Ask Shocky Again!!!

1. I saw you said you preferred the pairing of Heyman and JR compared to JR and King, how the hell did you not find Heyman's voice annoying? Especially during the Invasion angle?

2. I feel that Randy Orton is currently in dead waters atm, on the middle of his greatest push and they pull the plug at Wrestlemania and it gets worst as this year progresses. How do you think Orton should be used at this time and where could they best take him?

3. When do you think is the best time for Undertaker to retire? How would you book it (opponent, etc) and would it involve ending the streak?
How would you use Brock Lesnar if he returned to WWE?

Thoughts on Raven?

1. That's a tough one. I think without question, if Lesnar returned now, he would have more drawing power then ever before. We were able to see what guys like Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather were able to do for the WWE in the short term, now take a guy that was a proven talent in the ring, coupled with the mainstream exposure now, you have the next legit megastar in the business (he was destined to be it regardless in my opinion). I think Lesnar is the type of guy you put the belts, yes belts, on, unify the titles. You have Lesnar destroy everyone, again, up to and including Triple H, Batista, and Shawn Michaels. Then you have the big payday match with Cena at a Wrestlemania, and send Lesnar packing.

2. Raven. I've been a raven fan since he came upw ith the character. Can't say I enjoyed the Scotty Flamingo and Johnny Polo runs, but to each their own. I think he will always be under rated, because of his time in ECW. Aside from RVD, Raven became the face of that company, and probably the most successful wrestler besides RVD to come from that company. He had success everywhere he went, ECW, WCW, WWF, TNA, and it was just a shame he got lost, like so many others, during the inVasion.
I'm a Jerry Lynn fan, so I obviously have a Jerry Lynn question...

With his recent reign as champ in ROH, Lynn has showed he still has it in him to put on a good show. Do you think he could make another run in WWE, and how would you book him if he did?

No, I don't think he would do well in the WWE. If you're not over the top, and don't pop open a book and tell a "story", or you aren't a WWE Level Celebrity (a D-lister to any novice out there) then you won't succeed in the WWE.

If I were to book Lynn, I throw him on the show with the youngest, rawest talent, and proceed to have him make the future stars of the business in the ring. Would he job, certainly, but the experience and knowledge that Lynn has should be passed on.
1. I saw you said you preferred the pairing of Heyman and JR compared to JR and King, how the hell did you not find Heyman's voice annoying? Especially during the Invasion angle?

2. I feel that Randy Orton is currently in dead waters atm, on the middle of his greatest push and they pull the plug at Wrestlemania and it gets worst as this year progresses. How do you think Orton should be used at this time and where could they best take him?

3. When do you think is the best time for Undertaker to retire? How would you book it (opponent, etc) and would it involve ending the streak?

1. I've been a fan of Paul E Dangerously since the Dangerous Alliance, Zack Morrison carrying cell phone days. I truly think that Heyman is the last true mad genius of professional wrestling. Either as a main event level heel, or simply the manger of champions, the guy had it all. The voice made up so much of his character. King and JR became too much of a bore, and the two face pairing is simply not entertaining. With Heyman and JR you could tell the two at some points, genuinely didn't like what the other was saying. It made for a far more entertaining product. I'll never forget the night ECW was reborn and Heyman called JR a fat pig, and then the look on JR's face. It sure as hell beat the King yelling puppies.

2. Orton is a bore, but it's the nature of his character, and simply the nature of the WWE Heel over the last two years. The WWE Heel is incapable of cutting a promo with any emotion, because the WWE is too afraid of someone getting cheered. So instead of worrying about putting out an entertaining product, they subject us to boring, monotone promo after boring monotone promo, to which there is no end.

Randy Orton has been drug down by having to carry Triple H around. If you put Orton in a main event level feud again with Cena, those two will work wonders.

3. I don't think you end the Undertaker's streak, ever. I think you end the streak at Wrestlemania, and you end it against a guy that people really think are going to win. I hope for myself that a Wrestlemania goes to Indianapolis,a nd that the Undertaker retires there, just so I can say I was there for his last match. At this point, the only two big name stars the Undertaker has yet to face at a Mania, would be Jericho or Cena, and I think Cena and the Undertaker would be huge.
Who do you think should be Chris Jericho's partner at NOC?

In all honesty, I saw that Seth Green was going to be on Raw, and haven't bothered to watch it on DVR, in fact I deleted it, and I won't bother to read the results. The WWE currently right now hasn't gotten me interested in the least bit in their product.

If I were to throw a name out there, Jack Swagger?
Has Brock Lesnar become a better heel since leaving the WWE?

Certainly some of the best p*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha work the big man has put on, but as far as some of the nasty shit he did as a heel for the WWE, not quite. He's the bad guy in a spport that doesn't allow people to have a personality. The problem there, is that Brock Lesnar pretty much doesn't give a shit about that, so he stands out. It's really easy to hate teh "fake wrestler" after he kicked the "real fighters" ass, especially to the people in the audience.

However, Lesnar is getting some love from the frigne fans that, from what I've heard first hand this week, has finally given a reason for people to watch the UFC. a direct quote "I don't mind watching the guys fight, but now if someone is going to entertain me in the process, I'll make sure to watch." Lesnar is essentially becoming this decades Mike Tyson.

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