The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

More Charisma than Ric Flair
More Beautiful than Shawn Michaels
Better flier than Rey Mysterio
I think you all know who I am talking about...
Seriously? Melina may not be the most beautiful lady by Diva's standards, but she's insanely hot by the standards of reality or day to day life. She takes extremely good care of herself, and it shows. Her body is in perfect condition, and she's completely gorgeous in a way that's different from any other lady in the WWE. She's a far cry from the bleached blond fakeness of almost every woman in the company, and IMO that's a good thing.

Besides, who are you to question an enigma that you obviously don't understand? You simply haven't come to terms with the fact that Mr. Morrison is the present and future of the wrestling business.

It's okay, you too will see the light eventually my friend...

Nah. You can keep your Morrison. Beth Phoenix has more personality, and Santino has more skill.

And Melina needs to go to a dentist and done up that arse.
I want in....I know I dont have the amount of posts needed to get accepeted, but I surely believe that I have the words to make you guys accept me to The Palace of Wisdom. Well john morrison is THE future of the WWE. This guy is so amazing and there are alot of wrestling fans that dont notice his in ring skills, his charisma, his mic skills, his good looks etc. Those fans that dont notice it have no idea what they missing. I mean this is the only main reason I tune in to the Sci-Fi channel. All his promos are the best, there are never and will NEVER be a match that involves Morrison that will be a B level match. This guy is grade A. I always liked this guy and all my cousins thought I was crazy, when we went to SummerSlam last year in new jersey, I was the only one cheering him out of me and my cousins when he faced cm punk for the ecw title. Then as months passed, when we went to the 2008 Royal Rumble in new york city, the same cousins of mine that were booing him at summerslam, were all abosoluty going nuts and superrrr marking out for this guy when he came out. I turned and converted them to be john morrison fans, I made them watch amazing videos on youtube and all his amazing promos. This guy john morrison is going to be the reason TNA will never get better ratings then wwe....he is this days shawn micheals, and vince needs to acknowledge that becuase hbks days are numbered, but morrison is a new refreshed modern day version that will rule all of wwe and will be one of the best wwe/world champion....this guy is the total package. I have his theme song on my iPhone, I have alot of videos, and I even used one of his lines on a chick and she gave me her # in 10 seconds and you already know what happened next. This guy is the truth man and it pisses me off that wwe doesn't have him on the main event status, his matches would be so amazing and out of this world...but yeah I dont have alot of posts whatever cuz there aren't alot of forums that are worthy cuz they all almost just bashing cena, hhh or whatever, and I just been looking for a forum tha appreciates and ackowledges talent, and thank god for Monkey Mania for making this and allowing us to express our opinions and stuff....we all need to appreciate and who better then The Guru of Greatness, The Shaman of Sexy, The Tuesday Soon To Be Monday Night Delight, John Morrisonnnnnnnnn. So let me join in and lets all appreciate this God of Wrestling, and if I get decined, I just wanna thank you guys for taking ya time to read what I wrote. Thanks monkey mania, and thanks to john morrisons parents for creating such a perfect human being tha we can enjoy watching to many years to come.
Nah. You can keep your Morrison. Beth Phoenix has more personality, and Santino has more skill.

And Melina needs to go to a dentist and done up that arse.

I'll gladly keep my Morrison. I honestly believe he is rawly talented, and has insane amounts of potential.

I have no problem with Beth Phoenix. She does her job quite well IMO.

Santino will be a vague memory within 5 years.

Melina's teeth have been fixed, and they're not a problem anymore.
I wouldn't mind being the one who does up that arse either.
Not me. I'll catch in on I feel sorry for Miz - he'll have to move pretty quickly to avoid the cloud of kick ass Morrison will unleash when Henry and Hardy inevitably try it on.
I want to be the first to congratulate John Morrison for his incredible performance tuesday night on ECW. I knew The Dirt Sheet was going live, but I was still surprised that it took not one, not two, but three men to somewhat silence the Guru Of Greatness.

ECW creative can attempt to hold Morrison down, but the screams and moistness that escaped from every female fan in the Smackdown/ECW crowd tuesday proves beyond doubt that he's more than ready to take his rightful spot as Unified WWE/WHC/ECW Champion NOW.

It's only a matter of time...
Morrison's performance on Tuesday really made me question his mic skills. He seems forced and completely fake. You can tell the arrogance is purely a gimmick. I thought The Dirt Sheet bombed. The crowd wasn't reacting much, and neither was I. Morrison is great in the ring. He has the looks and the talent to be WWE Champ or WHC. He needs to work on appearing more natural.
Morrison's performance on Tuesday really made me question his mic skills. He seems forced and completely fake. You can tell the arrogance is purely a gimmick. I thought The Dirt Sheet bombed. The crowd wasn't reacting much, and neither was I. Morrison is great in the ring. He has the looks and the talent to be WWE Champ or WHC. He needs to work on appearing more natural.

I didn't see anything wrong with his mic work. He's playing his gimmick quite well IMO...
Morrison's meant to sound like that. It's his thing. He was the one with the best mic skills there. But yeah, how dare Mark Henry lay his hands on Morrison. He wasn't ready. The sun was in his eyes.
Henry and Hardy both need to leave Miz and Morrison alone. Morrison could beat Hardy and Henry by himself without the Miz.

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