The hHhammer strikes again

Don't be an idiot. He didn't bury shit last night. Triple H is the only veteran that has the dominant streak in him to take on Undertaker. You're taking what he said way too literally, it was just meant to hype the crowd up about his feud, not put down any other stars.
There are plenty of other ways to fire the crowd up that don't involve the implication that a forty year old man is somehow better than a laundry list of younger talent who also happen to have dominant streaks.

If the middled aged dinosaurs close over Miz vs. Cena, I'll be sorely disappointed in the message that sends.
It's about star power, Triple H and Taker are huge names that casual fans know, it makes sense to put them at the top of the card
Great. Three cheers for the youth movement, which clearly doesn't mean fuck all when people feel as though they're being neglected their annual finisher-happy "epic." Oh no, old people with lines as deep as the Grand Canyon in their face don't get to save the company from obscurity and collect their massive Mania paycheck! Horrifying! Time to abandon our principles in the name of *********ing furiously over these old vultures and fist-pumping for nostalgia!

If I were Cena and Miz, I'd be insulted that there's so little faith in my appeal to casuals.
Cena/Miz should be last on and I'd think it would be, especially seeing as how high Vince is on both of these guys, and with the possible Rock involvement to, I can only see this match going on last.
Monkey, did you buy Mark Henry as a threat to the streak? The streak will sell no matter who's going to get pinned, and the actual match won't be as dissapointing as HHH vs Taker, and in some cases would make a lot more sence, which isn't hard seeing as HHH vs 'Taker makes none at all.

After HBK vs. Undertaker the expectation has been set for Taker's matches to be classics. Triple H can deliver a classic match with Undertaker (already has), Khali, Kozlov, and Zeke can't. Christian might be able to, but it makes more sense for Triple H right now.

As for Sheamus being buried, it's just part of the storyline. I think it's just leading up to his Wrestlemania match, and then after that he'll go to Smackdown and go on another tear.
I don't even buy Triple H and Taker's last Mania encounter as the classic that most do. That's where I am on this.
I'm hoping Taker and HHH close the show. If some didn't like the match at WM 17, I get that. However, I think they have the best chance of, A. Having the best match, and B. Sending home a happy crowd.
I don't think their first Mania match was the classic it has been made out to be, all of a sudden. I think it was a good match and a better feud but it wasn't anything that either of them will be remembered for. It is a classic in the sense of who they both are and what they mean to wrestling in general. But the match was just average.

It has picked up steam because they are further along as Legends and are about to rematch. The match this year doesn't have too difficult of a task to be better then their first encounter. Given what they both have done since then and where they are now, I think they might end up being more remembered for the match that is coming, then that match from Wrestlemania 17.
Backlash 2000 wouldn't have been such a huge hit if WrestleMania hadn't closed with a Triple H victory.
I was in attendace for WrestleMania 23, and Cena was on the receiving end of a lot of heat. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he sure as fuck didn't deserve that kind of heat. Not sure how it looks on television, but the negative reaction to the ending of that match sent me home a little less than pleased. So while it's not important to us, watching on television, it's important for the live crowd to go home pleased. That's all I'm getting at.
I bet you still tuned in the next night.

I was at WrestleMania 23 as well. I was just about the only person in my section cheering for Cena. Awesome night.
I was in attendace for WrestleMania 23, and Cena was on the receiving end of a lot of heat. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he sure as fuck didn't deserve that kind of heat. Not sure how it looks on television, but the negative reaction to the ending of that match sent me home a little less than pleased. So while it's not important to us, watching on television, it's important for the live crowd to go home pleased. That's all I'm getting at.

That puts a damper on the storytelling. You can't expect every PPV to end with the face winning because they can't have a dark main event.

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