Ask Shocky Again!!!

If you could see someone return with a certain gimmick for one final time, who would it be and why?

Well Hogan getting a proper retirment match would be epic for me. If Flair got that kind of reaction, when you now, he did fuck all for the WWE, a Proper Hogan farewell tour would be amazing.

I'd like to see Sting come to the WWE and get a decent run out of him.

And of course Brock Lesnar returning would be awesome, but dude is essentially bigger then the business at this point.
How would you book Triple H's final match? (who would you have him face, where and when would yo have the match take place and what type of match would you have it be)

Triple H is what, 40? I still say dude is at least 6 years or so away from retirment from the business, so I'm not sure who will get the rub from that, chances are, that person isn't on the roster as of now. If it were anyone on the roster now, and this was going to happen shortly, I'd say jericho, seeing as he is the best on the roster right now as far as getting good matches out of everyone.

There is a load of young talent on the roster now, that will benefit when the main event scene moves on, but as for a specific who, I'm not sure who gets the rub.

How I would book it, Wrestlemania of course. Say in 6 years Triple H ties Ric Flair, and goes into Mania looking to win #17 as a face. Have the title on the heel, but make it Title vs. Career. If Triple H wins, he gets the record, if he loses, he retires. It's a big time match for the game, and he would get a helluva reaction, and whoever goes over will go over huge.
Thoughts on Dean Malenko.

Dean Malenko is awesome and someone I enjoy watching the hell out of. Yes, he is a "Vanilla Midget" and is in capable of carrying a company, but good thing I'm not a promoter and i don't have to worry about it. This is the type of wrestler you want opening a show up. Dude sets a pace for the night that the rest of the guys try and follow. His work in WCW and the Cruiserweight division is phenomenal. Back at that time, the entire division was based around high flyers, and then all of a sudden you get this guy in there that just grounds and pounds people. His size was a disadvantage and he wouldn't work outside of that division, but WCW knew how to use their Cruiserweights, unliek the WWE.
If you've seen it your thoughts on his 9 title unification match with Ultimo Dragon at Starrcade '96.

If you haven't seen it would you like to I can get it off youtube.
Yeah, but I'm not sure that they are excelling because TNA's Tag Division isn't what it was just a couple years ago. Both guys are good for TNA,b ut I couldn't see them working well elsewhere. Essentially you have a tag team of Ted Dibiase and Steve Austin Lite, but it's a good combination, and has worked for what, a year now?
I watched Starrcade 1996 live, and remember seeing Dragon come out to the ring with all of the belts, I think. i can't remember that match specifically though. I remember of it, but the details are fuzzy.
I watched Starrcade 1996 live, and remember seeing Dragon come out to the ring with all of the belts, I think. i can't remember that match specifically though. I remember of it, but the details are fuzzy.

this is one of the best CW matches i have ever seen
Fan of AJ Styles? I am, he keeps me watching at least once a month..

I'm a big fan of the guy, and I was one of the many that said have patience with him so he can develop and get back to the main event scene. But now, I'm to the point where TNA needs to shit or get off the pot with him. The Belt needs to go on Styles, and hopefully at Bound For Glory it happens.
Don't know if this was asked, but what are your thoughts on:


CM Punk

and finally, were you disappointed with how that supposed to be epic Starrcade match between Hogan and Sting ended?
MVP: Good, Charismatic wrestler, athletic enough and decent enough on the mic to get over and stay over. However, Father Time isn't kind, and I believe that his best chance to be a world champion has passed him by.

CM Punk: Big Fan of the guy, easily in the top 5 of guys that I make sure to watch now. I love the Tweener role he plays now (when in reality, he's n othing but a face, but the teenage hardy girl fans won't let him be). The guy is nothing but respectful of the business, comes across knowledgable as all hell, and can flat out go in the ring.

Sting Vs. Hogan: I was too pumped up at the time to really pay attention to what happened. the confusion was short lived as the party I was at Marked the Fuck Out over it like no other when Sting went over. Only after the last few years did I really form a strong opinion on it.

I think people that Blame Hogan are simply haters and stupid as hell on the topic. Everything is obviously Hogan's fault I get that, um no. Hell, even I started to think that, but when you go back and watch it ( I did for the first time in years on the Starrcade DVD) you realize, the blame of the entire thing lies on Nick Patrick and his inability to make a fast count. As for the match, I thought it was damn good, especially story wise. No, not a five star technical masterpiece, but it told the story of Sting coming back, and having considerable ring rust, but then found what he had in him and overcame at the end. Solid match.
Thoughts on both Kurt Angle's head stubble and his latest title win?

MVP: Good, Charismatic wrestler, athletic enough and decent enough on the mic to get over and stay over. However, Father Time isn't kind, and I believe that his best chance to be a world champion has passed him by.

CM Punk: Big Fan of the guy, easily in the top 5 of guys that I make sure to watch now. I love the Tweener role he plays now (when in reality, he's n othing but a face, but the teenage hardy girl fans won't let him be). The guy is nothing but respectful of the business, comes across knowledgable as all hell, and can flat out go in the ring.

Sting Vs. Hogan: I was too pumped up at the time to really pay attention to what happened. the confusion was short lived as the party I was at Marked the Fuck Out over it like no other when Sting went over. Only after the last few years did I really form a strong opinion on it.

I think people that Blame Hogan are simply haters and stupid as hell on the topic. Everything is obviously Hogan's fault I get that, um no. Hell, even I started to think that, but when you go back and watch it ( I did for the first time in years on the Starrcade DVD) you realize, the blame of the entire thing lies on Nick Patrick and his inability to make a fast count. As for the match, I thought it was damn good, especially story wise. No, not a five star technical masterpiece, but it told the story of Sting coming back, and having considerable ring rust, but then found what he had in him and overcame at the end. Solid match.

The match itself was built up so fucking fantastic, I don't think the ending mattered that much. Just like yourself fuck what the ending was it was all about Sting finally taking Hogan down. Now I do throw a disclaimer, when this match went down, I was still in 6th or 7th grade at the time, but still has to be my all time favorite match. It's just now upon looking back at it, I think it could have been done better. Either Patrick should have known how to do a fucking fast count, or they should have let Hogan or Sting go over clean. Could you imagine what the fuck would have happened had Hogan actually gone over and the win stuck for him? There would have been riots damn near.
Nothing wrong with a guy trying to change his look, but with Angle, the receding hairline maybe a tad too much to pull it off. however, Bearded Angle seems pretty interesting. I guess it's just a wait and see approach as to waht type of character we'll see out of Angle with the "new" look.

As far as his title reign, good, I guess. If he is planning on leaving TNA in October or whatever, then I think it would be awesome if he went out at Bound for Glory, and put AJ Styles over as champion on the way out the door. Other then that, I see nothing really different about this reign as opposed to any other.
Yeah, If Hogan would have gone over clean at Starrcade 1997, i'm not sure what would have happened. All of that build up, and anticipation, and Hogan goes over. Damn the place would have been silent.
Rank and give your thoughts on the following Mania matches:
-Hogan vs. Savage
-Hogan vs. Warrior
-Warrior vs. Savage
I think every wrestling fan's collective jaw would have dropped at that point. Wrestling, you could argue, was at it's peak at that very moment in the 90's at least for WCW it was, and immediately after Starrcade, I could feel that magic sort of drop away for me. I don't know how to explain it but after seeing the ending and the continuous NWO changes and what not, I just didn't have that feeling about WCW anymore. Loved the cruiserweight wrestling, but it just wasn't the same. Then the WWF picked up and WCW was no longer what I watched.
Rank and give your thoughts on the following Mania matches:
-Hogan vs. Savage
-Hogan vs. Warrior
-Warrior vs. Savage

Probably that order for me.

Savage vs. Hogan was the match of my childhood I firmly believe. While people a few years younger will think more likely that Warrior Hogan was that. However Savage and Hogan, the entire mega Powers exploding was a much bigger deal then the Ultimate Challenge. As far as the match, I take Randy Savage over the Warrior any day of the week. I thought the Mania 5 Match was far superior to what happened the next year.

Warrior vs. Hogan: I find this match to be over rated, and really think it hasn't aged well. I was a staunch hogan fan growing up,a nd the Warrior was more for people a few years younger then me. i remember being pissed at the end of this match (catch edge's promo from Mania 24, and it describes me to a T).

Warrior vs. Savage: Again, not being a Warrior fan, I'm not too fond of this match. I put it in the over rated category as well. Any time someone no sells Five Finishing maneuvers, someone on here is blaming Paul Heyman for ruining the business. Well the WWE did just that long before the Land of Extreme was just a thought. I think their Summerslam match trumps this.
Yah, that's how I feel about WCW. The entire Sting NWO feud was IT for them. You invested nearly a year and a half, and for the most part, executed it flawlessly, but there was simply no where to go after that. If they had laid the seeds for someone to take the NWO over after Hogan, then it would have been far more interesting.Then you have the power struggle and then Sting having to face a new leader of the NWO, plus Goldberg coming along would have been interesting. Instead, what shoul dhave been Hogans Swan Song as Hollywood Hogan, ended up being an excuse to stay around for a few years too long.
Do you feel RTC would have lasted had 'the Kat' not have been wished well in future endeavours.
Sorry Lee, but RTC was pretty awful in my opinion. I found them boring. Essentially it was the job squad with a censoring gimmick, meh to me.
I'm a Jerry Lynn fan, so I obviously have a Jerry Lynn question...

With his recent reign as champ in ROH, Lynn has showed he still has it in him to put on a good show. Do you think he could make another run in WWE, and how would you book him if he did?

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