The "Everybody Makes A Big Deal About Kevin Nash's Theme" Thread (Discuss nWo here)

Do you want a nWo return?

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nWo without Hall and Nash isn't nWo . If you're going to do the nWo do it right. Not the WWE version of nWo that lasted 5 minutes and was beyond weak.
I think if the WWE is gonna bring back the NWO they need to change a few of the people they have as possibles on the list. No Big Show this time in the NWO. He doesnt need it anymore to go over plus I think he would be better if he stayed loyal to WWE and faught the NWO. I think Miz and R-truth could really excell being apart of the NWO. I think Johnny Ace plays the Bischoff role but I disagree with HHH being the Hollywood Hogan role I think Nash should play that this time. I think it would be more interesting seeing HHH and Nash on opposite sides of this.

I think this NWO needs to be filled with young talent and a few established stars. Mark Henry as the powerhouse Beast that he is now to push him to that World Championship. Then you bring in Skip Sheffield and maybe even Mason Ryan along with Miz R-Truth Cody Rhodes Ted Debiase and I think Christian would be an good fit.
The group I want to see a spin of is EVOLUTION!!! To me EVOLUTION was more of a four horse men stable than NWO. They shouldn't use the Now Way Old gimmick any more for its ran its course in 2000. Nash with out Hall in the NWO would not work. It would not feel right in genreal. An I can't see Trips in the NWO either, for he was in the WWE version called DX. Even with the wrestlers listed above can sure make a good NWO but a way better EVOLUTION.
I'm a huge nWo fan, yes all versions, so I'm all for it if they were to bring it back.. since Hogan couldn't be part of it unless he left TNA, and Hall would most likely not be part of it.. it would have to be Nash and bring back X-Pac using the Syxx name.. not ******s like Zack Ryder in it, why would he join?
much like when HBK joined WWE's first version... I'd also have Triple H join

and for the other members, I'd say go for the guys that had fathers that were part of the original.. McGillicutty would have to change his name to Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Husky Harris and bring in Bo Rotunda.. they could say something stupid like their fathers were part of the greatest stable in the world and they would like to be part of it too :)
Waltman has burned way too many bridges, much like Hall, everytime they get a chance to shine again, they do something stupid. They don't fit in with WWE's current policies.

waltman is currently a scout for WWE. Granted he wont be in the ring with them again because of his Hep C but he does technically work for them.

As for the nWo...i seriously wish that they dont bring it back again. It ran its course over a decade ago and the last thing WWE needs is to rehash a dated concept. It also pisses me off that so many people refuse to look forward and always want to see these old groups and stars return. Its time to look to the future, not the past.
I wouldn't. Plain and simple, I wouldn't book it.

However I would love to book The Outsiders. According to Nash from an interview just after HBK's HoF induction, Hall is doing pretty good, he's in shape and clean, at least for the last couple months. Who knows if that's STILL the case, but if it is, it would be amazing to see them back together. Not as nWo, just Hall & Nash hanging out stirring the pot, & causing countless problems to otherwise boring storylines. I wouldn't even necessarily want to watch them wrestle... well maybe Hall since he used to be amazing in the ring. I'd just use them as a sideshow for chuckles.

Now if Nash could go, I'd say he deserves one last run, and that's the way they should go with it, but since it appears he can't, then have Hall & Nash be the new Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson to HHH's Vince McMahon. It'd be a f**king riot.
NO NO NO! please no more nWo! its time for the WWE to move forward and break new ground! not rehash a dated concept that has not drawn in well over a decade. A new new world order would possibly be one of the worst things to happen to WWE in a long time...They are really on fire at the moment and trying to do something different, bringing the nWo back would just destroy all the great work they have done over the last few months!

P.S. i've also noticed that many many people on here give TNA crap all the time for rehashing storylines or hiring old stars....Yet they are 100% behind a nWo return and are fine with WWE bringing back old stars! Hypocritical much?
I would have Vince behind it again to try to regain his company.

My members would include:

The Awesome Truth - That's right, I can make up tag team names too. With the conspiracy angle they're running I can see them joining.

Johnny Ace - He is Vince's inside guy, and the RAW GM.

Nash and Hall - Nash is obvious, but I'm not sure about Hall's condition. If he is given the shot and surrounded by his friends I think he'll take it serious.

X-Pac - Along with Nash and Hall run the angle of turning his friends against him for the money.

Kane & Big Show or Mark Henry - Henry because Vince wants a dominate force or KaneShow because Henry faced no punishment for injuring them.
You can't recreate the nWo. It was special at the time because it had never really been done before.

It was unexpected.
It was controversial.
It was shocking.
It was unique.
But today... it's been done, and done and done to death!

I was one of the biggest nWo marks there was and enjoyed every variation on the group through the years. During the last run, with HBK, Booker T, X-Pac and Big Show, I just felt it was an unfunny joke. Hell, even nWo 2000 didn't seem as bad. Here's the thing, though: The nWo is Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. End of story.

Anything else just isn't worth the time or effort. The only reason I could see WWE going this route would be to increase merchandise sales and hope to boost the star power of an up-and-coming wrestler. And personally, I feel there are much better ways of going about that than resurrecting (for the umpteenth time!) a long past-its-prime stable.
The NWO was awesome in its heyday in the 90's, but WWF/E screwed it up so badly in 2002 that I wish they'd just let it rest.
Unless they want to do a modern day SHOCK FACTOR and turn Cena into the Hogan of the original NWO shocker don't bring he NWO back. Only people I could see in the new NWO would be:

1) Cena
2) Nash as the manager
3) The Miz
4) R-truth
5) Sheamus
6) Mark Henry or Christian
Well I knew at the Royal Rumble Nash was not just coming back as Diesel that would be just plain stupid. The New version of the NWO needs to have a shock factor involved. The only way that could work is to turn Cena Heel and have him become the leader of the NWO. Furthermore, Nash is simply not going to be manager of the NWO he will be a full-time wrestler. HHH needs to be in the NWO along with his wife Steph. I have contimplated bringing in the Miz and I think that might work. Bret Hart was at one point in the NWO and he could step in as a manager. The Big Show would be a neat addition. And what is the NWO without Hey Yo. So why not tell Scott Hall clean up your act and then bring him in along with xpac. The Nwo will need to win every single title and just dominate WWE. And CM Punk will need to form his own stable to fight the NWO.
It's not the NWO without Scott Hall. The ONLY way I'd book a NWO reunion is if Scott Hall is capable of being involved. And I think it's really important that they don't overdo it like WCW did with an absurd amount of members. Keep it simple.

Triple H
(And possibly, just because he was a former member, but I would rather not see it because I'm just not a fan) The Big Show

That's it. Do not put CM Punk with these guys. He's so much better on his own ever since they let him really be himself on the mic.
The only way it would work was if CENA played the part of HULK HOGAN. Other than that, leave it alone. I heard Hogan might be coming back to WWE so who knows.
Cena in the NWO just might make me physically ill. Might as well take the shirt and unload a giant shit on it.
Only if Big Show is coming back soon to take his role back and only if Shawn Michaels comes out of retirement to do DX v. nWo.

Let's be honest, the latter is a pipe dream.

That would be the only way I would find the nWo acceptable again though.
To everyone saying this is an outright terrible idea, stop it. You don't know.

To everyone saying it is the best idea ever, you stop it too. You have no freaking idea where this will go.

And that's my point. There is something kind of awesome about the way they are doing this and you guys are letting a debate about whether or not the hints of it all being an N.W.O. thing, ruin it for you.

There is nothing wrong with combining nostalgia, with ground breaking new material, as long as they are both used to properly compliment each other. As an old wrestling mark who hasn't paid attention to much beyond some random TNA, Ken Anderson, and of course C.M. Punk for the last few years, I finally have been given something that doesn't cater to the younger A.D.D., Jersey Shore crowd, in wrestling.

Would it suck if they brought back the N.W.O. to have Hogan, Hall, and Nash run around in wheelchairs pretending to know what's cool? Of course it would.

But if you could use this idea. This idea with built in nostalgia and recognition, to build up guys like Punk, Miz, Truth, etc... I really don't see anything wrong with that.

And if they do follow through with the hints they've been throwing out there (Especially the weirdo crap John Cena's been implying about being in the main even all the time) and turn him heel, and suddenly lets say some bizarre version of the NWO forms (keep Vince out of this, make this the new generation, he'd just ruin it. Also he knows nothing of subtly.) with John Cena at the head, Nash and Hall as advisors/cronies, miz/truth, endorsed by an evil kliq HHH and Michaels.

You could then bring in all of Punk's ROH guys and get them oh so very, very, over, in a short amount of time. You'd also have an excuse to ride the nostalgia train till Wrestlemania 28, with actual suprise, never thought I'd see him again, wrestlers.

There is nothing wrong with this, if it's booked properly. If it's booked with its focus (not its intention, as we all know the worst things in the world are done with the best intentions) on using an established, easily over stable (more of a concept really), to get a bunch of young guys over (and turn Cena heel, and therefore less annoying) would be really awesome.
Remember when the Outlaws pushed Foley and Funk off the stage? Make sure the dumpster is full of crocodiles before you put anyone involved in bringing back the nWo inside.
I would never have a "nwo" return the first time they ever did it, it was garbage, the wwe 's creative team is terrible rite now, they get ideas and then drop in a second they can never make up their mind , if nwo came back they would find a way to ruin it again, the punk , hhh, storyline would be good but their already trashing it, it should be back to the way it used to be where there wasnt a creative team, keep hhh out the picture a while
To everyone saying this is an outright terrible idea, stop it. You don't know.

To everyone saying it is the best idea ever, you stop it too. You have no freaking idea where this will go.

And that's my point. There is something kind of awesome about the way they are doing this and you guys are letting a debate about whether or not the hints of it all being an N.W.O. thing, ruin it for you.

There is nothing wrong with combining nostalgia, with ground breaking new material, as long as they are both used to properly compliment each other. As an old wrestling mark who hasn't paid attention to much beyond some random TNA, Ken Anderson, and of course C.M. Punk for the last few years, I finally have been given something that doesn't cater to the younger A.D.D., Jersey Shore crowd, in wrestling.

Would it suck if they brought back the N.W.O. to have Hogan, Hall, and Nash run around in wheelchairs pretending to know what's cool? Of course it would.

But if you could use this idea. This idea with built in nostalgia and recognition, to build up guys like Punk, Miz, Truth, etc... I really don't see anything wrong with that.

And if they do follow through with the hints they've been throwing out there (Especially the weirdo crap John Cena's been implying about being in the main even all the time) and turn him heel, and suddenly lets say some bizarre version of the NWO forms (keep Vince out of this, make this the new generation, he'd just ruin it. Also he knows nothing of subtly.) with John Cena at the head, Nash and Hall as advisors/cronies, miz/truth, endorsed by an evil kliq HHH and Michaels.

You could then bring in all of Punk's ROH guys and get them oh so very, very, over, in a short amount of time. You'd also have an excuse to ride the nostalgia train till Wrestlemania 28, with actual suprise, never thought I'd see him again, wrestlers.

There is nothing wrong with this, if it's booked properly. If it's booked with its focus (not its intention, as we all know the worst things in the world are done with the best intentions) on using an established, easily over stable (more of a concept really), to get a bunch of young guys over (and turn Cena heel, and therefore less annoying) would be really awesome.
You live in a fantasy world. Having a new nWo but with guys like Miz doesn't get them over. In fact, Miz is more over than the nWo right now (not like 1997 vs now, but now vs now). So that's a dumb idea. If anything, the nWo would drag down the Miz.

Think about it like this, if they remade Friends and recast people, would it work? No, people wouldn't like it, it's not the original.

Secondly with the "bring in ROH guys and pair them with Punk to get them over", Punk isn't THAT over and most fans don't give a fuck about ROH. ROH is over in about 3-5 cities and that's really it. You have scattered fans throughout, but it's not at all big enough to use that to draw. The better idea is to book them the WWE way and get them over because the WWE, believe it or not, knows how to sell a product.

Think about it like this, just because bull riding is huge in oklahoma, doesn't mean you should bring it to New York City. You have to adapt your product to your audience.

You contradict yourself "make this about the new generation" but then you use an old idea that would drag it down.

Second, you suggest turning Cena heel. Which is an awful idea. He makes too much money and most of the people who boo him love to boo him. Turning him heel makes him a character different than the iconic character he is and cheapens Rock vs Cena. It's just a bad idea that no one would like except for a few smarks who think they want him to be heel but really enjoy booing him. You say Cena is annoying, but he gets the loudest reactions and sells the most shirts. So this basically means that either the people who boo him love to boo him, or they aren't a big enough portion of the audience to matter. Either way, the smart way to go, the non mark way to go, is to keep him face.

You basically booked everything how YOU want to see it. Or at least how you think. You booked like a mark. You used a lot of nostalgia and wanted to turn Cena heel, which is something they won't and shouldn't do.

Instead of booking it from a "what do I want", take a step back, seperate yourself from your fanhood, and think. You can't sell "new generation" and "nostalgia" at the same time unless it's like Cena vs Rock.

If people wanted to see the nWo, they would have popped for the music. They didn't, they don't want to see it. Punk, Miz, and Truth are already more over than the nWo. It's a bad idea.

This isn't an opinion really. If the nWo isn't that over, and I've already shown proof as to how it's not, then it doesn't make any sense to do it. That'd be like doing a consumer study and finding out that they fucking hate your new "dog shit flavored soda" and then pushing it to the market anyways.
So if Vince brings back the NWO, it's genius. But when TNA has been doing various recreations the past few years, it's terrible. What's next, a DX reunion?
DirtyJosé;3380856 said:
You're not going to like this...

That is because you are brain dead, but it's ok. I blame bad breeding.

Did it now?


WWE brought it in and it was dead on arrival. TNA tried to copy it and found similar success (ie: none at all). Do you have one valid point in any of this?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

And, officially, it wouldn't be the third time. There was the nWo Japan (2nd time), the Wolfpac (3rd time), nWo elite (4th time), nWo 2000 (5th time), WWEnWo (6th time), and The Band (7th time). It's ok; as I stated earlier I forgive you for not knowing any better (and not knowing how to count).

Because there are hot stars on the market ready to make a jump? And the fans haven't had the same style storylines shoved down their throats long enough to leave them jaded to episodes like this? Wow, I must be out of touch.

And as he has been since forever ago, minus his quick Royal Rumble appearance.

Um, excuse me? Outsider coming in? Want to explain that one?

Because Scott Hall is totally in shape to do anything on national television. I mean, only last year he was....wearing sweats and looking out of shape. Grade A material right there, book it.

As for Waltman, LULZ. Sean Waltman's only use to any wrestling promotion is as a backstage agent. A show of hands for who wants to see a Bronco Buster? Thought so.

Abyss is a real name? Sting running around as a second hand, half rate Heath Ledger Joker is reality based? GET OUT!

LULZ. Did you live under power lines as a child?

Sting? Sting? Really? I mean, after months of him expressing why he would never sign with WWE for any stretch of time? I thought you said this was reality based? This is bad fantasy booking at best.

You are such a fan boy I don't know whether to laugh, scratch that, I'm just gonna keep laughing.

Sting? Really? REALLY? And you even have thought this out enough to try and connect the storyline dots and everything. How cute.

I think it's clear by now how reliable your logic is.

Because in an age where fans are crying out for new stars to be made, the best idea you can come up with is to drown them all out for the sake of a piss poor angle based off of storylines from 10 years ago with folk who for the most part have no place being in any wrestling ring. Psst. If people want to watch old ass storylines like this, they can pull up old ass Nitro or Raw episodes on the internet. Who in their right mind would want to watch this kind of crap in 2011? Oh, nevermind. I suppose it would be NO ONE in their right mind.

Good drama? *snicker* Yeah, that's a good one. Let's build up all year to The Rock headlining Wrestlemania, and then swap it out for yet another nWo angle. Yeah. Money, fer shure.

Oh, don't show any restraint now. I love how that's the line for you. I suppose you think that shows that you aren't going full ****** at the moment.

And while you're at it, why not make SD an nWo-only show? MONEY!

That you need to give yourself an icepick lobotomy.

Because WWE is SOOO worried about TNA. Ha! TNA isn't even a blip on the radar at the moment. WWE doesn't even care about who's in TNA; they look over at ROH and DGate USA for talent these days. Again, though, I suppose I should expect as much from someone who is clearly dying for it to be 1997 all over again.

Yes, we could finally see what would've happen had the powers that be finally just said "fuck it" and stopped trying. Not that they are totally on the ball now, nor have they ever been, but WWE Creative feeling that this shitty idea would sell in 2011 would be the final slap in the face of any self respecting fan the WWE still has.

No, no, no no no no no. WWE hinting at ANYTHING nWo with Nash's choice of music is almost unbearable as it is. nWo made money once and then became cursed to never make money again. The last thing this idea of theirs needs is an idiot like you turning into a child's play land fantasy of Sting joining the nWo and moving the focus from guys like Punk and Miz back to the played out stars of the past (or even non-stars like Waltman).

This is one of the dumbest ideas/threads I have ever read here. It's clear that you must be Sick, James; sick in the head from being dropped to much as a child. Sting may end up in the WWE; in this business I've learned to never say never. However, I'd like to think that even he would see an idea like this as being total garbage.

Oh of all the posts, I like this one the most. You enjoy this, dont you?


let's breakdown your breakdowns...

1. When WWE brought in the nWo it was a good thing for them. See I get the fact that everyone wanted a rush of all the big names in 2001 for The InVasion Angle, but the fact is it worked better as it went. You had an angle that everyone knew was a work anyhow, why didnt it work?

The fact that you had Hogan Nash and Hall, Steiner, Goldberg, etc all not signed at that time, was great, Bischoff too. They were more feul for WWE to add to the fire of their programming at a later time and it worked where it needed to.

Bischoff's handshake and hug segment with and after an introduction by Vince was well done, despite what you think, it was great. Just as Hogan coming back in 2002 when he could still go well, was great.

People are stupid for thinking returns are always a bad idea. Fans were popping for the nWo and loved The Rock vs Hogan build and match as well as everything the nWo did leading into that all the way up to HBK joining when it was he, Nash, Show and Booker T.

The fucking angle made sense and makes people look stupid when they say otherwise. Vince said the words "I'M GONNA KILL IT!! ...WHAT I CREATED!!" before he finished off his statement turning his black chair around to show nWo spray-painted in white.

If you all claim the nWo was so bad, and since it was a factor that killed WCW, it makes sense from a storyline perspective for Vince to have brought them in and the three man original incarnation wasnt overplayed, yet played out as long as it needed to before the new one was made and then that eventually ceased. Nothing wrong with that, it didnt kill business, it made more business and merch to sell and ppl loved that these guys were back where they hadnt been in a long time.

The few on the internet dont make up the many and even half of the IWC arent stuck on the same bullshit brand of iCrack that everyone in the IWC seems to be smoking.

2. As for the number of times, I'm not counting anything outside America, I'm talking about THE nWo, not bWo mimicry or any other kind or the different incarnations in WCW, WCW's nWo was one nWo, there were different kinds, okay, but the basic nWo angle ran and had some forks in the road. The redo was in WWE and then in TNA was their attempt to BRING IT BACK dumbass not split it off into another sect. Thus this would be the third time it was brought back, the original PLANNED three as well, back in black and white.

3. The point about Nash using his real name is he was brought back as Diesel, well him using his real name is the first time in a long time in WWE, and they just up and did it out of nowhere since his Rumble return, I'm only tying this to The Reality Era, it just makes it better that he's using his real name not Diesel.

4. Do I really have to explain Sting being an outsider? Again they could have him be revealed as The Anonymous Raw GM, after all, this whole thing stopped since Nash came in. Sting is the greatest wrestler to never wrestle in WWE, he could play up on why he never came in, and maybe WWE could just play the nWo card on Bischoff. Not because they need it, but just because they can. Everything doesnt need a payoff to the likes you want, this has its own payoffs, but at the same time, would just be funny to see Vince do this and throwing it in Bischoff's face. Him actually making it BOMB on purpose would be even funnier to watch. It's a subtle slap in the face.

5. Some ppl got this thread, like with other things you didnt get... who said Hall had to wrestle? The guy could come back in a meaningful way. You cant just shit all over him as if he cant do anything.

6. With this one you really showed how stupid you are. No I'm not talking about TNA, I was quoting Bischoff from a DVD where he talks on the events of The Monday Night Wars, then, yes, he said he wanted WCW to be real, he was going to do things real, while they were more cartoonish. Now recently, yes, Hogan said he wants TNA to get real, but no, WCW was what I was referring to and WWE is in The Reality Era, it doesnt apply to TNA really. TNA doesnt even know what era its in.

7. Again, you shouldve known better. Sting saying he wont come back doesnt mean anything. I feel like I did in all those posts over the past 7 years explaining to ppl how The Rock didnt leave WWE forever, how he would wrestle again, how it was a set up thing from the first Cena comment, how Vince is smart and knows money when he sees it and needs to hold things off for the right moment when he needs those money matches for later Manias and such. Sting applies to the "Never Say Never" rule.

Any fan who really thinks Sting signing is not a possibility is lying to themselves and a complete idiot. I mean Never Say Never has been proven in big ways in more than one way throughout the past decade. Bischoff signing with WWE, Bret coming back, Sable came back, Savage was about to come back, I always had a feeling, but was evident, WWE was gearing up for it, putting him in All-Stars and making action figures and he was on that promotional video, it was about to blow up and you could see a Vince/Savage Mania match in the works, but unfortunately, he died. You dont have to believe that, but I didnt need the hints to tell me it was coming.

8. You critique me trying to make sense of a storyline proposal, yet I'm crazy and you'd criticise an unthought through storyline in a minute, well you dont make money like Vince does and he has stories with finishes and with some kind of endgame pre-thought out. It's not being a fanboy it's fucking logic to bring something to the table that works and show how. It could be a better shocker than most obvious Raw GM choices. And that is shocking, as much as you all think he wont come to WWE, the ratings would peak.

And no one said have it overshadow Rock, it wont anyhow, but you can do multiple big stories leading into WrestleMania.

9. Your opinion doesnt count for the world, yet it's the typical way most ignorant IWC guys think. You know, you cant shit on the nWo angle and not praise it at all. It was just as good as it was eventually bad, it was more good than bad though, it ultimately was the shot that caused WWE to have to fire back with Attitude and we the fans got treated, stop being a dumbass, and acting as if that wasnt the best time to be a wrestling fan when competition brought out the best in both companies.

10. Once again you try to speak on behalf of everyone's opinions with the icepick comment, you know ppl happen to love seeing old stuff again, and the generation today can see what they missed. Anytime someone or something great comes back it's good. nWo only show, you brought that up and that is stupid, wtf? I know what you're trying to refer to, but the way you brought it up makes it sound stupid and defeats the purpose of my proposal to bring it back. The only reason I even want the nWo back is using Sting would be a great move for WWE on a personal level.

Also you cant build the stars of tomorrow without the stars of today. Stop whining about older stars taking up spotlight, it's inaccurate, you need guys to put younger ones over. It doesnt even have to be via a match all the time.

11. Who said WWE was worried about TNA? I said it would be nice for them to stick it to Bischoff specifically in his face on a personal level and show him via their programming that they made the idea WCW didnt go along with work, what's so wrong with that? I'd like to see the What If of had Sting been the third man, glad Hogan was, but still. What Ifs are a hot topic in wrestling threads and discussion a lot anyhow.

12. And lastly, Sting wont take the focus off Punk, Miz or anyone else, it'll do nothing but boost ratings bringing stars of the future more attention and fans to hold onto and keep them interested in the show for years to come. It's not an uncommon thing in this business for older guys to put over younger guys or to use older guys' returns as a way to draw viewers.

Why are you acting as if its a sour move when it only benefits the stars you cry out for for no reason? It's stupid. Cena beating Rock will be bigger than any win he's ever had, and the match that will really solidify Cena as an icon.
Cena, as over as he is, needs The Rock. He really does, he never had that real passing of the torch, HHH and Shawn were nice bouts, but you can feel it when those special moments happen, this is it, WrestleMania 28.

And okay, it's a backtrack on your part from it being fantasy based that Sting will come to WWE after wrestlers have always said the opposite of what they end up doing and wouldnt be dumb enough to say where they are debuting or returning in cases like this, but atleast you saved yourself there, the never say never rule.
Checked out this thread with intent to comment but 90% of what was said in this post captures what I would have thought.

I would first have a meeting and tell the writers and decision makers to quit being to spastic. Writers can't stand for an angle to run longer than 2 and a half weeks these days before they climax/change it. its like a form of OCD. If its gonna happen it needs to go long and not be screwed ala Nexus. WWE changes game plans more than Mark Zuckerburg redesigns facebook.

I would bring it about by having certain younger members of the group showing odd alliances with no explanations, just speculations. Mark Henry comes out to make the save for Cody Rhodes and they walk out together. Someone goes to the locker room to confront Del Rio. When they kick open his lockerroom door they find Show and Ryder and Henry inside already and a gang beatdown happens, maybe Nash is seated in the background then shove the cameraman out. After weeks of wondering why these guys are banding together they are all at ringside at the same time. Tear open tshirts to show NWO garb. Music hits.

Definitely need Johnny Ace and Cena to make them seem nearly impossible to beat. Remember how bischoff and Hogan's pull made it so hard for WCW to ever get the best of the NWO and when they did (Luger winning title) it was super sweet. (Or miserable if you were an nWo mark like I was).

According to, the following is a list of current WWE Superstars that could fit in with a New New World Order. Taking their list, here’s how I would utilize these Stars for the returning faction.

Triple H – Hollywood Hulk Hogan role, or at least what it should have been. Hogan, in my opinion, should have let Nash hold the World Title. We all knew Hogan was the leader and having Nash hold the World Title instead could have probably extended Hogan’s career.

John Laurinaitis – Eric Bischoff role. I don’t think I need to explain this.

Alberto Del Rio – WWE Champion. The new centerpiece of the New World Order. I think ADR can pull this off real well and Ricardo Rodriguez could be the new “Disciple” if you will, in the Brutus Beefcake role.

Mark Henry – World Champion. Mark is great, but I think he was always better when he had someone talking for him. Joining the NWO could push him to that next level.

Cody Rhodes – Intercontinental Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Dusty talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”.

Zack Ryder – United States Champion. I’d love to see Ryder in a role that is reminiscent of Scott Hall and Disco Inferno. A little comedy in a serious faction never hurt anybody.

Big Show – Tag Team Champion with Ted DiBiase. Let’s face it, Show is on the downside of his career. One more run with the NWO could be a great way to end his career. Also, take into consideration the dynamic of being on the same side as the last Superstar to put him on the shelf.

Ted DiBiase – Tag Team Champion with Big Show / Million Dollar Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Ted Sr. talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”. Lex Luger, Sting, Scott Hall, Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, and the Miz all worked well with Big Show, and the experience this will give Ted could be very helpful. Okay, I really want him to start using the Million Dollar Belt again. Just carry with you, Ted. Damn!!

Michael Cole – Nick Patrick role. The NWO Hype Man, this will ensure Heat for the group on commentary.

3 Raw Stars. 3 Smackdown Stars. 3 WWE Executives / Commentators. 1 "Outsider". I don’t know about you, but to me, this line up looks pretty good on paper.

I would not have CM Punk join the group in anyway, whatsoever. It would ruin it all for me. It would be like Stone Cold Steve Austin joining D-Generation X or the Nation of Domination or the Ministry of Darkness or the Corporation or the Corporate Ministry. I wouldn’t mind seeing John Cena join, but to me, I think John Cena should be treated the same way as Sting was when it came to the New World Order, not like Hulk Hogan. I'd rather see Cena join the Wolfpac version of the group in the future.
Oh of all the posts, I like this one the most. You enjoy this, dont you?


let's breakdown your breakdowns...

1. When WWE brought in the nWo it was a good thing for them. See I get the fact that everyone wanted a rush of all the big names in 2001 for The InVasion Angle, but the fact is it worked better as it went. You had an angle that everyone knew was a work anyhow, why didnt it work?

The fact that you had Hogan Nash and Hall, Steiner, Goldberg, etc all not signed at that time, was great, Bischoff too. They were more feul for WWE to add to the fire of their programming at a later time and it worked where it needed to.

Bischoff's handshake and hug segment with and after an introduction by Vince was well done, despite what you think, it was great. Just as Hogan coming back in 2002 when he could still go well, was great.

People are stupid for thinking returns are always a bad idea. Fans were popping for the nWo and loved The Rock vs Hogan build and match as well as everything the nWo did leading into that all the way up to HBK joining when it was he, Nash, Show and Booker T.

The fucking angle made sense and makes people look stupid when they say otherwise. Vince said the words "I'M GONNA KILL IT!! ...WHAT I CREATED!!" before he finished off his statement turning his black chair around to show nWo spray-painted in white.

If you all claim the nWo was so bad, and since it was a factor that killed WCW, it makes sense from a storyline perspective for Vince to have brought them in and the three man original incarnation wasnt overplayed, yet played out as long as it needed to before the new one was made and then that eventually ceased. Nothing wrong with that, it didnt kill business, it made more business and merch to sell and ppl loved that these guys were back where they hadnt been in a long time.

The few on the internet dont make up the many and even half of the IWC arent stuck on the same bullshit brand of iCrack that everyone in the IWC seems to be smoking.

2. As for the number of times, I'm not counting anything outside America, I'm talking about THE nWo, not bWo mimicry or any other kind or the different incarnations in WCW, WCW's nWo was one nWo, there were different kinds, okay, but the basic nWo angle ran and had some forks in the road. The redo was in WWE and then in TNA was their attempt to BRING IT BACK dumbass not split it off into another sect. Thus this would be the third time it was brought back, the original PLANNED three as well, back in black and white.

3. The point about Nash using his real name is he was brought back as Diesel, well him using his real name is the first time in a long time in WWE, and they just up and did it out of nowhere since his Rumble return, I'm only tying this to The Reality Era, it just makes it better that he's using his real name not Diesel.

4. Do I really have to explain Sting being an outsider? Again they could have him be revealed as The Anonymous Raw GM, after all, this whole thing stopped since Nash came in. Sting is the greatest wrestler to never wrestle in WWE, he could play up on why he never came in, and maybe WWE could just play the nWo card on Bischoff. Not because they need it, but just because they can. Everything doesnt need a payoff to the likes you want, this has its own payoffs, but at the same time, would just be funny to see Vince do this and throwing it in Bischoff's face. Him actually making it BOMB on purpose would be even funnier to watch. It's a subtle slap in the face.

5. Some ppl got this thread, like with other things you didnt get... who said Hall had to wrestle? The guy could come back in a meaningful way. You cant just shit all over him as if he cant do anything.

6. With this one you really showed how stupid you are. No I'm not talking about TNA, I was quoting Bischoff from a DVD where he talks on the events of The Monday Night Wars, then, yes, he said he wanted WCW to be real, he was going to do things real, while they were more cartoonish. Now recently, yes, Hogan said he wants TNA to get real, but no, WCW was what I was referring to and WWE is in The Reality Era, it doesnt apply to TNA really. TNA doesnt even know what era its in.

7. Again, you shouldve known better. Sting saying he wont come back doesnt mean anything. I feel like I did in all those posts over the past 7 years explaining to ppl how The Rock didnt leave WWE forever, how he would wrestle again, how it was a set up thing from the first Cena comment, how Vince is smart and knows money when he sees it and needs to hold things off for the right moment when he needs those money matches for later Manias and such. Sting applies to the "Never Say Never" rule.

Any fan who really thinks Sting signing is not a possibility is lying to themselves and a complete idiot. I mean Never Say Never has been proven in big ways in more than one way throughout the past decade. Bischoff signing with WWE, Bret coming back, Sable came back, Savage was about to come back, I always had a feeling, but was evident, WWE was gearing up for it, putting him in All-Stars and making action figures and he was on that promotional video, it was about to blow up and you could see a Vince/Savage Mania match in the works, but unfortunately, he died. You dont have to believe that, but I didnt need the hints to tell me it was coming.

8. You critique me trying to make sense of a storyline proposal, yet I'm crazy and you'd criticise an unthought through storyline in a minute, well you dont make money like Vince does and he has stories with finishes and with some kind of endgame pre-thought out. It's not being a fanboy it's fucking logic to bring something to the table that works and show how. It could be a better shocker than most obvious Raw GM choices. And that is shocking, as much as you all think he wont come to WWE, the ratings would peak.

And no one said have it overshadow Rock, it wont anyhow, but you can do multiple big stories leading into WrestleMania.

9. Your opinion doesnt count for the world, yet it's the typical way most ignorant IWC guys think. You know, you cant shit on the nWo angle and not praise it at all. It was just as good as it was eventually bad, it was more good than bad though, it ultimately was the shot that caused WWE to have to fire back with Attitude and we the fans got treated, stop being a dumbass, and acting as if that wasnt the best time to be a wrestling fan when competition brought out the best in both companies.

10. Once again you try to speak on behalf of everyone's opinions with the icepick comment, you know ppl happen to love seeing old stuff again, and the generation today can see what they missed. Anytime someone or something great comes back it's good. nWo only show, you brought that up and that is stupid, wtf? I know what you're trying to refer to, but the way you brought it up makes it sound stupid and defeats the purpose of my proposal to bring it back. The only reason I even want the nWo back is using Sting would be a great move for WWE on a personal level.

Also you cant build the stars of tomorrow without the stars of today. Stop whining about older stars taking up spotlight, it's inaccurate, you need guys to put younger ones over. It doesnt even have to be via a match all the time.

11. Who said WWE was worried about TNA? I said it would be nice for them to stick it to Bischoff specifically in his face on a personal level and show him via their programming that they made the idea WCW didnt go along with work, what's so wrong with that? I'd like to see the What If of had Sting been the third man, glad Hogan was, but still. What Ifs are a hot topic in wrestling threads and discussion a lot anyhow.

12. And lastly, Sting wont take the focus off Punk, Miz or anyone else, it'll do nothing but boost ratings bringing stars of the future more attention and fans to hold onto and keep them interested in the show for years to come. It's not an uncommon thing in this business for older guys to put over younger guys or to use older guys' returns as a way to draw viewers.

Why are you acting as if its a sour move when it only benefits the stars you cry out for for no reason? It's stupid. Cena beating Rock will be bigger than any win he's ever had, and the match that will really solidify Cena as an icon.
Cena, as over as he is, needs The Rock. He really does, he never had that real passing of the torch, HHH and Shawn were nice bouts, but you can feel it when those special moments happen, this is it, WrestleMania 28.

And okay, it's a backtrack on your part from it being fantasy based that Sting will come to WWE after wrestlers have always said the opposite of what they end up doing and wouldnt be dumb enough to say where they are debuting or returning in cases like this, but atleast you saved yourself there, the never say never rule.
I'm not going to breakdown the whole thing. I'll just say this. It's obvious that you can only see things from your own perspective. If YOU enjoy something then everyone else did too in your mind. The nWo WAS NOT OVER to begin with (obviously, except for mid 1996-Starrcade 1997). Don't give a fuck how much sense you think it made in a storyline, how smart you thought it was, none of that matters. IT WAS NOT OVER. This means it's a bad idea.

start thinking from a business/outside perspective and not "I want to see this". You won't metaphorically get your rectum prolapsed by guys like the one you quoted.
I'm not going to breakdown the whole thing. I'll just say this. It's obvious that you can only see things from your own perspective. If YOU enjoy something then everyone else did too in your mind. The nWo WAS NOT OVER to begin with (obviously, except for mid 1996-Starrcade 1997). Don't give a fuck how much sense you think it made in a storyline, how smart you thought it was, none of that matters. IT WAS NOT OVER. This means it's a bad idea.

start thinking from a business/outside perspective and not "I want to see this". You won't metaphorically get your rectum prolapsed by guys like the one you quoted.

The nWo WAS a good thing and the only thing other than Goldberg that WCW had, is every wrestler and legend who agrees and will tell you that idiotic? I think they know, business, more than you. And these are the same ppl who were calling ppl Shareholders a few years back because all they cared about was business for WWE and not what the fans wanted, now here's a fan telling you what he wants and what others WOULD like as well, and you bash it, again the IWC never falls to contradict itself, over and over and over and kill all credibility it has

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