The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

Guys We are at war. At war with the Santino peasants. We have officially joined forces with the Kurt Angle Fan Club. Feel free to praise both Angle and Morrison in this Fan Club, and as always feel free to bash Santino. He can't even lace these guys boots.
John Morrison once went streaking in Los Angeles he was not arrested for indecent exposure but awarded a key to the city. Santino once walked through Los Angeles with his clothes on and was arrested for disturbing the peace. Morrison then appeared out of thin air and exclaimed.

" We don't allow jobbers with bad italian accents in the Palace of Wisdom."

Santino then began to cry and made himself feel better by beating up his little sister. Santino was then diagnosed with cancer but unfortuanately for him the only cure for cancer is John Morrison's tears. Too bad for Santino Marella that John Morrison never cries. Thus Santino will die of cancer and noone will care because he's about as memorable as Kenny Dykstra.

John Morrison did not just sleep with Melina...he had sex with Melina while he was asleep and it was the best sex she ever head and she had spontaneous orgasms while doing nothing but thinking about John Morrison for the next 6 months.
If i may, start a little chaos here.
In sports, a true fan cheers for one and only one team. They may like other teams, because of players/coaches/other reasons, but they are only a fan of one team. You don't see people dress up in Green and Yellow and cheer for the Packers at the Brett Farve Bar on Sunday and then see them on Monday at the same bar wearing Purple and cheering for the Vikings. People only begin to become fans of others when their team is losing or out and they jump on some other teams bandwagon. That is what all you John Morrison lovers are doing. Jumping on the new Kurt Angle Fan Club Bandwagon. We Santino lovers are not peasants, not enemies to everyone, just the most loyal wrestling fans you will find. And I don't expect you all to jump up right now and trade it all to be a member. I'm just reminding you all what being a fan is, it's about loving and respecting your wrestler/team. You didn't see Detroit and Colorado joining forces when New Jersey was winning cups (hockey), the Red Sox didn't ask for others to help them fight the Yankees (Baseball), the Celtics and Lakers didn't put aside their decades of rivalry when the Spurs and Pistons would always win. I don't hate Angle or Morrison. They are talented wrestlers, but I am a fan and will always be a fan of Santino and that is why I am in his club and not these ones. Angle and Morrison fans shouldn't be uniting to belittle and battle the great Santino, they should be honouring their chosen person they are a fan of, and supporting them no matter who they face. What will happen to you all if Angle and Morrison ever wrestle each other, it would be a great match, but u will be divided amongst yoursleves.
Now for a bit of line stealing "I'm gonna make this pencil... disappear. " (One of my favourite parts in the movie)
John Morrison once went streaking in Los Angeles he was not arrested for indecent exposure but awarded a key to the city. Santino once walked through Los Angeles with his clothes on and was arrested for disturbing the peace. Morrison then appeared out of thin air and exclaimed.

" We don't allow jobbers with bad italian accents in the Palace of Wisdom."

Santino then began to cry and made himself feel better by beating up his little sister. Santino was then diagnosed with cancer but unfortuanately for him the only cure for cancer is John Morrison's tears. Too bad for Santino Marella that John Morrison never cries. Thus Santino will die of cancer and noone will care because he's about as memorable as Kenny Dykstra.

John Morrison did not just sleep with Melina...he had sex with Melina while he was asleep and it was the best sex she ever head and she had spontaneous orgasms while doing nothing but thinking about John Morrison for the next 6 months.

So have I proven my worth am I worthy of the John Morrsion fan club?
Morrison is sexier than Maria, KellyKelly, Maryse, McCool, and Beautiful People combined. He sends tremors down my spine every time the entrance music hits. Ooh.
Yay! to all santino fans I got 2 words for ya Lifetime Jobber...lmao. John Morrison will be ECW Champion by Wrestlemania 25 bc he is not a jobber he is beeyond_good_and_evil..haha shamless plug. He is the tuesday night delight the shaman of sexy the guru of greatness. Santino is a tool. Morrsion is one half of the greatest tag team ever. God created all living things John Morrison created God.

Kurt Angle has more hair than Santino has talent...hahaha
The way i see it, Johnny Mo can have his precious ECW title by Wrestlemania 25, because Santino will be wearing IC gold in 4 days!!! And the ECW title!?! Please. The IC title is way more presitigous. I mean come on, Chavo held the ECW title. Johnny Mo will be nothing more than a Stevie Ray or Road Dogg, a good tag teamer and nothin else.

And it's nice to see the 'palace of wisdom' the John Morrison fan club, has become nothing more than the Angle suck up club. beyond_good_and _evil, ha, lets see u guys try getting beyond ok first.
The way i see it, Johnny Mo can have his precious ECW title by Wrestlemania 25, because Santino will be wearing IC gold in 4 days!!! And the ECW title!?! Please. The IC title is way more presitigous. I mean come on, Chavo held the ECW title. Johnny Mo will be nothing more than a Stevie Ray or Road Dogg, a good tag teamer and nothin else.

And it's nice to see the 'palace of wisdom' the John Morrison fan club, has become nothing more than the Angle suck up club. beyond_good_and _evil, ha, lets see u guys try getting beyond ok first.

Let's see when was the last time Santino had a victory over a male competitor...idk maybe back when Lashley basically beat Umaga for him over a year ago. Yeah I think that's it. Yeah there's some credibility for ya Santino has he ever beaten anyone significant at all. Morrison owned the Current WHC CM Punk for months before he finally lost to him.and Morrison has been Intercontinental Champion too in fact he's been IC champ more times than Santino and beat more credible people too...Suck on that Santino!
Welcome to the Palace of Wisdom

Enjoy your stay. Feel free to celebrate the sheer awesomeness that is John Morrison. God knows you've been struggling to not to enter your love of the Shaman of Sexy into every single post you've made and will make on any forum ever. Let it out, man. Let it all out. 'Cos here the Tuesday night delight becomes the every night (and day) delight.

Member List:

President: Monkey_Mania

Uncle Sam
Steamboat Ricky
Mighty NorCal
Eternal Dragon
Slim Pickns
Demolition Punk
The Snake

Monkey Mania could u plz edit the original member list and put my name up on there so I can see my name in the greatest fan club...much better than the santino fana club haha ever...Go Morrison!!!!

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