Matches The Crowd Turned On


Championship Contender
So I finally got the WWE Network(for just $9.99) and I went back to watch Wrestlemania 20. I had honestly forgotten about the Goldberg/Lesnar match. The crowd turned on the match pretty much the moment Goldberg came out. Within minutes the crowd was chanting things like "this match sucks" "Goldberg sucks" "you sold out" and the goodbye chant. I personally enjoyed it for all the wrong reasons.

It reminded me of the John Cena/RVD match at One Night Stand in 2006 when the crowd was booing John Cena. And of course you have the yearly crapfest on the Royal Rumble.

So what are some notable examples of the fans turning on a match midmatch that I can watch on the WWE Network? Let's try not to go too much to Cena matches but I expect a few.
Ill have to give one I was in attendance for.
The night after Wrestle mania 29 at the Izod, Sheamus vs Orton
within minutes the crowd stopped caring and turned on the match completely, and brought some of the best times I had in a crowd.
It reminded me of the John Cena/RVD match at One Night Stand in 2006 when the crowd was booing John Cena. And of course you have the yearly crapfest on the Royal Rumble.

They hardly turned on John Cena. WWE knew what they were doing bringing John Cena to Hammerstein to defend against Rob Van Dam. They even incorporated the anticipated hostile crowd into the story in the weeks building up to it.

A better example would be Batista vs Big Show in the ECW arena. The hell were they thinking?
HMM Fans turned on many matches in the past if you are considering what WWE expected and what the fans did -

Bret Hart and Lex Luger at the Royal Rumble 1994. Vince wanted to see what the fans wanted but secretly hoped Lex Luger would be the fans chosen one. The WWF had to instill crowed cheers through the sound system to try and make Lex Luger look more popular than he was. Bret won this one though.

Stone Cold V Rock - WM 17 - that was not meant to happen. The crowed were meant to feel so sick at Stone Cold that they would boo him and cheer the Rock. That never happened.

Team DX vs Team Rated RKO - Survivor Series 2006 - DX were meant to be the favourites here but through the whole entrance and match the fans kept chanting "CM PUNK"
HMM Fans turned on many matches in the past if you are considering what WWE expected and what the fans did -

Bret Hart and Lex Luger at the Royal Rumble 1994. Vince wanted to see what the fans wanted but secretly hoped Lex Luger would be the fans chosen one. The WWF had to instill crowed cheers through the sound system to try and make Lex Luger look more popular than he was. Bret won this one though.

Stone Cold V Rock - WM 17 - that was not meant to happen. The crowed were meant to feel so sick at Stone Cold that they would boo him and cheer the Rock. That never happened.

Team DX vs Team Rated RKO - Survivor Series 2006 - DX were meant to be the favourites here but through the whole entrance and match the fans kept chanting "CM PUNK"
1994 I'll give you, but WM17 was in austins home state if they thought he would get booed then they were not in the right mind frame.
2006 CM Punk was in the match so I won't say the fans turned on it they just preferred one guy over the rest of his teammates.
Royal rumble 2014 and 2015 once the fans knew Daniel Bryan was not going to either be in or win the match. Both times the crowds turned on the match.
Ill have to give one I was in attendance for.
The night after Wrestle mania 29 at the Izod, Sheamus vs Orton
within minutes the crowd stopped caring and turned on the match completely, and brought some of the best times I had in a crowd.

I believe that was the first time the "Cotton Candy" chant made it's appearance, and also when Orton looked dumbfounded at the "Randy Savage" chants. It was hilarious.

Although, I'm sure there were many others on here who were personally offended that you guys "went into business for yourselves". Because to them, it's not about having a good time at a show,you should sit there like good little boys and lap up what Creative feeds you.
Ill have to give one I was in attendance for.
The night after Wrestle mania 29 at the Izod, Sheamus vs Orton
within minutes the crowd stopped caring and turned on the match completely, and brought some of the best times I had in a crowd.

Was just going to post this. The very fact that when Big Show ran in for the no contest, the fans starting chanting, "thank you Big Show", says it all
A few years ago, the MSG network ran a series of WWE matches from the past, a few as far back as the 70's. In one match from 1983 that was apparently considered significant at the time, Jimmy (Superfly) Snuka met Don Muraco.

Although Snuka was a high-flyer and Muraco a rough, tough mat wrestler, the two spent so much time writhing in pain on the mat instead of engaging in combat that the crowd turned on them big time. It was terrible to see so little action in a match between two highly regarded wrestlers. My closed captioning was kicking out expressions I had never seen before: "Crowd boos....and boos some more." (Usually, all you get is "crowd boos" or "mixed boos & cheers")

After about 20 minutes of this, they ended it quickly and seemingly prematurely when Snuka hit his Superfly Smash in a sequence that seemed forced and out of place. Although Snuka was the good guy, the fans booed his win.

Everyone seems to think the 'Daniel Bryan/Royal Rumble' thing is a new occurrence. But WWE readily admit that when Ivan Koloff beat Bruno Sammartino to become WWE Champion, they neither announced the winner not had Koloff celebrate in order to prevent a riot. He hot-tailed it to the back, not unlike Shawn Michaels in Montreal (though for VERY different reasons)
Although Snuka was a high-flyer

I've seen plenty of Snuka matches where he attempted 0 top rope moves and only a couple of middle rope moves. The measure of what was considered a "high flyer" was quite a bit different back then. You were far more likely to see Snuka work a two minute headlock then you were to see him do a flying headbutt.
Cena vs orton royal rumble 14 it was the .most ive ever witnessed a live crowd not paying any attention to the match at all
Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns @WM31

.....whoops, did I just say that?? Seriously though, as much respect as Lesnar has earned (and rightfully so), I think the smartass IWC fans at Mania are going to be tired of him and reject his lack of interest/respect/passion for WWE. Reigns is getting an artificial lackluster push, he's been getting so-so reactions, the boos for him on Raw have largely died down, but the crowds have been pretty mediocre for him. Mania will be FILLED with smarks who'll likely reject the hell out of this match. Let's just hope this match isn't the closer... could be Lesnar/Goldberg all over again.
Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns @WM31

.....whoops, did I just say that?? Seriously though, as much respect as Lesnar has earned (and rightfully so), I think the smartass IWC fans at Mania are going to be tired of him and reject his lack of interest/respect/passion for WWE. Reigns is getting an artificial lackluster push, he's been getting so-so reactions, the boos for him on Raw have largely died down, but the crowds have been pretty mediocre for him. Mania will be FILLED with smarks who'll likely reject the hell out of this match. Let's just hope this match isn't the closer... could be Lesnar/Goldberg all over again.

Honestly, I think that this whole 'contract is up/Raw walk-out' is a work by WWE designed to take heat off Reigns (the face) and back onto Lesnar (the heel) - I believe Lesnar will re-sign (if he hadn't already done so), as it's beneficial for him to do so: limited dates, mega money and always in a main event match. I believe WWE have planted the seeds of Lesnar leaving so he gets a similar reaction as WMXX. Time will tell
Although, I'm sure there were many others on here who were personally offended that you guys "went into business for yourselves". Because to them, it's not about having a good time at a show,you should sit there like good little boys and lap up what Creative feeds you.

Do you go to a movie and act like an asshole when you don't like it? A Broadway play? Any other theater production?

WWE is theater! If you want to boo a villain and cheer a hero, go ahead. Hell, if you want to cheer a villain and boo a hero, feel free. But where do you get the balls to ambush a show because what you want to happen isn't happening? Grow up.

I feel bad for kids who are there to see their heroes and enjoy wrestling. The product is aimed at them, but you pathetic adults who are trying to recapture your youth try to make it all about you. "What?" chants....real original! Still as funny 15 years later, huh??

Don't get me wrong. I realize WWE knows that you losers make up a lot of their fan base. They need the 30-year-old guys in the front row holding IC belt replicas, they rely on these guys who go to WrestleMania weekend and unite with other fools who think they matter. These people have money and they spend it on WWE merchandise. So, WWE puts up with this element in their crowd.

But, you people who think WWE owes you what you want to're fools. And why would they? You guys bitch and moan all the time and tune in every week anyway. You buy the network or PPVs and everything else. Why would they cater to you?

I was a huge wrestling fan...and then I turned 12. It was much better back then, but I LOVE how it sucks now. Why? Because WWE makes their money and lives the good life on the dollars of you crybabies who don't have any integrity and will be back regardless of how the product is.

The HOF? Hahaha! They reunite and reminisce and have a great night. Simultaneously, "experts" cry online that certain people are deserving and other aren't. Yeah...I'm sure that just breaks their hearts. "Hey Koko, that guy in the NWO shirt in the upper deck hates you." "Oh yeah? Pass the champagne and sign my check."

Oh and Lesnar/Goldberg....the crowd really turned on that one.
Do you go to a movie and act like an asshole when you don't like it? A Broadway play? Any other theater production?

Wrestling is a very unique form of entertainment. There has always been an interactive component with the fans. The comparison to how you should behave at a movie or a play is absurd.
Wrestling is a very unique form of entertainment. There has always been an interactive component with the fans. The comparison to how you should behave at a movie or a play is absurd.

It's not as absurd as it sounds. I almost didn't write it. But it's true. I realize yelling and all that is expected and is part of it. There are shows, like say Medieval Times, where you are supposed to boo the bad knight or whatever. But would the crowd just break into random chants during the show? No. I'm sorry, but it's wrong.
I remember an interview with Bobby Heenan where he had remembered a moment when Blackjack Lanza had been cut by an audience member while walking to the ring. The knife had been dipped in pig fat, so the wound oozed puss for months.

Johnny Powers fought Ernie Ladd a while back. Ox Baker came to the ring to interfere, and threw a series of heart punches at Ladd. The match was taking place in Cleveland, where Ladd was over huge. Ox and Johnny had to flee from the arena after the entire crowd rioted.
Royal Rumble 2003. Scott Steiner was the popular face going into his title match against Triple H. Steiner stunk up the joint and the crowd let him know. They hated the match and Steiner never really recovered from it. Luckily for us just moments later Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle put on a classic to make up for that brutal match.

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