Which City has the best WWE fans?

What city/place has the best wwe fans for events?

  • Chicago

  • New York City

  • UK

  • Miami

  • Toronto

  • Other

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Its Montreal for sure

hows Montreal not on the list yet Toronto is??

when the WWE has a show in Toronto the arena still has more people from Montreal in it than Toronto.

Montreal has the most passionate wrestling fans perriod we take that sh!t serioulsy and we still boo the hell out of HBK for screwing bret hart.
St. Louis is the best crowd when it comes to status quo. They are always hot and always cheer and boo who WWE wants them too.

Miami was a one weekend sorta thing due to it being a WM crowd so they def aren't it.

Chicago and NY are notorious smarky crowds since 1996, going against every new babyface and only cheering for vets and heels.

Toronto (where I am from) is a crowd that simply cheers who they want. It may seem biased but please everyone who posts here is bias to an extent. We don't care about doing the "cool" thing, we cheer the guys who we know are good and work hard (unless they are working one of our guys). Sometimes, the hometown hero isn't that at all. We have no problem booing a hometown/home countryman out of the building if we felt he was bland or had somehow legitimately betrayed us (i.e Edge and Chris Benoit at Summerslam 2004)

So long story short, its a tie between St.Louis and Toronto.....Miami should not even be an option.
As someone who goes to wrestling shows around the country, there are only a handful of cities with great crowds consistently. And at the top of the list are PHILADELPHIA , NYC AND TORONTO/MONTREAL . Honorable Mention: Chicago , UK .

Philly , NYC and Chicago have the smartest and most educated wrestling fans. PERIOD. And anyone that knows wrestling will agree.

This is due to the large independent wrestling scene and local love of the sport. These cities get to cheer wrestlers way before anyone else in the IWC knows of them. They get access to some of the best rivalries and can see a wrestlers full move set. [ How many people knew of CM Punk before ROH ? The cities mentioned watched him from the start. ]

When these wrestlers get to the grand stage and are being put as a villian, these fans cheer because they know how good the talent is and they APPRECIATE WRESTLING not entertainers.

That is why I really believe it would benefit the WWE to stop going to stale cities for PPV's. I am from Raleigh but live in Bmore and I know that crowd will be dead.
St. Louis. They will always sell tickets and it'll always be a hot crowd. The 200 fans watching MMWA-SWIC on broadway are louder than some WWE Raw crowds.
I know I'm biased because I live in Chicago but we are ALWAYS hot! If you watch a PPV from Chicago you can feel the energy from the crowd like last years MITB PPV. WWE will always see New York as the best but I've seen the last few shows from NYC and their crowds lose steam about halfway through you could hear a pindrop in the arena much like Miami at WM this year during the Punk/Jericho match it was dead silence until the end. Chicago all the way for me I just WWE would recognize it more.
Phoenix! We started the "Let's Go Ryder, WOO WOO WOO!" chants... hahaha

But seriously... This question is always going to lean towards personal bias when answered, but I like the answers so far!
Like someone said. It is more of a region thing. North East region always seems to be into it. Boston, NYC, You can include Montreal... All are great
I can't believe this thread. It's honestly a joke. Chi-town? Are you guys serious. First off like a poster earlier said, Chicago was irrelevant until Mr. Home-town hero CM Punk had one of the storylines going for him and all the pieces fell into place. Don't get me wrong, Chicago is a wrestling city, but not the hottest crowd.

I am from the Boston area but I am not bias. NYC is the birthplace of WWE and will always be the hottest crowd to me. You also have to factor in what is going on for storylines going into these cities. If something amazing is going on the crowd is going to be red hot all night. If its just another boring Raw or even a bad card for a PPV you will not get a solid reaction. I feel at the end of the day, any crowd can be hot and be the best. There is no way to really determine the hottest crowd unless you got a poll from the wrestlers themselves.

Side note: Miami should not even be on this list. Whoever thinks Miami is the hottest city is a pure moron. You can't base it off of Wrestlemania. People travel all over the globe to go there. Hell, I bet 85 percent of the crowd for WM and Raw is part of the IWC. Miami is no way a hot crowd city.
agree with what a lot of you said, chi-town made its mark because of Punk, but regardless, still a great crowd.

being from Philly and attending countless REAL ECW shows, i would have to say its a toss up between NYC and Philly...

RVD vs Cena at Hammerstein will go down as the GREATEST crowd of all time, i do not even think there is a debate.

but there was something special about the crowd EVERY WEEKEND on south swanson that will never be matched again.

whether it be sandman coming through the crowd drunk as shit and grabbing beers from fans, watching taz break sabus neck over and over, or new jack being new jack...

so many good memories, and unless you were there, you have no idea...
I wish I could say Minneapolis because i'm extremely partial to that city but no I am going to go with NYC like a few post back said it's the birth place of WWE. Heck I can still remember the pop HHH got coming back from the torn quad back in 2002 on Raw that was loud.

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