The "Everybody Makes A Big Deal About Kevin Nash's Theme" Thread (Discuss nWo here)

Do you want a nWo return?

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Well. I wanted opinions.

I'm seeing people post how they dont want another nWo return, etc, and how it would ruin it, but I disagree.

It worked well in WCW.

WWE brought it in and it was cool to see, TNA's was cool on that first night of the MNWII on 1/4/10. (The whole Band thing etc after whatever failed though eventually)

So I think if WWE tried a nWo return one final time, if there was a third try, it could be the ONE.

But it needs a real mirroring of the original thing and WWE has the opportunity to do it.

You have Nash using his real name as he did when he invaded WCW
You have Bischoff now in the opposing company with an "outsider" coming in and you can have Hall come in OR Waltman if Hall is unable to, but I prefer Hall for reasons so let's just pretend here and go with that.

So we are also in The Reality Era and I recall distinctly, Bischoff saying something about WWE like "Their characters are cartoonish and use gimmicks, mine are gonna be real and use their real names... their storylines are over the top, mine are gonna be reality based."

I cant get that out of my head when thinking about this!

I see the perfect chance for Vince to flip this shit on Bischoff and have the third man be THE WOULD BE ORIGINAL OPTION FOR WCW...


It'd be the perfect way to bring him in now that he's insane, was last with Nash before Nash and he left TNA that time even if it was via storyline and then Sting couldve been the Raw GM or something (remember the line "If I reveal my identity it would change everything", line?)

I think this would work and should happen and this brings him in for a WWE run where he can fight guys he never fought and finally face Taker in what should be Taker's last WM match opponent in his quest to go 20-0 and Sting could have the nWo on his side threatening to end The Streak and hell, make it interesting, maybe HHH and Nash are bullshitting and HHH sides with Sting and nWo 2.0 to end Taker's streak once and for all, along with HBK and Pac... THE KLIQ.

Maybe thats the WM shocker of WM 28 and it backfires for Taker to go 20-0 but damn would it be good drama

And add Vince into the mix, (not with any High Power type stuff though)

I think Sting coming to WWE this way would be the biggest Raw moment since The Rocks return and if they turn SD! live permanently I'd give the moment to SD! really.

Anyway what does the IWC think?

Sting the third man? WWE taking it to Bischoff as a personal shot of "look, we took your plan A and made it work"

we can finally see in a way, what wouldve happened
Yeah i agree with you 100% but what if the got the whole gang back and even brought in nwo japan With the Great Muta and brought prestiege back to the world title
Wtf? Sting. Dude face it sting is not comin down to the wwe if he was ever going to he would have long time ago. When i opened this thread i thought it was going to be John Cena being he third man and then that being Cenas long awaited heel turn.
Wtf? Sting. Dude face it sting is not comin down to the wwe if he was ever going to he would have long time ago. When i opened this thread i thought it was going to be John Cena being he third man and then that being Cenas long awaited heel turn.

as good as that is you're missing the point of true unexpected shock value among other things. No one wouldve seen it coming.
Fucking god awful idea. First of all, the streak should not end to someone who has never been with the WWE...ever. Why would the WWE put so much into Sting? Why? Half the crowd won't know who he is and would obviously rather cheer for the Undertaker. Second, let the NWO die. It's been done too death. I could understand if you wanted to form a faction or some shit but NWO, no. They died some time ago. Last, this idea is way too crowded. Why would they feud with Undertaker? Why would WWE sign Sting only to have him beat one of their top stars ever? Just an over all bad idea.
I wish they woulda used the Wolfpac theme, but maybe there's an underlying reason they used the NWO theme, either way much better than the Diesal crap!
If Sting didn't want to come and wrestle Undertaker at WM27, he is NEVER coming to WWE, get that thru your heads! Sting will never work for WWE in any capacity!
I dont ever want the streak to end, I said they could have this bring in Sting to give the fans the match they've been wanting since the late 90's, [it would draw and ppl would know who he is], but also a true legit threat with the nWo by his side [and it makes HHH good on his "i'll be waiting" promise in a different way] with some major twists thrown in even with Shane or Vince making the save, or both.

in a small way leaving Taker to finish Sting

I cant see a more perfect way to bring Sting in WWE for the match that should be Taker's last WM bout
If this were to happen I'd have Sting interupt Undertaker after he beats his opponent. And then have Sting have an entrance like Starrcade 97. I'd have him take out Undertaker (Beat him to death with a baseball bat) which would make him disappear for a while. Then have Sting be a regular wrestler till Taker returns (Survivor Series/Royal Rumble) and build the feud from there with them facing off at WM 29.

But won't happen since Sting is never everrrrr coming to the WWE.
You can't write up something, and tell us to think about the shock value. Sting being in WWE wouldn't be a shocker at all at this point. I feel it's unlikely, but it wouldn't shock me at all.

And I'm kind of hoping Nash's run doesn't go long, he has a way of corrupting content with his backstage crap. They're using this as part of his current gimmick, but the reality is that it's probably not far from how it's really going.

Waltman has burned way too many bridges, much like Hall, everytime they get a chance to shine again, they do something stupid. They don't fit in with WWE's current policies.
I dont ever want the streak to end,
My bad, I skimmed over the post.
I said they could have this bring in Sting to give the fans the match they've been wanting since the late 90's,
Key phrase there: "late 90s." Why would any fan care to see this match take place when these two usually rely on someone else to carry the match? Sting can still go, but hasn't actually had a great match in a good few years. Undertaker is broken down, he needs someone who can carry him to a solid match.
[it would draw and ppl would know who he is],
People who know who he is... that's not the majority of the fans.
but also a true legit threat with the nWo by his side [and it makes HHH good on his "i'll be waiting" promise in a different way] with some major twists thrown in even with Shane or Vince making the save, or both.
Now you're overbooking it. Throwing in the NWO, Shane, Vince, Triple H, and the rest of the WWE locker roomm is over doing it. If you truly want Sting/'Taker, tell me why this feud couldn't survive on its own without any help?
in a small way leaving Taker to finish Sting
Finish Sting? From what? His wrestling career which a lot of the viewers haven't seen much of? It took around three weeks to get Nash a solid reaction from the crowd, Sting would probably take longer.
I cant see a more perfect way to bring Sting in WWE for the match that should be Taker's last WM bout
Undertaker's last bout should be against someone who has deserved it. Not against someone who doesn't gives two shits about the WWE or The Undertaker.
The 1st problem I see is if Nash was bringing in invaders with him. Don't you think he would have brought it up all ready? Not wait months then bring it up.

Also Hall and Nash were hugh stars that WWE were pushing hard at the time. Sting and Bischoff while still huge stars I don't think they are as hot as Nash and Hall were.

Plus at the time Raw and Nitro were trading ratings victories. When the NWO started Nitro won most if not all Mondays for 2 years. WCW was on equal grounds as WWE. TNA doesn't touch WWE. So odds are when Sting and Bischoff show up people are going to think were have these 2 guys been for years. Not OMG TNA is invading.

If WWE does bring back the NWO it would have to be something like Nash needing help battling someone. Maybe a Punk lead stable of the rumored to come in KOW and Cabana. Nash needs some help so he brings in Waltman maybe The Million Dollar Man comes back. Also throw in Big Show and maybe a younger guy like a returning Sheffield.

But really lets leave the NWO in the past. We just had a year full of stables. With Nexus and the Corre also SES.
Well. I wanted opinions.

I'm seeing people post how they dont want another nWo return, etc, and how it would ruin it, but I disagree.

It worked well in WCW.

WWE brought it in and it was cool to see, TNA's was cool on that first night of the MNWII on 1/4/10. (The whole Band thing etc after whatever failed though eventually)

So I think if WWE tried a nWo return one final time, if there was a third try, it could be the ONE.

But it needs a real mirroring of the original thing and WWE has the opportunity to do it.

You have Nash using his real name as he did when he invaded WCW
You have Bischoff now in the opposing company with an "outsider" coming in and you can have Hall come in OR Waltman if Hall is unable to, but I prefer Hall for reasons so let's just pretend here and go with that.

So we are also in The Reality Era and I recall distinctly, Bischoff saying something about WWE like "Their characters are cartoonish and use gimmicks, mine are gonna be real and use their real names... their storylines are over the top, mine are gonna be reality based."

I cant get that out of my head when thinking about this!

I see the perfect chance for Vince to flip this shit on Bischoff and have the third man be THE WOULD BE ORIGINAL OPTION FOR WCW...


It'd be the perfect way to bring him in now that he's insane, was last with Nash before Nash and he left TNA that time even if it was via storyline and then Sting couldve been the Raw GM or something (remember the line "If I reveal my identity it would change everything", line?)

I think this would work and should happen and this brings him in for a WWE run where he can fight guys he never fought and finally face Taker in what should be Taker's last WM match opponent in his quest to go 20-0 and Sting could have the nWo on his side threatening to end The Streak and hell, make it interesting, maybe HHH and Nash are bullshitting and HHH sides with Sting and nWo 2.0 to end Taker's streak once and for all, along with HBK and Pac... THE KLIQ.

Maybe thats the WM shocker of WM 28 and it backfires for Taker to go 20-0 but damn would it be good drama

And add Vince into the mix, (not with any High Power type stuff though)

I think Sting coming to WWE this way would be the biggest Raw moment since The Rocks return and if they turn SD! live permanently I'd give the moment to SD! really.

Anyway what does the IWC think?

Sting the third man? WWE taking it to Bischoff as a personal shot of "look, we took your plan A and made it work"

we can finally see in a way, what wouldve happened

Look, I understand fantasy booking or thinking about impossible scenarios that will never happen can be fun. That's the catch in it though, it's fantasy or impossible. I appreciate your trying to come up with a killer storyline, but you are just too far off with some of what you proposed.

1. Sting has a limited amount of time left in the ring, and is under contract with TNA. There have been a number of rumors that Sting may retire after Bound for Glory, which is part of the reason they are gearing up for him to face Hogan. Even if he doesn't retire, he is bound to TNA contractually. There simply is no legal way for him to show up in the WWE.

2. It's been said earlier, but the nWo is dead. The group was a massively over and successful angle, but we are talking roughly 15 years since it has been relevant. I was about as big of an nWo mark as there was, and even I don't want to see 50 year old guys pretending to be who they were a decade and a half ago.

3. Let's pretend the nWo is brought back to WWE yet again. Why in the world would Sting be the third man? You are right that he was the back-up plan had Hogan decided not to go through with it. That, however, isn't common knowledge. That is something only "inside" fans would know, or quite frankly care about. On television, what fans do care about, Sting was the very embodiment of the fight against the nWo. That was the basis for his transformation into "Crow" Sting, the alienation he felt due to their antics against him and WCW. It would make absolutely no sense for him to align with them now. (And I'm not counting the completely nonsensical angle that saw him join the nWo Wolfpac, as that stretched all levels of believability)

4. It would be entirely pointless and wasteful to reform the nWo just to sacrifice Sting to Undertaker's streak. Who does that help in any way? You could argue the fans get a "dream match" out of it, but at what cost? How many other guys get shoved out of the way or off television entirely to make room for all the interviews it would take to set all of this up? It's overkill, plain and simple. Undertaker's streak doesn't need this type of angle to make it meaningful, it already is. If Sting is truly an icon, he doesn't need this gigantic angle to introduce him.

5. I also read that you said it would be shocking because "no one would see it coming". Of course not, because it defies all logic and reason. I could proclaim that having the Brooklyn Brawler win the Royal Rumble would be a great angle because "no one would see it coming", which obviously would be one of the most ridiculous things to ever happen in wrestling. Sometimes having something "shocking" isn't the best route to go. Creative teams have gotten lazy, too often relying on swerves (or "shocks") in lieu of writing smart, logical, planned out angles. Sometimes less is more.
The nWo killed WCW. What started out a terrific steal from Japan has become the worst thing to happen to wrestling and taints everything done today; it needs to be put to a rest for wrestling to move on.
This also won't be the 3rd time the nWo has returned. Remember the finger poke of doom (1)? nWo 2000 (2)? Getting sonned by the Rock (3)? Then the shambles that was the Band (4)? 5th times the charm and it might not be as shockingly bad as the first four times ey? Wrestling never seems to learn the lessons of the past.
I think we need to be really realistic here. Sting aint coming to WWE anytime soon. If WWE are planning an nWo angle then who better to be the mastermind and leader behind it all than Vince McMahon? He has a reason to be fucked off at this point and I bet he was the one who sent the text.

nWo 2011

Make there debut in the Triple H/CM Punk match cleaning house and destroying both. Vince is revealed as the master mind and they recruit the following:

Vince McMahon
Kevin Nash
Chris Jericho (bring him back!)
Mason Ryan (would help development)
As little as I like to give hogan any credit, the NWO would not have worked as well as it did if it had not been for his big heel turn. He had been at WCW for quite some time wearing us all out with the same old hulkamania gimmick, and out of nowhere, he screws over his teammates in the big match.

Sting coming to WWE with no buildup as a top face would not have a similar effect.

The closet thing I can think of would be Cena, and as mentioned previously, we have been waiting for that.
alot of fun ideas floating in here and id love to see afew of them, but one person said it best. wade barrett.... dolph had the best call with this one. wade is very much like hall, both rather sizable, both good on the mic. very similiar they are. and wade is good with gang mentality for nexus was a new version of nwo anyway. great call goes to dolph
I think Sting coming to WWE this way would be the biggest Raw moment since The Rocks return and if they turn SD!

The Rock returned?? But "I can't see him". What a joke The Rock is. WWE should take the storyline of him and Cena (is there really a storyline here? Rock has been invisible from WWE) and have Rock no-show Wrestlemania. Rock then shows up at Raw to "explain himself" and the entire Raw roster jumps his Candy Ass!! The only thing "electrifying" about the Rock has been the big THUD since his "return".
Forget all of this, I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen.

They turned this whole thing into HHH vs CM Punk by using Kevin Nash's friendship with HHH. It could go two ways from here, Punk and HHH have the match and Nash goes to the midcard, or the nWo returns.

Here's how it'll go: The match will go down at Night of Champions and Nash will interfere obviously, but he'll do it for CM Punk. The next night on Raw, Punk comes out with Nash and the beginnings of the new nWo will be laid out with Punk, Nash, and the 3rd man being...
As soon as you mentioned Sting I stopped reading. He will never come to WWE. Its all well and good saying 'Shock value, no one will see it coming'. Well hang on a minute, here we go the third member of NWO ........(DRUM ROLL)............Mae Young. Shit no one saw that coming.

But the funny thing is, it has as much chance of happening then Sting coming.

In theory great idea, in reality not ever gonna happen
Okay, for starters, why does everyone say that Sting will "never ever" sign with WWE, and that there is "no chance" that it will ever happen. While I do say that a in ring run, or even a one off match is, as Gorilla Monsoon would say, "highly unlikely," I do think that its only a matter of time before he signs some sort of Legends Contract, gets inducted into the Hall of Fame and has a three or four disc DVD set on his career released. Sting is one of the few people from WCW that the people who run WWE seem to respect, so I think that its a little silly to say that he will "never" sign.
I mean WWE has signed; Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart... the list can go on and on of names that "would never sign with WWE". Bischoff tried to put Vince out of business, Hogan tried to have him sent to Federal Prison and Bret punched him in the face and knocked him out... all I'm saying is never say never.
Besides, its only a matter of time before TNA goes out of business due to complete and utter incompetency, and Vince buys their Video Library for $2 and a Snickers Bar and releases, "The Rise and Fall of Orlando Championship Wrestling - The Panda gets Paid Back".

Now, back to the nWo... seriously? really? Really!? REALLY!?!?!?! The nWo should have died a natural death at Starcade '97 when Sting beat Hogan. Sting was booked as the Dark Savior of WCW. he should have taken out the nWo one member at a time in the months leading up to Starcade, and then Starcade should have been the night that Sting vanquished the nWo for good, because lets face it, people say that The Finger Poke of Doom was the begining of the end of WCW, but I have always pointed to Starcade and its immediate aftermath as the beginning of the end. '98 should have been all about Building up the great middle card that they had at the time and finding new main eventers, pushing Bret Hart, maybe the biggest name in the business at the beginning of '98... but no. The nWo just wouldn't fucking go away... first they split in two, than one of the two split again (remember the nWo Hollywood "B Team" that was lead by Stevie Ray? wait... does anyone even remember Stevie Ray? anyone? thought so...) Than they got back together as the Super-Duper nWo, then they faded away, then they reformed as nWo 2000... which didn't even last into the 2000's as far as I can remember... then they reformed in the WWE as the Original nWo (which the irony of a group that was originally booked as invaders FROM WWE then invading WWE was not lost on me) only to then fall apart when Hall was Hall and started to fall (a lot) and Nash injured himself walking, then the WWE fans REFUSED to boo Hogan... Just let it fucking DIE already.
Induct the three original members as a group into the Hall of fame (and yes I understand that Hogan has already been inducted, but there are a lot of people that have been inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll hall of fame as a solo artist and as a member of a band, so a fake wrestling Hall of Fame shouldn't be any different), release a Rise and Fall of the nWo DVD set, and call it fucking good.

First off, Sting coming to the WWE wouldn't be THAT big of a deal. He'd be the biggest deal ever to a few people, but overall it wouldn't be a HUGE buzz or anything. He was a WCW star that people know about, but that's not at all the same thing as being a WWE legend. Not only that, but Sting is on TV all the time and is old. He's on TNA, which, being on the "lesser" show DOES devalue how people see him. Plus I'd bet that some people see WCW as the "lesser" show and that would devalue him even more. This is coming from a guy who Sting got into wrestling BTW.

As for the nWo thing, fuck no. Why? Nostalgia? I mean, you're obviously a HUUUUUUGE nostalgia guy. Most of your posts ooze of it. Not that it's a bad thing, just stating an observation. A small portion of the audience would enjoy it, most others would probably roll their eyes.

There already was a "ONE", it was the first one. It worked because WWF was BIGGER than WCW and they made it look like the people from the bigger company were coming to the smaller one. You do that shit now with Bischoff as an "outsider from the other company" and no one will give a shit. TNA is tiny compared to WWE. This isn't opinion, this is business-based fact. WWE is fuckin huge. Also, don't bring up Panda Energy, TNA is their main thing, it's a toy thrown to Dixie from her rich daddy.

Sting is a bad heel. He's just not a guy people hate. Plus how the hell are you going to convince people to boo a legend coming to the WWE for the first time when no one thought it'd happen?

Not only ALL that but you pretty much put any possible modern guy on the back burner. I know you probably think most of them suck but they really don't.

There's a reason most sequels don't do as well. People have seen it before and adding twists on it cheapens it even more.

There's a reason most sequels don't do as well. People have seen it before and adding twists on it cheapens it even more.

This is why I say they ARE going to do it. Yes, it'll be the 4th or 5th incarnation of the nWo, but this will be built better than all of them combined except the 1st.

The new leader of the nWo WILL be CM Punk.
I wouldn't be shocked if we didn't see Nash on WWE TV again. The point of bringing him back was for a match with punk. Now that's been scrapped and the WWE has a recent history of just dropping angles unresolved. Stupid, I know.

i doubt they would try to undermind the fans' intelligence and sweep this one under the rug. this storyline has been one of the best ones in recent memory. sweeping it away entirely would be pure nonsense.

i would like to know, however, the reasoning for nash not being in the match since he took a battery of tests to make sure he can get in the ring again.

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