

I hate to say it, but Chavo has to be one of my choices. From really no fault of his own, and maybe this makes me wrong, but it's so sad to see him getting jobbed out to Hornswoggle. I think it'd be a good idea to have him lose a loser leaves town match to Hornswoggle, take some time off and then come back as the bad ass, take no shit, lying, cheating, stealing heel we know a Guerrero can be. Maybe come back, bury Hornswoggle in a squash just to prove a point [wishful thinking I'm sure.]

PS- I like Duggan being around because he's a legend, and still works.
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I'm gonna have to say Curt Hawkins too. I mean Charlie Haas has been seen at least once a month since the draft and where has Hawkins been? Release him if you aren't going to do anything with him. Hell he's not even used in dark matches or house shows that I know of. I mean how much fun can that be to work for a company and be on the road that much just to not get used???
The most useless.... hmm..... swoggle is def a no brainer. How many more gimmick matches can he n chavo get into. a couple more useless bastards are charlie haas( good wrestler but he has no mic skills n his gimmicks since angle left have been horried), Cryme time( they r first off cornier than hell n then they get there asses whooped in every match they r in. Mark henry n MVP are the only black tag team needed so cryme time can pack there shit ASAP), SANTINO( Jesus help me if I have to watch him get up there and act semi ******ed every week..... GOD fire his ass already), chavo( I thought the Pepe gimmick in WCW was bad but gettin beat up weekly by a lil person is just a disgrace to the Guerreo legacy), Goldust( the 90s called and said dead the gimmick. Ur little brother has taken the Rhodes torch that U had in WCW.... Time to retire my man) and finally.... the main one.... JEFF BLEEPIN HARDY..... The reasons y are as follows....A) He leaves every company all the time so makin him champion is useless as hell cuz at max he will have it for 2 months before he starts trippin again. B) MATT IS BETTA THAN JEFF PERIOD.... the reason Jeff gets all these props is cause his non wrestling ass has to perform circus tricks by jumping off things and flingin his body around...C) You cant push he as a heel. He will only be good as a face because people find someone damn near killin themselves nightly as hella exciting and will cheer all the time( I.E. AJ STyles) and finally He is absolutely trash on the mic... he always sounds out of breathe, he always seems to go on tangents and always seems to make others look betta regardless who they r ( I.E. Scott Steiner or Booker T in TNA).... so to me JEff hardy is the most useless wrestler in the business
Hornswaggle (just a joke to the WWE)
Hacksaw Jim Duggen (way past his prime and is a waste of a roster spot)
Curt Hawkins (unless they bring him back with a new gimmick he might as well be relesaed.)
Jimmy Wang Yang (just a plain jobber who gets no air time.)
The most useless.... hmm..... swoggle is def a no brainer. How many more gimmick matches can he n chavo get into. a couple more useless bastards are charlie haas( good wrestler but he has no mic skills n his gimmicks since angle left have been horried), Cryme time( they r first off cornier than hell n then they get there asses whooped in every match they r in. Mark henry n MVP are the only black tag team needed so cryme time can pack there shit ASAP), SANTINO( Jesus help me if I have to watch him get up there and act semi ******ed every week..... GOD fire his ass already), chavo( I thought the Pepe gimmick in WCW was bad but gettin beat up weekly by a lil person is just a disgrace to the Guerreo legacy), Goldust( the 90s called and said dead the gimmick. Ur little brother has taken the Rhodes torch that U had in WCW.... Time to retire my man) and finally.... the main one.... JEFF BLEEPIN HARDY..... The reasons y are as follows....A) He leaves every company all the time so makin him champion is useless as hell cuz at max he will have it for 2 months before he starts trippin again. B) MATT IS BETTA THAN JEFF PERIOD.... the reason Jeff gets all these props is cause his non wrestling ass has to perform circus tricks by jumping off things and flingin his body around...C) You cant push he as a heel. He will only be good as a face because people find someone damn near killin themselves nightly as hella exciting and will cheer all the time( I.E. AJ STyles) and finally He is absolutely trash on the mic... he always sounds out of breathe, he always seems to go on tangents and always seems to make others look betta regardless who they r ( I.E. Scott Steiner or Booker T in TNA).... so to me JEff hardy is the most useless wrestler in the business

first off santino is amazing he is one of the funniest people in the wwe plus he can wrestle to if they manage to let him do both ill be extremely happy.

Also matt is not better than jeff, his mic skills are just as bad as jeff's, right now matt is limited in the ring, he's getting fat, he hasnt got no where near as much charisma as jeff, we doesnt bring as much excitement or emotion as jeff so tell me again why he is better than jeff??.

But onto the topic i believe other than hornswoggle, which actually says at the top not to include, swear people dont read, anyway i think it is the great khali, im not saying release him or anything as i dont want anyone out of a job but he's boring and not very good in the ring give him back his punjabi playboy gimmick at least i found that amusing.
Triple H.

He does nothing meaningful when he's on air, he needs to change his gimmick, he needs to stay out of the main event, and mainly he needs to quit being shoved down our throats week end and week out.

Second runner up goes to

Batista due to him being a bigger waste of time than Triple H.

Honorable Mention to every guest host of Raw, the Diva's (excluding Maryse), and anyone involved in a comedy segment on any brand or show.

Say what? Your clearly a Triple H hater but that doesn't justify saying hes useless, he is now putting Legacy over, he is a good Champion, fine a little stale but hes not useless.

My pick would be Funaki, doesn't do anything period.
Cryme Tyme: Their name sucks, their mic work sucks, Shad sucks in the ring, Word Up sucks... need I go on?

Hornswoggle: I'm from Ireland, I don't find this gimmick disrespectful, just stupid as shit.

All that pops to my head... right now... (dun dun dun)
Not every wrestler will be a superstar and WWE champion. The problem lies in that Cryme Tyme benefited from affirmative action and the chemistry that Shad is large and powerful and JTG is a fast bugger with a few decent moves.

The gimmick is popular but the Cena link up wasn't needed.

Masters i'm not sure who was smoking what as he's a pee test away from the indys again but Hornswoggle is being used as a wrestler and Chavo almost being punished.

In my opinion, the old guard are useless. Ditch Taker, HHH, HBK and let JoMo, Swagger and the new blood cut their teeth just like Cena and Orton.

Hell i'd hoped Mike Dibiase was going to help Ted oust Randy and lead a Face stable Legacy with Cody and Ted in charge. Let them screw Orton and hunt down Show-Icho for the Unified Titles.

There's a lot of dead weight and heres hoping McGuiness and Danielson get pushed and we see wrestling not two old men asking if they suck it as after 5 reunions, boy they do!
This is a great first thread dude! Excellent idea! And I also give credit to the guy who created the other thread about TNA like you said.

Now onto the matter at hand. Who IS the most useless person in the WWE.

Lets see now...I'll do it by brand because i have the time and I'm bored.

  • Hornswoggle- probably the most hated character on monday nights and very useless in my opinion. He is solely an attraction, and is there to entertain the crowd. Nothing more. Although he does suck great big balls. Large ones, and these balls are so large, he can only lick them.
  • Chris Masters- another useless entity on RAW that doesn't have a purpose, doesn't have a feud, is on the lower-mid card, and has a really ugly looking hair cut. It's one of his good features though, so I guess that's how you know how I feel about him.
  • Chavo Guerrero- Unfortunately, for as big of a fan of Chavo that I am, and I genuienly am a fan, he is worthless on RAW and at one point, thought he would take over RAW since Vicky was kinda being influenced in her decisions by Chavo. I was kinda hoping he would "steal" raw from her. He has done absolutely nothing of importance since his ECW run in 2008 and we all know how that worked out.
  • R-Truth-What's up? the ceiling. Even though at age 37 he is a very impressive wrestler, he has gotten the mic only twice. I think. He more than likely won't get a main-event push and may get be an Intercontinental Champ and Tag champ, but even that is debatable. He is currently jobbing and putting over guys like McIntyre, which is fine I guess. But not the most useless
  • Kung-Fu-Naki-a road agent, and nothing more. He gets the occasional TV appearance and he wears white to the ring.
  • Curt Hawkins- he's probably in Iraq for all we know, so that kinda disqualifies him for the useless title.
  • The Bella Twins- what was the point here? There isn't a tag team division for the Divas so, a bigger question is who cares about them? There wrestling skills are mediocre at best and the one promo they get on ECW...well lets not talk about it. There twins. They're hot. Most divas are. Big...freaking...deal. ( plus they are twins so they are disqualified automatically since this is a person title.
mmm....who is the most useless person in the WWE. Simple.


Not one bit of talent in him, at all. He is simply an attraction. But his theme music makes me want to dance. Besides that, I would rather see Hogan/Sting at Starrcade '97 again.
raw- jim duggan definetly when does he wrestle he only is around when dx,cena orton,kofi and every other main eventer is either in a match or injured or inactive
smackdown-curt hawkings- i thougt that he got released by wwe in 2009s draft
ecw-dj gabriel we have not seen him since like after draft when alisha fox and tyson kidd got drafed tyson because they were haveing matches aginist each other.
Did anyone forget about Abraham Washington? Another stab wound was applied to ECW and WWE the day that man walked out to the ring to do this piece of crap interview show. Get him off the air!!! he has done nothing! NOTHING! I cried the first time i saw it. I screamed the 2nd time i saw it. And I turned the channel every other time i saw it. GO AWAY ABRAHAM WASHINGTON!
I agree that Chris Masters isn't doing anything now but he isn't the most worthless person in the WWE. That's just insane. Carito is fighting for the U.S championship along with Miz and Swagger. The veterans like Undertaker, Michaels and HHH still draw huge so them being worthless is wrong, even though HHH needs a break from the main event. Batista isn't a veteran but he's in the same category as Cena, Orton, Edge, Punk and Hardy. They are this generation's main eventers.

I don't know who is the most worthless person in the WWE but I can damn sure tell you guys who I think is the most worthless person is. That would be...Hornswoggle!
His segments suck. He's not funny. He can't wrestle and he's a midget in the ring with guys that are 6 feet and up. Whenever he comes up on the screen, I either mute the television or I just turn the channel. Not only that but he's taking up time that can go to MVP, Swagger, Carlito, Kofi, Bourne, Masters, or someone else who matters.

News Just Came In: Hornswoggle Is The Most Worthless Person In The WWE!
Hmm this is a difficult one.

Jimmy Wang Yang (as much as I like him) does absolutely nothing, same goes for Festus. Thing is both have ability in the ring but are never used right. Id say its between those two who is most useless to the WWE itself.

Thats not including most of the replaceable Divas. - Body - check, face - check, wrestling ability - ... (excluding good Divas such as Beth Phoenix, michelle Mccool and mickey James)
ECW: Abraham Washington: he hasn't wrestled his show is stupid especially now with atlas and he has no mic skills at all though i suppose that's because they want all of his guests to sound phenomenal compared to him.

Raw: Chavo Guerrero: Chavo hasn't had a decent match in a very long time and now with the hornswoggle thing its going to take alot to make chavo look good again

Smackdown: Jesse: right now he is like a anti-santino trying to be funny but not funny at all they need to let him run with his real name and join legacy since he is a second generation talent
That is one of the worst posts I've seen from this thread. Without McMahon, the WWE wouldn't be around for people to love or complain about. Hornswoggle is just five minutes out of every show and there is nothing wrong with that. It's not like he's taking somebody's else TV time or anything. McMahon is very very useful.

... and you are an idiot, but that's neither here nor there. McMahon has one vision, and that is his own. He can careless about what fans want, he gives you what he wants. You have to look at it on a larger scale, not just topically. Besides if WWE and Vince were not around, we would just be complaining about another wrestling promotion.

Everything is wrong with Hornswoggle taking "just five minutes out of every show". Not taking anyone's airtime? You have guys like Miz, Kofi, and Swagger that can't even get a lick of air-time because of that little rat-bastard... but I digress.
... and you are an idiot, but that's neither here nor there. McMahon has one vision, and that is his own. He can careless about what fans want, he gives you what he wants. You have to look at it on a larger scale, not just topically. Besides if WWE and Vince were not around, we would just be complaining about another wrestling promotion.

Everything is wrong with Hornswoggle taking "just five minutes out of every show". Not taking anyone's airtime? You have guys like Miz, Kofi, and Swagger that can't even get a lick of air-time because of that little rat-bastard... but I digress.

Vince is running the number one wrestling promotion in the world so he must be doing something right hence why he isn't useless.

What about the opening segments that take up like the first thirty minutes. Why don't we complain about those of which half of pointless instead of complaining about something that happens only five minutes. What about all the pointless diva matches? Why not complain about them?
Ok I could go on to say the popular choices here:

Hornswoggle: Yeah, his matches suck and it's hard to believe a midget can pin a 240-pound full-sized man week in and week out. But he does have a use - he's there for the kiddies.

Chavo Guerrero: Yes, he is nothing more than a comedy jobber at the moment...but he has some mileage left in him and it's a shame he cannot display his ability, as he is a pretty good worker....but no, he still can put over others.

The Great Khali: Sure, he has zero talent and he lumbers around the ring like Giant Gonzalez on Xanex...but as someone put it earlier, he's an attraction. Witness the looks on fans' faces as he comes out to the ring. He's a freak show, and Vince loves that.

No, my vote goes to: Vladimir Kozlov. This guy is totally useless and couldn't draw moths to a fucking stadium light. His gimmick is tired (I think the Cold War ended like, 25 years ago or something?) and he will never be looked at as a legitimate threat to any title, even the Divas title, because his moveset and his matches are god-awful. Stop ramming him down our throats Vince. Have him job to Hornswoggle in a "Loser Leaves WWE" match immediately.
Vince is running the number one wrestling promotion in the world so he must be doing something right hence why he isn't useless.

What about the opening segments that take up like the first thirty minutes. Why don't we complain about those of which half of pointless instead of complaining about something that happens only five minutes. What about all the pointless diva matches? Why not complain about them?

I was going to bring up those facts about the opening segments and such, but that was not the point of the thread. The question was the most "useless person", not useless opening segment or useless diva matches... that is a whole other animal to tackle.

Vince is not useless in the fact that he runs the whole show. To me, it stems from the fact he books for an audience of one... himself.
I'm going to play devils advocate here, and remember we are talking about "most useless", not "the guy I dont like" here.

Hornswaggle has his place in WWE!

There, I said it, now take a deep breath, and lets hope I can explain myself. I remember watching WWE as a child, back in the early to mid 90's. I remember seeing people like Hulk Hogan, Big Bossman, The Mounty, and many, many others, but do you know who is very near the top of people that stick in my head from watching when I was young......Doink the Clown, it pains me to admit it, but its true.

I know allot of people hate the gimmick, and with good reason, but as a kid I used to love his antics, and I'm gonna guess that most of the youngunns today will have similar thoughts about Hornswaggle.

Yes he is annoying, and yes we all hate him, but the kids eat it up, and as long as he is instilling the joy of wrestling into kids (using his tiny laders, and his super soakers etc), he will have his place in WWE, and as such cannot be deemed as useless.
Anyone that enhances the WWE in someway, i.e. by bridging a market (Kahli) or an audience (Swaggle) cannot be deemed as useless.

The only useless people in the company are the faceless workers, that bring no appeal, or esteem, and could easily be replaced by drafting someone form the indies. The likes of Funaki, or Jimmy Wang Yang, or Jamie Noble who have been Jobbed so many times they might as well just get rid.
TLc fan r u kidding me???
first off santino is an absolute terrible wrestler. his mat skills are terrible, his gimmick is tired, hell even his unibrow is trash. He is a complete waste of time. He is a solo bushwacker act.wheneva he is in the ring against a real wrestler he gets beat extra fast ( look when he wrestled regal or finlay). he doesnt even look good wrestling the divas so what r u talking bout??

second yea Jeff is popular because HE IS A CIRCUS PERFORMER NOT A WRESTLER. Matt is betta on the mat, betta with the mic ( his accent is a lil strong but hell so is finlays). and yea matts out of shape right now cause hes comin off an injury. he doesnt have to jump off cages or titantrons or balconies to win a match. to prove he is a betta wrestler who has jeff had a betta feud with than the one matt and edge had? jeff and cm punk? jeff and HHH? did u see that match. u had a wrestler against a gimmick. Matt hardy vs jack swagger was always a good match. Matt hardy vs MVP always were good matches. Matt has always been a betta pure wrestler but Jeff has always been a fan favorite because any given night you can see his death and that is the only reason.

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