The Most Useless Championship in WWE History.


Has Returned.
Normally you could say that all of the championships are useful within the WWE. However, there have to be one that is more useless than the other? And exactly why is that? Because, looking at it, the majority of the championships that have been presented in WWE have been titles that accomplished pushing, or establishing a talent in one of their respected divisions, or to push them into another division.

Others have served as belts for the sake of furthering storyline, or furthering a character (The Million Dollar Championship to be more exact).

And others have generally just been there for the sake of entertainment, or something of other "irrelevant" meaning in terms of title importance.

However, which one is the most useless one of them? Which one sticks out as the one that has done the least for WWE in any term?

I'll start out. The Hardcore championship for me is the most useless one. And why? Because while it mostly was a belt for the sake of entertainment, the belt was hardly needed at all for hardcore matches to be entertaining. The 24/7 rule was pretty much an awful thing that did very little for the championship for it to even become something of legitimacy. Especially considering how easy it was to get the belt. Most noticeably at Wrestlemania 16 I believe, when the championship changed hands more than 5 times that night. Pretty much an awful move.

Also, let's not forget the fact that the belt did very little in terms of actually pushing talents. You weren't really anything if you were the hardcore champion. You could've just as well have been a regular wrestler if you ask me. The Hardcore Championship was pretty much just for show, and it was hardly worthy of showing off either.
For me, it's the WWF/WWE Hardcore Championship without a doubt. Ferb pretty much listed most of the reasons as to why but the one that stands out to me for the most part is the 24/7 rule. There was a time in which the Hardcore Championship did seem to be at least somewhat credible, mostly in its earliest days, but the 24/7 rule literally turned it into nothing more than a prop. It probably changed hands more times than any other major wrestling championship in history with a huge string of reigns that lasted a few days at the most much of the time.
Yeah, its hard to argue against the hardcore title, because it didn't really elevate anyone bar Mankind at the very, very beginning, nor did it have any real prestige.

I'll always remember the slightly comical but almost always lame segments involving the belt such as referees trying to win it, people trying to pin Crash Holly in his sleep to win it and of course, the infamous Chuck E. Cheese segment where Crash was chased through a ball pit for the title. After a while though, it was just became irrelevant. I remember when Molly Holly won the Hardcore title and the commentary team acted as if she'ld broke down some gender barriers like when Chyna won the IC belt, but i wasn't buying it. For God's sake, one of the Godfather's hoes held the title for a couple of minutes.

I suppose it served its purpose as allowing comedic/hardcore segments on RAW/SD/PPV without bringing in any of your top talent (similar to how Santino is used), but it was never a big deal and it slowly disappeared during a title unification match. Perhaps if the 24/7 rule had been removed and feuds were built around the belt then things may have been different, but i remember watching WWE programming during 2000 and sometimes not knowing/caring who had the belt. It used to change hands at live events and then guys liked Bradshaw or Raven would be introduced on RAW and suddenly have one or two extra reigns to their name. It was ludicrious at times.
Yehh..its gonna have to be the Hardcore was always fun to see the title being defended, it was always going to be fun and entertaining for all them hardcore wrestlers they had back then.. and it gave them all something to do...There was never really any storyline behind the title and it was just a who ever is free come and challenge me!! Then the 24/7 rule came and it became more fun..

It may be the most useless championship in WWE history, but dammit, I loved it!!
The Hardcore Championship with out a doubt was the most useless belt ever after the Million Dollar championship which doesnt even get defended. I mean at first guys like the Big Bossman, Roaddogg, Steve Blackman, Kane, Big Show, and raven gave the title some credibility, but when guys like Shawn Stasiak, Crash Holly(Best Hardcore champ IMO), Pat Patterson, Gerald Briscoe(both are or were atleast 55 yrs old at the time), and Maven(Tough Enough one winner) win the belt all credibility is lost, I mean Crash(R.I.P) was Hardcore champion i think 32 times, and The Mean Street Posse winning it is like WOW!:confused: The 24/7 rule to me though is what saved the division and made it last as long as it was, we had guys fighting in the Bar, at the Airport, in the Gulf of Mexico, in a river, at the grocery store it was funny and genius IMO.... I mean dont get me wrong good names have held that belt(Undertaker, Mike Awesome, Christian,Mick Foley) but more horrid names won it more than good(Shane Mcmahon{best entertainer after HBK}, Rodney, Molly Holly, Trish Stratus, Hell even one of Godfathers Hoe's won the belt I think her name was Bobcat), when that happens the belt turns into nothing more than a prop like Hacksaw coming out with his 2x4 or Jim Cornette with his Tennis Racket, or Paul E. Dangerously with the cell phone, or Bill Alfonso with the Whistle etc.... etc.....
The Lightheavyweight Title. People would win it in their debut, never defend it, never appear on TV, and then a year later there'd be a title change. Completely pointless and it just vanished once the Cruiserweight Title came in.
I'm beginning to think that it's the World Heavyweight Championship.

I mean, what is it doing besides sitting on Kane's shoulder? It's hardly ever mentioned besides PPV's. The WWE Championship is the main priority on Raw, there's always somebody after it and that's what makes it interesting. Who's going to be champion? Who's going to be the number one contender? The World Heavyweight Championship doesn't give that. 80% of the time it's always, Undertaker in the title picture.

Other than that, I'll have to agree with everybody else. Hardcore Championship. No story behind the championship, it was just passed around like a joint in a drug bar.
The Hardcore Championship with out a doubt was the most useless belt ever after the Million Dollar championship which doesnt even get defended. I mean at first guys like the Big Bossman, Roaddogg, Steve Blackman, Kane, Big Show, and raven gave the title some credibility, but when guys like Shawn Stasiak, Crash Holly(Best Hardcore champ IMO), Pat Patterson, Gerald Briscoe(both are or were atleast 55 yrs old at the time), and Maven(Tough Enough one winner) win the belt all credibility is lost, I mean Crash(R.I.P) was Hardcore champion i think 32 times, and The Mean Street Posse winning it is like WOW!:confused: The 24/7 rule to me though is what saved the division and made it last as long as it was, we had guys fighting in the Bar, at the Airport, in the Gulf of Mexico, in a river, at the grocery store it was funny and genius IMO.... I mean dont get me wrong good names have held that belt(Undertaker, Mike Awesome, Christian,Mick Foley) but more horrid names won it more than good(Shane Mcmahon{best entertainer after HBK}, Rodney, Molly Holly, Trish Stratus, Hell even one of Godfathers Hoe's won the belt I think her name was Bobcat), when that happens the belt turns into nothing more than a prop like Hacksaw coming out with his 2x4 or Jim Cornette with his Tennis Racket, or Paul E. Dangerously with the cell phone, or Bill Alfonso with the Whistle etc.... etc.....

I'm sorry, but you contradicted yourself about 3 times in your Argument.
You said that at first the Hardcore title had credibility, but then lost it when guys like Shawn Stasiak, Maven, and Crash Holly won the belt.
But then you proceed to say that Crash was the Best Hardcore champion.
And then right after complain about his 32 reigns as Champ...
But then praise the 24/7 rule, which is the reason he held the Title so many times.

And I actually thought the Hardcore Title wasn't so bad.
It served its purpose, which in my Mind was to Entertain.
It kept the Low-Card wrestlers busy, and always had Fun segments.

Now I'll have to agree that the Light-heavy Weight title did a lot less.
Debuting Wrestlers were always winning it.
And although Christian did move on to Relative Success...
People like Essa Rios, X-Pac, and even Dean Malenko just faded into obscurity.
hardcore tittle seems to be a popular choice. i think it lost presitge when the godfather ho won the tittle.

my choice would be the european tittle. the belt was meant to be just defended when wwe went over seas to europe but ended up being another tittle. with the i.c. and hardcore tittle around i saw no point in having it around and it wasent really a belt that help the wwe stars rise up to me level. u.s tittle has a purpose and has so much history but european was very pointless
Not too sure I totally agree with the hardcore title being the worst...I used to actually enjoy watching the Hardocre Holly/Al Snow feuds over the title and much preferred watching the 24/7 harcore title segments in the undercard a hell of a lot more than anything that happened with the lightheavyweight title (apart from the first taka michinoku/brian christopher title matches).

So for me, I'll go for the lightheavyweight title.
I have to disagree with the majority opinion here. The hardcore belt wasn't useless in fact it served its purpose rather well. It provided mid-card entertainment whether it was comedy like the 24/7 rule with Crash, or as a push for that style of wrestler such as when Raven or RVD held it. It was never meant to elevate someone to World Title status so to critisize it for not doing so doesnt make sense.
The title i would say was the most useless was the European Title. This title actually was supposed to be a stepping stone to something bigger but lost all credibility after HBK just gave it to Triple H. This belt actually changed hands when Owen Hart pinned a wrestler that was dressed as Triple H (Golddust). I dont think even the Hardcore Title had that happen. This to me was the ultimate "just a prop" belt. At least the Hardcore title was based of a specific type of match, the European Title was lower mid-card guys having average matches over a title no one cared about.
I would have to say the lighweight / Cruiserweigh title in the WWF/E. The main reason for this though is Vince never cared about lightweigths and booked them terribly. The only reason he brought in the lightweights was to try and compete with WCW's cruiserweight who everyone praised
I'm gonna say toward the end of its run, the Lightweight/Cruiserweight belt pretty much served no purpose at (much like the majority of the now Women's division) became a joke. You saw it at the beginning have good people holding it, like Taka Michinoku, and Christian, and Billy Kidman. Heck, even Gregory Helms, had it for the longest amount of time, I thought he was great. But then, he lost it to ...of all people....HORNSWOGGLE!!!! :wtf: I mean, comeon people.
Even the Women's belts seem to have lost their use. The women's belts lost their distinction, the Women's Title when it was 'broken in half' by Lay-cool...I mean come on now...kinda like throwing it in the trash or defacing it. Then you have duplicate Diva's butterfly belts, knowing full well that there really is only one true champion, and that the 'official' champ never really defended her belt at NOC. I mean, that's just my two cents on the topic.
I am going to sway off course and from the Hardcore Title, even though I agree it was a useless title. But I have to say that the ECW Championship was pretty useless too. The fact that it was considered a world title is a joke. They treated the title as if it was the Intercontinental Title or United States Title. When ECW got its first One Night Stand, it was pretty cool. Then with the popularity of ECW, Vince decided to bring back ECW and make it a brand. At first, it seemed like a good idea. RVD, Big Show, and Bobby Lashley had good runs with them. Decent. But when Vince got the title, shit went down hill. Hell, we eventually got Chavo and Mark Henry as champions. I loved it when Kane and Matt got it because it gave them exposure, but it felt like a midcard belt. A World Title as a midcard belt is pretty bad.
How people can say that the Cruiserweight / Lightweight championship as well as Krobra saying the ECW championship is rather mind boggling.

The Lightweight / Cruiserweight championship both served the purpose of giving the smaller guys something to do, as well as actually pushing some of them upon their debuts (Lightweight championship as you mention). They gave a bit of credibility and a way for the smaller guys to showcase themselves when they need establishment to actually look legit against the bigger guys.

Also, the cruiserweight championship period was entertaining. Even I know that, even if I hate to think about bringing it back, because it has no use today.

The ECW championship? Are you shitting me? It was a way of establishing some of the mid-carders on a 3rd brand, as well as bring back some of the legacy of the former ECW. While it was a damage to the legacy of ECW as so many people would like to think, it still served much more of a purpose of the Hardcore championship.
I remember when Molly Holly won the Hardcore title and the commentary team acted as if she'ld broke down some gender barriers like when Chyna won the IC belt, but i wasn't buying it.

I just watched Wrestlemania X8 the other day. Spike Dudley came out in the middle of a one-on-one championship match and pinned the champ. Not that long later, The Hurricane jumped him and pinned him. Then, Mighty Molly distracted him and hit with a frying pan to win the belt. A match later, Christian slammed a door into her face to win the belt. Then, Maven jumped Christian at the car and sped away leaving Christian throwing a temper tantrum.

Without a doubt the most asinine Championship in history. I think the Million Dollar Championship is close, though. Yes, it furthered the Million Dollar Man's character and definitely in a creative way but as far as being a championship it really didn't do much at all.
hardcore tittle seems to be a popular choice. i think it lost presitge when the godfather ho won the tittle.

my choice would be the european tittle. the belt was meant to be just defended when wwe went over seas to europe but ended up being another tittle. with the i.c. and hardcore tittle around i saw no point in having it around and it wasent really a belt that help the wwe stars rise up to me level. u.s tittle has a purpose and has so much history but european was very pointless

You know I think that may have been Victoria/Tara!

And I agree with the masses the hardcore title was pointless and the actual belt itself was a piece of trash. The Undertaker had the most pointless reign of all with the title.

Close second is the light heavyweight title that was hardly seen on tv then vanished.
The ECW championship? Are you shitting me? It was a way of establishing some of the mid-carders on a 3rd brand, as well as bring back some of the legacy of the former ECW. While it was a damage to the legacy of ECW as so many people would like to think, it still served much more of a purpose of the Hardcore championship.

Let me defend my statement. When ECW first came back, it had that ECW feel. With RVD winning the WWE Championship and getting the ECW Championship, it felt like ECW made its return. It was exciting and fun to watch. I was just as happy seeing Big Show win the title. Bobby Lashley winning the title at the worst PPV ever, December to Dismember, was lack luster but still a good win. Then Vince won the title. It irked me to no end that he had the championship. I was happy that Bobby Lashley won it back, but was stripped of the title when he was drafted. Then we got Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk for the ECW Championship on the card, but Benoit no showed (and the rest is obvious) so John Morrison faced CM Punk and won the title. John Morrison isn't advertised as a former World Champion, just rarely mentioned as ECW Champion and treating it as if it was the IC or US title. CM Punk winning it was great, but lost to Chavo Guerrero. He lost it to Kane in less than 15 seconds at Wrestlemania 24, and was prepared last minute as Kane won the battle royal before the PPV. The hell?

Kane as ECW Champion was very interesting and got me to watch ECW more often. Then Mark Henry ends up getting the title. The hell? After Mark Henry, Matt Hardy wins the belt. Again, it was a glorified Mid Card belt. Jack Swagger wins the title and doesn't defend it at Wrestlemania 25. A World Title and its not being defended? WWE was treating the championship as a paperweight, passing it along when as a filler match. I was happy when Christian won the belt but the damage was already done. He did repair some of the damage, but ECW was shut down for NXT. On the final ECW episode, Jackson defeated Christian for the ECW Championship.

Will some good names got the title, some of them made me scratch my head and ask myself why would they treat the ECW "World Heavyweight" Championship like a mid card title? It didn't make much sense to me, and felt like it was a slap in the face towards ECW. They could have done better for the ECW brand, but with low ratings motivation to do so was near zero. ECW pretty much became the training ground for rising stars and a veteran to hold a title. Don't get me wrong, it was a good idea. But I feel they didn't give nearly enough credit to the title.
I'm beginning to think that it's the World Heavyweight Championship.

I mean, what is it doing besides sitting on Kane's shoulder? It's hardly ever mentioned besides PPV's. The WWE Championship is the main priority on Raw, there's always somebody after it and that's what makes it interesting. Who's going to be champion? Who's going to be the number one contender? The World Heavyweight Championship doesn't give that. 80% of the time it's always, Undertaker in the title picture.

Look at it from a kayfabe point of view. You have these two supernatural monsters battling over what they claim to be their holy grail. Are you going to step in and try to challenge one or the other for it and draw both of their attentions to you, or wait until they've both been weakened and pick one off?
I'll jump on the bandwagon & say the Hardcore title. It became a comedy belt really, with the WWE just trying to find new, funny ways for it to change hands. There was just no point to it. But I would say the European title would be a close second. It wasn't needed-they already had the IC title. It seems like it was invented just to placate guys who complained that they weren't getting enough recognition or TV time. Really, how is the European title different than the IC title? Now, unfortunately, the tag titles are useless, because WWE simply doesn't care about them. Hopefully that will change with Rhodes & McIntyre holding them.
Let me defend my statement. When ECW first came back, it had that ECW feel. With RVD winning the WWE Championship and getting the ECW Championship, it felt like ECW made its return. It was exciting and fun to watch. I was just as happy seeing Big Show win the title. Bobby Lashley winning the title at the worst PPV ever, December to Dismember, was lack luster but still a good win. Then Vince won the title. It irked me to no end that he had the championship. I was happy that Bobby Lashley won it back, but was stripped of the title when he was drafted. Then we got Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk for the ECW Championship on the card, but Benoit no showed (and the rest is obvious) so John Morrison faced CM Punk and won the title. John Morrison isn't advertised as a former World Champion, just rarely mentioned as ECW Champion and treating it as if it was the IC or US title. CM Punk winning it was great, but lost to Chavo Guerrero. He lost it to Kane in less than 15 seconds at Wrestlemania 24, and was prepared last minute as Kane won the battle royal before the PPV. The hell?

Kane as ECW Champion was very interesting and got me to watch ECW more often. Then Mark Henry ends up getting the title. The hell? After Mark Henry, Matt Hardy wins the belt. Again, it was a glorified Mid Card belt. Jack Swagger wins the title and doesn't defend it at Wrestlemania 25. A World Title and its not being defended? WWE was treating the championship as a paperweight, passing it along when as a filler match. I was happy when Christian won the belt but the damage was already done. He did repair some of the damage, but ECW was shut down for NXT. On the final ECW episode, Jackson defeated Christian for the ECW Championship.

Will some good names got the title, some of them made me scratch my head and ask myself why would they treat the ECW "World Heavyweight" Championship like a mid card title? It didn't make much sense to me, and felt like it was a slap in the face towards ECW. They could have done better for the ECW brand, but with low ratings motivation to do so was near zero. ECW pretty much became the training ground for rising stars and a veteran to hold a title. Don't get me wrong, it was a good idea. But I feel they didn't give nearly enough credit to the title.

For once I'm not feeling like addressing every single point you made. However, to say that the ECW championship is useless is just something that confuses me. Considering the fact that the ECW championship did in deed manage to push talent, it managed to establish some of the guys that we now see in the mid-card or the main event scene of Smackdown and RAW. We have John Morrison, Christian, CM Punk and more.

All of these talents have either competed for, or held the ECW championship in it's WWE period of time. Some of them have gone on to become champions in the mid-card, as well as a world champion. Why would you want to consider that useless, above a championship that was defend-able at any given point of the day, as well as the champion could be pinned in any given way? That lost the credibility of the championship, as well as it's champions. At least the ECW championship had decent feuds, lengthy reigns and didn't exactly kill the champion when he lost it, or killed the prestige of the championship. Or what was left of it from the start.
Let me defend my statement. When ECW first came back, it had that ECW feel. With RVD winning the WWE Championship and getting the ECW Championship, it felt like ECW made its return. It was exciting and fun to watch. I was just as happy seeing Big Show win the title. Bobby Lashley winning the title at the worst PPV ever, December to Dismember, was lack luster but still a good win. Then Vince won the title. It irked me to no end that he had the championship. I was happy that Bobby Lashley won it back, but was stripped of the title when he was drafted. Then we got Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk for the ECW Championship on the card, but Benoit no showed (and the rest is obvious) so John Morrison faced CM Punk and won the title. John Morrison isn't advertised as a former World Champion, just rarely mentioned as ECW Champion and treating it as if it was the IC or US title. CM Punk winning it was great, but lost to Chavo Guerrero. He lost it to Kane in less than 15 seconds at Wrestlemania 24, and was prepared last minute as Kane won the battle royal before the PPV. The hell?

Kane as ECW Champion was very interesting and got me to watch ECW more often. Then Mark Henry ends up getting the title. The hell? After Mark Henry, Matt Hardy wins the belt. Again, it was a glorified Mid Card belt. Jack Swagger wins the title and doesn't defend it at Wrestlemania 25. A World Title and its not being defended? WWE was treating the championship as a paperweight, passing it along when as a filler match. I was happy when Christian won the belt but the damage was already done. He did repair some of the damage, but ECW was shut down for NXT. On the final ECW episode, Jackson defeated Christian for the ECW Championship.

Will some good names got the title, some of them made me scratch my head and ask myself why would they treat the ECW "World Heavyweight" Championship like a mid card title? It didn't make much sense to me, and felt like it was a slap in the face towards ECW. They could have done better for the ECW brand, but with low ratings motivation to do so was near zero. ECW pretty much became the training ground for rising stars and a veteran to hold a title. Don't get me wrong, it was a good idea. But I feel they didn't give nearly enough credit to the title.

I understand that you aren't happy that it lost it's 'ECW feel', whatever that is, but that still doesn't mean it didn't serve a purpose. With midcard talent like CM Punk, Jack Swagger and Kane all using the belt as a stepping stone to a world title, and talent like Matt Hardy, Mark Henry and Christian using it to stay relevant, i don't understand how you can say the ECW title is the most useless title in WWE history.

Yes, it quickly lost its world title status and was used as a midcard title, but so what? It still served a purpose to the midcard and it still had its uses. The Hardcore title did absolutely nothing to whoever owned it and would hardly get a sactioned title defence at a PPV, whereas the ECW title was defended on almost every PPV from '07-'09.
Yes the WWECW title didn't have world title status, but look at the facts, it was on at 10pm on sci fi, got a cable rating of 1.1. Do you really think they're going to push a title for that program as a legit world title?

Then look at the Million Dollar Championship. Aside from being the coolest title there is, it wasn't recognized in WWE (kayfabe). It was Dibiase's reaction after he found out he couldn't BUY the WWF title from Andre (thanks Jack Tunney). So in that, it served it's purpose. It also gave Virgil a bit of notoriety during his feud with Dibiase. If only Virgil had wrestling ability or charisma, he could've been really over.

Even the light heavyweight, European and Hardcore titles served their purposes to some extent. The titles that never did and never will serve any purpose are women's titles (in all wrestling organizations).

Face it, none of us watch women's wrestling caring about the outcome. None of us care who the champ is or really even the storylines. We watch it because A. it's program filler and B. for T&A. You can say it propelled Mickey James and Trish in to legit stars, but those broads would've been stars regardless of the title. LOOK AT THEM!!! And during the PG era, we really don't care about women's wrestling because they wear too much clothing and are way less sexually explicit.
Diva's Championship is the most useless. Along with the Women's Title. I say that becuase at this point I believe that the whole division is useless, thus making the title useless.

Let's start off with me not needing a history lession on who has held the belt. I already know it. There is NO prestige carrying that title. Perhaps in the 70s and 80s some people liked it. Now, the division has probably like 5 fans total in the world.

I kid. I kid. Relax. 10 fans.

It has not and will never be more interesting than any other title ever the WWE has had.

After that, it would be the European Title. I don't give 2 drips that the British Bulldog held it. It got the finger poke of doom treatment so you didn't have to guess what the WWE thought of that title.
The Hardcore Championship with out a doubt was the most useless belt ever after the Million Dollar championship which doesnt even get defended. I mean at first guys like the Big Bossman, Roaddogg, Steve Blackman, Kane, Big Show, and raven gave the title some credibility, but when guys like Shawn Stasiak, Crash Holly(Best Hardcore champ IMO), Pat Patterson, Gerald Briscoe(both are or were atleast 55 yrs old at the time), and Maven(Tough Enough one winner) win the belt all credibility is lost, I mean Crash(R.I.P) was Hardcore champion i think 32 times, and The Mean Street Posse winning it is like WOW!:confused: The 24/7 rule to me though is what saved the division and made it last as long as it was, we had guys fighting in the Bar, at the Airport, in the Gulf of Mexico, in a river, at the grocery store it was funny and genius IMO.... I mean dont get me wrong good names have held that belt(Undertaker, Mike Awesome, Christian,Mick Foley) but more horrid names won it more than good(Shane Mcmahon{best entertainer after HBK}, Rodney, Molly Holly, Trish Stratus, Hell even one of Godfathers Hoe's won the belt I think her name was Bobcat), when that happens the belt turns into nothing more than a prop like Hacksaw coming out with his 2x4 or Jim Cornette with his Tennis Racket, or Paul E. Dangerously with the cell phone, or Bill Alfonso with the Whistle etc.... etc.....

Raven had the most reigns at 26 reigns.

On the topic, I'd say the Million Dollar championship, it was never defended, and it was just a prop to help push someone and the only successful one who held it was Stone Cold. I think DiBiase Jr. is now holding it and what is he doing...nothing with it. In a lover storyline with Maryse.

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