Will Miz go back to Mid card?


Dark Match Winner
So i was thinking today about what will happen if Miz loses the championship, Like what happened to Jack Swagger he became WHC and after awhile he lost it and went back to mid card with such people as Kofi,Drew Mcintyre, "Dashing" cody rhodes, Dolph Ziggler.

Will that happen to Miz when he loses the Championship? explain
I dont think so. Swagger was a different story IMO. He was not as hated as the Miz, and the crowd wasn't really into him. Swagger did not have the story and people backing him like Michael Cole does with The Miz.

I think when the Miz Loses the title, he will stay in the Main event scene. Maybe not for the Title, but will be up there with Orton, Hunter, Edge, Taker, Cena etc.
I don't see Miz dropping down to the mid card. The guy has been working very hard to keep his position, using the media, going to do interviews. With the older guys leaving, they need to build up some talent. They have Miz in a spot where he can be a Main Event guy. It would be a waste of the last few months to drop him down. The guy gets heat from the crowd, he can push buttons, to get them mad at him. So no, Miz will not be dropped to the mid card.
Miz won't turn out like Jack Swagger for one main reason, Miz isn't boring, Swagger is.

Jack Swagger is a trumendous wrestler and he has all the capability to be world class in my honest opinion. He seems very versatile, I mean he can mat wrestle very well and switch to submission and then be this tough brawler. He is a great athlete and wrestler. But when Jack Swagger got onto the mic he was somewhat boring and for me anyway, his segments as champion and Mr Money in the Bank just dragged so much. As soon as he got the world title, I just didn't care. I found Smackdown boring and even WWE buried Swagger a few times. Like there was one moment where I think it was Shelton Benjamin and he walked onto screen while Swagger cuts a promo as world champion, and SB makes some comment questioning who Swagger was, because he is that boring. He wasn't a good champion thats why he hasn't featured there since.

Miz is totally different. Miz is fun, he's entertaining, he's charismatic. He's got the whole package. Miz isn't amazing in ring, but he's good enough. WWE is now more about the charisma side of things and the cutting of the promo's. Well Miz does that perfectly each and every time. He plays to the crowd and gets heat off them. He's a cocky and arrogant little thing, and he's amazing at what he's doing. So when Miz's loses the belt, I don't think he will turn out like Swagger. Miz may hover between mid card and main event, but he won't just be cast aside or pushed away. Miz is the future of the business and his push has been success after success. He's the future so WWE won't demote him so much. He will lose the title eventually and probably soon, but he will keep fighting and just come back for more. He's a main event player!

Nope. You see, there's a difference between Swagger and the Miz. Jack Swagger was sent back to the mid-card because he wasn't ready to be in the main event level. If I remember correctly, management had even claimed once that they were very unhappy with the way Swagger was working as champion (i.e. main eventer). So as a result, he was brought back down to the mid-card; and has stayed there ever since.

The Miz on the other hand, he's one of the most, if not the most hyped up superstars in the WWE at the momment. Calling him the "must see champion", the "future torch-holder", the "next poster boy" - Miz has been getting so much attention that it's practically defaulted that the Miz will be the next big thing in the WWE. Keeping that in mind, one can only assume that the Miz is going to remain in the main-event scene once he looses the title.

Miz and Swagger are completely different stories. Swagger had a botched passage to the top, while the Miz had one carefully planned out. And I sincerely doubt that the Miz will be reduced to a mid-carder once his reign is over.
Miz will be stay in the Main Event scene without a doubt, he is the future of the WWE and is being built to take over as the main guy or co-main guy with John Cena. Miz is amazing on the mic and can do really well in matches. I like what the Miz is doing and will definitely be not leaving the main event scene.
I think Miz is safe in the main event spot....the man gets paid for making people hate him, and he does his job well...every time he comes out on Raw, i want the man to get his ass kicked...it doesnt help that he has Michael Cole's mouth dripping with "Miz Juice" every time he comes out.

Although i think that a couple weeks ago proved that, an extended feud with John Morrison should happen, that was one of the best matches I have seen in a long time.

I think another feud, if built right, would be against either Kofi Kingston, or Christian, even though both of them are on Smackdown...they got guys jumping from show to show anyhow.
I would love to see The Miz go back down to midcard. I just don't buy him as world champ, you can rant and rave and overexaggerate his mic skills all you want, when I see him in the ring next to Jerry Lawler I know there is no way Miz would ever win a legitimate fight between the two of them.

I know wrestling isn't real, but it's supposed LOOK real and I just don't buy Miz as a top guy. But to answer the original question, no he won't go down to midcard, he's been busy giving Vince some sweet beej's and he's secured his spot.
Will he move back down? Probably not. Should he? I think so, or be fired because of how worthless he is.

Some of the comparisons in this thread are terrible...

Miz is hated, Swagger wasn't? Swagger drew tons of heat during his SD promos where he talked about all his accomplishments throughout life.

Swagger is less entertaining? He's not great, but again, refer to the promos I just mentioned. He was doing a pretty good job on SD there for a while. At least as good as Mizerable.

It's funny, for some unknown reason, WWE decided to shove the Miz down everyone's throats and insist he's the future. I'm a little surprised as how many people have actually taken the bait and actually believe this guy is good now. "Tell a lie often enough and people will start to believe it's true". Miz is terrible. He's probably smart enough to admit that to himself, which is why he makes the effort to kiss butt and make media appearances and try to be a mini-Cena, doing all the things the corporate office will like him for doing. You should earn your top spot (and keep it) based on what you do in front of the cameras. Miz must know he won't last long just based on that.
Before I say this....I do like the Miz as champion. He brings something new to the World Title picture, and is extremely entertaining.

Now I don't think he will go back to the permanent mid card but I think after he loses the title don't be surprised if you see him go into a feud with someone who isn't in the main event. I wouldn't be surprised to see him feud with Daniel Bryan again, their old feud was done very well and now they can have more to feud over. Not only will it keep the Miz relevant but it could put Bryan into the main event picture. Even if its just Miz getting screwed out of a world title match by the Miz.

I think the Miz wont drop like Swagger did, I just think he will be out of the title picture for a bit next summer. Much like CM Punk did, losing the belt, feuding with guys like JBL(who was in the midcard at the time) then going back to the world title picture.
No, and he shouldn't. He's very entertaining as champion. He's good on the mic, he has the charisma, and a decent look, not overly big or small. People can criticise his ring skills all they want, but let's be honest, the top guys have never been great wrestlers. Hogan, Austin, The Rock, even Cena, sure they didn't know loads of moves and reversals. But they could tell a story, make an opponent look great and have the crowd eating out of the palm of their hand. Miz might not be on that level at the moment, but he's certainly getting there. He put on a hell of a match with Jerry Lawler a few weeks ago, carrying the old man to something quite special, which should have shut up his critics. Sure Vince has made some bad decisions. But you know when Vince chooses a wrestler to be a top guy, that they can do and do it well. Look at the above list. Vince saw something in all of them, pushed them, and they came through with flying colours. I do trust his judgement.

Swagger was a different case. He was pushed too fast, too soon. He's got some good ability and talent. But can you name one really good match that Swagger was in? Sure, there was that match with Cena a couple years ago, but it had more than an air of Cena carrying him. His promos as champion just didn't work. There were a couple, where he got great heat, but it really felt like Vickie heat rather than genuine heel heat. The crowd didn't particularly dislike him, they just bored them to tears.

So yeah, Miz can't and won't go back down to the midcard. He's far too hot and he's actually ready to be where he is now. He keeps people entertained better than Swagger ever could as champion, and that's what matters.
he will not drop anytime soon WWE management is very high on miz and see him as the future and hes a very hard worker. they didnt have much faith on swagger and u saw that as he lost multiple times as champion and when he won he always got backstabbed.. they didnt do it right but they want miz as a long term champion so i doubt he will drop to midcard.
I see Miz in the same manner as Chris Jericho, CM Punk or Edge before he won too many titles to be considered anything but mid-card. That is, he will be able rotate in between main event and upper mid card. In the future he could drop back to feud with someone in the mid-card scene, so he won't be a permanent fixture at the top. Even the top guys have to drop back down once in a while to remain fresh to the audience and allow others the opportunity to be pushed too. Miz is not that special ala Stone Cold or the Rock to expect special treatment from that.
I think Miz will go back to the midcard. He'll go back to the upper midcard, but the midcard none the less. He got his time in the main event and he did spectacular things, but he could use some time to develop some more main event level feuds and it's a good idea to give the fans a break from the Miz so they don't feel like he's being pushed down their throats.

Miz will be very heavily utilized in the midcard, and I suspect that he'll have an epic feud with Daniel Bryan that will culminate at SummerSlam, and I can also see him entering a brief feud and putting over Kofi Kingston. I also think we'll see another episode of JoMo vs. The Miz with Miz coming out on top again (making us wait for JoMo's triumph over the Miz will make the victory that much sweeter when it finally does come). I think by the end of the year we may see Miz back in the main event, but for at least a while he'll be spending his time in the midcard.
I think he is already back the mid-card in a manner of speaking. Right now WWE really has no main event scene in that SD (which I heard from spoilers was only 3/4 full for the taping) isn't really worth watching. You got Kofi in his 3rd reign as IC champ that won't be very interesting, Wade and Show are gonna do a feud leading into a Taker WM match (19-0 here we come) Drew is sweet on K2 and Dolph after getting shit on for a full year or two gets a Vickie fueled push against an ever aging Edge in a decent face run (why did they stop the war on stupid?). And on RAW you have a standard feud of Orton and Miz that won't do anything outside of okay, no tag division, Bryan slowly slipping off the radar, crappy divas matches, both Jomo and Sheamus having no direction except towards each other (at least Mayo man can say he held the strap twice), and Nexus Cena part 2. Frankly, short of writing out promos and match winners, there is no story structure being built in any WWE storylines right now. There is no emotion in the feuds just a "these guys haven't gone against each other so they will now" kind of thing. And as for the RAW GM I think they have forgotten all about it and have no plan so it'll just keep going until Vince decides to end it in some bullshit way. And when I say there is no ME right now, look at it this way. Cena is dealing Nexus without the belt so that can't ME and Miz/Orton, Edge/Dolph, Wade/Show aren't huge deals because all of them are interchangeable. They have epic spark floating around them. The Punk/Cena feud could have been one of the new classics, a one on one feud that could stand the test of time in terms of pro wrestling. Now it’s just idiots in different colored t-shirts wailing on each other. I only watch Raw now just to see if Punk hits some hard zingers. Besides that I don’t care anymore.

Sorry for the rant but I think I’m at the end of rope. Looking forward to the Rumble and not much else.
I doubt it'll happen. Jack Swagger & The Miz have been in two completely different situations.

When Jack Swagger won MITB at WrestleMania 26, it came out of left field because Swagger had been running pretty cold on SmackDown! for a while. He wins the World Heavyweight Championship less than a week later and has a pretty weak reign overall. While I did like the unexpected feel to it I have to admit that, looking back on it, it was a mistake for Swagger to be put in that spot. Not that he isn't talented or anything, but it was just the wrong time and it was handled the wrong way.

The Miz, on the other hand, had really been built and groomed over the course of more than a year to hit the WWE Championship scene on Raw. In October 2009, he wins the United States Championship and winds up holding it for the rest of 09 and for most of 10. Along the way, he becomes tag champs simultaneously with The Big Show and is continuously kept in high profile spots and part of high profile feuds. The Miz & Show win the tag titles after Miz cleanly pins HBK to win them. At the first MITB ppv, The Miz wins the Raw MITB match for a guaranteed WWE Championship match at some point. After he drops the United States Championship to Daniel Bryan and helps to establish him as a credible champion, the WWE moves Miz into position and they pull the trigger at the right moment.

The Miz has generated tons of renewed interest in Raw's main event picture, he works his ass off and never complains, he has a work ethic that Vince McMahon is in love with and ALWAYS does whatever is asked of him. Couple that with the WWE's steady build of him over the course of the past 13 months or so before winning the WWE Championship, it looks like Miz will be a steady feature in the main event picture.
I doubt it'll happen. Jack Swagger & The Miz have been in two completely different situations.

When Jack Swagger won MITB at WrestleMania 26, it came out of left field because Swagger had been running pretty cold on SmackDown! for a while. He wins the World Heavyweight Championship less than a week later and has a pretty weak reign overall. While I did like the unexpected feel to it I have to admit that, looking back on it, it was a mistake for Swagger to be put in that spot. Not that he isn't talented or anything, but it was just the wrong time and it was handled the wrong way.

Really? Jack Swagger was on Raw the year leading up to the Mania that he won the MITB. He won a match against Santino to qualify for the MITB and then went on to win it.

He hadn't appeared much on Raw and in the lead up to Mania and was missed off some of the shows all together, making his win all the more surprising.

Not too sure why you thought he was on Smackdown though, as the MITB at Mania can be cashed in on ANY Championship.
The Miz should not go down to mid card, he is the most entertaining part of WWE to me now. He does to much to promote the business now with the talk shows that it would be stupid to have Cena as a main eventer and The Miz as a midcarder.
I think the Miz will definitely stay as a main eventer. He has great mic skills and is extremely hateable. Also, IMO, he's getting better in the ring.
Swagger was too generic and boring so there's a difference.

The only problem that I see is I don't think there's any way they can make The Miz a face. This could affect his longevity as a main eventer. Almost every main eventer has gone both ways but I honestly don't see how they can even make the miz into a tweener unless he feuds with Nexus or something.

That is definitely something to watch out for.

However, I have heard that Vince McMahon really likes the Miz and usually that means he'll stay as a main eventer.
I don't see him going anywhere. Vince is in love with him, and he is very entertaining. He reminds me of a heel from the atitude era.
When Miz drops the title, he'll be an upper mid carder along the lines of Sheamus. I doubt he'd be champion again anytime soon though, if ever. Nor do I ever see him being on that Cena/Taker/HHH/Orton/Edge level of main event stardom.
So i was thinking today about what will happen if Miz loses the championship, Like what happened to Jack Swagger he became WHC and after awhile he lost it and went back to mid card with such people as Kofi,Drew Mcintyre, "Dashing" cody rhodes, Dolph Ziggler.

Will that happen to Miz when he loses the Championship? explain

No; Miz will stay in and around the main event/championship picture after he loses the WWE Title. He gets a lot of heat and crowds love to hate him. Also, out of the ring, his willingness to do mainstream media appearances and market the product will keep him in the good graces of management which will mean more main events for him.

Miz could become like Edge, a multi time champion who never holds the belt for long periods of time but he's going to be champion or near the title picture.
I highly doubt it.

Unlike Swagger, Miz has been a publicity machine for WWE. And even more then large, chiseled physiques, this is the type of superstar that Vince loves the most. While Miz isn't bringing in publicity in the traditional sense through ratings and PPV buys, as of yet, he is bringing a sense of recognition to the company based upon his appearances on Jimmy Fallon, Ghost Hunters, Are You Smarter Then a Fifth Grader, and the like.

Id look at him like an Edge. It took Edge a long time to break in to the main event scene, but since he's been there, he's never left. While i realize Edge paid his dues far longer then Miz did, Miz has still spent his time paying his dues. He's had to overcome far more obstacles in his 5 year career with WWE then most Superstars have, and he's gotten over each. I imagine that even if he's not seen as a Wrestlemania main eventer in the here and now(and he might be), they'll still be something big for him come Wrestlemania time. Following Wrestlemania, provided he's not in a title match there, he'll be in a high profile match, which he'll likely win. That should, like it did for Edge back in 2006, keep him right in the mix in the same way that it did for Edge.

Miz has also had a decent title reign, unlike Swagger. While Swagger's title reign was marred by poor feuds and terrible mic work, Miz has actually been involved in a decent feuds, and matches, with both Randy Orton and John Morrison. Other then his first title defense against Edge and Chris Jericho, Swagger's title reign was largely unmemorable. It wasn't completely his fault, but he didn't reallly do himself any favors either. Miz has done quite the opposite. Through each title defense, he's been opportunistic. Unlike Swagger, or even Sheamus, he hasn't been DQ'd in any of his title defenses. He's managed to defeat Orton(twice) and Morrison both within the bounds of the match rules that he's been in. And in doing so, he's been able to generate heat. The kind that makes people want to tune in to see him get his. He's been a great heel champion, unlike Swagger was. Despite him being booked as a vulnerable champion(there's a difference between "vulnerable and "weak"), he's managed to overcome being the underdog in every match he's been in. He's done so in underhanded ways, which again makes him a great vulnerable, heel champion.

The combination between the way hes been booked and the way he's generated publicity for the WWE almost ensures that Miz will remain in the main event picture, or at least the upper card after losing his title.
Swagger's character became very bland when he got the title and dropped down the card for that same reason when he lost the title.

Miz love him or hate him, you're interested in what he's going to say on Raw whenever he goes out and does a promo.

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