Okay, this is my first post here, and I am going to expect heat. I was at Madison Square Garden, and I was one of many that chanted "Cena sucks" and "Fuck you Cena". I'll start off by admitting that the "Fuck you Cena" chant was not respectful at all and was not cool. The haters got caught up in the moment and decided to chant it.
Allow me to explain why I hate John Cena. I think many will agree while several others will disagree.
1.) A totally shitty gimmick. I don't get it. What is he now? A marine wannabe? Also, this for example "Cena's opponent: I hate your guts and your family, and I wanna kill you" Cena, would then reply with something like this "Man, I respect you, the chain gangs by my side and we gonna say one thing. You want some? Come get some". I do agree that many are jealous of John Cena, but let's face it the dude was shoved down our throats.
2.) Yes, many wrestlers have routines, but Cena's happens to be totally stupid. He tackles you, throws a couple of punches, does the five knuckle shuffle, then the F-U. He might get in a few more moves, but those moves are the only ones that stand out in his matches and they are starting to get incredibly boring.
I do regret chanting "Fuck you Cena" and "Cena swallows" (Yes we said that too) but I don't regret booing him and telling his fans that he sucks.