Great thread D-Man.
I love it when Im watching a wrestling show and the crowd is fired up. Not only does a crowd that is involved in the show make the atmosphere better, it also makes the show look better. If a crowd is chanting their assess off then it makes the show look like its exciting and its something that I will want to see. If the crowd is dead, it will at times bring the quality of the show down, for me at least, because it makes it feel like whatever is going is boring. However, while I do love it when crowds are involved and people are having a good time, some chants do really annoy me.
First and foremost, like someone mentioned already, the You still got it chants tend to be annoying when people dont know how to use them. For example, when Ricky Steamboat made his return to wrestling last year, I think that was the right time to chant it. He showed that he was still good after so many years of not wrestling. However, when an old wrestler does one of the most simplest moves in wrestling and the crowd starts the chant, it annoys me because they really arent doing anything special that should make the crowd chant that.
Another one that is annoying, and I have to agree with everyone elses reason on this one, is the You Fucked Up chants. No fucking wrestler is perfect. We are not often going to see wrestlers like Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage, or like Bret Hart that dont mess up very often. When I watch a match of those three, they dont fuck up, but its still really rude and disrespectful for fans to chant that at other wrestler. These men and women arent perfect. They are humans just like you and me, they are bound to make mistakes and fuck up, so why need to point it out. Just be happy that they are putting their lives on the line to entertain you.
The This is awesome chants I dont really mind unless fans start chanting it at everything that goes on in the ring. Not everything that a wrestler does is worth having an orgasm over. Not everything they do is awesome. I dont mind the chant if fans do it when there is actually something awesome going, not when a wrestler does a headlock or some other simple move that anyone regular person can do with some training.
The You Suck chants I really dont mind, and probably dont mind them the least, but thats only if they are directed towards a heel. The heels are the bad guys and its their job to get chants like that so I see no problem whatsoever with that one. When fans do it to faces, it irks me a little, but not every wrestler is going to be like everyone. Hell, Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan, arguably two of the biggest and most recognized stars the WWE has ever had, arent like by everyone.
When fans chant ECW! Or TNA!, I really dont care and neither do I see whats wrong with it. I guess it can by annoying to some people, but I dont really mind it. Same thing for the What chants. However, the one chant I havent mentioned is the boring chant and that one I really dont hate or like. I guess Im indifferent towards it. Fans should voice their displeasure over something if they think its boring so that the company knows not to whatever match it was again because it wont be well received. However, it must be tough for wrestler to hear that. They try hard, or at least some of them do, to entertain us and when theyre greeted with that chant its just kind of hard for me to imagine being a wrestler and going though that. Some of them will probably be annoyed by them, but they are good when it gets wrestlers to change for the better and no longer be boring.