The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

I really like Morrison. One of my favorites currently. I enjoy his "flashy moves" and stuff, but I will admit he doesn't have much for personality. Melina pretty much made the original MNM and got them most of their heat(she really is great), Morrison reminds me of a Jeff Hardy type(people love him for his moves and such not so much for charisma or mic skills).
The matches between Punk and Morrison was the best ECW had to offer,

How does that make them good?

you call it average, i call them good.

Can't argue with that.

The PPV matches were also good Punk and Morrison showcased what they had learned

Don't wrestlers showcase what they've learnt each time they go out and wrestle?

Look at me, I'm writing. I'm showing what I learnt at school.

and did a good job entertaining the fans.

Entertained you. Bathroom breaks for everyone else. You hear that lack of reaction towards the matches? That's called apathy.

Wrong. They knew that Morrison vs Punk was the only thing that could save ECW.

That must be why the feud over the ECW title was supposed to be Benoit vs. Punk then.

Because he's in a tag-team that needs to split up, and the creative team are too far up their asses to notice him.

If he was any good, WWE would have no other option but to notice him.

I disagree, burke wouldnt have done the same impact. Because Burke didnt have the same gimmick as Morrison.

Burke probably would have made more of an impact. He's got more charisma as Morrison, and his matches with Punk were just as average.

What are you talking about? i said that Morrison was well known, and that if he would feud with Hardy the ratings would be higher.

That's called speculation. I speculate that Hardy vs. Hornswoggle would get higher ratings that Morrison vs. Hardy. Why? Because Hornswoggle is more over than Morrison.

And they aren't having the feud because Morrison is in a tag team.

The Miz & Morrison vs. Hardy & Finlay. Sorted, if only booking was that easy.

How do you expect them to break up so soon?

Why do they need to break up?

Bullshit. He is not a flop as a singles wrestler,

But, y'know, he was.

he's in a tag team because creative likes the Miz and Morrison as a team or else they would have been seperated a long time ago.

They were put together because WWE wanted to use The Miz in some capacity. He was selected to face Punk at Cyber Sunday 07 to the surprise of WWE. He was a terrible worker at the time, so they but him in a tag team where he lack of ability wouldn't be so obvious.

The reason they've not split up is because WWE has nothing for them.

The reason why the audience doesnt boo him is because they like Morrison too much.

If they're not getting booed then they're not doing their jobs properly. They are bad guys after all.

What i meant to say was that he cant show all of his talents.

So he can't show off his talents in all those matches?

Oh jeez, i was wrong thank you e-jesus for pointing that out to me.

You're welcome.

Oh and BTW you were wrong too.

No, no. I'm right. Ask Brian Becker.

You just said M&M are talentless,

No I didn't.

then why do you think the creative team lets these two wrestle on EACH show and have there own internet segment if they didnt have any talent? or people didnt care about them?.

Didn't you just say that Morrison isn't given the oppertunity to show off how talented he is?

It's all The Miz anyway. Watch The Dirt Sheet, Morrison rolls off him.

No to an extreme extent, but they do pay attention to the show.

Every time I don't want you to take something literally I'll post this smilie :beatup:

You're ignorant. If they didnt pay attention how the hell would the young talent like Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, The Miz, John Morrison grow?


and are you forgetting the brand helped Matt Hardy Current ECW champion,

Super over Matt Hardy hasn't been helped at all by ECW.

CM Punk former WHC,

Punk made his debut on ECW, so the only way was up.

Over before and after.

Shelton Benjamin current US champion

Didn't do anything of note on the brand.

Hawkins, Ryder former tag team champions

What did they do on ECW again?

Kofi Kingston former IC champion.

10 minutes on the Raw brand and he had more of an impact than in 6 months on ECW.

How many times do i need to repeat myself?


they demoted him because he made a MISTAKE using a substance, and afterwards they didnt pay attention and left him in a tag team.

Like Jeff Hardy?
Will Morrison show how truly awful he is in the Survivor Series match? He is, after all, the least over person in the match.
How does that make them good?

Because they put on good quality matches for ECW.

Can't argue with that.

Me neither.

Don't wrestlers showcase what they've learnt each time they go out and wrestle?

Look at me, I'm writing. I'm showing what I learnt at school.

If that were the case then we would see much better wrestling on every show. Let me give you an example, when a wrestler goes out every week on Raw Smackdown or ECW he gets tired and makes mistakes, but when they are booked on a pay-per-view they showcase everything they got.

Entertained you. Bathroom breaks for everyone else. You hear that lack of reaction towards the matches? That's called apathy.

No i heard crowd excitement and fan reaction something that was very rare for ECW in 2007.

That must be why the feud over the ECW title was supposed to be Benoit vs. Punk then.

I think you have the wrong idea. I am talking about the events AFTER the benoit incident. At that point they knew that the only thing that could save ECW was Morrison vs Punk.

If he was any good, WWE would have no other option but to notice him.

That's bullshit, in the past years how many times have you seen missuse of talent, wasting them on useless storylines, just like they are doing with Morrison right now.

Burke probably would have made more of an impact. He's got more charisma as Morrison, and his matches with Punk were just as average.

Oh really? well that must be the reason Burke got released, because he had way too much talent the WWE could handle.

That's called speculation. I speculate that Hardy vs. Hornswoggle would get higher ratings that Morrison vs. Hardy. Why?

Oh? so you believe in what you speculate, instead of waiting to see it for yourself.

Because Hornswoggle is more over than Morrison.

Over with kids, wow what an amazing accomplishment.

The Miz & Morrison vs. Hardy & Finlay. Sorted, if only booking was that easy.

You're basing this statement on just one match. And what is Hardy doing now? feuding with Finlay.

Why do they need to break up?

Because its better for the both of them.

But, y'know, he was.

No he's not, why dont you go watch ECW 2007 over again.

The reason they've not split up is because WWE has nothing for them.

That's the problem. They are too far up their asses to realize what they could do with these two wrestlers.

If they're not getting booed then they're not doing their jobs properly. They are bad guys after all.

They went from bad guys, to a bunch of comedians. I blame Morrison partialy for this mistake. If they didn't create the dirt sheet or have comedy segments, they would get booed. Trust me.

So he can't show off his talents in all those matches?

Read this very closely, not ALL of his talents.

You're welcome.


No, no. I'm right. Ask Brian Becker.


No I didn't.

Yes you did. You said :
This is like going to a club and having the two ugliest girls in the place eyeing you up. Obviously you've got to go home and have sex with one, but you could really take or leave both. So what you do is pick the one who's slightly better than the other, and that is The Miz. Because Morrison just plain suck. As does The Miz, but at least he gives me hope that he can become somebody who's worth watching in the future.

Didn't you just say that Morrison isn't given the oppertunity to show off how talented he is?

He doesnt get any promo time. And almost never wrestles as a single's competitor.

It's all The Miz anyway. Watch The Dirt Sheet, Morrison rolls off him.

Its the other way around.

Every time I don't want you to take something literally I'll post this smilie :beatup:

How about you post things that you actually think about.

Super over Matt Hardy hasn't been helped at all by ECW.

Being a mid-card champion for someone who was about to be forgotten isnt being helped?

Punk made his debut on ECW, so the only way was up.

Not just Punk

Over before and after.

Wrestled like crap, on ECW had decent matches, on Raw wrestles like crap yet again.

Didn't do anything of note on the brand.

Oh no? so how did management notice him and made him a US champion, wait... i know! its because he's black right?

What did they do on ECW again?


10 minutes on the Raw brand and he had more of an impact than in 6 months on ECW.

Bullshit. Kingston entertained the fans every week on ECW with good and exciting wrestling, and was made into the superstar he is today.

If you say so e-jesus.

Like Jeff Hardy?

You cant compare Hardy to Morrison.
Because they put on good quality matches for ECW.

You keep saying that over and over again. Even though I've pointed out the lack of intrest from the fans in attendance.

Me neither.

I was being sarcastic.

If that were the case then we would see much better wrestling on every show.

Not if the wrestlers aren't talented, and what about off days?

Let me give you an example, when a wrestler goes out every week on Raw Smackdown or ECW he gets tired and makes mistakes, but when they are booked on a pay-per-view they showcase everything they got.

That's possibly one of the worst things you've ever posted. An admin really should delete your account.

Do they suddenly get a huge surge of energy on PP0V that stops them from making mistakes? No, the matches are just booked differently. And while some PPV matches are superior in quality, most of the filler matches are of the same or a lesser quality to that you get on TV.

If Morrison & Punk were having any good matches, which they weren't, they'd be classified as the TV ones.

No i heard crowd excitement and fan reaction something that was very rare for ECW in 2007.

You mean in 2007 when Lashley was champion, RVD was still on the brand and when Vince McMahon was a champion?

I think you have the wrong idea. I am talking about the events AFTER the benoit incident. At that point they knew that the only thing that could save ECW was Morrison vs Punk.

Errr, no. It's the only thing they could have put on. They put the title on Morrison instead of Punk because they wanted to save that feud and have Benoit try and make Punk into a star. Morrison got the title because they needed a new champion at Vengeance, and Punk vs. Benoit with the young guy as champion wouldn't have worked. If Benoit had been back at work on Tuesday you probably would have seen the end of Morrisons title reign.

WWE were just trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

That's bullshit, in the past years how many times have you seen missuse of talent, wasting them on useless storylines, just like they are doing with Morrison right now.

Like who?

Oh really? well that must be the reason Burke got released, because he had way too much talent the WWE could handle.

I figured this is why you replied to the thread. I made the original post over a week ago, yet you only replied once Burke got released. I guess this is you big proving point.

Anyway, what I said is that Burke is more charismatic and just as poor in the ring as Morrison.

Oh? so you believe in what you speculate, instead of waiting to see it for yourself.

Wait, weren't you on about how Morrison vs. Hardy would draw?

Over with kids, wow what an amazing accomplishment.

Kids make up a heavy percentage of the audience, most are taken to the shows by parents who aren't intrested in wrestling. Kids get more merchandise, and aren't as embarrased about cheering.

You're basing this statement on just one match. And what is Hardy doing now? feuding with Finlay.

It's an example. Please, you're confusing me. I'm thinking ''Is he really being serious when he posts that''.

Because its better for the both of them.

What so they can slip down the roster? Then as a tag team is the only thing that's keeping them in a prominent part of the show.

No he's not, why dont you go watch ECW 2007 over again.

You want me to watch 52 episodes of ECW to prove a point? Why don't you just post me some videos.

That's the problem. They are too far up their asses to realize what they could do with these two wrestlers.

Or maybe WWE think they have potential and know that splitting them, and putting them on the big brands will only make them fail.

They went from bad guys, to a bunch of comedians. I blame Morrison partialy for this mistake. If they didn't create the dirt sheet or have comedy segments, they would get booed. Trust me.

If it wasn't for The Dirt Sheet then this thread wouldn't even be here.

Read this very closely, not ALL of his talents.

Why can't he show off ALL of his talents?

Yes you did. You said :


He doesnt get any promo time. And almost never wrestles as a single's competitor.

Other than, y'know, The Dirt Sheet. And if he's talented it should come through in those tag team matches.

Its the other way around.

How so, when it's The Miz making all the main points and Morrison just chips in.

How about you post things that you actually think about.

Because that would be boring, I like to do things on the fly.

What, you're actually thinking your responses through?

Being a mid-card champion for someone who was about to be forgotten isnt being helped?

How exactly was Matt Hardy about to be forgotten? He was always on WWE TV and he's always super over.

Wrestled like crap, on ECW had decent matches, on Raw wrestles like crap yet again.

Err, where are these quality Kane matches on ECW? He's shit, has been forever. A change of brand isn't suddenly going to make him improve.

Oh no? so how did management notice him and made him a US champion, wait... i know! its because he's black right?

Maybe, it's certainly not because of his run on ECW.

Yeah, twice.

Bullshit. Kingston entertained the fans every week on ECW with good and exciting wrestling, and was made into the superstar he is today.

Did I say he wasn't popular? I don't think I did, check that for me. Without looking I think I said he did more on his first night as a Raw wrestler than in 6 months on ECW.

So I'll elaborate more:

ECW: weekly matches.

Raw: weekly matches, PPV debut, former IC champion, current World Tag champion.

So I guess my point was proven in that little section.

If you say so e-jesus.

E-Jesus, I like it. It rings so true, I have nothing positive to say about you. Sorry.

You cant compare Hardy to Morrison.

Wrestlers, long hair, unconventional attire, more over tag partner, a bit dull etc. I could probably go on for a while. Those are just several things that Morrison & Hardy share.
I've always found Morrison entertaining. His matches weren't the greatest, but he seemed to be so fluid at times and I like most of his mic work.
Only thing I can think of is that Punk is going to win the IC title, and he and Kofi weren't working out anyway... so they took the belts off of them.
Ah, I haven't really watch more than about 20 mins. of wrestling in the past month, so honestly other than Batista/Orton, and Cena/Jericho I have no idea what's on the card

it isnt becuase you havent been watching, its becuase the card is entirely forgettable. I was fucking AT RAW ON MONDAY, and when I read KBs post I said to myself

"no shit?? there are SEVEN matches?? since WHEN??"

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