The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

actually, the stages of john morrison are (in no particular order)
Johnny Hennigan
Johnny Blaze
John Morrison
Johnny Nitro
Johnny Onyx
Johnny Spade
Johnny Superstar
John Morrison is the best, better than Cena better than Chuck, Norris and better than you. I hope after having 100 posts, i can join this holy land aka The Palace Of Wisdom as well.
John Morrison is the best, better than Cena better than Chuck, Norris and better than you. I hope after having 100 posts, i can join this holy land aka The Palace Of Wisdom as well.

Don't even pretend that is true.

Cena is better than John Morrison. This topic cannot be debated. There is nothing to debate about it.
Lack or personality, lack of wrestling talent. The only reason people like him is because he's gorgeous to look at.

You're wrong. He has a personality, and he can wrestle. Why do you think the WWE has pushed him in the past and present if he didnt have any talent.

Don't even pretend that is true.

Cena is better than John Morrison. This topic cannot be debated. There is nothing to debate about it.

I wrote this down to make a good impression, of course nobody is better than Cena.
Woah - how did I miss this place?!?!

I am rather a big fan of John Morrison and his diamante studded abs ;) granted he may have made a mistake, but he has paid for it and now he is part of rather a good tag team with Miz at the moment, imo.

Although seeing him vs Matt Hardy for the ECW belt would be a good feud :D
The diamante studded abs were awesome. I can't deny that.

Yeah, they did emphasise his bod - but I was spotting them coming off in last week's match, to great amusement - they definitely weren't all there/in the right place half way through & I think I saw Primo with some glitter on at one point :D
If he'd done a good enough job as champion then they probably wouldn't have put him with The Miz. He'd at least be challenging for the ECW frequently.

He did a good job as a champion, why did you think ECW had decent ratings with the benoit crisis?, it was because of John Morrison. I would also like that Morrison would challenge Hardy but instead the creative team keep on tagging him along with The Miz who of course is talented as well. Dont blame Morrison for some idiots who happen to book him bad.
He did a good job as a champion,

He had some really average matches with Punk. That's all.

why did you think ECW had decent ratings with the benoit crisis?,

Decent? You mean above average, surely.

it was because of John Morrison.

Did ratings take a nose dive when he lost the belt? If not then maybe it was just ECW in general.

I would also like that Morrison would challenge Hardy

That sentence is just wrong.

but instead the creative team keep on tagging him along with The Miz who of course is talented as well.

Maybe they don't want him to feud with Hardy because WWE know that will induce some bore related channel surfing.

Dont blame Morrison for some idiots who happen to book him bad.

In what way are they booking him bad? He's one of the main stars on ECW, free to do almost whatever he wants. That show isn't monitored as much as Raw & Smackdown. Morrison has free reign to try something new. If he wasn't so poor he would utilize his spot better. As it is he's second best to The Miz in that team.
He had some really average matches with Punk. That's all.

Morrison made punk look good, and his matches were not average. Why do you think the creative team would let these two feud, if there wasnt interest in them.

Decent? You mean above average, surely.

Of course decent, because ECW is a talent farm you cant expect people to love watching that.

Did ratings take a nose dive when he lost the belt? If not then maybe it was just ECW in general.

No, but if Morrison wasnt the ECW champion i'm 100% sure that the brand, would have low ratings. Because of the fact that at the time not one wrestler in ECW had enough credibility. Morrison helped the brand by getting viewers, and it worked.

That sentence is just wrong.

So what? don't change the subject.

Maybe they don't want him to feud with Hardy because WWE know that will induce some bore related channel surfing.

You're wrong. Morrison is well known with the fans, and with him being in a feud with the ECW champion Hardy, who is also well known would raise the ratings for ECW.

In what way are they booking him bad? He's one of the main stars on ECW, free to do almost whatever he wants.

The reason the management is booking him bad is because Morrison isnt a single's competitor, he's only competing against other tag teams, so how can he use his talents if he's in the ring with three other people, with limited tv time.

That show isn't monitored as much as Raw & Smackdown. Morrison has free reign to try something new.

What you wrote down is ridiculous. You cant expect me to believe that a entertainer wont do what the management tells him to do, and that the show isnt being monitored well. Its a talent farm its especially monitored to help the young entertainers grow and become better.

If he wasn't so poor he would utilize his spot better.

He's the best entertainer ECW has to offer, so how is he poor?

As it is he's second best to The Miz in that team.

This is absurd. Even thought The Miz is better at generating heat at the moment, you cant deny the fact that Morrison has won many title's in his short career, something that The Miz hasnt done.
John Morrison is a very talented wrestler and for a while was clearly the better of the two between himself and miz. But after awhile Miz began to generate more heat and its become more apparent that Morrison would make a very good face. Being able to pull off a face or heel character makes Morrison better than Miz although Miz is better at generating heat at this point I feel Morrison has a brighter future ahead of him because of his style and his ability to pull off the good guy or bad guy characters.
Miz is out doing Morrison for crowd heat. Morrison is the better all around athlete but can he be a good star to push far. especially since he already had a wellness violation. miz is great and improving fast but John has the better future ahead of him. creative needs to wake the hell up and turn him face and kick miz out to the curb and prove he is a main eventer.

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