Nintendo: Subtle Brilliance or Money-Sucking ****es?

Nintendo is...?

  • Awesome! They've always been awesome!

  • Awesome, but only in the past few years...

  • Meh, but they used to be awesome!

  • Meh, I've never really liked Nintendo.

  • a money-sucking ****e, a shell of its former self, but I used to love them...

  • Sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck. Screw Nintendo!

Results are only viewable after voting.

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have a love-hate relationship with Nintendo. I grew up on the NES and the Gameboy Brick. I played the heck out of Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, destroyed Pokemon and that stupidly hard Star Wars game...I was a Nintendo fan-boy because they were only real option when I was a kid! The SNES came out and blew my mind with Donkey Kong County (still one of my favorite games), the remake of Mario Bros. 3, Mario Land, Final Fantasy 3, Chrono Trigger, etc. I've always been a Nintendo fan...

But here's the thing, they USED to be the company for hardcore gamers. If you wanted to be taken seriously, you HAD a SNES. You HAD the newest Gameboy when it came out. You played Ocarina of Time at LEAST 12 times through! I can still beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in under 12 minutes using both the flutes in the first world! Nintendo used to be the pinnacle of gaming.

But in 2012, what are they? Nintendo is the poster-child for family friend video gaming. They have remade every game possible at least 4 times, repackaged just slightly different. They have made TERRIBLE motion control games and made a TON of money off them! Since the SNES they have slid down hill, killed their relationship with major companies like Square, allowed RARE to die a slow painful death, and done nothing but remake Mario, Zelda, and (sometimes) Donkey Kong games every single year. As I've said in other threads, I still love Mario games. The new Donkey Kong Country game was a lot of fun! But once you've beaten the Mushroom cup on 150cc in 7 different games, once you've rescued Peach or Zelda in over 10 separate, escalating just becomes tiresome. When do we stop saying "oh that's just what Nintendo does" and put our foot down as gamers?

We didn't with the N64, and the game us the stupidest controller ever! Lots of fun games, but overall another weird Nintendo gimmick that had hit-and-miss success. We didn't with the Gamecube, and we got another wacky controller and a WORSE selection of games to choose from. That system survived on Smash Bros and Phantasy Star, and we all know it... Enter the Wii. On one hand, revolutionary concept (pun intended). On the other hand, 100 terrible games, 5 good remakes, and ZERO games that actually utilize said concept well. I hear the new Zelda game makes Wii Motion Plus a LOT of fun! GREAT, IT'S 2012! I'm glad that after six years of a system's life, they finally put out a game that utilized their gimmick successfully!

So what's next? We've got the worst named system in history on the horizon (Wii U) with a way worse gimmick: a part-controller, part-tablet that acts as a second, touch-enabled screen! Best part is you can only use one of them at a time, because Nintendo hasn't figure out how to make the signals not kill each other...AND they'll cost an arm and a leg, because they're basically super-gluing an IPod onto a wavebird... And guess what: Nintendo will finally compete in graphics with the current gen! Which would be exciting if the current gen wasn't about to become the last-gen... Sorry for going on this long rant guys, but I had to get it out. I love Nintendo - they were my childhood, and they've given us some of the best games and best characters in video gaming. But in the last decade they've just taken advantage of the consumer and illed his life with terrible gimmicks and rehashed game concepts...

What is your relationship with Nintendo?
What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?
Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?
Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?
What is your relationship with Nintendo?

Well, I've always sort of liked Nintendo, I grew up with them, and during my video game exploits i have owned: all the gameboys, an old school NES, a N64 and a Wii..
I remember the good old days of the NES and the original super mario bros., the Double Dragons, GOLF, TENNIS, SOCCER, etc.. that NES had some pretty kickass memories..
the one major gripe about my relationship to Nintendo is that i didn't own an N64 until 2002, and even then i only had 4 games (pokemon snap, pokemon stadium, donkey kong, and mario party), although i did win another 33 games on ebay in 2007, the "classics" just dont feel the same as they did when i was visiting people solely to play a round of smash bros., and by then i had a wii, which is barely used (asides from my sis playing Zelda)
I'm on good terms with Nintendo, if that's what you were asking.

What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?

favourite: the N64, those games could have you enthralled for weeks, and there was a ton of them, everything just felt seamless, even the controller, whilst looking a bit... alien.... still felt like gold while you were playing with it.

least favourite: Gamecube, that damn controller ruined it for me, nothing about it ever felt "right", and the shallow library of games was also a bad thing.
best name, worst console

Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?

Not really... although they do have a habit of releasing one game every year that seems to trump pretty much every one else, and make every "hardcore" gamer wish they hadn't sold it for more pizza money... but i suppose the thing that kills it for the Nintendo fans is that you really can't JUST have a Wii, you miss out on too much stuff that everyone else already has.

Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?

No, but for the sole reason being that the changes being made aren't anything i dont already have with my PS3, and all that touch screen stuff would be covered by either my future VITA, or my ipod touch.. well that, and that there haven't been any game announcements that would affect me, and why would you buy a console without any games?

I'll close with this; they don't need to stop catering mainly to the family, they just need to make it more accessible to the older audience. - just opinion BTW
What is your relationship with Nintendo?

Overall I think Nintendo is the greatest brand of systems in history. These days I lean more towards PS3 and Playstation but I still enjoy Nintendo and play pretty much all of their systems to this day, somethings I cannot say for Sony or Xbox. My Nintendo systems go as folllows: NES, SNES, N64, Original Gameboy, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS and those are all systems I currently own and have running in my house. I still love to dust off old classics like Mario 3, A Link to the Past, Metroid, Mega Man 2, Ducktales, and Mario 64. Most of my all time favorite games have come from a Nintendo system so I always have a special place for Nintendo.

What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?

My favorite Nintendo system was the NES followed closely by the SNES. Personally I think the NES has the best library of games ever made by any system. They have a countless number of timeless classics on that system and I have more fun playing my Nintendo than any new system that comes out. You people go ahead and play Call of Duty, to me none of those games will ever beat Contra when it comes to action.

Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?

Not to the society of today in relevance to hardcore gaming. I think for today's games the PS3 and the Xbox are reserved for the hardcore gamers. I like the Wii, but at the end of the day I love to play my video games the old fashioned way with a basic controller.

Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?

I'm sure it will get added onto my collection eventually, I usually pick up Nintendo and Sony systems. I used to get Microsoft systems and although Xbox's are fun, I have never had so many systems malfunction, after a year with both my original Xbox and 360 I needed new ones (with 360 happening multiple times until I got rid of it). My Nintendo's and Playstations rarely crap out on me, my original nintendo crapped out years down the road when all the pins got bent to shit (which is what will happen when a 4 year old is playing on it), my original PS2's power supply died 7 years after I bought it, and my original Wii died after 2 years, outside of those 3 with Nintendo and Sony respectively I've never had an issue.

My N64 is over 10 years old, my SNES is about 20 years old, my NES is about 10 years old, My new PS2 is 5 years old, My PS3 is about 4 years old and my Gameboy is about 20 years old, all still work and were well worth their money. I can't figure out what Microsoft's problem is with systems but that's the reason I don't both with it anymore.

Nonetheless I will get a Wii U, Nintendo has a good run so far with quality systems so I don't see why this would be any different.
How dare you insult the N64 controller? That thing is like a spa treatment for hands. Nintendo is at the bottom of it, still for the hardest of hardcore. Mario games are coming out all the time now rather than having long gaps. All of which are major hits. SMG, SMGII, SM3DLand, NSMB. Add to that Skyward Sword, Other M, Goldeneye, Sonic Colors and the Wii is especially the throwback console.

You could say it caters to the casual market but so does the 360 and PS3. Nintendo is just better at it. Among the Wii and 3DS gimmick games still lie the big hitting franchises that grasped us since the late 80's in full glory.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
I have a love-hate relationship with Nintendo. I grew up on the NES and the Gameboy Brick. I played the heck out of Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, destroyed Pokemon and that stupidly hard Star Wars game...I was a Nintendo fan-boy because they were only real option when I was a kid! The SNES came out and blew my mind with Donkey Kong County (still one of my favorite games), the remake of Mario Bros. 3, Mario Land, Final Fantasy 3, Chrono Trigger, etc. I've always been a Nintendo fan...

Ah cool, Nintendo rocks. I hope this is a very positive thread.

But here's the thing, they USED to be the company for hardcore gamers.[/quote]

Because they were the only option. here's a thing as well the NES stand for what? Why an entertainment system? Because Nintendo didn't want it labelled as a games system. What about in Japan? It's called the famicom. Family computer.

If you wanted to be taken seriously, you HAD a SNES. You HAD the newest Gameboy when it came out. You played Ocarina of Time at LEAST 12 times through! I can still beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in under 12 minutes using both the flutes in the first world! Nintendo used to be the pinnacle of gaming. [/quote]

And still is.

[QUOTE='[Heel]But in 2012, what are they? Nintendo is the poster-child for family friend video gaming. They have remade every game possible at least 4 times, repackaged just slightly different.[/quote]

Now that's just silly. Every game 4 times?

They have made TERRIBLE motion control games and made a TON of money off them! [/quote]

Like Wii sports resort? Wii sports? The critically claimed SMG1,2 and Skyward Sword? HOW DARE A COMPANY MAKE MONEY.

[QUOTE='[Heel]Since the SNES they have slid down hill, killed their relationship with major companies like Square,[/quote]

Square doesn't exist anymore. Square Enix has published about 40 games for the Wii/DS/3DS.
[QUOTE='[Heel] allowed RARE to die a slow painful death,[/quote]

They sold it to Microsoft in 2002.

[QUOTE='[Heel]and done nothing but remake Mario, Zelda, and (sometimes) Donkey Kong games every single year[/quote]

Do you know what a sequel is?
As I've said in other threads, I still love Mario games. The new Donkey Kong Country game was a lot of fun! But once you've beaten the Mushroom cup on 150cc in 7 different games, once you've rescued Peach or Zelda in over 10 separate, escalating just becomes tiresome. When do we stop saying "oh that's just what Nintendo does" and put our foot down as gamers? [/quote]

Put my foot down and play COD, Final Fantasy and Uncharted with there very different storyline.

[QUOTE='[Heel]We didn't with the N64, and the game us the stupidest controller ever! Lots of fun games, but overall another weird Nintendo gimmick that had hit-and-miss success.[/quote]

The N64 has some of the greatest games ever made including OOT and Goldeneye.

[QUOTE='[Heel] We didn't with the Gamecube, and we got another wacky controller and a WORSE selection of games to choose from. [/quote]

Best controller ever.

[QUOTE='[Heel]That system survived on Smash Bros and Phantasy Star, and we all know it...[/quote]

Actually it was mainly capcom.

Enter the Wii. On one hand, revolutionary concept (pun intended). On the other hand, 100 terrible games, 5 good remakes, and ZERO games that actually utilize said concept well. [/quote]

Actually the Wii has had more perfect scores on Famitsu and in Edge than any other console. So much for their 100 terrible games.

I hear the new Zelda game makes Wii Motion Plus a LOT of fun! GREAT, IT'S 2012! I'm glad that after six years of a system's life, they finally put out a game that utilized their gimmick successfully! [/quote]

You just said there was one that doesn't do that.

So what's next? We've got the worst named system in history on the horizon (Wii U) with a way worse gimmick: a part-controller, part-tablet that acts as a second, touch-enabled screen! [/quote]

It looks pretty good.

[QUOTE='[Heel]Best part is you can only use one of them at a time, because Nintendo hasn't figure out how to make the signals not kill each other...[/quote]

Nintendo have said it can use more than one.

[QUOTE='[Heel]AND they'll cost an arm and a leg, because they're basically super-gluing an IPod onto a wavebird...[/quote]

No prices have been released for it and one comes free with the console anyways. Just like any other controller ever.

And guess what: Nintendo will finally compete in graphics with the current gen! Which would be exciting if the current gen wasn't about to become the last-gen... [/quote]

It's nore generation 7.5 than 8. It's higher specs than the PS360.

[QUOTE='[Heel]Sorry for going on this long rant guys, but I had to get it out. I love Nintendo - they were my childhood, and they've given us some of the best games and best characters in video gaming. But in the last decade they've just taken advantage of the consumer and illed his life with terrible gimmicks and rehashed game concepts... [/quote]

Really now? Really. What is rehashed about the Zelda games? About the Mario games? Have you played them and see how innovative they are? No? Didn't think so.

What is your relationship with Nintendo? [/quote]

See above.

[QUOTE='[Heel]What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why? [/quote]

The SNES. No reason.

Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today? [/quote]

As relivant as Kenictamals and Little Big Planet.

Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?

[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
I have a love-hate relationship with Nintendo. I grew up on the NES and the Gameboy Brick. I played the heck out of Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, destroyed Pokemon and that stupidly hard Star Wars game...I was a Nintendo fan-boy because they were only real option when I was a kid!

I don't know how old you are but you must have remembered the console wars with Sega. Remember Sega was wining at one point until the ....(shudders) 32X came along.

But here's the thing, they USED to be the company for hardcore gamers.

Depends on what you mean by hardcore gamers. If you mean the online emotional addicts who incessantly freak out and bash, or do you mean those who are open-minded to play new games and give them fair chances? If the latter is true than Nintendo still is king.

If you wanted to be taken seriously, you HAD a SNES. You HAD the newest Gameboy when it came out. You played Ocarina of Time at LEAST 12 times through! I can still beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in under 12 minutes using both the flutes in the first world! Nintendo used to be the pinnacle of gaming.

It still is judging by sales.

But in 2012, what are they? Nintendo is the poster-child for family friend video gaming. They have remade every game possible at least 4 times, repackaged just slightly different. They have made TERRIBLE motion control games and made a TON of money off them![/QUOTE]

There is a reason they have made tons of money. It is a business, you do what best for it. If that means appealing to a younger, less passionate demographic than by all means do so. I don't like the WII's games too much either, but for some reason families do, and that= money in Miyamoto's pocket.

Since the SNES they have slid down hill, killed their relationship with major companies like Square, allowed RARE to die a slow painful death, and done nothing but remake Mario, Zelda, and (sometimes) Donkey Kong games every single year. As I've said in other threads, I still love Mario games. The new Donkey Kong Country game was a lot of fun! But once you've beaten the Mushroom cup on 150cc in 7 different games, once you've rescued Peach or Zelda in over 10 separate, escalating just becomes tiresome. When do we stop saying "oh that's just what Nintendo does" and put our foot down as gamers?

Slid downhill? Is that why the WII has beat both the PS3 and x-box 360 in sales? Is that why Wii spots has sold over 70 million copies? The games back then may have been more qualitative, the sheer success of the new generation indicates that the games can't be too far behind.

We didn't with the N64, and the game us the stupidest controller ever! Lots of fun games, but overall another weird Nintendo gimmick that had hit-and-miss success. We didn't with the Gamecube, and we got another wacky controller and a WORSE selection of games to choose from. That system survived on Smash Bros and Phantasy Star, and we all know it... Enter the Wii. On one hand, revolutionary concept (pun intended). On the other hand, 100 terrible games, 5 good remakes, and ZERO games that actually utilize said concept well. I hear the new Zelda game makes Wii Motion Plus a LOT of fun! GREAT, IT'S 2012! I'm glad that after six years of a system's life, they finally put out a game that utilized their gimmick successfully!

The N64 was the first console I ever played, and I take pride in it's legacy thank you. Pretty much everything else I can agree on, but that is considering I have not touched my Wii for anything other than Netflix for awhile.

So what's next? We've got the worst named system in history on the horizon (Wii U) with a way worse gimmick: a part-controller, part-tablet that acts as a second, touch-enabled screen! Best part is you can only use one of them at a time, because Nintendo hasn't figure out how to make the signals not kill each other...AND they'll cost an arm and a leg, because they're basically super-gluing an IPod onto a wavebird... And guess what: Nintendo will finally compete in graphics with the current gen! Which would be exciting if the current gen wasn't about to become the last-gen... Sorry for going on this long rant guys, but I had to get it out. I love Nintendo - they were my childhood, and they've given us some of the best games and best characters in video gaming. But in the last decade they've just taken advantage of the consumer and illed his life with terrible gimmicks and rehashed game concepts...

The WiiU had a decent gimmick. It may not be as revolutionary as the motion-controls for the Wii not the D-pad for the NES, but it's atleast something interstin.

What is your relationship with Nintendo?

I have always been a fan, the games I played as a small child like SSBM and other GameCube titles are some of my fondest memories.

What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?

Favorite: N64. worst" Virtual boy,

Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?

Yes they are, or at least will be after the release of the WiiU. They went after the largest share of the pie with the Wii. They have the soccer mom's money their pockets and will regain the fanboy money soon.

[/QUOTE]Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"? [/QUOTE]

Yes, I am planning on starting a console collection when I turn 21, whether or not the console is good or not remains to be seen but I have long been a loyal fan and will continue to be one.
Ah cool, Nintendo rocks. I hope this is a very positive thread.
Despite my pessimism toward's the company, I DO hope this is a positive thread. I want to hear anyone's opinion, regardless of their stance. Honestly, I'm really grateful you called me out on a lot of things Lee. SOmetimes I get all up-in-arms about something and go on these long rants. Personal biases creep and, and a few facts can be distorted, I use the wrong word to describe something, etc.

Because they were the only option. here's a thing as well the NES stand for what? Why an entertainment system? Because Nintendo didn't want it labelled as a games system. What about in Japan? It's called the famicom. Family computer.
Fair enough, Nintendo has always been a family system. Maybe they really haven't changed, while our perception of "hardcore gamer" has changed.

Now that's just silly. Every game 4 times? ... Do you know what a sequel is?
You are correct here. I should have used the term "sequel" instead of "remake". Definitely a huge error on my part, and I'm sorry. Maybe it's an exaggeration that Nintendo has put out a sequel to every game 4 times... And honestly what console hasn't repackaged their games over and over? It's probably more of an issue with the 3-party developers than it is Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft. By point is that I've played all 7 of the Mario Kart games, own them, beaten them, and to their credit....I love them! They're a LOT of fun... But where's the innovation? Where's the breaking new ground? They're just capitalizing on the same formula over and over, adding small changes every single time. Same reason I get upset at sports franchises and most fighting games.

Like Wii sports resort? Wii sports? The critically claimed SMG1,2 and Skyward Sword? HOW DARE A COMPANY MAKE MONEY.
I'll give you that point: all those games sold really well, and are a lot of fun. Here's my thing with Wii sports and the like: they are incredibly fun multi-player games, for when you have friends over. Something for a lot of laughs and to pass the time. So yes, Nintendo has a wonderful entertainment system with just these types of games alone! But I'm the kind of gamer that likes to have his own system, own TV, and be absorbed by the story and characters. I've enjoyed Wii Bowling, but I'm never going to bust it out on a Saturday night when I have some alone time. And yes, SMG 1& 2 are brilliant. Haven't played Skyward Sword, but I hear it's up for being the best Zelda game of all time.

Square doesn't exist anymore. Square Enix has published about 40 games for the Wii/DS/3DS.
I'm aware that Square does not exist anymore...painfully aware. Or maybe I'm just bitter? Out of those 40 games published exclusively for Nintendo many of them have been good? I'll give you Children of Mana, and maybe one of the Dragon Quest games. Definitely major props for The World Ends With You. I didn't really enjoy the Kindom Hearts spin-offs, or many of the FF spin-offs. The best they're really done is remake some of Square's best games! And of course, there are a LOT of really terrible games as well... SE has done INCREDIBLE work since their inception...but 90% of it has been done for Sony, and most recently Microsoft. Maybe that'll change with Nintendo breaking into the current gen, but they'll still have to convince me to play FFXV on the WiiU instead of the PS3 (or 4)...good luck.

They sold [RARE] to Microsoft in 2002.
I'm definitely aware. I think I was being more metaphorical about dying a slow death, than literal. I'll admit immediately, I have an extreme bias here: RARE was always my favorite company, and I was NOT happy about Nintendo parting ways. DK, Perfect Dark, Banjo, Diddy Kong Racing...RARE was awesome. Now, I feel like they're relegated to bringing classic Nintendo games back to life for Microsoft's Arcade. And making Viva Pinata.

The N64 has some of the greatest games ever made including OOT and Goldeneye.
Pokemon Stadium. Enough said. I was wrong to say...whatever it is I said wrong here.

Best controller ever.
And this is where we're just going to have to agree on a difference of opinion. I always thought the Gamecube controller was strange. I didn't find it comfortable, I thought the shoulder buttons had an odd responsiveness to them, and I did NOT think the button layout was conducive to long sessions of gaming. Not that you would WANT to play Gamecube for hours at a time... I know a lot of people herald the N64 controller as this great break-through, but I always felt like I was playing Bop-It! And let me tell you, if you've never tried to play Bop-It! while destroying the St. Louis Cardinals in MLB feat. Ken Griffey, it is IMPOSSIBLE.

Actually the Wii has had more perfect scores on Famitsu and in Edge than any other console. So much for their 100 terrible games.
Nintendo is really good at making "near-perfect" games. But Nintendo is really BAD at letting good 3rd-party companies make "near-perfect" games. So yeah, once or twice a year they have a gem I REALLY want to play. THere were 6 games I REALLY wanted to buy for the PS3 around Thanksgiving alone. 4 more come Christmas time.

Nintendo have said it can use more than one.
Fair enough. Bad reporting on my end.

No prices have been released for it and one comes free with the console anyways. Just like any other controller ever.
Yep, but you're going to want to buy a second, third, or forth one for your friends and/or family! The hardware alone is going to make it the most expensive controller ever made. There's no way they put that out for under $50... BUT, they can always couple a really terrible motion game in with it, and make it the highest selling game for over a year straight!

It's nore generation 7.5 than 8. It's higher specs than the PS360.
Which will be nice for a year...until the next system drops. Nintendo has survived for years by getting their product out first. Had the Wii dropped post-360 most experts say it would have tanked. I tend to agree.

Again, I appreciate you calling me out on a lot of stuff. It made me see things a lot more clearly, and I'm over my blind hatred I developed last night...for whatever reason. I still have some serious issues with Nintendo though. I would love to see them do something besides Zelda/Mario/Metroid in the next few years, and with the release of their new console. I would also love to see them focus on handheld gaming, because I think they could come back to blow that market out of the water. THere is still a great love for 2D-esk style RPG gaming, and unfortunately there's no real development being done on it. There's a reason people LOVED Sonic Generations and it's call-back to the Genesis days. They're craving the old, simple style of gaming. If Nintendo made FFXV, and shocked the world by doing a really pretty, really HD...2D-esk RPG, I'd be perfectly happy with it. But they're going to break into the current gen, and open themselves up for 3rd party support that will make them MORE like PS3 and XBox.

I want Nintendo to BE Nintendo, but I also want them to be fresh and innovative. To give me something new, and to give me more to be excited about! I've played Galaxy 1 & 2, and will play SS eventually. THe new Smash game will sell the WiiU no matter what... Just give me a new series. Give me a new style, or an OLD style with a new flair...I know, I'm kind of being a hypocrite. I complain about how they WERE awesome, want them to be NEW, but also want them to focus on OLD concepts... Bottom line: I want to see Nintendo do something risky. The N64 was incredibly risky for its time. Mario 64 was INCREDIBLY risky for its time. Super Mario RPG, one of my all-time favorite was risky. I want to see them stop playing it safe, and do something nobody else is doing. I think they tried with the Wii and it's motion controls - ultimate the system did incredibly well, but the reasons I liked it had NOTHING to do with its motion controls. I think they tried to be risky with the 3DS...whether it works or not has yet to be seen, but I think it's a gimmick, just like motion gaming, that the industry needs to steer away from.

Maybe there's nothing new for Nintendo to do but try these gimmicks before Sony and Microsoft do. Or maybe they just haven't thought of it yet... Ultimate my criticism is for the whole industry of gaming, but it comes down on Nintendo harder because they are more transparent. They don't have a colossal amount of 3rd party support to hide behind, so if you don't like their one or two huge games that came out this year...they're looking weak. I love Ninteno. I want to see them succeed. But I also need a reason to keep buying Wii games, or to buy their next system when things like the VITA are coming out, and there's talks of a PS4 on the horizon (WAY too early).
[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
What is your relationship with Nintendo?
I still love Nintendo plenty, though I'll admit a lot of that is nostalgia. I grew up split between Nintendo and Sega until the N64 came around. Still my favorite console ever, it made a true fan of theirs out of me. The next generation my family got a PS2, as both my brothers wanted one after loving the PS1, though I wanted a Gamecube. I grew to love the PS2 and its wide variety of games, and now consider Sony my go-to company. I now have both a PS3 and a Wii, and while I love what games I have for Wii, I rarely find myself playing it anymore. I assume much of that is my resistance to motion controls, which I care little for, but also due to the console's lack of third party support.
What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?
As mentioned above, the N64, largely because it was the first system I really got into as a gamer. I was very young when playing it, so it's basically where my roots as a gamer are from.
Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?
Yes, as I believe Nintendo to be the best first party developer in gaming ever, and still today, with Sony a close second. Whenever Nintendo puts out a game from one of its many historic franchises, or creates a new IP, it's always massive news throughout the gaming world. They typically get looked over today because the newer generation thinks of them as a kids' company, and would rather shoot people in the face than jump on Goombas.
Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?
No. My experience with the Wii tells me it will likely get some good support at first, then it'll slowly fade into one or two big releases per year. I may buy one eventually, but as of now, I'll save my money for the PS4's launch.
I couldn't disagree more. Also i own a ps3 and xbox360 so im not biased on the matter either. Anyways im going to try not to regurgitate what has already been said.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
But here's the thing, they USED to be the company for hardcore gamers.
The term hardcore gamer has always been too loosely defined. A person may consider themselves a hardcore gamer for playing 50 average games a year. Another person may also consider themselves a hardcore gamer for playing 10 9/10 games a year. Two completely different gamers yet both could be described as hardcore gamers.

Nintendo used to be the pinnacle of gaming.
And still is. They are miles ahead of Sony and Microsoft in sales.

They have made TERRIBLE motion control games and made a TON of money off them!
Motion control was in it's infancy when the wii first came out. That's like complaining about the nes because the graphics sucked. The controls weren't even that bad but hey 89 million people must be wrong right?

done nothing but remake Mario, Zelda, and (sometimes) Donkey Kong games every single year.
They don't bring out sequels every year you're thinking of call of duty and Madden.

But once you've beaten the Mushroom cup on 150cc in 7 different games, once you've rescued Peach or Zelda in over 10 separate, escalating just becomes tiresome.
Well that's a sequel for you. You have to keep what was great about the game in the sequel but bring in some new changes to keep it interesting. Whenever a company makes a sequel that's totally different from the previous games people go crazy. The makers of the new devil may cry game have gotten death threats because they changed the look of the main character. Metal Gear solid fans went crazy when Raiden was the main character in the second game.

So what's next? We've got the worst named system in history on the horizon (Wii U)
I don't judge consoles based on their names i judge based on the games available for them and Nintendo's have always been some of the best.

Thing is Nintendo had to switch to motion control because it was a niche market in gaming. Sony and Microsoft already have the high graphics and online play market sown up and they have more money to throw around(microsoft buying Rare) due to their other businesses outside of gaming. When Nintendo tried beat Sony and Microsoft at their own game with the N64 and Gamecube they bombed and finished last in the console race. They had to get something that helped them stand out from the crowd in a saturated market. They appealed to a bigger market while also maintaining their core fanbase. Their a company it's their job to make money.

What is your relationship with Nintendo?
Ive always seen them as a company that makes "fun" games and doesn't take itself too seriously. I can't say the same for the ps3 and Xbox.
What is your favorite (and least favorite) Nintendo system and why?
N64. It's my second favorite console of all time. Some of the best games ive ever played were on that console. I never had any trouble with the controller either.

Is Nintendo still relevant in the hardcore video game society today?
As long as they keep making games involving a certain Italian plumber they will always be relevant no matter what.

Will you be buying the Wii U when it launches at the "end of 2012"?
No. I still have to buy a wii first and work my way through it's backlog of exclusive games.
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I know Lee already tore you to shreds, but I wanna get in on this.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
I have a love-hate relationship with Nintendo. I grew up on the NES and the Gameboy Brick. I played the heck out of Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, destroyed Pokemon and that stupidly hard Star Wars game...I was a Nintendo fan-boy because they were only real option when I was a kid! The SNES came out and blew my mind with Donkey Kong County (still one of my favorite games), the remake of Mario Bros. 3, Mario Land, Final Fantasy 3, Chrono Trigger, etc. I've always been a Nintendo fan...


[Heel] Green Ranger;3640364 said:
But here's the thing, they USED to be the company for hardcore gamers. If you wanted to be taken seriously, you HAD a SNES. You HAD the newest Gameboy when it came out. You played Ocarina of Time at LEAST 12 times through! I can still beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in under 12 minutes using both the flutes in the first world! Nintendo used to be the pinnacle of gaming.

Here's the thing, what makes a hardcore gamer? Playing Call of Duty for a hours at a time and lawling at Nintendo for their gaming for everyone approach does NOT make you a hardcore gamer. I'm gonna go ahead and say straight up that I know more about gaming than you do. I'm currently studying for a job in the games industry, so I know this shit. A hardcore gamer is a gamer who appreciates ALL types of games. First Person Shooters, Platform games and everything in between. Sure, you'll like certain genres more than others, but any intelligent gamer knows that every genre of games has a few good ones in it. Like every genre of music has it's good album. Every genre of film has some good films. That's how art works.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
But in 2012, what are they? Nintendo is the poster-child for family friend video gaming.

There's a difference between games for children and games that can be played by anyone. Fact.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
They have remade every game possible at least 4 times, repackaged just slightly different
[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:

So has every games company that has ever had a successful franchise. Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Need for Speed, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, every sports franchise ever. I could list literally a hundred series that have done that. But Nintendo put more work into their sequels than any other developer. Slightly different? Do you remember the internet-melting worldwide nerd-rage reaction to the Wind Waker? How many different critics and fans alike said that Mario Galaxy was the most original and best Mario in the series? How stunning Metroid was when it became first person? Nintendo don't repackage, they reinvent.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
They have made TERRIBLE motion control games and made a TON of money off them!

Nintendo haven't made a single terrible motion control game. Admittedly, third party developers have.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
Since the SNES they have slid down hill, killed their relationship with major companies like Square

Sony paid Square to work for them only. They bought the right to have Final Fantasy etc. exclusive. Nothing Nintendo could really do. But now that's a moot point since Square are making Dragon Quest for the Wii.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
allowed RARE to die a slow painful death,

Microsoft bought Rare. Again, nothing Nintendo could do about it. In fact, it showed that Rare were only ever good when they had Nintendo looking over their shoulder to keep an eye on them. Weird, huh?

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
and done nothing but remake Mario, Zelda, and (sometimes) Donkey Kong games every single year.

New Nintendo franchises that have come out in the last two generations: Smash Bros., WarioWare, Pikmin, Wii Sports and they co-publish Trauma Centre. All fun, original franchises. Not to mention Endless Ocean, which was one of the most unique games I've ever seen.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
As I've said in other threads, I still love Mario games. The new Donkey Kong Country game was a lot of fun! But once you've beaten the Mushroom cup on 150cc in 7 different games,

You must have no friends...

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
once you've rescued Peach or Zelda in over 10 separate, escalating just becomes tiresome. When do we stop saying "oh that's just what Nintendo does" and put our foot down as gamers?

I haven't found it tiresome at all actually. I throughly enjoyed Skyward Sword and the Galaxy games. So did critics and fans. And I'll put my foot down to tell Activision and EA to fuck off long before I'll do it to Nintendo.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
We didn't with the N64, and the game us the stupidest controller ever!

Well there's proof that you don't know as much about games as you think you do. Firstly, the N64 controller was extremely innovative. It was the first mainstream controller to have an analogue as well as the Z trigger button that we all take for granted now. Plus the controller was always comfortable, and that's all I'm really looking for in a controller.

And secondly, there are many, many worse controllers than the N64. The Jaguar? The original Xbox controller? The Dreamcast? Not to mention the Playstation controllers, which are ridiculously uncomfortable unless you're used to gripping *****s.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
Lots of fun games, but overall another weird Nintendo gimmick that had hit-and-miss success.

Several of the greatest and most innovative games ever, yes. A lot of Nintendo's inventions are hit and miss. That's part of innovation.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
We didn't with the Gamecube, and we got another wacky controller

You consider THAT wacky? Close mindedness, thy name is...

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
and a WORSE selection of games to choose from.

Well, when Sony started to take over, third parties flocked to them. Fair enough, good business decision. The Gamecube does have some hidden gems though. Baten Kaitos, Batallion Wars, killer 7, F-Zero GX.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
That system survived on Smash Bros and Phantasy Star, and we all know it...

Really dude? Phantasy Star was notoriously hard to find in some parts of the world, especially Europe. And many games sold more than it. So no, the system survived or more than PS.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
Enter the Wii. On one hand, revolutionary concept (pun intended). On the other hand, 100 terrible games, 5 good remakes, and ZERO games that actually utilize said concept well. I hear the new Zelda game makes Wii Motion Plus a LOT of fun! GREAT, IT'S 2012! I'm glad that after six years of a system's life, they finally put out a game that utilized their gimmick successfully!

Yeah, that is a shame. But these things take time. 3D sucked ass at first until Mario 64 came along. Obviously the concept is destined to be successful or else Microsoft and Sony wouldn't have jumped on the bandwagon. Modern ADD gamers....

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
So what's next? We've got the worst named system in history on the horizon (Wii U)
[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
People said that about the Wii. Yeah, clearly names affects sales.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
with a way worse gimmick: a part-controller, part-tablet that acts as a second, touch-enabled screen!

'Cause I hear tablets are unpopular...

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
Best part is you can only use one of them at a time, because Nintendo hasn't figure out how to make the signals not kill each other...

Damn, I forgot that you worked at Nintendo!

Seriously, of all the companies that would sort out those issues, it would be Nintendo. They're not a RROD kinda company, they're reliable with their products. Well, their home consoles, at least.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
AND they'll cost an arm and a leg, because they're basically super-gluing an IPod onto a wavebird...

That would actually be amazing. You're wrong, but that would be amazing.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
And guess what: Nintendo will finally compete in graphics with the current gen! Which would be exciting if the current gen wasn't about to become the last-gen...

Seriously? The graphics argument?

What would you rather play, Skyward Sword, Minecraft and Diablo 3 or Call of Duty, Battlefield and Gears of War? If you answered the latter, you can't call yourself a serious gamer.

Also, GTA IV, one of the top 5 most critically acclaimed games EVER had crappy graphics. HD Ultra-realism doesn't matter when the gameplay, design, writing, story, score etc. is shit.

[Heel]Green Ranger;3640364 said:
Sorry for going on this long rant guys, but I had to get it out. I love Nintendo - they were my childhood, and they've given us some of the best games and best characters in video gaming. But in the last decade they've just taken advantage of the consumer and illed his life with terrible gimmicks and rehashed game concepts...

EVERY mainstream game developer takes advantage of consumer. To think otherwise is beyond moronic!

Yeah, there was a time when analogue sticks and trigger buttons were considered gimmicks. In ten years time, you'll likely be wondering what you did without proper motion controls.

That's what makes Nintendo great. They innovate and they risks and they try to help gaming evolve and they make a shitload of money while doing it. Having their cake and eating it too!

I might buy the Wii U. Depends on the games. It's the games that make the console, not the specs or the "gimmicks", modern gamer.
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My relationship with Nintendo is as a fairly loyal oldschool fanboy. I was handed an NES controller in 1987, and proceeded to play Super Mario Bros 1 as Luigi before I could even speak. I prefer the older systems, but my fandom of Nintendo is still strong. My favorite is the Super Nintendo, and nothing else even touches it. It was the greatest system of all time. The graphics for its time were amazing and I enjoyed virtually every single game that came out for it. The worst, I'll go with the Gamecube. Obviously anyone with a brain would pick the Virtual Boy, but I'll disregard that piece of garbage and move on to the next worst, which was the Gamecube. It wasn't so much that it was a bad system, but more along the lines of the games seeing a drop in quality and it just wasn't as fun anymore. The Wii was an improvement, due to it appealing more to casual gamers who I find it fun to play games like Wii Sports with.

I have enjoyed seeing new additions to some of Nintendo's legendary series like Mario and Zelda on the Wii, but I have become an oldschool gamer as far as Nintendo is concerned and agree with those who think the 360 is the hardcore gamers' console of choice. The Wii is better for party games or those wanting to try out different control schemes, while the 360 or PS3 are better options if you want games where you just kill things. I'm still undecided on the Wii U. I might or might not get it. I've got a while to make up my mind, but I have much higher priorities than getting a new console. We'll see if things change.

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