The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

What is with everyone booking tickets for the titanic after it hit the iceberg? Did you all get lost to the SFAC?
I just recently found this thread tbh. I do like Morrison... a lot!!
So I'm not really booking tickets as much as just enjoying the cooling swim :D
I just recently found this thread tbh. I do like Morrison... a lot!!
So I'm not really booking tickets as much as just enjoying the cooling swim :D

You should, Morrison is a good entertainer and if you watch ECW for a while you'll like him even more.
Santino is good dont get me wrong. i just find the guy to be very annoying. Morrison is cocky but does not act like a complete ass.
my point and santino is so dumb. he gets to carry the best mid card tittle around like a joke with his dumb honk a meter just to gain heat. he sucks as champion when he does not defend against crediable people. i hope Regal takes the belt he can wrestle and bring some value back to the belt.
my point and santino is so dumb. he gets to carry the best mid card tittle around like a joke with his dumb honk a meter just to gain heat. he sucks as champion when he does not defend against crediable people. i hope Regal takes the belt he can wrestle and bring some value back to the belt.

So, a heel uses something to gain heat? That's a bad thing? Ha. Riiight.

He sucks as champion? Santino is the first person in years to make us care about the IC belt. Would you say that Jericho was a better champion? Wrong. Jericho used to come to the ring without the belt and he was always in a fued that wasn't about the title.

Santino is the best IC Champion in years and years.

Now I may not have many posts, but I am a fan of The Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison. If anything, I believe the Palace of Wisdom requires an artist.
yeah but you're a fan of John Morrison, A heel getting face pops. His only heat comes from the Miz.

I said it before and i will say it again. The Miz is better than John Morrison

You're wrong. The one thing The Miz is better at than Morrison is to generate more heat, thats all. Morrison has better skills than The Miz.
If Morrison had "better" skills wouldn't he be able to generate heel heat, and play a better character?

You're wrong again Miz > Morrison
my point and santino is so dumb. he gets to carry the best mid card tittle around like a joke with his dumb honk a meter just to gain heat. he sucks as champion when he does not defend against crediable people. i hope Regal takes the belt he can wrestle and bring some value back to the belt.

Red rep for you.
Morrison made punk look good, and his matches were not average.

A near 6 month feud and the only intresting match was the one in which Punk won the ECW title. All the rest were average. How else would you describe the Vengeance, Bash & Summer Slam matches?

Why do you think the creative team would let these two feud, if there wasnt interest in them.

Because Benoit was on sabbatical.

Of course decent, because ECW is a talent farm you cant expect people to love watching that.

Why hasn't Morrison progressed out of this farm?

No, but if Morrison wasnt the ECW champion i'm 100% sure that the brand, would have low ratings. Because of the fact that at the time not one wrestler in ECW had enough credibility. Morrison helped the brand by getting viewers, and it worked.

Elijah Burke would probably have had the exact same impact. Maybe Punk would have. He was over before his feud with Morrison after all.

So what? don't change the subject.

It was a comment dumb shit. Notice how I carried on talking about Morrison after?

You're wrong. Morrison is well known with the fans, and with him being in a feud with the ECW champion Hardy, who is also well known would raise the ratings for ECW.

How is it well known? It's not happened yet. If it was known that that feud would get good ratings then wouldn't WWE be having that feud?

The reason the management is booking him bad is because Morrison isnt a single's competitor,

He's in a tag team because he's a flop as a singles wrestler. He needs the personality of The Miz to stay over.

he's only competing against other tag teams, so how can he use his talents if he's in the ring with three other people,

So if you're in a tag team you can't showcase your talents now? Wow, I didn't know that. I'm learning so much from you. Namely that I'm at least not the dumbest person on the forum.

with limited tv time.

Like 15 minutes each ECW, an internet show, and regular appearances on Raw & Smackdown?

What you wrote down is ridiculous. You cant expect me to believe that a entertainer wont do what the management tells him to do, and that the show isnt being monitored well.

So are you trying to say that WWE pay as much attention to ECW as they do the two bigger shows?

Its a talent farm its especially monitored to help the young entertainers grow and become better.

Like those up-and-comers Finlay, Mark Henry & Matt Hardy?

He's the best entertainer ECW has to offer, so how is he poor?

Poor matches, lack of charisma. The Miz is better than him in every way,. And The Miz sucks. Matt Hardy is more popular, as is Hornswoggle. Try again numpty.

This is absurd. Even thought The Miz is better at generating heat at the moment, you cant deny the fact that Morrison has won many title's in his short career, something that The Miz hasnt done.

Yeah, The Miz is better, with an ounce of the push Morrison has recieved. Multi time WWE tag Champ, IC & ECW champ, yet they demoted him. Wouldn't happen if he was as talented as everyone makes out.
Ok buddy if Morrison could not make it as a single wrestler then why did he feud with Jeff hardy in one of the best intercontinintal feuds in years unlike that idiot we have now who cant wrestle to save his own ass. cant put people over at all. John had steel cages, ladder matches and great singles matches with Jeff. Morrison also is a way better wrestler and athletically more gifted then the Miz by a long shot. he does not draw heat well but thats why he is with Miz in the first place. then he will move to raw for top main event push within next year. Miz will never be anymore then a good mid carder. so Morrison>Miz
Ok buddy if Morrison could not make it as a single wrestler then why did he feud with Jeff hardy in one of the best intercontinintal feuds in years

You only consider it the best IC title feud in years, because it was the only IC title feud in years. All the other champions have just had a series of matches.

I'm not being literal buddy

unlike that idiot we have now who cant wrestle to save his own ass.

You mean the guy who's got more charisma in his foreskin than John Morrison?

cant put people over at all.

The only people who don't benefit from being in the ring with Santino are the main event wrestlers. Everyone else does.

John had steel cages, ladder matches and great singles matches with Jeff.

He had a good cage match, a sloppy ladder match and some very bland singles matches.

Morrison also is a way better wrestler and athletically more gifted then the Miz by a long shot.

No. Morrison is more innovative with a ladder or a Cage. The Miz is over without doing all that dullshit.

he does not draw heat well but thats why he is with Miz in the first place.

Right, he sucks so they put him with The Miz. That's what I've been saying.

then he will move to raw for top main event push within next year.

Or he'll go to Raw and fail. Like last time.

Miz will never be anymore then a good mid carder.

Like a better version of Morrison them.

so Morrison>Miz

Can't argue with that.
world heavyweight championship Batista vs Cena 2 buried alive. winner Cena

wwe championship Jeff hardy vs Edge vs HHH hell in a cell or TLC triple threatthis would be just sick and fun to watch. winner Edge.

Houston showdown Undertaker vs HBK hell in a cell where it all started ends here again. they hyped it again on 3 hour raw taker looked at Shawn loke his new prey. winner HBK

Vladimir Koslov vs Big Show Last man standing

money in the bank MVP vs Umaga vs Kenndrick vs Benjamin vs Evan Bourne vs Morrison. this needs to be a Umaga or Morrison win as these two should already be main Eventers.

Melina vs Beth Phonieax steel cage loser has strip all there clothing on TV no Censoring as it is on paper view womens tittle. winner dont care want to see both naked.

A near 6 month feud and the only intresting match was the one in which Punk won the ECW title. All the rest were average. How else would you describe the Vengeance, Bash & Summer Slam matches?

The matches between Punk and Morrison was the best ECW had to offer, you call it average, i call them good. The PPV matches were also good Punk and Morrison showcased what they had learned and did a good job entertaining the fans.

Because Benoit was on sabbatical.

Wrong. They knew that Morrison vs Punk was the only thing that could save ECW.

Why hasn't Morrison progressed out of this farm?

Because he's in a tag-team that needs to split up, and the creative team are too far up their asses to notice him.

Elijah Burke would probably have had the exact same impact. Maybe Punk would have. He was over before his feud with Morrison after all.

I disagree, burke wouldnt have done the same impact. Because Burke didnt have the same gimmick as Morrison.

It was a comment dumb shit. Notice how I carried on talking about Morrison after?

So you say useless bullshit all the time?

How is it well known? It's not happened yet. If it was known that that feud would get good ratings then wouldn't WWE be having that feud?

What are you talking about? i said that Morrison was well known, and that if he would feud with Hardy the ratings would be higher. And they aren't having the feud because Morrison is in a tag team. How do you expect them to break up so soon?

He's in a tag team because he's a flop as a singles wrestler. He needs the personality of The Miz to stay over.

Bullshit. He is not a flop as a singles wrestler, he's in a tag team because creative likes the Miz and Morrison as a team or else they would have been seperated a long time ago. The reason why the audience doesnt boo him is because they like Morrison too much.

So if you're in a tag team you can't showcase your talents now? Wow, I didn't know that.

What i meant to say was that he cant show all of his talents.

I'm learning so much from you. Namely that I'm at least not the dumbest person on the forum.

Oh realy? Nice for you!

Like 15 minutes each ECW, an internet show, and regular appearances on Raw & Smackdown?

Oh jeez, i was wrong thank you e-jesus for pointing that out to me.

Oh and BTW you were wrong too.

You just said M&M are talentless, then why do you think the creative team lets these two wrestle on EACH show and have there own internet segment if they didnt have any talent? or people didnt care about them?.

So are you trying to say that WWE pay as much attention to ECW as they do the two bigger shows?

No to an extreme extent, but they do pay attention to the show.

Like those up-and-comers Finlay, Mark Henry & Matt Hardy?

You're ignorant. If they didnt pay attention how the hell would the young talent like Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, The Miz, John Morrison grow? and are you forgetting the brand helped Matt Hardy Current ECW champion, CM Punk former WHC, Kane, Shelton Benjamin current US champion Hawkins, Ryder former tag team champions and Kofi Kingston former IC champion.

Yeah, The Miz is better, with an ounce of the push Morrison has recieved. Multi time WWE tag Champ, IC & ECW champ, yet they demoted him. Wouldn't happen if he was as talented as everyone makes out.

How many times do i need to repeat myself? they demoted him because he made a MISTAKE using a substance, and afterwards they didnt pay attention and left him in a tag team.
look, you're in denial, Morrison is a character. if people liked Morrison they would be booing him, but the fans aren't thats why the stuck him with the Miz. The Miz generates heat, because he is an annoying person. Morrison failed as a singles competitor because he lacks charisma and the ability to generate heel heat when he is a heel, and he can't generate face pops when a face. Face it, people wouldn't care for Morrison if the Miz wasn't with him.
Well from watching Smackdown, I now know Morrison is faster than the Miz. The way he ran away from Hardy was the funnies thing ive seen in a while and his little leap at the end to avoid the chair was a classic.

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