Fans at iMPACT! Zone Have to Go

They have to get out of the impact zone in general. It's not just the fan its everything about the Impact Zone that makes the product stale. They need to go on the road to different venues each week.
But where will all those trailer park trash fans go monday's 4 times a month.
I am not trying to insult all that go to the Impact zone but screw those fans with the let's go chants .

They give smarks a bad name
Sorry if this topic's been made already, move if necessary. So whenever I watch Impact, I can't help but be embarrassed for the live fans in attendance. Seriously, the ridiculous chants need to stop. Hearing "this is awesome", "this is wrestling", and even "match of the year" chants I believe can turn away new potential fans who are tuning into the show. Match of the Year? Really? Sure it was a great match, but the "match of the year" chant started to ruin it if you ask me.

So anyways, do you think hearing these chants on a weekly basis is good or bad for TNA? And do you think that potential new fans are turned off by these ridiculous chants during every match?

The Impact Zone is significantly smaller than the big venues WWE performs at...and TNA's fanbase is somewhat of a niche market and also people go to WWE events for quite a lot of reasons...people will go just because it's WWE, because they haven't gone in a while, somebody has free tickets, they just noticed they were in town, they used to watch WWF when they were a kid so they've decided to bring their kids now, etc. The people who go to TNA events are going because they genuinely like the product, 9 times out of 10.

ECW fans were very similar with the chanting because it was a smaller event...and they feel like they're being a part of something by chanting these things. It's a smaller venue so it's easier for a large portion of a smaller venue to join in and be heard than it is for the same amount of people to be heard in a place like Madison Square Garden.

I personally don't care for the chanting because I'm not that used to it. I never cared for ECW all that much and I absolutely hated the "WHAT?" thing in the WWF...I almost stopped watching entirely because of it. It was ruining any and all segments they had. But these chants in TNA aren't nearly as annoying...I just would rather not have them...than have them...because usually they are associated with a lesser brand (like ECW) and I think TNA is looking for more than that eventually. But I could be wrong.
Lol ar you idding me? TNA stared the ''what'' chants last night on the show. Lik jeez thats WWE's trademark not yours TNA. Think of something esle todo and say jeez. Stop acting like ECW fan knockffs. Next they be bringing weapons to the show and givn it to the suprstars to use in their matches

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