Mario Kart (Snes): Easily one of the best selling SNES games of all time. I remember renting that game before I bought it and spent hours on end. The original Rainbow Road made me want to punch a baby sort to speak with it having no barriers, but having flashing thowmps that blocked the road at times. Loved the Ghost Valleys and Bowser Castle levels.
Mario Kart 64: Probably the best in the series. I still play it alot even to this day. In fact me and my g/f were playin it earlier. Again loved Bowser's Castle, and the fact that Rainbow Road became so ridiculously long made it possible to sit for 1/2 a lap and still be able to win. I was saddened that they removed Koopa Troopa from the game since he was my favorite in the original.
Mario Kart Super Circut (GBA): Featured all new tracks as one would expect, but also offered the SNES tracks as unlockables. My Nintendo DS often times has this game and Mario Kart DS for the reason that I can play the original SNES courses as well as the ones DS has to offer. I also liked the fact that Nintendo also brought back the coin system from the SNES for this game.
Mario Kart Double Dash (GCN): Not my favorite by any means, I didn't like the two person per kart deal, but I did like the individual special items as well as the diversity in karts and drivers. Newcomers like Baby Bowser and even King Boo really added a nice touch over the eight drivers from 64 and Super Circut. The tracks were all new, and offered plenty of close races with the abundance of item boxes.
Mario Kart DS: I didn't like many of the tracks that the game had to offer as far as new tracks go. I do however LOVE the retro cups that offer tracks from all of the previous Mario Kart titles. A few character additions and changes were also nice. Dry Bones probably turned out to be my fav. and Rob 64... WTF... Multiplayer over the WIFI is always fun, and for the first time you could do single player Battle mode.
Mario Kart Wii: *sigh* I don't own a Wii and for that reason this game will be the first Mario Kart game that I will probably not own. All I can say is that it does look very good, and that's to be expected.
Mario Kart series: Easily the best spinoff, with Mario Tennis coming in second. Mario Kart (all of them) still provide me with hours of entertainment
Mario Kart 64: Probably the best in the series. I still play it alot even to this day. In fact me and my g/f were playin it earlier. Again loved Bowser's Castle, and the fact that Rainbow Road became so ridiculously long made it possible to sit for 1/2 a lap and still be able to win. I was saddened that they removed Koopa Troopa from the game since he was my favorite in the original.
Mario Kart Super Circut (GBA): Featured all new tracks as one would expect, but also offered the SNES tracks as unlockables. My Nintendo DS often times has this game and Mario Kart DS for the reason that I can play the original SNES courses as well as the ones DS has to offer. I also liked the fact that Nintendo also brought back the coin system from the SNES for this game.
Mario Kart Double Dash (GCN): Not my favorite by any means, I didn't like the two person per kart deal, but I did like the individual special items as well as the diversity in karts and drivers. Newcomers like Baby Bowser and even King Boo really added a nice touch over the eight drivers from 64 and Super Circut. The tracks were all new, and offered plenty of close races with the abundance of item boxes.
Mario Kart DS: I didn't like many of the tracks that the game had to offer as far as new tracks go. I do however LOVE the retro cups that offer tracks from all of the previous Mario Kart titles. A few character additions and changes were also nice. Dry Bones probably turned out to be my fav. and Rob 64... WTF... Multiplayer over the WIFI is always fun, and for the first time you could do single player Battle mode.
Mario Kart Wii: *sigh* I don't own a Wii and for that reason this game will be the first Mario Kart game that I will probably not own. All I can say is that it does look very good, and that's to be expected.
Mario Kart series: Easily the best spinoff, with Mario Tennis coming in second. Mario Kart (all of them) still provide me with hours of entertainment