The Legacy of Team Miz


We shy worth hair
One of the key selling points to the Survivor Series in its 24-year history has always been teams comprised of guys who usually don’t interact with each other. Several teams were sold as dominant because they included mostly main event wrestlers. Meanwhile, others proved more popular and memorable among fans because they included talented and popular wrestlers. The two best examples over the years may have been the Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts and Demolition) in 1989 and Team DX (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, CM Punk, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) from 2006.

However, one team in particular has obtained a fair amount of attention since it debuted less than two years ago. It isn’t because the five men were the best in the business, nor is it because they were all extremely popular among fans. Rather, this team was comprised of five young superstars who, at the time, had all the potential in the world to become the best in the business and all the time to reach that goal.

And that team, on Nov. 22, 2009, was Team Miz: The Miz, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler.
Certainly, they all had and continue to have detractors, but there was still a noticeable amount of intrigue when it was announced they were teaming in 2009. Unlike teams that included guys who were already at the top of their game, here we had five guys who were supposed to be the future of WWE. And little did those men know, on that November 2009 night, a bar was quietly being set for all of them to overcome, and the fans were going to be watching. Never has there been a Survivor Series team of which each member was closely watched by fans who wondered if all men would win either the WWE Championship or the World Championship.

It was all a matter of who would do it first, and the answer shocked many.

On Dec. 13, 2009, Sheamus beat John Cena for the WWE Championship in a tables match at TLC. His victory was questionable, as the Celtic Warrior had only been in WWE a few months. Fans speculated his win was supposed to be a fluke, since it appeared Cena merely “fell” through a table, as opposed to being pinned. Nonetheless, Sheamus was champion and would have another reign later in 2010.

Next up, on March 30, 2010, Jack Swagger stepped up by winning the World Championship. Just two days earlier, he won the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania XXVI and gained the right to challenge for a world title whenever he wanted. Swagger cashed in on an injured Chris Jericho and won the World Championship in short order. He held the title until June 20 and began a slow descent back to the midcard. Nonetheless, Swagger was officially a former World Champion.

Nearly a month after Swagger lost his championship, The Miz set forth on a similar path toward the top of the card. The former reality TV star won Raw’s MitB briefcase at the July 18 pay-per-view and held onto it until Nov. 22 when he cashed in on Randy Orton. This match was a little more competitive than Swagger/Jericho and lasted about three minutes. The Miz pinned the Legend Killer and has held onto the title ever since.

The next member to win a championship was Dolph Ziggler, albeit in controversial fashion from a kayfabe and real-life perspective. On the Feb. 18 edition of Smackdown, Ziggler was awarded the World Championship after it was stripped from Edge a week earlier. His reign lasted only a matter of minutes, as he was pinned by the Rated-R Superstar shortly after. Afterward, he was fired. At this point, it’s too early to say if Ziggler will continue to play a pivotal role and be a permanent main eventer, or go down Swagger’s path toward the midcard.

That leads us to the final member of Team Miz: Drew McIntyre. It’s actually quite ironic, since he was pushed off the bat and proclaimed Vince McMahon’s chosen one. Within a few weeks of his re-debut, McIntyre won the Intercontinental Championship and was constantly sold as a threat in all of his matches. His momentum started to slow down, although he had a brief tag team championship reign with Cody Rhodes. Since then, he’s gotten involved in a minor storyline with Kelly Kelly, who has since been linked to the feud between Ziggler and Edge. Regardless, he now finds himself in what may be an unenviable position of the only member of Team Miz to win either of the top titles.

If McIntyre wins a championship, it could prove significant for the legacy of Team Miz. While there have been Survivor Series teams made up four or five men who’ve held the WWE or World championship, there has never been a team of midcarders who each went on to hold a top title. It should also be noted that each man is a heel and was so upon their championship win. Of course, Drew appears to be headed toward a face turn, but we’ll see what happens there.

As it stands now, the former Chosen One has a lot riding on him. If he succeeds, history will be made and Team Miz's legacy as the first Survivor Series team of future world champions may live on.
Doesn't it seem ironic that the only person on that team to be referred to as the Chosen one, and a future world champion is the only one in this crew that HASN'T won the belt at this point?

Very good points incidentally. Hadn't examined the significance of that event that closely.
thats very interesting! i do hope drew turns face and wins a top tittle.... and i also hope that dolph stays on top cuz the matches hes had lately have been impressive!
Very good post. Well thought out.

Still, I do have my doubts about Drew McIntyre pulling this off. He's a decent talker and worker, but he doesn't seem to be finding his stride. Hopefully, something can be pulled off that allows him to get a bit more going for him.

Backstage, he has the backing. He has a decent/relatively unique look and is capable. Just needs that nice feud that gets him into the limelight.
That is funny. I haven't really flashed back to that at all since it happened. That team truly was/is the future of the business.

I think McIntyre will get there and win the most World Titles out of that group besides possibly The Miz. There has been a stall in his rise to the top. But, he is working his way into a great situation, I think.

If he would have been given a World Title already, I am sure a million people would have said it is too soon. I kind of like the idea that when Drew gets his World Title, it could be said it was overdue, or deserved, more than too soon, or a fluke like some of the guys from "Team Miz" that have won a World Title before him.
Wow, that certainly is quite a team. It doesn't quite have the star power that some of the past all-star teams (particularly the ones you just mentioned) had, I don't doubt that at least three of these five men will be main card mainstays within the next 2-3 years, and some already are.

Furthermore, this team is just full of great wrestlers, save The Miz and McIntyre, but McIntyre is very good and Miz has other strengths that make up for his limited in-ring ability. Ziggler's ability is unquestionable and may be the second best wrestler in the WWE, only behind one Daniel Bryan. Sheamus and Swagger both have the ability to put on wildly entertaining matches and both do fairly regularly. McIntyre still hasn't done anything to make himself stand out too much yet, but I don't doubt that by the time he's done he'll have accumulated a moderate collection of great matches.
I remember this match. It was a good match. I was thinking this myself. These guys are the future heels of this company. They will all be world champions someday, and McIntyre will also become world champ.

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