Championship Contender
You all are a bunch of damn whiners.
I find it hard to believe that if these people complaining about the crowd that night were actually IN that crowd, that they would stand there with their arms folded saying "hey stop that you IWC people, you're not supposed to cheer Wade Barret, he's a bad guy according to the storyline". "Stop chanting that guys! Its disrespectful to the performers and you're confusing the young fans".
Also, I have to say.
IWC stands for "Internet Wrestling Community". So when people are on a wrestling message board calling OTHER people "the IWC" its absolutely laughable. You are posting on a wrestling message board. And pretty often. Guess what? You are a part of the "IWC". Its not some far off phenomenon that you are analyzing from a distance.
And whether or not someone likes CM Punk or does not, has no correlation to whether or not they live in their mother's basement. The insult is old, lazy, and needs to go.