The London Crowd

Why is London louder? I donno, if you're starving and someone gives you a burger, you're going to wolf it down faster than if you'd been eating burgers everyday for 10 years wouldn't you? Same thing applies here.
Uh, no shit they are loud and enthusiastic, they only get WWE once or twice a year. Pretty fuckin simple.

Nailed it on the head there. 2 tours a year is what we get, and we'd sell out more if given the chance, I don't think that's a doubt. But as we only get 2 tours a year, we sure as hell make up for it :)
Its actually the total opposite. The crowd in London sucked and were quiet most of the night except for Rtruths heel turn. Why would you cry about them not cheering Orton, but be happy they didnt cheer Rtruth before his heel turn? Well thats typical.Maybe its because Orton sucks and hes boring as hell.

Just like Cmp is nothing more than a cruiser weight or midcarder at best! I think it was a joke ever making him world champion. Just like it is having Rey Mysterio beat guys like Batista and the big show and winning a world title when he doesnt belong in the ring with heavyweights and is nothing more than a dam cruiserweight. He only won the world title anyway because Eddie died.

Cmp hardly ever gets pops in the U.S whether hes Heel/Face. Im glad they turned Rtruth heel so you haters can see exactly why hes better than anyone on that dam BORING ASS RAW ROSTER . Glad the wwe finally Giving a black man another shot an not job all his matches. Thank Goodness hes not jobber anymore. If Randy Orton was a jobber for over a year would he suck? How typical of an Rtruth hater. You probably thought Shelton sucked to right?

We were talking about how the crowd responded to the wrestlers, not their skills. You were going way off topic talking about rey mysterio, he was not even on raw that night. You may think Orton sucks but most of the US crowd loves him and there is nothing you can do about it, he is stale to me but i still like his reaction he gets with the CROWD which is what the thread is about.

To the thread, London does seem more lively, i wish all audiences would do chant battles, that would make the show twice as good.
Is it just me that thinks WWE sort of makes London crowd sound quieter. It was load as hell most of the time, but WWE seemed to tune it out abit when I watched it on TV? They did the same last year aswell!

This is the crowd for the intro that I recorded on my phone, was pretty much loud like this throughout!
I liked the London feel. They were into the show and it was clear they were.

What does race, color or ethnicity or R-Truth have to do with any of this?
I think the crowds are just different. The London crowd ended up actually paying attention to what was going on a lot of the time, but when they were loud, you heard some extremely articulate chants, which is something you rarely hear with American audiences anymore.

In America, some of the audience are going apeshit 100% of the time, the chants are much less defined, and they end up burning themselves out by the end of the night.

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