The hHhammer strikes again


Pre-Show Stalwart
In one sentence. hHh just buried the entire locker room. "we both know there is no one back there that is a challenge." People lambasted The Rock for burying Cena. The sHHHovel just poured dirt on the entire roster. How do you all feel about this?

Also did you like his promo ro did it fall short for you? All opinions welcome guyS!
A little too much gets read in to every single thing that happens. When HHH Pedigree'd Sheamus through the table, I said, "Here comes the Sheamus is BURIED" talk right away. I don't think saying the only challenge they have left is each other. It is a compliment to each other, not a disrespectful remark to the rest.

There are plenty of guys back there that have beat them both. AND as far as WWE seniority goes, these 2 have been there the longest. It seemed like a decent way to hype up the match for Mania.
i think you might be a bit CENAile, I don't think one ass beating is a burial, that's a bit dispropORTONate. It's definitely a MIZtake to think that he buried the entire roster; all he did was point out that Taker's a fucking legend. It's like saying no one in that locker room could take out 80's Hogan; do you think you could bring out anyone to contest that point?

His other mission was to RILEY the crowd up about the BIG SHOW, and I think he did a great job. Trips was BOURNE to wre-- okay seriously, fuck you, your puns suck
Yeah damn that Triple H, how dare he deliver a Pedigree on a guy who put him out of action for nearly a year, a guy Triple is friends with, and has done everything he can to help solidify as a legit ME caliber heel, how dare Triple H lay a finger on him:rolleyes:

Oh and as for the "we both know there is no one back there that is a challenge" comment, yeah umm it's kinda the truth, who else in the back that doesn't have a match at WM already could realistically be a legit threat to Takers streak?
Oh and as for the "we both know there is no one back there that is a challenge" comment, yeah umm it's kinda the truth, who else in the back that doesn't have a match at WM already could realistically be a legit threat to Takers streak?

Kane - Guy who took out the Undertaker in the first place.

Sheamus - Guy who took out Triple H in the first place.

The Rock - Longshot since he's not likely to wrestle matches, but this would sell huge.

Orton & Punk - Before tonight, neither one had anything for Mania

McIntyre - He's been on an steady upwards trend

Rey Mysterio - Why not? Wouldn't be a classic though.
Yeah damn that Triple H, how dare he deliver a Pedigree on a guy who put him out of action for nearly a year, a guy Triple is friends with, and has done everything he can to help solidify as a legit ME caliber heel, how dare Triple H lay a finger on him:rolleyes:

Oh and as for the "we both know there is no one back there that is a challenge" comment, yeah umm it's kinda the truth, who else in the back that doesn't have a match at WM already could realistically be a legit threat to Takers streak?

Former World Heavyweight Champion Great Khali
Final ECW Champion Ezekiel Jackson
Former NWA Champion Christian
Former undefeated Kozlov whose streak was first broken by Taker
Former World Heavyweight Champion Great Khali
Final ECW Champion Ezekiel Jackson
Former NWA Champion Christian
Former undefeated Kozlov whose streak was first broken by Taker

Shut the fuck up right now.

If you want to see any of these four guys wrestle The Undertaker at WM then you need your head examined, and if you actually believe any of them have a chance at beating Taker, then please, throw your computer out the window right now. All four of these guys have taken a back seat to everyone on the roster in the past two years that I'm surprised they still have contracts. If you had any brain at all, you would understand that HHH vs. Taker will sell, and it will sell big time. Just imagine if it was Christian vs. Taker at WM....Yup, nobody fucking cares...HHH and Taker will steal the show, and it will be awesome. Until you're ready to climb out of the IWC bubble that you're living in and realize that you are totally wrong in everything you say on this site. I will bid you adieu and let you flop around in your own stupidity until you realize that you need to stop relying on old trivia that has no impact on the product today.

What HHH did wasn't an issue, it made sense for it happen at some point. It's the way it happened. Sheamus wasn't unprepared, it didn't come at the end of a match. He straight up just said, hey even the guy who supposedly put me out of action isn't a threat to me. Sheamus hasn't exactly been on a role as of late, so I'm a little dissapointed in the way this came about.

EDIT: Oh great Bourne came back and beat an injured Sheamus, that doesn't look good for either of them.
Shut the fuck up right now.

If you want to see any of these four guys wrestle The Undertaker at WM then you need your head examined, and if you actually believe any of them have a chance at beating Taker, then please, throw your computer out the window right now. All four of these guys have taken a back seat to everyone on the roster in the past two years that I'm surprised they still have contracts. If you had any brain at all, you would understand that HHH vs. Taker will sell, and it will sell big time. Just imagine if it was Christian vs. Taker at WM....Yup, nobody fucking cares...HHH and Taker will steal the show, and it will be awesome. Until you're ready to climb out of the IWC bubble that you're living in and realize that you are totally wrong in everything you say on this site. I will bid you adieu and let you flop around in your own stupidity until you realize that you need to stop relying on old trivia that has no impact on the product today.


They don't have matches for Wrestlemania. Khali was built to be a monster and dominated Taker in the past. Jackson has the build to be seen as a legit threat. Kozlov has a sambo background to against Taker's MMA. Christian is long due a main event spot according to many here. So why the hell not?
They don't have matches for Wrestlemania. Khali was built to be a monster and dominated Taker in the past. Jackson has the build to be seen as a legit threat. Kozlov has a sambo background to against Taker's MMA. Christian is long due a main event spot according to many here. So why the hell not?

Because quite simply, nobody outside of you gives a fuck about seeing guys who don't matter right now face someone as huge as The Undertaker. I mean for christ sake, when was the last time you seen Koslov as a legitimate threat, or Jackson being anything other than a lacky, or Christian being anything but mediocre, and Jesus H. Christ, do you really want to see a Kahli kiss cam with The Undertaker? Seriously dude, are you fucking joking me?
Monkey, did you buy Mark Henry as a threat to the streak? The streak will sell no matter who's going to get pinned, and the actual match won't be as dissapointing as HHH vs Taker, and in some cases would make a lot more sence, which isn't hard seeing as HHH vs 'Taker makes none at all.
Because quite simply, nobody outside of you gives a fuck about seeing guys who don't matter right now face someone as huge as The Undertaker. I mean for christ sake, when was the last time you seen Koslov as a legitimate threat, or Jackson being anything other than a lacky, or Christian being anything but mediocre, and Jesus H. Christ, do you really want to see a Kahli kiss cam with The Undertaker? Seriously dude, are you fucking joking me?

It would be a great chance to rebuild the monster image of Khali and Koslov. Jackson can be built up to be even more menacing to add to his body slam of Big Show. Christian can finally have the spotlight on him to see whether he is main event material. The streak sells itself so why waste HHH's appeal which can be set up for another match? Undertaker has been an afterthought for this Wrestlemania due to injuries and maybe a failed initial plan to get Brock Lesnar in. Also, the Kiss Cam can make for better promos than the recycled promos of wrestlemania 17.
They don't have matches for Wrestlemania. Khali was built to be a monster and dominated Taker in the past. Jackson has the build to be seen as a legit threat. Kozlov has a sambo background to against Taker's MMA. Christian is long due a main event spot according to many here. So why the hell not?

Oh you weren't joking? I was about to defend you against MonkeyMania's onslaught but you are actually suggesting that those guys are credible WM opponents for either Undertaker or Triple H.

Christian is the only one right now who would even be in with a sniff and he would need to have been pushed to the moon for that to even work. He has never been booked as a credible main eventer in his entire WWE career.

Zeke...maybe in the future, not now.

Kozlov...are you fucking kidding me??

Khali... ROFLMAO. That would be dogshit

If that is the route we are going down... fucking book Chavo Guerrero (a former ECW champion) against Undertaker at this years WM, that shit will DRAW!
I thought he was reffering to the fact that he's done everything and beaten everyone and that the only challenge left was to end Taker's streak at Mania.
Of course Triple H buried Sheamus. Under the table. And a damn good job he did too.
Sheamus hasn't been buried. He's merely been shoved down a hole. Just like nearly everyone else who was on the rise in 2010.
I think a better argument could be made for Bourne squashing Sheamus actually.

I won't use the term buried, but I think we can all agree that Sheamus really hasn't had a good couple of months. This King of the Ring gimmick has been more of a ball & chain to him then a help.
Sheamus got what was coming to him and it started with a cheap shot. No complaints. If anything, that part of the segment reminded me how I found the feud with Sheamus to be one of the few bright spots in an overwhelmingly disappointing face run for a guy I have little interest in seeing anymore. No way Undertaker vs. Triple H does the same for me. Both guys bore me to my core unless they're working with someone I care about. This feels like a requisite "epic" match for the sake of having something "epic" on the card more than it feels like a necessity.

Oh, sorry. I got off track there. Yes, a guy in his forties said that there was no challenge for Undertaker other than himself. That must feel great for Cena, Miz, Barrett, Del Rio, Sheamus, Bryan, and so on. Considering I immediately noticed this, I'd like to think it's not smarky nitpicking.

God I hope he retires.

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