Fans at iMPACT! Zone Have to Go

The crowds are annoying if you pay too much attention to them, easy enough for me to block out, but what gets me the most at the Impact Zone is that darn girl that shrieks throughout the show. It completely grates on my nerves. If I could reach thru my TV and punch her in the face, I would. :banghead:
The chant "this is wrestling" isnt only after a drop kick but when the two "wrestlers" wrestle which than makes it looks like poetry in motion.Atleast there not selling a suplex for 5minutes.

We can tell it's wrestling. We're watching, after all, a professional wrestling match on a professional wrestling program. What makes technical or high-flying wrestling (the styles that normally receive the chants) any different from power wrestling? They should be chanting "This is wrestling" for every match, because guess what? It's all wrestling!

See where it begins to not make sense to chant that chant?

Like Obama said against the republicans "they want you forget the past ever happened". Well some people like myself don't forget, so the uncle scotty chant makes sense if you watched ECW before as you say MR. Traditionalist.

Doesn't mean I like it. I know Raven's name is Scott Levy. I understand the meaning. It's still a stupid-ass chant. Dreamer wasn't saying it to make fun of Raven, he was saying it to get Raven to see sense. If he were using it to make fun of Raven then it would make sense for the crowd to chant it, e.g. when Shaq called Jericho "Christina" and the WWE crowd chanted it.

Do you honestly mean to tell me the "What" chants are better than "this is wrestling".The crowds chants are during the appropriate moments atleast its done during a match and not a 15 min shoot.

For one thing, I never said I liked the "WHAT" chants. In fact...I rather dislike them. And for another, it's a "promo", not a "shoot". A shoot is something that is legitimate, like legitimately beating up a dude in the ring, or Paul Heyman's rant at TNN.

You also say it makes it seem low budget to chant but you forget that if you enjoy something please show some emotion.

By cheering. Not by chanting stupid chants.

From reading the thread it seems as if you never been to a live sports event or enjoyed one for that matter.Every one in attendance hates/likes who they want.They just show respect to a persons wrestling skill.

I have been to several live wrestling events, actually. And while I respect people can cheer/boo who they want, to cheer everyone is ridiculously annoying, especially if they're playing a heel. and wouldn't the best way to respect a heel be to boo them?

Whats wrong with the Thank You Dixie chant? Thank You dixie for not watering down EV2.0.

Question: Did you watch Hardcore Justice?

Thank You dixie for not making EV2.0 a disgrace like vince did Ecw.

Again, did you? Because that PPV blew chunks. One Night Stand 2005 was a fucking fantastic PPV, thank you very much. And I have my own arguments over why WWECW was a lot closer to the original ECW than many people like to admit. WWECW, just like ECW, became a place where younger stars, or stars that would have been misused/lost in the shuffle in the Big Two (in ECW, WWE/WCW, in WWECW, RAW and Smackdown) went in order to get exposure and show the world what they had.

Do you think she should have just have ran the EV2.0 PPV into the ground like vince did ECW or should she have showed trust and confidence in her wrestlers ?

Really? REALLY?! One Night Stand 2005 as I have said before was a fantastic PPV. An A+ for sure, whereas Hardcore Justice was a D+ at best. Are you SERIOUSLY trying to say that ONS05 was bad?!

Anyway, you made me get off topic. The Impact zone crowds are annoying as all get out because they just don't know when to quit. They don't chant to enhance the show; they chant for the sake of chanting.
We can tell it's wrestling. We're watching, after all, a professional wrestling match on a professional wrestling program. What makes technical or high-flying wrestling (the styles that normally receive the chants) any different from power wrestling? They should be chanting "This is wrestling" for every match, because guess what? It's all wrestling!

See where it begins to not make sense to chant that chant?

If you want to be excessively literal about things then why doesn't r-truth just come out and say the ceiling/rafters/sky is up? Of course, the common this is blank statement implies this is what something should be or this is a true version of what it should be. Thus, it is expressing an opinion and there is no explicitly wrong time to say it. Also, TNA cheers good power moves. Only WWE fans think only big guys can deliver a power move. Silly fanbase. Even then I'd wager Hernandez has had one of those chants in a match involving power moves from "big" guys.

By cheering. Not by chanting stupid chants.

How is simply cheering so different than a chant? They both express the exact same damn thing.

I have been to several live wrestling events, actually. And while I respect people can cheer/boo who they want, to cheer everyone is ridiculously annoying, especially if they're playing a heel. and wouldn't the best way to respect a heel be to boo them?

Depends on what they are doing. Also, maybe teh fans want to pay respect to the company that brought them the action they are enjoying. How do they specifically do that? One-handed clap while pointing at a management member? These "rules" of how to cheer or support get more ridiculous by the minute.

Anyway, you made me get off topic. The Impact zone crowds are annoying as all get out because they just don't know when to quit. They don't chant to enhance the show; they chant for the sake of chanting.

Yep, it is impossible that they are reacting to what is going on during the show or enjoying it. Give me a break. The TNA fans are not monks or idiots, they might be assholes but that is another debate.
So this booing the face and cheering the heel talk is kind of stupid. You can't really get an entire crowd of people to cheer the face and boo the heel anymore. It has just become a moot point that people cheer who they want. Admittedly, I cheer for Punk, Miz, and Sheamus. But I don't boo the faces when they are facing them, and I don't boo faces in general. That's just me.

To the point. TNA needs to get out of the Impact Zone. The crowd is so fucking annoying it is ridiculous. Sure, cheer and boo whoever the fuck you want. But for the sake of all things good, QUIT WITH THE FUCKING CHANTS!!! Sure it may be awesome to see, but don't chant it for every fucking match, every fucking iMPACT. The every match may be an exaggeration, but it always happens. Quite frankly it detracts from the show for me, and I turn the channel if I'm watching it. Get out of the iMPACT Zone as soon as possible.
If you want to be excessively literal about things then why doesn't r-truth just come out and say the ceiling/rafters/sky is up?

Please don't act like a fool for the sake of hyperbole if you're not very good at it.

The "What's Up" chant is meant to be an interactive chant that only goes on during R-Truth's entrance or when he yells it during a match. It's the same as fans cheering along to a wrestler's catchphrase...which is just fine in my eyes, because said chant is about the wrestler. It is about the actual character and not the man himself, and the catchphrases/interactive chants are SUPPOSED to be chanted by the crowd.

Plus, it's not like the fans are chanting "WHAT'S UP WHAT'S UP WHAT'S UP" during his matches.

Of course, the common this is blank statement implies this is what something should be or this is a true version of what it should be. Thus, it is expressing an opinion and there is no explicitly wrong time to say it.

It's annoying, OK? If you hold that opinion, wait until you get home and blog about it or something. I find cheers to be much better than a "This Is Wrestling" chant, because it helps me get into the show, and those sorts of chants are just distracting.

Also, wasn't TNA's old slogan "This Is Wrestling"? So it really has nothing to do with the wrestlers and everything to do with the company itself - which is one of the things that annoy me when it comes to chants.

Also, TNA cheers good power moves. Only WWE fans think only big guys can deliver a power move. Silly fanbase.

And of course it wouldn't be a shittered dreams post without a mindless, nonsensical shot at WWE! :rolleyes:

How is simply cheering so different than a chant? They both express the exact same damn thing.

They really don't, not if the chant is fucking stupid. "Let's go Christian" is a far different chant from "Water break".

Depends on what they are doing. Also, maybe teh fans want to pay respect to the company that brought them the action they are enjoying. How do they specifically do that? One-handed clap while pointing at a management member? These "rules" of how to cheer or support get more ridiculous by the minute.

Why should they be cheering for the company if its the wrestlers in the ring who are doing the hard work? Anyone can write down a match on paper. It's up to the wrestlers to make it good.

Yep, it is impossible that they are reacting to what is going on during the show or enjoying it. Give me a break. The TNA fans are not monks or idiots, they might be assholes but that is another debate.

I really could care less. Their stupid chants and relentless attempts at getting themselves over is detracting from my enjoyment of the show. It's a big reason I don't watch TNA regularly. I watch wrestling for enjoyment, not to be annoyed at dumbass fans.

Jesus, is IDR the only hardcore TNA fan with a brain?!
Well, I don't think that IDR is the only TNA fan with a brain on these forums, but he's is one of a select few.

Some guys just don't grasp the very basic concept that Doc is making. Kurt Angle doing a routine Angle slam is not worthy of a "this is awesome" chant. Now if he does something spectacular, which he's more than capable of doing, chant away.

A re-hashing of ECW doesn't warrant a "thank you Dixie" chant. Her leaving ringside and returning to the backstage area where she belongs would elicit a "thank you Dixie" chant from me, but that's about it.

It's just difficult for me to take TNA fans seriously when they chant for everything even when it doesn't make sense. Even IDR, the most rabid defender of TNA in these forums, would agree with this I'm sure.
Yeah something needs to be done, mabye not getting rid of them, but they really need to stfu. It really degrades the wrestling. Your watching a match, then the fans start another useless chant, you become pissed off, you cant enjoy the remainder of the match. I really would much rather they sit on their hands than cheer at everything. I just caught the end of Hardcore justice, and i counted about eight different chants, with the worst being, "Water break". Seriously? What will they chant next, " the lights are on". It needs to stop, whatever about chanting " this is awesome" every once in awhile, make sure it's in an awesome match, and that the match has started.:lol:
Whats wrong with a typical cheer, you know, without words, is it that hard to do? People always say put it on mute, but i shouldn't be forced to do that because some idiotic fans have to scream at everything. It really ruins the viewing of Tna for me, i just cannot enjoy the show with the fans in the iMPACT! zone.
who cares what they chant they paid for the ticket so they can chant whatever they want who really cares i dont pay them any mind most the time i have no clue what they are sayin like the last pay per view i thought they were chantin this is awful maybe they were chantin is is awesome i have no clue and really dont give a fuck
who cares what they chant they paid for the ticket so they can chant whatever they want who really cares i dont pay them any mind most the time i have no clue what they are sayin like the last pay per view i thought they were chantin this is awful maybe they were chantin is is awesome i have no clue and really dont give a fuck

I was there and well...the regulars and the normal tourists don't pay. However with TNA doing monthly VIP packages. The people on the 2 impacts after each ppv...half of them paid $100 dollars for 4 nights of tna fun including 3 nights of wrestling. And these ppvs aren't even the travel vip packages as tna has for bound for glory. Everyone talked wrestling and what not in the line while waiting to get in. Sunday while waiting in line there was even tribute chants for joey styles, eddie, beniot, etc etc all from people like myself who flew in for TNA. We all seemed glad to be there
I really have no problem with fans cheering what they want to cheer. If a fan wants to chant "T-N-A" or "This Is Awesome" it is just showing there appreciation for the product being produced. I must admit sometimes certain chants kill moments in the match but I like to think that the wrestlers are motivated by the different chants spread around the arena atleast in terms of match preformance.

I cant stand people on this thread who think that the TNA fans in the Impact Zone dont know what to cheer. The truth is that if WWE filmed there shows on small film stages like TNA does there crowd would react the same way. If you go to a WWE event there are hundreds of people trying to start meaningless chants. Most of the chants will grab the attention of a few sections but get lost in the vastness of the arena or end before they pick up enough followers. The Impact Zone just happens to be smaller so chants spread quickly and don't need as many people to sound impactful(no pun intended).
I really do get where people here are coming from, I really do. I must say though...half the crowd in the impact zone the 2 night after the ppv were people who paid $100 for 4 nights of tna goodness. At the ppv it was more than half out of towners who had tol eave due to work or other stuff. I'm speaking for me and the others that paid and flew in. There was people who flew in from uk, australia and other places for this. Those of us who paid can chant whatever the fuck we want. I guess you people should be happy they edited the hell out of impact....kinda sucked the aj style chant/dreamer's promo was edited. I know frustrations here are mainly due to regs but since there are out of towners who fly in for 4 nights minimum I say we/they can chant whatever we please
Im with IDR if TNA banned the "Crucial Crew" alot of the stupid chants and general shenanagins would cease in the Impact Zone. These guys can spoil even a truly great match with thier constant attempts to grab attention to themselves. Thats the main point being missed in this thread, its not about fans being fans its about No-lifers who think that TNA owes them TV time because they are in the Impact Zone every week.
ok so heres the dilema... the crowd chants way to much... how do u solve it.... start charging EVERYONE money.... this stupid fucking crew no matter who you are, ya you dumbasses no who you are, are no different than the other people there. i dont care if you think you do, or even do know more about wrestling than anyone else, you still dont need to chant every 5 minutes, there are segments where its cool but 3 times in one match is obnoxious, obsurd, and rude... on television it makes the mute button on my remote look good, theres been times i cant even hear the commentary (yea taz and tenay arent the greatest) but i like to hear what they say just cause taz f's up a lot... start charging everyone at least something for admission, cut the bullshit chants out, which although i liked the fuck vince chant it definently shouldnt have been on the air.... you cant promote r-rated wrestling and you cant have, in the words of chris jericho, ASSCLOWNS in the stands....chants for some things are cool, but not for every match....
You see my problem with it is that I know my wrestling, like most people here and when Ihear this is awesome when it clearly isn't it gives me the impression that TNAfan are dumb. If they want to grow and not turn away new fan, those indy chant needs to go.

My other problem is when they cheer everyone (like someone pointed they cheered EV2.0 and they cheered Fortune as well) it looks like those fans don't know the product. If I take someone who doesn't follow wrestling to watch a match he will cheer/pop for wrestlers with skills and that's what those guys are doing and imo that's the image/impression they give on TV.
We've gone over this a thousand times on this site, really, this thread should be merged by now but meh onto your question.

The vast majority of people that post on this site have shown they do not enjoy hearing incessant chants that don't enhance the product at all, but actually take away from the experience. Chanting "This is awesome" at fucking armdrags and punches completely detract from the meaning of it and annoy the fuck out of a lot of people. I just rewatched the Whole F'n Show muted and enjoyed it much more with the constant "This is wrestling" and "TNA TNA TNA" at ever god damn move that even FCW wrestlers do every match.
Please don't act like a fool for the sake of hyperbole if you're not very good at it.

Are you "good" at it intentionally or unintentionally or not at all?

The "What's Up" chant is meant to be an interactive chant that only goes on during R-Truth's entrance or when he yells it during a match. It's the same as fans cheering along to a wrestler's catchphrase...which is just fine in my eyes, because said chant is about the wrestler. It is about the actual character and not the man himself, and the catchphrases/interactive chants are SUPPOSED to be chanted by the crowd.


It's annoying, OK? If you hold that opinion, wait until you get home and blog about it or something. I find cheers to be much better than a "This Is Wrestling" chant, because it helps me get into the show, and those sorts of chants are just distracting.

Do you not understand this is personal opinion? Chanting is part of wrestling history, like it or not. Now in my opinion chanting something positive and cheering are the same thing because they mean the fan is reacting the same way. They are expresssing it differently but who am I to say this is the "right" way to do it. I guess this is why a lot of IWC guys would be horrible in the industry behind the scenes. Too obsessed with gratifying themselves instead of the audience. What is funny is that we constantly hear people say this is my opinion, a couple other IWC people said it, ipso facto this is the "correct" way to do things in the wrestling industry. The logic fail here is simply mind boggling. I can understand the problems with the crew on occasion but this idea that the fans are enjoying the show in the "wrong" way being such a big problem is hilarious. I am sure the powers that be are thankful for that "problem" of the fans having fun everyday. In fact they have supported the chants and such as great compliments in interviews. Ya know why? You would have to be an idiot not to.

Cool, I have a blog? Can you send me the link? I cannot believe you are trying to call me some internet nerd trying to trumpet my opinions as something awesome. Mostly because you are clearly more internerdy than me and are sure pushing your opinion pretty hard here.

Also, wasn't TNA's old slogan "This Is Wrestling"? So it really has nothing to do with the wrestlers and everything to do with the company itself - which is one of the things that annoy me when it comes to chants.

Why is having people cheering for your product a bad thing? Because WWE does not do it? This is just ridiculous. In fact is there anywhere else that crowds do not even acknowledge a group through cheers that *gasp mention something besides an individual except in the WWE?

And of course it wouldn't be a shittered dreams post without a mindless, nonsensical shot at WWE! :rolleyes:

Opposed to Dics multiple posts a day stating nothing but well-thought out, completely sensically shots at TNA .... at least in his gestapo backed opinion.

Why should they be cheering for the company if its the wrestlers in the ring who are doing the hard work? Anyone can write down a match on paper. It's up to the wrestlers to make it good.

Anyone can write a good match? News to me. Regardless both this is wrestling and this is awesome clearly support the wrestlers as well. I would assume most wrestlers are excited when a crowd gets into a match no matter what. You really think they do something cool and then go in the back and cry because they cheered the company that they are trying to boost to the next level? No, they hear the crowd getting loud and feed off it because they know they made that happen.

I really could care less. Their stupid chants and relentless attempts at getting themselves over is detracting from my enjoyment of the show. It's a big reason I don't watch TNA regularly. I watch wrestling for enjoyment, not to be annoyed at dumbass fans.

I think that is grasping at straws. You were going to find one reason or another. I have a hard time believing that TNA lost a fan that was actually going to stick with the product because of an exaggerated awesome here and there and the fans having the audacity to mention the name of the product they are enjoying.

Jesus, is IDR the only hardcore TNA fan with a brain?!

Yes, I actually have two of them. I have always been curious who actually possesses the one brain all WWE fans share though.
So people chant, big deal. Everyone is going to be worked up no matter what getting into this 'male soap opera' and they know it will get a rise out of the people in the ring, just as much as the people in the ring know what they are doing pushes the buttons of the people sitting in the seats. Its a Ying-Yang relationship. Without fans in the Impact Zone, we wouldn't see the wrestlers getting amped up, without the wrestlers, we wouldn't see the fans getting to their feet to welcome back a wrestler from injury/a debuting-surprise acquisition.

So some people may say that fans chanting annoys them, okay, its an opinion. That's fine. But just know that every performer in that ring, whether is WWE/TNA/ROH, etc, will tell you that they feed off the energy of the crowd and many of them say that they have performed for next to nothing so long as they could just perform for people. If there was no crowd there, I can assure you that one cannot exist without the other.
Are you "good" at it intentionally or unintentionally or not at all?

Oh, I see what you're implying...

SUPPOSED in caps for effect. ooh. I am starting to wonder if some of you were PR guys for Hitler.

I was wondering when Godwin's Law would come into effect. Seriously, is that like the only historical figure anyone knows? Why not say something clever and make a 1984 reference instead of using the tired old Hitler?


If the people participating are hurting my own personal enjoyment of the product, then yes. Crowds are there to enhance the show, not detract from it. How would you like it if they decided that throwing tomatoes was an OK way to participate? I doubt you'd be defending it. so why let them throw verbal tomatoes that distract me from the action rather than help me get sucked into the action?

Do you not understand this is personal opinion? Chanting is part of wrestling history, like it or not. Now in my opinion chanting something positive and cheering are the same thing because they mean the fan is reacting the same way.

Did I ever say I was against chanting? No, I did not. I said I was against chants that distract from the product. In wrestling, you need to have suspension of disbelief, and to me, chants about the company break it. All that should be important to the crowd are the wrestlers in that very ring.

Obviously you feel differently, but for me it's just a distraction.

They are expresssing it differently but who am I to say this is the "right" way to do it.

It's easy. If something annoys you, you want it to stop. The dumber chants annoy me, so I want them to stop. BAM!

I guess this is why a lot of IWC guys would be horrible in the industry behind the scenes. Too obsessed with gratifying themselves instead of the audience.

Irrelevant to this conversation. I'm looking at this as a fan, a fan who is annoyed by the iMPACT Zone's crowd.

What is funny is that we constantly hear people say this is my opinion, a couple other IWC people said it, ipso facto this is the "correct" way to do things in the wrestling industry.

Nope, I make my own opinions based on my own observations, and my observations are that the iMPACT Zone crowds are annoying as all get out and I'd much prefer them to just be normal and cheer and boo.

The logic fail here is simply mind boggling.

Your face is simply mind-boggling.

I can understand the problems with the crew on occasion but this idea that the fans are enjoying the show in the "wrong" way being such a big problem is hilarious.

Their enjoyment is to my detriment. To me, that's wrong.

I am sure the powers that be are thankful for that "problem" of the fans having fun everyday. In fact they have supported the chants and such as great compliments in interviews. Ya know why? You would have to be an idiot not to.

You just called IDR an idiot. You lose.

Cool, I have a blog? Can you send me the link? I cannot believe you are trying to call me some internet nerd trying to trumpet my opinions as something awesome.

Not what I said. Learn to read.

Mostly because you are clearly more internerdy than me and are sure pushing your opinion pretty hard here.

No doubt I'm nerdier than you. If the alternative to being nerdy is being a dumbfuck, I'll take nerdiness every day. Since you clearly can't read, or rather can't comprehend what you read, I'll explain: In no way was I making fun of people who express their opinions about matches on the internet. To do that would be foolish, considering we are all on a discussion forum where we are expected to do such things. All I meant by my comment is that there are other ways of expressing your thoughts on a match.

Because WWE does not do it? This is just ridiculous. In fact is there anywhere else that crowds do not even acknowledge a group through cheers that *gasp mention something besides an individual except in the WWE?

I'm not even going to dignify this part with a reply.

Opposed to Dics multiple posts a day stating nothing but well-thought out, completely sensically shots at TNA .... at least in his gestapo backed opinion.

For one thing, my posts on TNA are extremely fair. I talk about what I like AND what I dislike. I do the same with WWE. I am biased towards WWE, yes, but I don't rag on TNA for the sake of it.

For another, you take shots at WWE while talking about TNA, even in contexts where it does not make sense to do so. Look at my WWE posts. I never, ever say "OH LOL WWE DID THIS WAAAAAY BETTER THAN TNA".

And finally...again with the Nazi comparisons. I guess it was about time this forum got a literal Nazi Mod!!

Anyone can write a good match? News to me.

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy.

There, I just wrote down a match that should be awesome. However right now it is nothing more than words on a screen. Hardy and AJ need to wrestle together and do it well for it to be a good match.

Regardless both this is wrestling and this is awesome clearly support the wrestlers as well.


I would assume most wrestlers are excited when a crowd gets into a match no matter what. You really think they do something cool and then go in the back and cry because they cheered the company that they are trying to boost to the next level? No, they hear the crowd getting loud and feed off it because they know they made that happen.

K. I'm not talking about the wrestlers. I'm talking about how the chants distract me, as a fan. Stick with the point, shittered. You're slipping!

I think that is grasping at straws. You were going to find one reason or another. I have a hard time believing that TNA lost a fan that was actually going to stick with the product because of an exaggerated awesome here and there and the fans having the audacity to mention the name of the product they are enjoying.

Well get believing, junior, because it's true. The crowd annoying me is one of the reasons I don't regularly watch TNA, because I just can't get into wrestling when it's muted and the crowd is always irritating me. I want to like TNA, but with the crowd's stupidity (They nearly ruined the EV2.0/Fourtune beatdown with their ******ed ways of cheering for fucking EVERYONE and chanting "THIS IS AWESOME") as well as other problems they have, I just can't do it.

Yes, I actually have two of them. I have always been curious who actually possesses the one brain all WWE fans share though.

That insult reached Afro-Ameri-Spawn levels of fail.
I have to completely agree here. Its only really been pissing me off the last few months and I find myself chanting back S-T-F-U at the TV. They break out into these stupid chants at the worst fcuking times imaginable. When a serious promo is being cut or at a key point in a match-up, Im thinking ti myself are these fucking guys for real? they are completely ruining the moment and killing the angle/match. Breaking out into a this is awesome after a gd spot is fine but these A-holes have just taken it too far and it seems they are just in business for themselves. A hot crowd makes all the difference when viewing but the chants fuck it up.
The fans at Impact Zone don't have to go ... TNA does (on the road that is.)
I'm sure they are currently working on something but until then, we're stuck with the Shitpact Zone like it or not.

I dunno why people on here are getting so bent out of shape about this, it's like the Mosque being built near world trade center discussions. I feel that people who see no problem with the fans are trying to make some civil liberties statment ("THE FANS HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT WHEN THEY WANT!") I mean really, how did Hitler's name get thrown into all of this?

It reminds me of the guy Walter from the movie Big Lebowski who associates everything with Vietnam ("Smokey this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules." lmao)

I'll prolly get killed for this stupid analogy, but the way I feel about this kind of reminds me of how you don't (falsely) shout fire in a movie theater. My point has nothing to do with the danger of it, but if one person shouts fire it impacts (lol) the rest of the audience.

If you've ever seen it on youtube, there is an indy wrestler named Super Dragon and at an indy show (where there is prolly 100-200 people in attendance max) a chant for Super Dragon begins in the crowd but they let up, but one person continues too annoyingly and obnoxiously keep chanting "SUPER DRAGON!" Eventually the crowd starts chanting "STFU" but the annoying/obnoxious fan does not stop until the match is completely interrupted and Super Dragon jumps out of the ring too confront the fan.

I saw someone was making a point about foreigners who went too TNA have a right to chant what they want, but I don't feel it was the foreigners initializing the chants. We know who the culprits are. Even if 880 of the 900 fans are new, there are still always at least 20 regulars (and probably way more) who are all working together whether it be to get themselves over/throwing up gang signs, think they're helping TNA, being ANTI-WWE.

And for now there is really nothing that can be done about it. It'd be the same deal wherever TNA was if they held every show in the same building (especially a small one at that.)

I mean, it's the fans who get wrestlers over. But it has to be consistent and earned. The Impact zone is stale no matter what. When Impact has house shows and w/e, you don't hear the IZ favorites getting the same pops/cheers. Even if they're heels they don't get the same heat. A wrestler is judged on all this stuff and being in the iMPACT zone all the time is deceptive.

That place didn't give Sean Morley (Val Venis) a chance whatsoever. Which probably also lead to the release of one of their faves (Daniels) b/c Daniels could not get over as a heel.

I don't blame the fans, if WWE was held in IZ or a small arena near me every week ... I would boo the shit out of Cena mercilessly lol.

All in all, I think IZ could be a lot worse, but there is no question TNA needs to get on the road (even it was mainly just on the east coast.) You can't let the chants of 1 person or a small minority make such an impact.
As someone who was there in attendance, I chanted because I knew I was an "extra" in a production. I was a VIP member and felt it was my duty to show gratitude for a company in allowing us to benefit what we could for $99 (what other company hosts a party with all the wrestlers who take the time to meet all the 200 or so people who showed up?). Honestly, I didn't watch TNA enough before coming to see who was who so I had no clue what or why I was chanting what I did. All I know is as an audience member who is likely to be televised (which I was numerous times) my duty is to best represent the production for which I am representing... and I did so through lip-syncing a lot given a whole day in the very hot parks wore me out.
Oh I forgot... the reason why the fans were so loud was because TNA offered backstage passes to the loudest people. You were also given more air time, so naturally, more and more people yelled their loudest. That's why the chanting was overdone.
How many of you have been watching TNA on a weekly basis for months and months? Because, and maybe im the only one, to me it seems like the chants have been almost non existent. Besides the occasional "TNA TNA TNA!" chant, "This is awesome!" and "This is wrestling!" chants have been few and far between recently.

It was nice to see them chant those things during the great MCMG/BMI match and the Angle and AJ match. The fans are known to chant those things and sometimes they are annoying or chanted at the wrong times but thats apart of TNA. And i for one was happy to see that return this past iMPACT!
Last time i interaction was a good thing. For cryin out loud what would a show be without the rabid fans? Ill tell ya, boring. Theres a mute button and it can be used when watchin tv. Im just sayin...

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