The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

John Morrison has the tools to go all the way in this business. He's great on the stick, has phenomenal charisma and a unique, exciting wrestling style. He's definitely established himself as a singles wrestler to me after MNM I collapsed. This guy is one of WWE's top guys, and entertains every time he's on that screen. Sign me up for a room in the Palace of Wisdom.
Err, you know, it's a running joke on that Dirt Sheet show of Morrison and Miz'; they unexpectedly randomly say "MISTER FUJI" and throw salt in the eyes of random people.

Yeah, I guess you had to be there, because that looks really stupid in text.

John Morrison went to the Virgin Islands.They are now simply the Islands.
John Morisson is the total package. He looks great.. I mean, who in the WWE has a better body? He has that arrogant, flashy Ric Flair type of look.. I'm not saying he'll be Flair, but he reminds me of him. John's got the mic skills and the in ring skills.. He's also marketable.. WWE pushed the wrong John.

*Knocks* Lemme in!
John Morrison stands out in the crowd to say the very least. Awesomeness seems to ooze from his every pore each and every time he steps onto the entrance ramp.

His slo-mo entrance is quite possibly the most fantastic of any entrance in the history of WWF/E, and from the first time you see it John Morrison is instantly recognizalbe from that day forward.

Then you notice his flashy attire and stylized hair, and that instills in your soul that this is a man that knows EXACTLY what he wants. The overall look of the performer is stellar, and is also an instant classic to which few can compete.

Then he makes his way into the ring and jaws simulateously drop all over the arena when he hits even the most difficult manueuver whether it be a standing shooting star press or a split legged corkscrew moonsault with the greatest of ease. Saying that John Morrison is a master of his craft is quite possibly the understatement of the century.

Not since Shawn Michaels has their been a more cocky/arrogant performer who doesn't have to rely solely on his appearance. John Morrison could easily be World Heavyweight Champion or a poster boy for millions of women to swoon over, and he knows it.

Once all of these fantastic aspects of the man sink in you'll begin to notice that he doesn't shy away from a microphone. This is because he is a fountain of wisdom that is to be coveted throughout time. John Morrison isn't just a pretty boy, he's a scholar.

Then you may notice the Moonlight Drive. This is a gift that was handed directly from god into the mind of the Shaman Of Sexy. Not only can this hold work perfectly on any man who's easily twice the size of Mr. Morrison "he should be referred to only as MR. Morrison thank you", but it can also come as if from nowhere to put an instant end to any confrontation.

In closing I'd like to say that John Morrison is not only the future of the WWE, but it's present as well.

Panties drop at the mention of the name....John Morrison..........
Nice post savage138..I vote he gets a trial membership until he does some real posting.

Morrison fun fact of the day:

During the 4-way ladder match at Armageddon 06, the ladder didn't accidentally hit Mercury, Nitro actually pushed him in front of it so he could elevate himself as a single's wrestler. FACT.
Nice post savage138..I vote he gets a trial membership until he does some real posting.

Morrison fun fact of the day:

During the 4-way ladder match at Armageddon 06, the ladder didn't accidentally hit Mercury, Nitro actually pushed him in front of it so he could elevate himself as a single's wrestler. FACT.

Thanks for the kind words. It's very much appreciated.

I should be a full fledged member, as I'm a follower of Mr. Morrison in all ways.

With each step I take in this life I ask myself the following:

Will this please Mr. Morrison?

Am I living up to my potential as a follower of The Morrison?

Will my current actions lead to a place within the hallowed halls of The Palace Of Wisdom?

How can I help to make the world a more tolerable place for Mr. Morrison?

These questions encapsulate my every waking thought, and my admiration of The Shaman Of Sexy aka The Tuesday Night Delight is all encompassing.

Without Morrison professional wrestling "and happiness in general" will cease to exist for me.
Thanks for the kind words. It's very much appreciated.

I should be a full fledged member, as I'm a follower of Mr. Morrison in all ways.

With each step I take in this life I ask myself the following:

Will this please Mr. Morrison?

Am I living up to my potential as a follower of The Morrison?

Will my current actions lead to a place within the hallowed halls of The Palace Of Wisdom?

How can I help to make the world a more tolerable place for Mr. Morrison?

These questions encapsulate my every waking thought, and my admiration of The Shaman Of Sexy aka The Tuesday Night Delight is all encompassing.

Without Morrison professional wrestling "and happiness in general" will cease to exist for me.

Quick test. If I were to say "Mr. Kennedy..." you would say...?

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