Did everyone hear the Cena/ati Cena crowd going nuts during the tag match

PauLwaLL50 said:
Thats a reason why i like Cena... He cares about the fans.. But like he's said many of times.. He wont let them get to him... It was rough at ONS II ... Im about to watch the DVD again... But Cena has my respect for his charisma and such..

That's the one thing i can agree on about Cena, always keeps his composure under any circumstance. i used to like him when he first came out flying on smackdown i guess he just grew old on me, i hate it when he comes out dancing around or when he does it after a big move.
I'll admit it, I respect him a lot for not getting upset at the chants. I've always believed that it's not when you get booed (or cursed out, in his case) or cheered that it's bad- but when you get no reaction.

Flames Out
Dominus said:
BTW - STFU - Cena was never a champion for over a year and in fact nobody since I believe Diesel has been a World Champion, or any kind of Champion for over a year! He won the title a few days after Survivor Series 94... then lost it at Survivor Series 95. Almost a year.
Cena was WM 22 - New Year's Revolution just over 9 months....

I think Batista might've made it over or at least a year had he not gotten injured.
jealous? why would would be jealous of someone who is a shitty wrestler and has five moves. cena cant wrestle for shit, and how dare u compare cena to bret hart, stone cold, etc. he isnt even close to them and will never be a good wrestler. thats like comparing ryan leaf to joe montana, terry bradshaw, aikman, young, etc. people boo his ass cuz he sucks, girls scream for him and why would we cheer for something like that. cheering for cena is like cheering for nsync, thats why we hate him cuz he sucks and is overpushed and overrated. would u like to cheer for someone who cant salute right, cant wrestler, made that stupid childlike spinner belt that is nothing but a disgrace to the wwe title, and hear all those annoying screams? no! cena should go to smackdown because of the terrible ratings smackdown is getting and he would really help smackdown or sd will get worse. i hope edge wins because this would be the smartest thing to do now for cena and for smackdown.
Yep Grows Old, They Make Him Too Good.. That How They Ruin Characters
Okay, this is my first post here, and I am going to expect heat. I was at Madison Square Garden, and I was one of many that chanted "Cena sucks" and "Fuck you Cena". I'll start off by admitting that the "Fuck you Cena" chant was not respectful at all and was not cool. The haters got caught up in the moment and decided to chant it.


Allow me to explain why I hate John Cena. I think many will agree while several others will disagree.

1.) A totally shitty gimmick. I don't get it. What is he now? A marine wannabe? Also, this for example "Cena's opponent: I hate your guts and your family, and I wanna kill you" Cena, would then reply with something like this "Man, I respect you, the chain gangs by my side and we gonna say one thing. You want some? Come get some". I do agree that many are jealous of John Cena, but let's face it the dude was shoved down our throats.

2.) Yes, many wrestlers have routines, but Cena's happens to be totally stupid. He tackles you, throws a couple of punches, does the five knuckle shuffle, then the F-U. He might get in a few more moves, but those moves are the only ones that stand out in his matches and they are starting to get incredibly boring.

I do regret chanting "Fuck you Cena" and "Cena swallows" (Yes we said that too) but I don't regret booing him and telling his fans that he sucks.
Jewlz said:
I think Batista might've made it over or at least a year had he not gotten injured.

Yeah that's probably true too.

He was going to drop the title to Eddie the day he died though....
MoeMaster said:
Okay, this is my first post here, and I am going to expect heat. I was at Madison Square Garden, and I was one of many that chanted "Cena sucks" and "Fuck you Cena". I'll start off by admitting that the "Fuck you Cena" chant was not respectful at all and was not cool. The haters got caught up in the moment and decided to chant it.


Allow me to explain why I hate John Cena. I think many will agree while several others will disagree.

1.) A totally shitty gimmick. I don't get it. What is he now? A marine wannabe? Also, this for example "Cena's opponent: I hate your guts and your family, and I wanna kill you" Cena, would then reply with something like this "Man, I respect you, the chain gangs by my side and we gonna say one thing. You want some? Come get some". I do agree that many are jealous of John Cena, but let's face it the dude was shoved down our throats.

2.) Yes, many wrestlers have routines, but Cena's happens to be totally stupid. He tackles you, throws a couple of punches, does the five knuckle shuffle, then the F-U. He might get in a few more moves, but those moves are the only ones that stand out in his matches and they are starting to get incredibly boring.

I do regret chanting "Fuck you Cena" and "Cena swallows" (Yes we said that too) but I don't regret booing him and telling his fans that he sucks.
I don't think there's anything wrong with chanting "Fuck You Cena"- it's just an expression same if you say he sucks. The swallow thing is a bit wrong, but everything else is okay to me.

Flames Out
You know what, I really like the fact that the WWE finally gave someone the chance like Edge to hold on to the tittle. I like change I want to see different guys get a shot to make it. I like the old day when the Intercontinental tittle meant something too, like Warrior vs Hogan.. that was awesome
I wish you would stop spamming...

Cena isnt as bad as everyone says he is IMO... Like hes bad.. But hes better then a lot of wrestlers.. I.E. Chris Masters, Ric Flair (currently), Batista, BOogeyman, I even think hes better then Orton... Im tellin you its jealousy... That why most people hate him, and they use the reason that he cant wrestle.. Like i've said many of times... I dislike him because he's fake... He doesnt even kno how to act gangsta...
You guys have to admit, Cena was stuffed down our throats! Before DX, it was Cena at the end of the night every night! It was boring. People started to boo, because it was like watching the same thing over & over.

1st week - Jericho vs Cena for the title: Cena wins
2nd week - Jericho vs Cena submission match: Cena wins
3rd week - Angle vs Cena: Cena wins
4th week - Angle vs Cena w/Jericho as special ref: Cena Wins!
5th week - Angle vs Cena submission match with Bischoff as Ref: Cena Wins!

AND IT WENT ON & ON! Enough was enough... Just think if Big Show was a face on ECW right now, don't you think people would be sick of him by now aswell? Sure it's jealousy but it's also the fact that you can only take so much crap for so long!
WELL... If you do not like it DON'T WATCH IT! Derrrrr, Not Hard!
i dont get you people...cena is awesome...he releases so much energy when he comes out... orton gets no draw at all and you guys are all on his nutz?!?!
I was there last night and I am a Cena fan. I was chanting "Let's Go Cena" I strongly feel for John because he doesn't deserve to be booed. WWE TELLS HIM TO DO ALL THOSE MOVES!!!! It's not his fault! He does like the most signings out of every other WWE superstar, he works his ass off just so you people can enjoy the show and make sure you guys got your money's worth so that's that. Everyone has their own opinion about why Cena is getting booed. I guess we'll never know truly why and John will never know what he has to do to get those people to chant for him because the people who hate him, all hate him for a different reason.
I Think I Would Rather Boo At You And Tell You To Fuck Yourself!
LOL what are you 16 years old? Grow up, it's wrestling! I never said I agree or disagree with how Cena gets treated but people can cheer or jeer for whoever they please.

Look at what happened with Bret Hart? He started getting boo'd too! Why? Jealousy (probably not), Bad Wrestler (Hell No), did dorky moves & dances in the ring? (nope), had bad mic skills or rapped? (ahh double nope there!)

Because people got sick of him! Peeps got sick of seeing him beat Austin every match!

It happens! It's more of the booker's fault then anybody's.... It's the 'story' they put them in.
FutureWWEDiva1523 said:
I was there last night and I am a Cena fan. I was chanting "Let's Go Cena" I strongly feel for John because he doesn't deserve to be booed. WWE TELLS HIM TO DO ALL THOSE MOVES!!!! It's not his fault! He does like the most signings out of every other WWE superstar, he works his ass off just so you people can enjoy the show and make sure you guys got your money's worth so that's that. Everyone has their own opinion about why Cena is getting booed. I guess we'll never know truly why and John will never know what he has to do to get those people to chant for him because the people who hate him, all hate him for a different reason.

People respect him, but they dislike his gimmick- thus he gets booed. I don't think he's had great matches this past year- so the money's worth thing doesn't really register for me. I've always thought he had mid card talent- even back in 2003 when people liked him.
Flames Out
Yaszie_123 said:
I love Stone Cold!

Yeah me too... But for the longest time, I hate him (I'm a big Bret Hart fan) but once he beat Shawn, who I hated more, I cheered for Austin. Plus Austin has shown great respect for Bret both in & outside the ring. So I respect Austin alot more.

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