The "Everybody Makes A Big Deal About Kevin Nash's Theme" Thread (Discuss nWo here)

Do you want a nWo return?

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If Sting were to come to WWE, I doubt it would be as a member of the nWo.

I can see the nWo being two things.

A Kliq reunion of: Triple H, Nash & X-Pac. Maybe HBK & Hall show up once showing the colors.

Or CM Punk being the new leader, which would be amazing.

John Cena brings in too much money as a super hero & with his Wrestlemania match with the Rock, I don't see the point in him being nWo.
If this does happen and I hope it does just for the fact that wwe hasn't had a faction since nexus which was crap! But I feel that this would help push Midcard talent such as dibiase rhodes and McIntyre led by Kevin Nash and hhh as the corporate side
Forget all of this, I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen.

They turned this whole thing into HHH vs CM Punk by using Kevin Nash's friendship with HHH. It could go two ways from here, Punk and HHH have the match and Nash goes to the midcard, or the nWo returns.

Here's how it'll go: The match will go down at Night of Champions and Nash will interfere obviously, but he'll do it for CM Punk. The next night on Raw, Punk comes out with Nash and the beginnings of the new nWo will be laid out with Punk, Nash, and the 3rd man being...

Why would CM Punk be the leader of the another NWO faction? What would be his reasoning? Okay, I get it that he wants to be the voice of the voiceless. But with him joining the NWO, after being the leader of the New Nexus, and AFTER him being the leader of the Straight Edge Society, how could he be taken seriously as the "voice of the voiceless"? Who in the NWO would he be speaking for? Nash would not fall into the "voice of the voiceless". John Laurinaitis is not in that category. The only people that I believe would fall into that category would be any of Punk's old friends from ROH, i.e. Colt Cabana and the Kings of Wrestling.

The IWC wanted CM Punk to stay in the WWE... check. The IWC wanted Zack Ryder to get some air time... check. Am I reading this right? The IWC wants the NWO back?? In my opinion, the NWO is dead. It was dead long before the Vince tried to bring it back from the dead to rid the WWE of Ric Flair. It was dead with the finger poke of doom (and to the poster who asked if anyone remembers Stevie Ray being the leader of the NWO B-Team, well I do). TNA made a mockery of the NWO by trying recycle it as the "Band". :banghead:

If CM Punk keeps becoming the leader of these stables, then what does it prove? Does it prove that he can't do anything on his own, or does it show that he is a great leader? It's time that CM Punk be given time to show that he doesn't need to have be the leader of a group and can be the "personification of anti-establishment" as the WWE is making him out to be. The NWO was more so about wanting to take over WCW (first run) and then later on down the line wanting to take out Ric Flair, as I said above. To me, none of those classify as being "anti-establishment", it just classifies the NWO as wanting total control.

So, just let the NWO die... its not the mid-90s where this would be a breath of fresh air into the wrestling business. Its been done over, and over and over again.
No. Living in the past hurts prestige of stables. Do not bring them back. I don't care who you said will work, just don't do it.
WWE could use an NWO revival to not only kill TNA morale but possibly end TNA. Hogan, Bischoff and Sting would want to be in WWE instead taking part in what was once the biggest angle of their careers. If WWE could pull it off. By bringing back the NWO, DX, the Kliq or creating a new similar stable, WWE could further shake things up and bring back the ratings that used to be there years ago. WWE could then successfully move Smackdown to Tuesdays. I think what Vince and WWE are doing is so exciting and interesting. It's not just straightforward wrestling for dumbass fans. The OP is right about this being a kind of jab at Bischoff and Hogan but i think it's bigger. Vince is getting older and will someday soon in reality hand over the company to Triple H. This is the big angle he wants to take part in before he's too old or dead. Vince wants to do an NWO type angle bigger and better than Bischoff for his own legacy. One thing Vince hasn't done is do this type of angle better. Vince desperately wants to go down as history as doing everything bigger and better than his competition and this angle has the potential of changing the wrestling landscape all over again.

John Cena or CM Punk could play the role of Hogan 15 years ago. Cena is the main event face for a decade and his turn would be the closest thing to Hogan's of anyone ever. It would be bigger than a Sting turn since Sting has turned before. CM Punk siding with Triple H and Nash could be the big 'fix' and Punk could become the next "Hollywood' for this generation. One is going to turn heel and the other is going to battle the powers that be. Perhaps Vince and Nash are in cahoots as the NWO and they will battle Triple H for control of the company. Triple H could bring in Shawn Michaels in a non wrestling role in battling for control. The thing is this won't be an angle full of old guys and mid carders from the past. This is going to be an angle where the biggest stars of today can participate and be led by some of the older guys of the past in a company power struggle. Yes i know, company power struggles of the past 10 years are extremely lame and the situation in TNA is lame. But the NWO angle 15 years ago had reason and was done right and today could still be done right if the right players were in place long term. I believe the players are in place and they could run an angle like this for a year or two like the Vince vs Austin angle. This time we have Vince vs Triple H. NWO vs DX. Then the two could merge into a Kliq stable of old guys trying to keep control of WWE away from Vince. It would be a logical continuation and end to the NWO and DX storylines and we'd finally get to see a Kliq angle played out. When you're NWO, you're NWO for life, right? This could be like the old NWO era coming back to create a new crop of rebels that could revive the 'revolution' feel of the past for a year or two and make new NWO guys '4 life' who could, if needed, revive the angle in another 10 or 20 years to push the guys of the future. Also this could push some of the younger talent that isn't getting over, this could push Punk and Cena into megastar stature, this could give WWE programming some purpose. But if it's not going to be done right, then it shouldn't be done at all. WWE has to push this storyline to the moon or just abandon it at the next ppv if it's gonna be another lameass battle for power like the Nexus angle.

Guys like Bret Hart, Big Show, Chris Jericho, Roddy Piper, Scott Hall might be motivated to make one time appearances or actual comebacks as part of the angle. Guys like Flair, Sting, Hogan Angle and Bischoff might think of jumping ship to be part of an amazing angle if WWE could do it right. They could finally expose the anonymous GM. The Rock and Stone Cold might want to get back into the mix. I'd love to see all the old legends come back once and a while to participate in angles with guys of today who haven't really gotten over with anybody but the hardcore wrestling fans. It would make wrestling interesting again for the older, casual fan like me who would like a reason to watch full time again.
Why not another EVELOUTION type of stable instead of the washed up NWO idea?
Sting isn't going to WWE, and if he does then I personally would think it'd ruin his career. He shouldn't fight UNDERTAKER either as the last match should be against Foley, Kane, or Wade Barret (Nexus burried taker, and still no reason to the much bigger picture) NWO is Now Well Over-done, and should stay in the dusty notebooks in a draw were they belong.

From a fanasty world sure I give your idea a try it seems good on paper. But it is like this fantasy will not happen. Why a stable of older guy's when pure WWE fans bash TNA for having old guys in the Main Event? The WWE is almost reaching that point. Sure they ain't 60 but they are older talent. Lead a stable of a new age Eveloution instead of NWO. the Now Way Old stable is gone and I don't want to watch it in the WWE or in TNA for it'd be a piss break. No more DX no more Kliq, no more NWO. If they wanted to bring back a stable a i pointed out EVELOUTION and fill it with younger guy's and a few vetreans. Not all vetreans.
This also won't be the 3rd time the nWo has returned. Remember the finger poke of doom (1)? nWo 2000 (2)? Getting sonned by the Rock (3)? Then the shambles that was the Band (4)? 5th times the charm and it might not be as shockingly bad as the first four times ey? Wrestling never seems to learn the lessons of the past.

Plus the Wolfpack was considered a separate incarnation while the original was going on and then there were things like the nWo B team which existed at the same time that there was "nWO elite" which wore the wolfpack colors. In those cases it wasn't a "return" but was a different version while this would be yet another. In one respect seeing it hypothetically be done in a certain way in WWE this time around could be interesting but in another it could be seen as overkill. No matter what it would probably seem like more of a case of WWE calling something the nWO yet even with the music and probably shirts, not truly seeming like the nWo.
I just don't get all the Scott Hall coming to WWE talk. This has been brought up more than once. The guy is close to his death bed and isn't anywhere near living a normal life, let alone being able to have an on-camera role.

No to Hall AND Waltman. They can't be trusted anymore. And I am sure as much as HHH had cares for those guys, bringing them back is simply too risky.
One way or the other that was the best opening promo in recent memory. Punk is electric right now and HHH is, well HHH.

If the NWO helps that, then go for it.
First things first: Sting is not going to come to the WWE. The guy has made it perfectly clear that he won't come over for all the money in the world and is clearly fearful of any damaging effect it could have on his legacy.
As for another NWO return, it's just not worth it. The main reason being that, as in ring competitors, the level of performance needed is just not there anymore and the continued dedication of certain members cannot be relied upon. Every time a stable returns, it gets more watered down, loses relevance and above all else, means less and less to an ever changing generation of fans.
As for Vince and the WWE having a shot at Bischoff, do you even think they care anymore? The 'issues' between the two are long in the past, to the extent that Bischoff was made general manager on Raw and became an employee at the company. The WWE has never been in the business of acknowledging its competition in any regards and to create a storyline and sign new wrestlers for that means alone is just idiotic on a business level.

Every time I hear chat of an NWO return, it just leaves me doing this - :banghead:
NWO - No

But would like to see a faction of angry WWE stars let by Nash that could include Miz, R-Truth and later add someone like Hening who would say he is fed up and start going by his real name.

Nash wouldn't have to wrestle often if at all and could be more of a mentor/role model for the other guys.
The Kliq vs Punk

Get HBK on the phone, get Pac on the phone, get Hall on the phone if he can atleast stand, get everyone on the phone. Night of champions, all of them beat the shit out of Punk, leave him there bloodied dead. Fued continues.

HHH vs Punk at Hell in the Cell in the cell. HBK vs Punk at Survivor series. B00M!
It's a big tease that's for sure.. I don't think there will be a new NWO.. I kinda don't want there to be one either.. They should leave NWO where it is..It will never have the same impact it once had.. Also I just think it was to give Nash something to come out to, because they wouldn't use his Diesel theme, and Wolfpac theme, we haven't heard that in the WWE.. Soo what else are you left with?
Nash coming out to the NWO theme, wearing almost the exact same thing he wore when he premiered made NWO in only fuels the fire for the discussion.

I dont want to see NWO brought back. That would be WWE pulling a TNA move and trying to resurrect something that died years ago. WWE already tired it once and it didn't go over as well. NWO-like stable would be cool. Make it led by Nash against Triple H, but dont do the finish where Triple H eventually joins them. There are so many names that could be brought into this. BUT it would need to be guys that would need the elevation, and no larger than say the second DX with only 5 or 6 members.

I would say bring in some guys that are slowly coming up in the Miz, Truth, Ziggler, etc. You need someone like Justin Gabriel, who is known to the audience but is not going anywhere and is not getting over.

No legends (aside from Nash leading) and stay away from the beatdown gangbuster style of Nexus.

P.S. Sting WILL NOT EVER come to WWE. He even said it himself. He likes it in TNA and will retire there.
Nash coming out to the NWO theme made sense, let me explain you why. WWE ownes the NWO theme since they acquired WCW in 2001. Yeah they could have used the Wolfpack Theme, but the problem is that TNA used that theme when they did their NWO remake ( The band). He couldn't use his Diesel theme, because for satan's sake everybody knows how old Nash is and it wouldn't be realistic. Does this mean that the NWO is coming back? Maybe, but its been done and redone so many times in both companies that i wouldn't be surprise that ROH did the same thing. Oh and by the way to the people who want Sting in WWE, get this through you thick skulls Sting is never coming to WWE, because he would have done it 10 years ago when WCW went under if he wanted to so why would he go to them now if he didn't go 10 years ago.
A side note:

Pretty interesting that Nash is using the nWo theme in WWE & Hogan is using a remix in TNA.

But I'd rather see Miz & Truth against the nWo if there is one. Especially with all of Truth's talk of conspiracies.
Well. I wanted opinions.

You're not going to like this...

I'm seeing people post how they dont want another nWo return, etc, and how it would ruin it, but I disagree.

That is because you are brain dead, but it's ok. I blame bad breeding.

It worked well in WCW.

Did it now?


WWE brought it in and it was cool to see, TNA's was cool on that first night of the MNWII on 1/4/10. (The whole Band thing etc after whatever failed though eventually)

WWE brought it in and it was dead on arrival. TNA tried to copy it and found similar success (ie: none at all). Do you have one valid point in any of this?

So I think if WWE tried a nWo return one final time, if there was a third try, it could be the ONE.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

And, officially, it wouldn't be the third time. There was the nWo Japan (2nd time), the Wolfpac (3rd time), nWo elite (4th time), nWo 2000 (5th time), WWEnWo (6th time), and The Band (7th time). It's ok; as I stated earlier I forgive you for not knowing any better (and not knowing how to count).

But it needs a real mirroring of the original thing and WWE has the opportunity to do it.

Because there are hot stars on the market ready to make a jump? And the fans haven't had the same style storylines shoved down their throats long enough to leave them jaded to episodes like this? Wow, I must be out of touch.

You have Nash using his real name as he did when he invaded WCW

And as he has been since forever ago, minus his quick Royal Rumble appearance.

You have Bischoff now in the opposing company with an "outsider" coming in

Um, excuse me? Outsider coming in? Want to explain that one?

and you can have Hall come in OR Waltman if Hall is unable to, but I prefer Hall for reasons so let's just pretend here and go with that.

Because Scott Hall is totally in shape to do anything on national television. I mean, only last year he was....wearing sweats and looking out of shape. Grade A material right there, book it.

As for Waltman, LULZ. Sean Waltman's only use to any wrestling promotion is as a backstage agent. A show of hands for who wants to see a Bronco Buster? Thought so.

So we are also in The Reality Era and I recall distinctly, Bischoff saying something about WWE like "Their characters are cartoonish and use gimmicks, mine are gonna be real and use their real names... their storylines are over the top, mine are gonna be reality based."

Abyss is a real name? Sting running around as a second hand, half rate Heath Ledger Joker is reality based? GET OUT!

I cant get that out of my head when thinking about this!

LULZ. Did you live under power lines as a child?

I see the perfect chance for Vince to flip this shit on Bischoff and have the third man be THE WOULD BE ORIGINAL OPTION FOR WCW...


Sting? Sting? Really? I mean, after months of him expressing why he would never sign with WWE for any stretch of time? I thought you said this was reality based? This is bad fantasy booking at best.

It'd be the perfect way to bring him in now that he's insane, was last with Nash before Nash and he left TNA that time even if it was via storyline and then Sting couldve been the Raw GM or something (remember the line "If I reveal my identity it would change everything", line?)

You are such a fan boy I don't know whether to laugh, scratch that, I'm just gonna keep laughing.

Sting? Really? REALLY? And you even have thought this out enough to try and connect the storyline dots and everything. How cute.

I think this would work and should happen

I think it's clear by now how reliable your logic is.

and this brings him in for a WWE run where he can fight guys he never fought and finally face Taker in what should be Taker's last WM match opponent in his quest to go 20-0 and Sting could have the nWo on his side threatening to end The Streak and hell, make it interesting, maybe HHH and Nash are bullshitting and HHH sides with Sting and nWo 2.0 to end Taker's streak once and for all, along with HBK and Pac... THE KLIQ.

Because in an age where fans are crying out for new stars to be made, the best idea you can come up with is to drown them all out for the sake of a piss poor angle based off of storylines from 10 years ago with folk who for the most part have no place being in any wrestling ring. Psst. If people want to watch old ass storylines like this, they can pull up old ass Nitro or Raw episodes on the internet. Who in their right mind would want to watch this kind of crap in 2011? Oh, nevermind. I suppose it would be NO ONE in their right mind.

thats the WM shocker of WM 28 and it backfires for Taker to go 20-0 but damn would it be good drama

Good drama? *snicker* Yeah, that's a good one. Let's build up all year to The Rock headlining Wrestlemania, and then swap it out for yet another nWo angle. Yeah. Money, fer shure.

And add Vince into the mix, (not with any High Power type stuff though)

Oh, don't show any restraint now. I love how that's the line for you. I suppose you think that shows that you aren't going full ****** at the moment.

I think Sting coming to WWE this way would be the biggest Raw moment since The Rocks return and if they turn SD! live permanently I'd give the moment to SD! really.

And while you're at it, why not make SD an nWo-only show? MONEY!

Anyway what does the IWC think?

That you need to give yourself an icepick lobotomy.

Sting the third man? WWE taking it to Bischoff as a personal shot of "look, we took your plan A and made it work"

Because WWE is SOOO worried about TNA. Ha! TNA isn't even a blip on the radar at the moment. WWE doesn't even care about who's in TNA; they look over at ROH and DGate USA for talent these days. Again, though, I suppose I should expect as much from someone who is clearly dying for it to be 1997 all over again.

we can finally see in a way, what wouldve happened

Yes, we could finally see what would've happen had the powers that be finally just said "fuck it" and stopped trying. Not that they are totally on the ball now, nor have they ever been, but WWE Creative feeling that this shitty idea would sell in 2011 would be the final slap in the face of any self respecting fan the WWE still has.

No, no, no no no no no. WWE hinting at ANYTHING nWo with Nash's choice of music is almost unbearable as it is. nWo made money once and then became cursed to never make money again. The last thing this idea of theirs needs is an idiot like you turning into a child's play land fantasy of Sting joining the nWo and moving the focus from guys like Punk and Miz back to the played out stars of the past (or even non-stars like Waltman).

This is one of the dumbest ideas/threads I have ever read here. It's clear that you must be Sick, James; sick in the head from being dropped to much as a child. Sting may end up in the WWE; in this business I've learned to never say never. However, I'd like to think that even he would see an idea like this as being total garbage.
If you remember back in 2002 Vince came out to nWo theme and told everyone "That this will the LAST time you hear the nWo music ever again in the WWE" Now with Vince "Fired" lol HHH can bring the nWo back for what I believe the next 6 months till Wrestlemania. I think its going to be Nash, HHH, X Pac...and Batista. Then At Wrestlemania HHH V.S. Taker part 2 19-0 streak on the line and this time taker will basically have to fight all the members and he will win but what a way to cement the 20-0 streak and also taker killing the nWo. Just my opinion.
I think it's more fun to talk about than it would be to watch on TV.

As soon as I heard Kevin Nash arrive to the nWo theme, I started thinking the same thing; "Who's going to join the nWo?" And personally I was thinking Nash, Miz, Truth, & Vince McMahon. But in the end it's simply just appropriate that Nash uses that music for his entrance theme because Nash is THE central figure in the nWo.

I WOULD however be very much behind a reunion of The Outsiders. It'd be great for Scott Hall to show he's in good health and shape, as reportedly he has been for about 6 months or so. And with the revitalization of the the tag division buzzing around, The Outsiders would be an amazing addition to spice things up and in singles feuds as well both Hall & Nash would be great to have around. But even this is little more than a pipe dream.

Nash is in all likelihood here on his own, and to be honest, I'm looking forward to see him do things on his own for once instead of with a gang surrounding him.
Has anyone else possibly thought of this whole generated idea as just something they could post on the site? I think it was just a look back at history and possibly build up Nash for those kids who don't know him like most of us do. I think the only possible stable that could come from this is a new incarnation of The Corporation. As has been said numerous times, the nWo has been done.. to.. death. The last stable that was remotely successful was the Nexxus and that just ended after what I consider a flop of a reboot. It's just too soon for a new dominant stable. Besides, who would you have in the nWo? If it isn't a new Corporation then the only thing that I can possibly see is that we'll get a new version of the old Kliq/Evolution/4 Horseman with Nash and Triple H and some young protoges that would hopefully help build new talent.
I'm saying this right now, an nWo return wouldn't be huge, it would be STUPID.

First off the OP said that if Sting was the 3rd man it would be huge, that is BY FAR the worst idea I've ever heard. If it was 10 years ago when Hogan, Hall and Nash were redoing the nWo maybe but not today. The last thing WWE needs to do is bring in Sting, Sting is NOT going to make an nWo angle good in any way, shape or form. Sting's is in the twilight of his career, is winding down, and most of all CANNOT PLAY HEEL, he's just not very good at it. Not only that I think its best that Sting finishes his career in TNA and end being one of the few big names to never work for WWE as it plays into his personal mystique well.

The only idea that would be HUGE would be Cena but frankly that's a bad idea too even if the IWC thinks otherwise.

There is a HUGE difference between Hogan and Cena and it goes far beyond the fact that Hogan drew more money in a month than Cena has his entire career. When Hogan turned heel, Hulkamania was pretty much dead and buried, he had no use left as a face at the time so the best way to reinvigorate his career was to turn him heel. Cena is the WWE's #1 merch monster, he is still massively over with a huge chunk of the fans and in all fairness is the WWE's only real draw left at this point, turning him heel would be beyond foolish at this point, there is no face that can take his spot and carry that ball. Cena is THE GUY right now and he plays that role well. Sure, the smarks will boo the hell out of him but those are the smarks, not the core of the audience who still loves Cena.

A Cena heel turn would be a big deal for a bit but would ultimately backfire. It's just a bad idea and too much of a risk business wise. If he turns heel its not like all those little kids will start buying nWo shirts, the WCW audience was geared towards the 18-24 demographic.
Recently, posted a couple of articles teasing a possible return of the nWo.

In this thread I ask you, How would you book it if you had the chance?

Would you have CM Punk join? And him and the nWo try to remove HHH from power? Would HHH end up joining like Bischoff did in WCW?

Would you have John Cena, who is the modern day Hulk Hogan, finally have his heel turn and join?

Please feel free to let me know how you would book it.
According to, the following is a list of current WWE Superstars that could fit in with a New New World Order. Taking their list, here’s how I would utilize these Stars for the returning faction.

Triple H – Hollywood Hulk Hogan role, or at least what it should have been. Hogan, in my opinion, should have let Nash hold the World Title. We all knew Hogan was the leader and having Nash hold the World Title instead could have probably extended Hogan’s career.

John Laurinaitis – Eric Bischoff role. I don’t think I need to explain this.

Alberto Del Rio – WWE Champion. The new centerpiece of the New World Order. I think ADR can pull this off real well and Ricardo Rodriguez could be the new “Disciple” if you will, in the Brutus Beefcake role.

Mark Henry – World Champion. Mark is great, but I think he was always better when he had someone talking for him. Joining the NWO could push him to that next level.

Cody Rhodes – Intercontinental Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Dusty talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”.

Zack Ryder – United States Champion. I’d love to see Ryder in a role that is reminiscent of Scott Hall and Disco Inferno. A little comedy in a serious faction never hurt anybody.

Big Show – Tag Team Champion with Ted DiBiase. Let’s face it, Show is on the downside of his career. One more run with the NWO could be a great way to end his career. Also, take into consideration the dynamic of being on the same side as the last Superstar to put him on the shelf.

Ted DiBiase – Tag Team Champion with Big Show / Million Dollar Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Ted Sr. talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”. Lex Luger, Sting, Scott Hall, Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, and the Miz all worked well with Big Show, and the experience this will give Ted could be very helpful. Okay, I really want him to start using the Million Dollar Belt again. Just carry with you, Ted. Damn!!

Michael Cole – Nick Patrick role. The NWO Hype Man, this will ensure Heat for the group on commentary.

3 Raw Stars. 3 Smackdown Stars. 3 WWE Executives / Commentators. 1 "Outsider". I don’t know about you, but to me, this line up looks pretty good on paper.
According to, the following is a list of current WWE Superstars that could fit in with a New New World Order. Taking their list, here’s how I would utilize these Stars for the returning faction.

Triple H – Hollywood Hulk Hogan role, or at least what it should have been. Hogan, in my opinion, should have let Nash hold the World Title. We all knew Hogan was the leader and having Nash hold the World Title instead could have probably extended Hogan’s career.

John Laurinaitis – Eric Bischoff role. I don’t think I need to explain this.

Alberto Del Rio – WWE Champion. The new centerpiece of the New World Order. I think ADR can pull this off real well and Ricardo Rodriguez could be the new “Disciple” if you will, in the Brutus Beefcake role.

Mark Henry – World Champion. Mark is great, but I think he was always better when he had someone talking for him. Joining the NWO could push him to that next level.

Cody Rhodes – Intercontinental Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Dusty talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”.

Zack Ryder – United States Champion. I’d love to see Ryder in a role that is reminiscent of Scott Hall and Disco Inferno. A little comedy in a serious faction never hurt anybody.

Big Show – Tag Team Champion with Ted DiBiase. Let’s face it, Show is on the downside of his career. One more run with the NWO could be a great way to end his career. Also, take into consideration the dynamic of being on the same side as the last Superstar to put him on the shelf.

Ted DiBiase – Tag Team Champion with Big Show / Million Dollar Champion. Continuing with his current storyline, I’d have Ted Sr. talk him into joining using the old adage of “Strength in Numbers”. Lex Luger, Sting, Scott Hall, Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, and the Miz all worked well with Big Show, and the experience this will give Ted could be very helpful. Okay, I really want him to start using the Million Dollar Belt again. Just carry with you, Ted. Damn!!

Michael Cole – Nick Patrick role. The NWO Hype Man, this will ensure Heat for the group on commentary.

3 Raw Stars. 3 Smackdown Stars. 3 WWE Executives / Commentators. 1 "Outsider". I don’t know about you, but to me, this line up looks pretty good on paper.

I would not have CM Punk join the group in anyway, whatsoever. It would ruin it all for me. It would be like Stone Cold Steve Austin joining D-Generation X or the Nation of Domination or the Ministry of Darkness or the Corporation or the Corporate Ministry. I wouldn’t mind seeing John Cena join, but to me, I think John Cena should be treated the same way as Sting was when it came to the New World Order, not like Hulk Hogan. I'd rather see Cena join the Wolfpac version of the group in the future.
Personally I wouldn't want to see a return of an nWo in any capacity with any members of the current roster. The nWo was a terrific, ground breaking faction back in the days of the original nWo, but those days are long long gone. When they tried to do a nWo version 2 in WWE, it was a failure. A version 3 would be even worse in my opinion. Been there done that, let the past remain in the past where it belongs, and concentrate on moving forward into the future.

Plenty of nostalgia occurs in another organization on another station on another night, and the results have been lackluster at best. Time to forward into the next decade, rather than step backwards two.

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