Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ive been saying this for a while. Great, the Baltimore fans proved tonight that they remember Husky Harris. They're so smart. Let's give them a cookie! But this is nothing new. Cheering heels and booing the faces hurts the show every bit as much as ridiculously misplaced Goldberg chants. For some reason fans go to shows feeling like it's their job to steal the show or something. And the WWE encourages this crap. Here's the truth. The Wrestlemania crowd sucked. The English crowds sucked. People don't tune in to see idiot fans chant "Boring" while two guys are working their asses off. If the show isn't entertaining, don't go. It's as easy as that.
That's a bit condescending isn't it. And I would like to point out some things:
hurts the show every bit as much as ridiculously misplaced Goldberg chants
I have no problems with the crowd chanting Goldberg on Ryback or chanting Husky Harris on The Wyatt Family. If that's how the fans sees the superstar it's not like it's their fault for pointing out the obvious. The WWE just has to find a way to make the fans accept these repackaging. Why were guys like Ziggler or Sandow not getting chants of their older characters? Because fans accepted it. It's the WWE's job to do the same for Ryback and Wyatt Family.
People don't tune in to see idiot fans chant "Boring" while two guys are working their asses off. If the show isn't entertaining, don't go. It's as easy as that.
There's also nothing wrong with "Boring" chants as much there isn't a problem with "This is Awesome" chants. It's two ends of the spectrum, if a match or segment is entertaining the live crowd will react positively if it's boring they will act negatively. Like I said nothing wrong with that fans pay good money to see a show and I don't think it's their intention to anticipate a bad product.
But crowd reaction is part of the WWE product and superstars are made or destroyed because of the crowd. It's always been that way and just because we have more information on the internet now doesn't mean the fundamentals changed.
There's nothing wrong with voicing the fans displeasure on a product. It's the stars in the ring that is supposed to sway the crowd. Take the Regal/Benoit match in the Brian Pillman memorial event. The commentators of the match in the DVD said fans were chanting "boring" first but after a while the fans started to appreciate the match. It's all about working the crowd and if the first signs of fans changing "boring" in a match happens it's the wrestlers job to make it entertaining.
Cheering heels and booing the faces hurts the show
As for cheering for heels and booing faces, I am sorry but, once again it's part of the product. If the crowd enjoys the heels more maybe it's because they are more entertaining or they agree with the character he or she portrays.
If people are so mad that heels are cheered then these people should be made at Austin or Rock becoming the top faces of the Attitude Era. They were, initially, planned to have long runs as top heels especially Austin. In the earlier Austin DVD's people were saying (especially Michael Hayes I think) the plan was Austin to be the #1 heel but when crowd reaction was cheering for him they turned him into the top face instead. Hey guess what, It worked and made the WWE a lot of money.
CM Punk and Batista are examples who became top faces because the crowed cheered for them as heels and turning them was good business. So it's the fans fault the WWE made money with their face turns?