Crowd Reaction

Any feedback isn't good feedback if you're being subjective when factoring in storylines and characters that have to be pushed. If a show is interrupted by the fans disregarding it to entertain themselves with chants, then the content that was disrupted will normally be redone in a following episode with a much milder audience. So at it's worst, it can cause the writers to further bang us over the head with a storyline that we may not be particularly fond of. That's just one example. But like I said, since I (for whatever reason) actually enjoyed even the rudeness of the crowd this time, I don't really care. I'm just keeping on topic with the thread and your response.

What you propose the fans do if they are bored with a match like Orton and Sheamus's match? Just shut up and go to sleep after paying money to go see Raw? You would be here complaining that the crowd was absolutely dead as most crowds have been lately at Raw. The fact they took it upon themselves to be entertained while paying money to see wrestlers entertain them( but failing to), reflects on the product.

It's also great that Cole, JBL, Lawler, and Sheamus all fed off it( Orton did have a WTF is going on here look, but didn't exactly feed off the crowd). The fans are the ultimate judge of the product. If they start chanting Cole's name and doing the wave instead of getting into the match, the product is not up to par.....
Okay, I know you keep stating you enjoyed it, but to me, this is besides the point. It's not what I'm debating with you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you keep on enjoying it.

If the crowd keep chanting that your show is boring, would you keep pushing the storyline that you are promoting, even if you are only halfway through it? You'd be foolish not to adjust. One show is not a trend, but they need to be mindful of the crowd all the same. The problem is not the crowd, it's the business. If you feel like the writers are banging you over the head with a storyline, isn't that the company's fault?

To answer your question: If the crowd was chanting "boring!" during Cena's speeches in two separate venues, I would entertain the possibility of making a change in his promo approach.

But I am not disputing the purpose of negative feedback. I was merely commenting on the fact that the crowd response at times was useful and at other times, was disrespectful. Also, I made clear in my first comment that the main portions I found to be disrespectful were during the Orton vs Sheamus match. Outside of disputing whether or not disregarding something you don't like in a disruptive manner is disrespectful, I honestly don't see what else we have to discuss here. No offense.

What you propose the fans do if they are bored with a match like Orton and Sheamus's match? Just shut up and go to sleep after paying money to go see Raw? You would be here complaining that the crowd was absolutely dead as most crowds have been lately at Raw.

And yet another person who can't grasp that something can be disrespectful regardless of it being entertaining. Also another who disregarded that I admitted to enjoying it. Congratulations on those reading skills.
And yet another person who can't grasp that something can be disrespectful regardless of it being entertaining. Also another who disregarded that I admitted to enjoying it. Congratulations on those reading skills.

Disrespectful to who though? I don't think it was disrespectful toward Orton and Sheamus. But, no one wanted to see them in a match. They wanted to see Big Show vs Orton or Sheamus. I think a lot of them anticipated a heel turn for Orton, but none of that happened. It was simply poor booking and the crowd let creative know.
It found it fun to watch. It is, of course, because it is the post Mania crowd, but it was fun nonetheless. It reminded me of being in Chicago for Mania 22, letting Vince and the WWE absolutely have it for putting out a bad product. Can you blame the NJ crowd? A bad Wrestlemania, followed by a totally boring (EXCEPT for the crowd) Raw. Don't worry, it'll be back to the same dead crowds next week...just how Vince likes it.
Good grief. Far too many in this thread are digging way too deep into the crowd chanting last night. Just accept it as fun for one night and move on, for crying out loud. Why bother discussing at length that it was "disrespectful" to chant that or this or that during whoevers match, when normal service will be resumed next week?? Pointless.

Apopro the fans, I think there were a handful of Brits there, as there was a British-esque football chant during the IC Title match. "Wade Barrett's Barmy Army". Dunno if anybody else picked up on that??
This kind of crowd reaction used to dictate the path the company would take with its product. When the crowd would crap all over whatever is placed in front of them, it would force promoters to change their plans.

Maybe, just maybe, it might be time for Vince to take a step back and ask himself if the product they're putting on the screen is the product the fans even want to see.

The only true faces to get a face reaction last night were Taker and Team Hell No. Cena was booed all night, "Thank you Show" was chanted when Show interrupted the match no one wanted to see, ADR was treated as the jobber he should be. The guys who Vince wants to see on the top of the card are not the guys the fans want to see.

The Shield got nearly the same pop as Taker did. Punk's graphic got a bigger pop than nearly everything last night (except for Ziggler cashing in). Fandango got huge play last night (even at the expense of an IWC favorite in Jericho).

I'd love to see this continue (but I doubt it will), as Vince is going to keep pushing his vision of the product despite diminishing returns. He thinks any reaction (positive or negative) is a good thing in regards to top guys. So instead of Cena Sucks or Orton sucks, chanting boring or random chants (my personal favorite was "same old sh*t"), and just completely ripping on the product (michael cole got a bigger fan reaction than the wwe champ did) just seems like the only way to get the product to change for the better.

I'd love to see show after show taken over by the crowd, just like in the attitude era. If something was in the ring that people didn't want to see, the crowd let everyone know loud and clear. I'd love for fans to make arenas so hostile that parents won't feel comfortable bringing children to the show period, I'm talking Hammerstein ballroom Cena vs RVD hostile. If parents can't bring kids to the show, then maybe the entire product won't be directed at individuals who think spongebob is compelling television. Wrestling hit its biggest heights when the 18-35 demo was the target, it won't reach similar heights until the same happens again. Basing a prime time cable show on a segment of the population that has 0 buying power just seems to be a horrible way to maximize profits.
This kind of crowd reaction used to dictate the path the company would take with its product. When the crowd would crap all over whatever is placed in front of them, it would force promoters to change their plans.

Maybe, just maybe, it might be time for Vince to take a step back and ask himself if the product they're putting on the screen is the product the fans even want to see.

The only true faces to get a face reaction last night were Taker and Team Hell No. Cena was booed all night, "Thank you Show" was chanted when Show interrupted the match no one wanted to see, ADR was treated as the jobber he should be. The guys who Vince wants to see on the top of the card are not the guys the fans want to see.

The Shield got nearly the same pop as Taker did. Punk's graphic got a bigger pop than nearly everything last night (except for Ziggler cashing in). Fandango got huge play last night (even at the expense of an IWC favorite in Jericho).

I'd love to see this continue (but I doubt it will), as Vince is going to keep pushing his vision of the product despite diminishing returns. He thinks any reaction (positive or negative) is a good thing in regards to top guys. So instead of Cena Sucks or Orton sucks, chanting boring or random chants (my personal favorite was "same old sh*t"), and just completely ripping on the product (michael cole got a bigger fan reaction than the wwe champ did) just seems like the only way to get the product to change for the better.

I'd love to see show after show taken over by the crowd, just like in the attitude era. If something was in the ring that people didn't want to see, the crowd let everyone know loud and clear. I'd love for fans to make arenas so hostile that parents won't feel comfortable bringing children to the show period, I'm talking Hammerstein ballroom Cena vs RVD hostile. If parents can't bring kids to the show, then maybe the entire product won't be directed at individuals who think spongebob is compelling television. Wrestling hit its biggest heights when the 18-35 demo was the target, it won't reach similar heights until the same happens again. Basing a prime time cable show on a segment of the population that has 0 buying power just seems to be a horrible way to maximize profits.

The 18-35 male demographic (that you seriously overvalue) isn't the target demographic anymore because they are watching real fighting in the UFC. And it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

And the WWE knows it.

So they've had to adapt to a changing audience. And they picked kids.

You know why? Because despite your ridiculously unfounded claims, they have immense buying power. They ask for the action figure, and their parents will buy it. They ask for the t-shirt. The parents buy it. They ask to go, they parents buy not one or two tickets, they buy four. And while they are there, they buy the t-shirt and title belt.
The 18-35 male demographic (that you seriously overvalue) isn't the target demographic anymore because they are watching real fighting in the UFC. And it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

And the WWE knows it.

So they've had to adapt to a changing audience. And they picked kids.

You know why? Because despite your ridiculously unfounded claims, they have immense buying power. They ask for the action figure, and their parents will buy it. They ask for the t-shirt. The parents buy it. They ask to go, they parents buy not one or two tickets, they buy four. And while they are there, they buy the t-shirt and title belt.

Look at the Mania crowd and last night's crowd. I can take any random screen shot and it'll be at least 50% the 18-35 demo. The fans are still there, it's just that the product continues to drive them away. They give it chance after chance but Vince just keeps throwing it away. I had a couple friends of mine who were huge attitude era fans, whose interest tapered off during the dark years (04-08) and they bought Mania solely because Rock, Brock, and Taker were wrestling (and my constant promoting the past two years of Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, etc; telling them the product was improving slightly and seemed poised to break through again). They enjoyed 1 match on the card, Taker vs Punk (turned them both into instant Punk marks) and the rest they crapped all over.

Kids make up maybe, maybe 15-20% of the active fan base. That is not a large enough percentage to base content decisions on. Weirdly enough, 12-15% of the active audience during the attitude era were the same demo.

Kids have zero purchasing power. I stand by that. If some parents allow purchasing decisions to be made by children doesn't change the fact that the parents are the ones making the purchases. None of my nieces or nephews dictate to their parents what they're going to buy (asking for something is generally the easiest way to not get something), what tv show is going to be watched, or especially what place they would go as a family. I know some parents let their children run their lives, I just hope it's not that large of a segment of the population.

For me, I think most times when you see kids at the show, it's generally because one of the parents was a fan to begin with and they wanted to go to the show. They'd still take their kids to the shows if there was a better product, despite the more mature content (south park's audience is nearly 20% under 16). Had I had children during the attitude era, they'd have gone to shows right along with me... Now I don't go to shows very often because the product isn't enjoyable (plus the whole not smoking, not drinking rules).

UFC doesn't have any monday night shows so to list them as competition is laughable... They hold ppvs on Saturday, not Sunday so any competition in ppv buys is purely on an indirect economic basis (ie people don't have money to purchase both) not direct competition. I know I watch both UFC and WWE, my enjoying one doesn't impact my enjoyment for the other in any way. There are even some major UFC names who have come out in the past as fans of pro wrestling, so to think they can't be enjoyed by the same people is a laughable concept.
^that's a good point, and similar reason why Disney G or PG movies do so well at the box office. Kids might not be able to drive to a movie by themselves

but families that come with the kids is where the true income comes as BaconBits pointed out

**and yeah the UFC I'd figure does dominate the 18-35 year old demographic. especially when it comes to PPV's. **maybe old fans are driven away by the current WWE product?

but being in that demographic, I think the WWE could gain some ground, because I've been watching UFC since 2006, and most of my buddies who watch too have either stopped watching all together or expressed a fair amount of dissatisfaction with the UFC product.

I personally think the interest in MMA/UFC has peaked and I don't see it soaring to great heights. Enjoy watching it, just don't see it rapidly growing
Look at the Mania crowd and last night's crowd. I can take any random screen shot and it'll be at least 50% the 18-35 demo. The fans are still there, it's just that the product continues to drive them away. They give it chance after chance but Vince just keeps throwing it away. I had a couple friends of mine who were huge attitude era fans, whose interest tapered off during the dark years (04-08) and they bought Mania solely because Rock, Brock, and Taker were wrestling (and my constant promoting the past two years of Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, etc; telling them the product was improving slightly and seemed poised to break through again). They enjoyed 1 match on the card, Taker vs Punk (turned them both into instant Punk marks) and the rest they crapped all over.

Kids make up maybe, maybe 15-20% of the active fan base. That is not a large enough percentage to base content decisions on. Weirdly enough, 12-15% of the active audience during the attitude era were the same demo.

Kids have zero purchasing power. I stand by that. If some parents allow purchasing decisions to be made by children doesn't change the fact that the parents are the ones making the purchases. None of my nieces or nephews dictate to their parents what they're going to buy (asking for something is generally the easiest way to not get something), what tv show is going to be watched, or especially what place they would go as a family. I know some parents let their children run their lives, I just hope it's not that large of a segment of the population.

For me, I think most times when you see kids at the show, it's generally because one of the parents was a fan to begin with and they wanted to go to the show. They'd still take their kids to the shows if there was a better product, despite the more mature content (south park's audience is nearly 20% under 16). Had I had children during the attitude era, they'd have gone to shows right along with me... Now I don't go to shows very often because the product isn't enjoyable (plus the whole not smoking, not drinking rules).

UFC doesn't have any monday night shows so to list them as competition is laughable... They hold ppvs on Saturday, not Sunday so any competition in ppv buys is purely on an indirect economic basis (ie people don't have money to purchase both) not direct competition. I know I watch both UFC and WWE, my enjoying one doesn't impact my enjoyment for the other in any way. There are even some major UFC names who have come out in the past as fans of pro wrestling, so to think they can't be enjoyed by the same people is a laughable concept.

People who "loved" the attitude era aren't even really the 18-35 demo any more. Many of those folks are 40+ at this point. Nobody ever seems to take this into account when they use the "we need to go back to the attitude era, derp derp derp" argument.

Oh, and go back and watch the actual attitude era shows. Not just YouTube clips of the good parts, but the actual shows. They're atrocious for the most part. And they're certainly not going to translate to 2013 sensibilities and tastes. Tits, nonsense, and swearing don't make a better product, they make the butt of every white trash joke in the book. Don't believe me, look at the backlash and ridicule Jersey Shore generated.

To discredit the UFC as direct competition to the WWE is ridiculous. Both companies are in the PPV business, and the UFC does triple the buys of the WWE over the course of a year. Triple.

The UFC buyrates have increased over the past five to ten years while the WWE's have decreased. People are spending their entertainment money on UFC PPVs instead of WWE PPVs. Numbers don't lie.
Last night was the crowd trolling Vince and creative. You cant read into it

If you did then Fandango is the biggest star in the company, followed by Ziggler and Ryback. Sheamus and Orton should be cut, Henry is a babyface and Michael Cole has finally replaced Jim Ross in all of our hearts.

It was a great 1 night thing that you can only get with a hot NJ/NY (with a strong British following) crowd the night after a pretty lukewarm WM (in comparison to what you expect).
People who "loved" the attitude era aren't even really the 18-35 demo any more. Many of those folks are 40+ at this point. Nobody ever seems to take this into account when they use the "we need to go back to the attitude era, derp derp derp" argument.

Oh, and go back and watch the actual attitude era shows. Not just YouTube clips of the good parts, but the actual shows. They're atrocious for the most part. And they're certainly not going to translate to 2013 sensibilities and tastes. Tits, nonsense, and swearing don't make a better product, they make the butt of every white trash joke in the book. Don't believe me, look at the backlash and ridicule Jersey Shore generated.

To discredit the UFC as direct competition to the WWE is ridiculous. Both companies are in the PPV business, and the UFC does triple the buys of the WWE over the course of a year. Triple.

The UFC buyrates have increased over the past five to ten years while the WWE's have decreased. People are spending their entertainment money on UFC PPVs instead of WWE PPVs. Numbers don't lie.
I'm not talking a return to the attitude era. I'm talking about putting out compelling episodic television. That was the Attitude Era's greatest feature, not the wrestling, not the gore, not even the tits, it was the fact that when the show ended, you could not wait for the next one. Nothing is compelling, there is very little character progression. I know I was in the target demo during the era and am still in the 18-35 demo. So are the people near my age.

2013 sensibilities... You mean the bowing down to every PC demand in the world? Where the biggest heels are called "bullies" like anyone talks like that who is over the age of 12. Heels can't do anything even close to controversial to get heat because you might make a portion of the audience need to change their collective tampons on the spot. Walking Dead doesn't seem to care about the PC bullcrap and their ratings are doing pretty well. South Park and Family Guy both push the limits and get ratings. To act like a television program needs to bow down to the PC idiots is ridiculous.

UFC is not competition. WWE is not a PPV company where they derive nearly all of their profits for the year from buys. UFC is. WWE dominates them on television revenue, dominates them on profits from gates, merchandise sales. The ppv buyrates for WWE have dropped at the same rate as the quality of the product. If they improved the quality, the buyrates would go back up... No one wants to spend their hard earned money to watch the "same old sh*t"... Obviously, judging by the crowd last night, I'm not exactly alone in my opinion.
I'm not talking a return to the attitude era. I'm talking about putting out compelling episodic television. That was the Attitude Era's greatest feature, not the wrestling, not the gore, not even the tits, it was the fact that when the show ended, you could not wait for the next one. Nothing is compelling, there is very little character progression. I know I was in the target demo during the era and am still in the 18-35 demo. So are the people near my age.

2013 sensibilities... You mean the bowing down to every PC demand in the world? Where the biggest heels are called "bullies" like anyone talks like that who is over the age of 12. Heels can't do anything even close to controversial to get heat because you might make a portion of the audience need to change their collective tampons on the spot. Walking Dead doesn't seem to care about the PC bullcrap and their ratings are doing pretty well. South Park and Family Guy both push the limits and get ratings. To act like a television program needs to bow down to the PC idiots is ridiculous.

UFC is not competition. WWE is not a PPV company where they derive nearly all of their profits for the year from buys. UFC is. WWE dominates them on television revenue, dominates them on profits from gates, merchandise sales. The ppv buyrates for WWE have dropped at the same rate as the quality of the product. If they improved the quality, the buyrates would go back up... No one wants to spend their hard earned money to watch the "same old sh*t"... Obviously, judging by the crowd last night, I'm not exactly alone in my opinion.

You may not be alone, but you're nowhere close to being in the majority. I don't see why everybody is even talking about this. The IWC "smarks" that were at the show last night make up about 1% of all wrestling fans, and next week everything will be back to normal. You'd think people would realize this, but of course they don't.
son i hav cum to the conklushun dat we need not woree bout the crouds at live events. their reactshuns meen nothing to the overoll produck. instead what we need to focus on is being an individial and tryin to make up our own opinuns on what is and isnt hot in this modurn wurld of tecknoligy. do you understand?
You may not be alone, but you're nowhere close to being in the majority. I don't see why everybody is even talking about this. The IWC "smarks" that were at the show last night make up about 1% of all wrestling fans, and next week everything will be back to normal. You'd think people would realize this, but of course they don't.

Here's an idea: stop paraphrasing Bischoff in 2002 and look at reality for a second. Let's do some logical deduction:

The major market for the WWE is the USA.
In the USA, ~77% of the population uses the Internet, as of 2010. (
That's 239 893 600 people.
Every week, an average of 4 210 000 people watch RAW. (This plus this, divided by two; very scientific.)
Out of the total US population of ~310 232 863 people (again,, that's a WWE fan base of ~1,36% of the total population, watching weekly.

Assuming, then, that these 1,36% of the total population has access to the Internet to the same extent as the general US public, then that's 77% of 1,36% of the US population (or, 4 210 000 people) which equals to 3 241 700 WWE fans with Internet access.

If 1% of these 3 241 700 fans visit wrestling sites weekly or bi-weekly (shooting from the hip, here), that's 32 417 total members of the IWC. And that's a ludicrous statement. I don't have access to WrestleZone site statistics, but...

Assuming ALL members of the IWC visit WrestleZone at least once weekly, WrestleZone would have 4631 unqiue visitors per day. (And bear in mind that only ~17% of THAT traffic would go to the forums:

This "10% of 10%" and "1% of wrestling fans are members of the IWC" is just utter, utter bullshit.

Given that 77% (~3 241 700, give or take a few hundred thousand, because my calculations are very approximate) of WWE fans, on average, have access to an Internet connection and given that those 3 241 700 people do not represent ALL wrestling fans, although it's probably a majority, then a more appropriate approximation given any kind of sensibility would postulate that the Internet Wrestling Community (the active, forumgoing and posting part AS WELL AS the passive, only reading part) number around 1 000 000 strong (i.e. ~33% of the Internet-access-fans).

And this is just the US fanbase. I've no idea what happens if we add international fans as well.

Now, if ANYONE has any better statistics to present, PLEASE do so, but let's stop with the god damn hyperbole and self-deprecating idiocy. While the IWC may not be the "majority" (though, you'd have to have a much clearer definition of what a fan is, as opposed to, e.g. a "customer", so I still have my reservations here), it's nowhere near as small a part of the fanbase as seems to be the assumed truth.

Or, base your opinion on "faith", whatever. I prefer facts.
Goddamnit here it is again. Cena is not a pure baby face. Acting like a baby face makes him a heel to half the crowd and a face to the others. They can chant "I want you off my tv or I'll stop watching" for all I care. Bottom line is, they make the most noise whe he's out, they still watch, they still buy shirts, they chant more against Cena than for the other guy, they make signs saying how much they dislike Cena, and they spend hours bitching about it on the Internet. He's working them. It's been pretty clear to a lot of people that's what's going on. Stop thinking you are so smart. Everyone knows its a work. The only "smarks" left are people who understand actual business, not ones douchy enough to use words like "pop" and "over" or make a sign that says "push X".

Anyways the post mania crowd is always hot. They get pockets of hot crowds. It's just how the cookie crumbles. Makes the show better and it's amazing.
Goddamnit here it is again. Cena is not a pure baby face. Acting like a baby face makes him a heel to half the crowd and a face to the others. They can chant "I want you off my tv or I'll stop watching" for all I care. Bottom line is, they make the most noise whe he's out, they still watch, they still buy shirts, they chant more against Cena than for the other guy, they make signs saying how much they dislike Cena, and they spend hours bitching about it on the Internet. He's working them. It's been pretty clear to a lot of people that's what's going on. Stop thinking you are so smart. Everyone knows its a work. The only "smarks" left are people who understand actual business, not ones douchy enough to use words like "pop" and "over" or make a sign that says "push X".

Anyways the post mania crowd is always hot. They get pockets of hot crowds. It's just how the cookie crumbles. Makes the show better and it's amazing.

First of all, nobody knows a single thing about how "hot" Cena is. All they can do is make best guesses about how well his T-Shirts sell because the WWE doesn't break any of that information down by superstar for public dissemination. So saying that Cena outsells Punk and Punk outsells Undertaker or vice versa is purely speculation.

The facts that we DO know are that year over year, televised events are up a very measly 4% for the WWE, and to a large degree that's attributable to folks like Lesnar and Rock (check the PPV buys). Product sales, overall, are down. Keyword: Overall.

So judging fan reaction to any individual wrestler is as good as anything until WWE decides to actually produce something more concrete to go on.
It was great. This seems to be an ongoing tradition in WWE after Wrestlemania, the next night on Raw has been nuts to say the least! This beats last years "si", and "yes!" chaotic chants! The fans made the show great!!!
Given that 77% (~3 241 700, give or take a few hundred thousand, because my calculations are very approximate) of WWE fans, on average, have access to an Internet connection and given that those 3 241 700 people do not represent ALL wrestling fans, although it's probably a majority, then a more appropriate approximation given any kind of sensibility would postulate that the Internet Wrestling Community (the active, forumgoing and posting part AS WELL AS the passive, only reading part) number around 1 000 000 strong (i.e. ~33% of the Internet-access-fans).

If the IWC really is a million strong, it's pretty pathetic that Wrestlezone, the most popular IWC wrestling site around, only manages about 95k page views a day, 14k unique visitors a day, 49k likes on facebook, and 17k followers on twitter.
There wasn't anything disrespectful about last night. Just a crowd telling the company what they like and what they don't like. It's hilarious when the WWE tries to push someone as heel and face and the crowd is all "No, Fuck you. We'll cheer who we want."
if your bitching about the crowd, just shut up, the fans today mostly are internet savvy fans that know alot more today about the business and have higher expectations, and when there is a crap product on the ice, they have every right to boo or chant or do whatever the hell they please.

There was NOTHING disrespectful about last night, it was one of the greatest nights in RAW history and i have been watching for 25 years, obviously the crowd will not be like that every night but quit bitching and enjoy the moment..FAHHHNNNDANNNNGOOOO
This particular crowd reaction is only going to happen on Wrestlemania weekends. And it will happen every Wrestlemania weekend.

If you think about how they are acting, think about how you would act on a 4 day vacation at your dream destination. Starts with Fan Axxess, then HOF, then Mania, then Raw. By that Monday, on the last day of their vacation, of course the hardcore fans will be near out of control.

Or think of it as a night out drinking with Mania being 4 shots in and Raw you're 8 shots in. Loud, a little obnoxious, and putting themselves over. Sounds about right. This is the end of a great weekend with thousands of similar mindset.

I'll be there next year in NOLA and will be doing the same...probably in costume.
Last nights crowd was entertaining but it's a novelty really, if that became the norm it would become pretty annoying. I mean the chants during the Orton Sheamus match were great but how many people payed attention to what went on in the ring for the whole match? I would hate to be distracted from whats going on in the ring every week because of the crowd.

While it was great to see such a rousing support for Zigglers title win it's all pretty pointless if he's not able to draw money or help the person he's working with to draw money. Once off cheers don't pay the bills.
GSB is spot on with his reference to Steve Austins crowd reactions by the way.

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