The Jeff Hardy Final Resolution Plot Thickens...


The Sunflower Samurai
To follow-up on last week’s story of Jeff Hardy almost being pulled from TNA Wrestling’s Final Resolution pay-per-view and stripped of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship due to his condition backstage at the event, Bill Behrens, who coordinates independent bookings for several TNA stars including Shannon Moore, noted on his weekly podcast that company officials have allowed Hardy in the past to wrestle while impaired.

Behrens also discussed Hardy’s vicious chair shot to the back of Ken Anderson’s head in October, which resulted in the former Mr. Kennedy suffering a severe concussion and sizable wound. He said that Anderson is in a great position to sue the organization since he could claim Hardy was unfit to compete when he issued the negligent chairshot.

Behrens says it’s considered an “open secret” within the company that Hardy is still using drugs and thus they wouldn’t have a chance in court.

The thing about this is that this isn't some unnamed source, this is a guy who is actively involved with the company.

I wonder what they sold Anderson to keep appeased while he was kept on the shelf for a month.
This is the first time in a while that storyline outside a promotion makes the one they are building that much better. I can't wait to see how this falls out. This has a lot of intrigue.
Oh please, if this was a storyline they'd do it with someone interesting.

Like Terry Taylor.
All these reports and then seeing what TNA does on TV? It's going to lead to much more than bad booking.

Terry Taylor is no Dean Malenko when it comes to pull apart brawls, anyways.
Umm... That is why RVD is still preforming there. They don't care about this stuff. They may care about Jeff's well being, but they care more about his drawing power.
All these reports and then seeing what TNA does on TV? It's going to lead to much more than bad booking.

Terry Taylor is no Dean Malenko when it comes to pull apart brawls, anyways.

Tony Garea is the king of pulling apart brawls. Imagine how quickly those mass brawls that were blowing up in TNA would be ended by Tony grabbing 10 guys at once and telling them to fuck off back to the locker rooms.
Something that occurs to me about him not seeming stoned/whatever: wasn't there something said once that RVD has wrestled like two matches not high? You can't relaly tell with him.
I don't think Van Dam is really a stoner. I think it's just part of a character he plays on television.
Wrestling while stoned on weed isn't really the same thing as wrestling after choking down a shit ton of meth (or whatever Hardy does). Whatever drug Jeff uses on a frequent basis (and I'm being kind when saying one drug), I'm sure it's a hell of a lot more intoxicating than weed.
Jeff was only trying to get that awful monkey off of Anderson's back.

Now if only he can get rid of his own wee monkey, all will be well.


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