The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

On a forum site!?!, Man, wrestlemania 26 is gonna suck... but that's okay cause Morrison's gonna be gone by then and they'll pick a new location.

And Santino = God, you seem to have trouble typing that. I suggest you get that checked by a doctor.
You see my friend I have trouble typing that blasphemy about Santino bc its simply not true do not shove ur religious beliefs on me Christianity,Roman Catholic,Buddhism,McMahonism, all these religions are fine and dandy but I follow one religion. Morrisonism.
Again my enemy (who the fuck said we were friends), you see I'm not pushing my religious beliefs on you, quite contrare, you weren't choosen for a reason. We don't want u in our club, but that's alright because you can stay here and listen to the echo of your posts, seeing as how u are about the only fan posting in this palace of fools. We did not start pushing our Santino beliefs on you, you began by bad mouthing the great Santino. A no no if there ever was one. You're right, Johnny Mo has done alot of things, and there is one thing that he and Angle have also done that Santino hasn't... GOT BUSTED BUYING/USING STERIODS!!! The great Santino does not need such cheating aids. So here's to Johnny Mo and hopes that he doesn't get caught twice more and his career goes straight to the toilet. (who am I kidding, that would be so freaking sweet) Later...later...later... hey there's that echo.
Miz and Morrison because they are more charismatic than MNM and had the tag titles longer. Neither team had alot of competiton. But Morrison carried both teams.

It seems as if the Unibrow Sporting, Italian Sterotype Embracing captain of the Monday Night Raw jobbers has some fans. That's all well and good fellas. This too shall pass.

I'm sure Vince will realize Marella's potential and put the women's championship on him at some point. I could be wrong though. Maybe Santino will get to carry the IC title out of Summer Slam and have a killer feud with the women's division and possibly Paul Burchill. Just think of the possibilities. Personally I don't think it'll happen, but I've been wrong once or twice in my life.

This is what I personally think of Santino:

Santino's decent at what he's told to do, but it's not hard to do comic relief. His character is seriously lacking, and it's hard to take a wrestler seriously once he's jobbed out to everyone on the roster.

These are my thoughts on how Santino compares to John Morrison:

Morrison is greater than Santino in every conceivable way as far as wrestling is concerned. He's more athletic, charismatic, well spoken and he's in better physical condition. You can bet your bottom dollar that Morrison will accomplish more accolades in the nest two years than Santino will achieve in a decade.

Did I say a decade? How could I be so stupid?

Santino won't even be a vague memory in a decade...

It seems as if the Unibrow Sporting, Italian Sterotype Embracing captain of the Monday Night Raw jobbers has some fans. That's all well and good fellas. This too shall pass.

I'm sure Vince will realize Marella's potential and put the women's championship on him at some point. I could be wrong though. Maybe Santino will get to carry the IC title out of Summer Slam and have a killer feud with the women's division and possibly Paul Burchill. Just think of the possibilities. Personally I don't think it'll happen, but I've been wrong once or twice in my life.

This is what I personally think of Santino:

Santino's decent at what he's told to do, but it's not hard to do comic relief. His character is seriously lacking, and it's hard to take a wrestler seriously once he's jobbed out to everyone on the roster.

These are my thoughts on how Santino compares to John Morrison:

Morrison is greater than Santino in every conceivable way as far as wrestling is concerned. He's more athletic, charismatic, well spoken and he's in better physical condition. You can bet your bottom dollar that Morrison will accomplish more accolades in the nest two years than Santino will achieve in a decade.

Did I say a decade? How could I be so stupid?

Santino won't even be a vague memory in a decade...

Oh Snap savage is my new fav poster.
Everyone quickly go to the tag team tourney thread and say u want Miz and Morrison or MNM in we must get the Tuesday Night Delight in the tourney in some form. Monkey_Mania use ur admin powers for good and vote in MNM or Miz and Morrison.
Welcome to the Palace of Wisdom

Enjoy your stay. Feel free to celebrate the sheer awesomeness that is John Morrison. God knows you've been struggling to not to enter your love of the Shaman of Sexy into every single post you've made and will make on any forum ever. Let it out, man. Let it all out. 'Cos here the Tuesday night delight becomes the every night (and day) delight.

Member List:

President: Monkey_Mania
Vice President: Mr.Sam
Princess: HBK-aholic

Steamboat Ricky
Mighty NorCal
Eternal Dragon
Slim Pickns
Demolition Punk
The Snake
DJ Supreme
Sir Sparky
Saint Blaze
Hardcore Kennedy

From this moment on. You have to have at least 100 spam free posts. No Excuses.

We are also searching for some staff positions. Secretary, Treasurer, and John Morrison's personal ball washer. I know that last one seems dirty, but alas it is a very important role. Treat it as such.


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