The Mario history thread

Super Mario 64 is definitely better than Mario Sunshine. Mario 64 was very fun and it was addictive trying to get all of those stars(The closest I ever came was 112), but Mario Sunshine was a lot more difficult IMO and that it pushed me away from replaying it because I do not have enough patience for that game lol(The most shine sprites I got was 88 I think). I remember when I first got SM64 for Christmas in 1996, I was actually suppose to get Mario Kart 64 instead, but the mail order screwed up so I got to play SM64 for a week until I got Mario Kart 64 lol. Whenever I wanted to play SM64, I would borrow it from a friend.

P.S. FlameLee, you better not forget to mention the two best Mario games of all time, Mario is Missing and Mario's Time Machine :lol2:
P.S. FlameLee, you better not forget to mention the two best Mario games of all time, Mario is Missing and Mario's Time Machine :lol2:

Oh I have that sorted don't you worry!

I agree with what someone else said on the understanding that Smash Bros. shouldn't be considered a Mario game, as it is more a "Nintendo Characters" game in general.

I have counted Smash Bros. as a MArio game because very simply Mario is a playable character. If it wasn't for the success of the previous Mario spinoff games I don't think that Super Smash Bros. would have got made. Also if it's a Nintendo spin off why is Sonic and Snake in the new one?

So with that I present to you the Super Smash Bros. Series

The story
A Nintendo fighting game, kick each others asses!

The history

Nintendo broke out of their 'family friendly' traditions by having a beat-em-up game. Here's the history of them taken from Wiki as ever,

Super Smash Bros. was introduced in 1999 for the Nintendo 64. It was released worldwide after selling over a million copies in Japan. It featured eight characters from the start, with four unlockable characters, all of them created by Nintendo or one of its second-party developers.

Super Smash Bros. Melee was released November 21, 2001, in Japan; December 3, 2001, in North America; May 24, 2002, in Europe; and May 31, 2002, in Australia for the GameCube video game console. It had a larger budget and development team than Super Smash Bros. did and was released to much greater praise and acclaim among critics and consumers. Since its release, Super Smash Bros. Melee has sold more than 7 million copies and was the best-selling game on the GameCube

I've a thread of my own on Brawl/Dojo

My opinion

Wow so many people upset that I included this as a Mario spinoff, as mentioned earlier Mario is a playable character so I've included it.

An incredible series of games, I've spent hours playing with mates just kicking their asses or rather getting mine kicked! I love the fact that Link could fight Bowser, or Mario fight Pikachu, the settings of the game, the music. Everything just worked.

In 1player mode it was no where near as fun but that's the case with all fighting games.

Next game

Well the next Mario game will be Paper Mario and the next spin off game will beMario Strikers

The story

Ah wiki one again covers the plot nicely...

Bowser, with the assistance of Kammy Koopa, steals the mystical Star Rod, an artifact capable of any and all wishes. Using it he entraps the seven Star Spirits and takes absolute, impenetrable control over Princess Peach's castle. Mario, teaming up with several friends along the way, goes on a quest to free the Star Spirits from Bowser's cronies, retrieve the Star Rod from Bowser, and save the princess.

The history
The game was first revealed at SpaceWorld 97, a video game trade show hosted by Nintendo. For lack of a better title, critics referred to the game as Super Mario RPG II and compared the game's 2D character style to PaRappa the Rapper. Shigeru Miyamoto, who consulted on the project, stated that the game was being developed with beginning and amateur gamers in mind.[3] He had earlier revealed at E3 that around twenty developers were actively involved with the project.

Japan release; October 2000, US; February 2001, Europe; August 2001.

My opinion

Talk about a game I've refused to play because it looks so so crap. I refused to go anywhere near this game, until about July when I was working and a colleague kept talking about the Paper Mario series, so I downloaded the game and I loved it.

The way the game pokes fun at itself, the way that the so simple 2D front to a 3D back work. I really really enjoyed this game, not the best in the series in my opinion, but we'll get to them in due course!

Next game

Well next it's spin off game time with Mario Strikers. and the next Mario game will beSuper Mario Sunshine

If you think I've missed a game off tell me but chances are I'm covering it in my other Mario games thread.

Super Smash Bros and Super Smash Bros. Meele will always be my personal favorite fighting games. At times there is just sheer mayhem, and it gets to the point where half the time you can't keep track of everything that's going on. Someone mentioned before that Super Smash Bros. is not a Nintendo spin off. As far as that goes, I agree that the new one is not a Nintendo spin off, but as far as the two that have been released are consirned I think that they are Nintendo spin offs.

Paper Mario: Really entertaining game. IMO it did not match up to Mario RPG at all as far as greatness, but as a whole it was a solid game. I never got the chance to play the one for Gamecube, but the N64 one offered lots of fun content as well as funny little things such as when Mario falls, he falls like paper. However I still say I would rather have seen a Super Mario RPG II rather then a second Paper Mario...
Super Smash Bros and Super Smash Bros. Meele will always be my personal favorite fighting games. At times there is just sheer mayhem, and it gets to the point where half the time you can't keep track of everything that's going on. Someone mentioned before that Super Smash Bros. is not a Nintendo spin off. As far as that goes, I agree that the new one is not a Nintendo spin off, but as far as the two that have been released are consirned I think that they are Nintendo spin offs.

It was just to reiterate my point that I should include it witht he MArio spinoffs, of course it's a Nintendo spinoff even if solid snake and Sonic are now in it.

Paper Mario: Really entertaining game. IMO it did not match up to Mario RPG at all as far as greatness, but as a whole it was a solid game. I never got the chance to play the one for Gamecube, but the N64 one offered lots of fun content as well as funny little things such as when Mario falls, he falls like paper. However I still say I would rather have seen a Super Mario RPG II rather then a second Paper Mario...

I really need to find me a copy of Super Mario RPG, am gonna include it in the end with a few other games, and it looks decent. Apparently it didn't sell because of the 64s arrival and was never released in Europe :(
If you know how to download an SNES Emulator it's really easy to find. I think in America Mario RPG is like the rarest of all the SNES games, so it's easiest to get an Emulator for it. If you need help gettinI can help yaout

The story
Play football

The history

Super Mario Strikers/Mario Smash football (GC)

Europe November 18, 2005
United States December 5, 2005
Japan January 19, 2006
Australia April 6, 2006

Mario Strikers Charged football (wii)

EU May 25, 2007
AUS June 7, 2007
NA July 30, 2007
JP September 20, 2007

My opinion

Well considering I find the GC version rather terrible, the Wii version made up for it with the controls and the online capability. However I find it ridiculously hard in single player mode.

As a multiplayer game it is great fun, but I can totally understand why it tanked outside of Europe, it's one Mario Spinoff (along with Basketball and Baseball which I will NOT be covering) that should never have been made!

Next game

Well I'm going to rush and finish my last spin-off with Mario Party as the next game I cover, then Super Mario Sunshine followed by Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door followed by New Super Mario Bros. then I will have a special post which will remain quiet until then, followed by Super Paper Mario and a mention of all the games I haven't covered and then followed by previews of Super Mario Galaxy and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics and my opinions on the future of the franchise.
This game reminded me of an old SNES spin off of Mega Man. Entitled Mega Man Soccer. However that game was much more fun to play, even being for the SNES. You could actually customise you team and everyone could perform a power shot with equal efficiancy. In order to get Mario Strikers take that game, take out the customizations and add Mario and there ya go. Haven't gotten a chance to play the Wii version yet, but I assume it's not much better. It's a shame though, when I first saw Mario Strikers I thought it was going to be an amazing game, basing on the previous Mario sports of Tennis, go karts, and even golf for that matter... Oh well...

The story

Play a range of party

The history


1. Mario Party - Nintendo 64 - (1998)
2. Mario Party 2 - Nintendo 64 - (1999)
3. Mario Party 3 - Nintendo 64 - (2000)
4. Mario Party 4 - Nintendo GameCube - (2002)
5. Mario Party 5 - Nintendo GameCube - (2003)
6. Mario Party 6 - Nintendo GameCube - (2004)
7. Mario Party 7 - Nintendo GameCube - (2005)
8. Mario Party 8 - Wii - (2007)

My opinion

Again a true Mario spin off and a rather successful one at that, many people I know love this game series. I hate it...passionately maybe the fact that to me it was a board game, if you're gonna take time doing a board game then plaay a board game. Maybe Mario Party 3 I enjoyed, but I've played the one on the wii (not bought it) and man if you're going to develop a franchise make it different to the last one PLEASE

Next game

The next game I cover, then Super Mario Sunshine followed by Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door followed by New Super Mario Bros. then I will have a special post which will remain quiet until then, followed by Super Paper Mario and a mention of all the games I haven't covered and then followed by previews of Super Mario Galaxy and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics and my opinions on the future of the franchise.
Gah Mario Party... I loved the 1st 2, but the series went unbelivebly stale starting with the third... Walwigi... That's all I have to say about that game. I played 4 and 5 for Gamecube hoping that 3 was just a dud, but over and over I was severly dissapointed... Never played anything after 5...

The story
Mario sets out for Isle Delfino for a vacation with Princess Peach, her long-time steward Toadsworth, and some other Toads, hoping for a relaxing vacation. Upon arrival, Mario finds that the once-pristine island has been polluted and plastered with grafitti. As a result of this pollution, sun-shaped objects called "Shine Sprites", the island's sources of power, have disappeared, and the island is covered in a perpetual shadow. The culprit seen spreading the graffiti is disguised as Mario. Mario is promptly arrested as he arrives at the island. He is put on trial, found guilty, and ordered to clean up the mess and return the Shine Sprites. To help with the cleaning, Mario finds FLUDD, a powerful water cannon which is toted like a backpack. Mario sets out on an adventure to clear his name and locate the real criminal, while restoring tranquility and order to Isle Delfino.

The history

JP July 19, 2002
NA August 26, 2002
EU October 4, 2002

My opinion

Initially I HATED Super Mario Sunshine, FLUDD and Yoshi seemed pointless and still Luigi is missing, Bowser was too easy, and only one appearance really annoyed me.

However, replaying it recently, I've realised how much of a HARD game this is, whilst it's easy to beat the boss, completing it seems rather difficult!

Next game

Well to continue my order (AT LAST) is is Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door followed by New Super Mario Bros. then I will followed by Super Paper Mario then Super Mario Galaxy and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics with a mention of all the crappy ones to follow boot...I will conclude with my opinions on the future of the franchise.
Hah haaaaa Nice to see this ol thing back. Mario Sunshine in my personal opinion was a terrible direction to go. Seriously a water cannon.... The best thing that came out of this game for me was decent levels in Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. That's it. Bowser was a huge pushover, Luigi was nowhere to be found again. I'm really sorry to say that if this was supposed to be like the next Mario 64... I'm sorry, but they missed the mark big time on it. Thankfully Mario's next adventure (Galaxy) made up for most of the stuff I hated about this game.
Mario is a very impressive gaming franchise to me. These games have been around about 20 years and they're still going strong today. Why a plumber in red overalls is still so popular today is beyond me. There's very little depth to the games at all yet they remain some of the most popular of all time. This guy has literally become the symbol of Nintendo and video games in general worldwide. Mario is the essential character for Nintendo as he is the original version of what made them famous: Strong central characters that franchises can be built around. Nintendo's main difference from other systems are their games where the main character carries the games. Look at Zelda, Meteroid and Mario. The three biggest sellers in Nintendo, all of which are built on the strength of their main character. All of them are huge sellers but #1 has always been Mario. Not bad for a little plumber.
Man. I remember Super Mario Sunshine. That is one of my favorite games of all time. I was very weary at first, because the game didn't look all that fun fromthe commercials. But I got it for christmas the year it came out. I couldnt stop playing it. You're also correct. That game was a pain in the ass. It was so fucking hard. I couldnt believe how difficult it was. Bowser may have been a little on the easy side, but after playing that damn game for so long. I was happy for it to be over with. I still pull it out from time to time to play it. Posssibly my second favorite Mario games besides Mario 64.
I own this game, it is very fun, but it is no doubt the most difficult out of the three Star Hunter Mario games(Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, and Mario Galaxy). That is this game's downfall, it gets extremely frustrating at times where you just want to chuck the controller at the wall lol. This is strange because Mario games usually have a perfect balance of being challenging and also quite possible at the same time, with Sunshine, it becomes more of a chore to get a lot of the Shine Sprites to the point where you forgot that you are suppose to be having fun. It's a great game nonetheless, but far from being the best of the franchise, I would give it a 8.5/10.

The story
The game opens with an introduction about a seaside town which was damaged by a cataclysm and consequently sunk into the depths of the earth. A town named Rogueport was later built at this site, with the fortunes of the lost kingdom fabled to exist behind the eponymous Thousand-Year Door, located in the ruins of the old town. Mario becomes involved when Princess Peach contacts him about a treasure map bought in Rogueport, but becomes part of a larger adventure when learning that Peach has gone missing.With the help of Goombella and Professor Frankly, Mario learns that the map can potentially reveal the location of the legendary seven Crystal Stars. Under the assumption that Peach herself is trying to find the stars, he uses the map in an attempt to locate her.

The history

Japan July 22, 2004
North America October 11, 2004
Europe November 12, 2004

My opinion

Well this is one of the few Mario games I have not played, it seems to be very well received, averaging a score of 9/10. I'm sorry I can't go more into it, but I am not going to comment on a game I've not played.

Next game

The next game I will do is New Super mario Bros. for the DS before I do a random interlude and then jump to do the last of the games (wii ones, of course!)
I can honestly say that I have never played this game either. The original Paper Mario was a great game. However I don't think the series should have continued. I mean compared to a Mario RPG 2, Paper Mario was really piss poor. The Thousand Year Door does look like a great game with a decent story. don't get me wrong and once the price drops a bit more.... Still won't pay 40$ for it.... I'll probably pick it up and try it out since I'm being so hesitant to get the Wii one...
I have this game and I did have the one for N64 before I gave it to my sister. Paper Mario:TTYD is a great game, but the story isn't as good as the first one IMO, Nintendo sometimes tries to go outside of the traditional Bowser Antagonist storyline, but the new antagonists they sometimes come up with are ridiculous like the X-Nauts and Count Bleck, I'll take good ol' Bowser over those losers anyday. Anyways, this game is fun, the thing I like about it the most is the Badge system, it really adds to the replay value because you can try out different combinations of badges for a different experience each time you start a playthrough. Overall, I would give this game a 9/10.
I have this game and I did have the one for N64 before I gave it to my sister. Paper Mario:TTYD is a great game, but the story isn't as good as the first one IMO, Nintendo sometimes tries to go outside of the traditional Bowser Antagonist storyline, but the new antagonists they sometimes come up with are ridiculous like the X-Nauts and Count Bleck, I'll take good ol' Bowser over those losers anyday. Anyways, this game is fun, the thing I like about it the most is the Badge system, it really adds to the replay value because you can try out different combinations of badges for a different experience each time you start a playthrough. Overall, I would give this game a 9/10.

See that's what kinda kills certain Mario games for me is the lack of Bowser in it. I mean ya certain games, including my favorite, Mario RPG, do not have Bowser as the main enemy. I mean in Mario games I generally look forward to fighting Bowser, and generally it happens, most of the time at the end, or numerous times. Most of the other antagonists I really don't care about at all, and they basically appear in just one game, which for me kills it a little.

The story
New Super Mario Bros.'s plot is roughly the same as the original Super Mario Bros. and other sidescrolling Mario games — Bowser Jr. captures Princess Peach, and it is up to Mario to rescue her.

The history

NA May 15, 2006
JP May 25, 2006
EU June 30, 2006

My opinion

As much as I enjoyed this game as a good ol fashioned side scrolling Mario games, I was a bit confused about the title. Why call it New Super Mario Bros. when I can only play as Luigi in the multiplayer games? Yeah I know he can get unlockled but come on, I want to start as both.

Apart from that minor thing, it was brilliant, 8 worlds, coins, old enemies, new power's a Mario game that's fo sure!

Next game

Well it's a random interlude next...and then it's Wii time!


As we all know Luigi is the younger brother of Mario, one half of the Mario Bros. he's tall, green and a brilliant jumper (though for some reason he likes to slip and slide all about. he's had two starring roles in a game;


The story
Bowser has set up a castle in Antarctica, and plans to use many hair dryers from the Hafta Havit mail-order company to melt the Antarctic ice and flood the Earth. He sends his Koopas to different cities across the Earth to steal artifacts in order to fund his operation. Mario, Luigi and Yoshi journey to Bowser's castle in an attempt to stop him. Luigi is hesitant to go in, so Mario goes by himself and is captured by Bowser. Luigi must now rescue Mario from Bowser and save the day.

The history

December 31, 1992 (DOS)
June 1993 (SNES)
July 1993 (NES)
June 5, 1994 (Mac)

My opinion
I remember at the time thinking this game was terrrible, and yes, yes it was! I don't really need to go further into's just dire!


The story
uigi's Mansion begins with Luigi having won a mansion in a contest. Despite not having entered any contest, he promptly told Mario about it and the two agreed to meet up outside the mansion that evening. Upon finally arriving at his new mansion, which looks much more sinister than the supplied photo, Mario is nowhere to be found.

The history

Jp September 14, 2001
NA November 18, 2001
EU May 3, 2002

My opinion
I've just bought Luigi's mansion, so I won't comment on it yet, reviews are rather mixed, but I hope it's better than Mario is Missing!
I unfortunately owned the piece of crap known as Mario is Missing for the SNES, my aunt bought it for me when I was in the hospital for a week. The game is not fun, I repeat, not fun at all, it is no different than doing homework and we all know that sucks. I eventually sold it to some kid years ago for 5 bucks, poor bastard, I got the better end of that deal. I'd give it a 1/10, I would've gave it a zero, but the Mario characters are worth at least one point.

Luigi's Mansion was one of the first games I owned for the GC, along with SSBM. It's a neat little game, but after completing it a few times, it loses it's touch. The only thing to keep you hooked is the goal of trying to get all gold frame paintings from the ghosts, but that wasn't very difficult, except for that damn Boolossus, I never did get a gold frame painting from him. I give this game a 7.5/10.

As for the New Super Mario Bros., I never played it since I don't have a DS, so I can't comment on it.


Wario was designed as an antagonist to Mario (other than Bowser), and first appeared in the 1992 handheld video game Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins as the main villain and final boss. Since that time, Wario has developed into the protagonist and antihero of the Wario series. This is done in two types of games;

The platform games


Wario Land
Virtual Boy Wario Land
Wario Land 2
Wario Land 3
Wario Land 4
Wario World
Wario: Master of Disguise
Wario Land: Shake it! [Not released yet]

My opinion
Well to some up 7 games in a phrase would be hard. But what I feel this has done is given Nintendo an anti hero where he can be a bad guy if needs be, the good guy if needs be, he's not a goody goody, but he can be a good guy. The games themselves are not too bad, some are great, and enjoyable, just like classic Mario platformers.



Mega Microgames
Mega Part Games
WarioWare: twisted
WarioWare: touched
WarioWare: Smooth moves!

My opinion
Great fun, the WarioWare games are brilliant, enjoyable...if some of the random things you have to do on the Wii version are quite funny!

(NB there's also..Mario & Wario, Wario Wood's and Wario Blast but the less I say about those the better!)


Princess Peach (formerly known as Toadstool) is Mario's 'bit stuff' his damsel in distress. he must love her because well am sure she's been kidnapped about 20 times at least! She's appeared as a playable character in Super Mario bros. 2 (western version), Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros. to name a few...but this one time she like got her own game and stuff...


The story
Vibe Island (a land adjacent to the Mushroom Kingdom) has been rumored to hold hidden powers. Bowser builds his summer villa there in hopes of harnessing the rumored power. His efforts are rewarded when one of his underlings finds the Vibe Scepter. He sends a Goomba and an army of Hammer Brothers to Princess Peach's castle to capture Mario. The Vibe Scepter changes the emotions of those around them – they will become calm, happy, angry, or sad. While all of the Toad servants are distracted, the Hammer Brothers seize Mario, Luigi, and Toad. Shortly after the capture, Princess Peach and Toadsworth come back to the castle to find a message saying that the Mario Bros. have been captured. Peach wants to go out there immediately.

The history

Japan October 20, 2005
United States February 27, 2006
Australia March 30, 2006
Europe May 26, 2006

My opinion
Erm I have never even SEEN this game, let alone played it. She should stick to doing princessy stuff not saving people!

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